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Some publications that have dealt with the question of convergence of meridians seem, to the present writer, to be clouded with misconception, and these notes are intended to clarify some points of apparent obscurity. For instance, A. E. Young, in “Some Investigations in the Theory of Map Projections”, I920, devoted a short chapter to the subject, and appeared surprised to find that the convergence on the Transverse Mercator projection differs from the spheroidal convergence; the explanation which he advanced can be shown to be faulty. Captain G. T. McCaw, in E.S.R., v, 35, 285, derived an expression for the Transverse Mercator convergence which is equal to the spheroidal convergence, and described this as “a result which might be expected in an orthomorphic system”. Perhaps McCaw did not intend his remark to be so interpreted, but it seems to imply that the convergence on any orthomorphic projection should be equal to the spheroidal convergence, and it is easily demonstrated that this is not so. Also, in the second edition of “Survey Computations” there is given a formula for the convergence on the Cassini projection which is identical, as far as it goes, with that given for the Transverse Mercator, while the Cassini convergence as given by Young is actually the spheroidal convergence. Obviously, there is some confusion somewhere, and it is small wonder that Young prefaced his remarks with the admission that the subject had always presented some difficulty to him.
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