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When developing the argument leading to the stereographic solution of the spherical triangle and its application to field astronomy (Empire Survey Review, Vol. 2, No. 10, October, 1933, p. 226) A. J. Potter rendered a very useful service in demonstrating how proofs of the two practically useful properties of the stereographic projection can be provided along lines that demand no more than simple geometry in their development. The proof advanced for the unique property that any circle on the. sphere remains a circle in projection is at once simple and complete; but in the attempt to prove that the projection is orthomorphic in the sense that angles everywhere remain true there is the difficulty that the argument was developed for what must be regarded as a special case in that the point was located on the great circle through the origin of the projection normal to the plane of the projection. Treatment of the problem along similar lines for other points away from the central meridian does not seem to admit of such ready solution and the alternative approach suggested here, while still not demanding. anything beyond simple geometry for its understanding, affords a proof for a general case.
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