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On the structure of the interplanetary magnetic field under non-stationary boundary conditions
Authors:Ludmila T?ísková  Igor S Veselovskij  Reviewer L K?ivský
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague;(2) Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Moscow State University, Moscow
Abstract:Summary The structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) is investigated theoretically in a kinematic approximation under frozen-in conditions in the solar wind and non-stationary boundary conditions. As an example, a time-dependent model of the IMF, created in the case of a change of the general magnetic field of the Sun represented by the dipole term, is analyzed. Very simple assumptions as to the field of velocities in the solar wind are made. The results show the formation of zero IMF points of two types(O, X). Points of theO-type are formed and move radially in the equatorial plane. They are surrounded by magnetic clouds with loops of lines of force. Points of theX-type are formed and move radially above the poles.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Tcyiecyocyrcyiecymuchcyiecyscykcyu uscyscylcyiecy¶rt;ocyvcyancya scymrcyucykcymucyrcya mcyiecyzhcynlcyancyiecymncyocyocy mcyancyumncyocyocy nocylcyyacy(McyMcyPcy) vcy kcyuncyiecymcyamuchcyiecyscykcyocymcy nrcyubcylcyuzhcyiecyncyuu nrcyu ucyscylcyocyvcyuu vcymcyocyrcyocyzhcyiecyncyncyocyscymu vcy scyocylcyncyiecychcyncyocymcy vcyiecymrcyiecy u ncyiecyscymatscyuocyncyarcyncyocymcyrcyancyuchcyncyocymcy ucyscylcyocyvcyuu. Vcy kcyachcyiecyscymvcyiecy nrcyumcyiecyrcya rcyascyscymcyocymrcyiecyncya mcyocy¶rt;iecylcysoftcy McyMcyPcy, vcyocyzcyncyukcyayucyshchcyiecyocy nrcyu uzcymcyiecyncyiecyncyuu ocybcyshchcyiecyocy mcyancyumncyocyocy nocylcyyacy Scyocylcyncytscya, nrcyiecy¶rt;scymavcylcyiecyncyncyocyocy ¶rt;unocylcysoftcyncyycymcy chcylcyiecyncyocymcy, zcyavcyuscyyacyshchcyumcy ocym vcyrcyiecymcyiecyncyu. Ocymncyocyscyumiecylcysoftcyncyocy nocylcyyacy scykcyocyrcyocyscymiecyubreve vcy scyocylcyncyiecychcyncyocymcy vcyiecymrcyiecy scy¶rt;iecylcyancyycy nrcyocyscymiecyubreveshcyuiecy nrcyiecy¶rt;nocylcyocyzhcyiecyncyuyacy. Rcyiecyzcyucylcysoftcymamycy nocykcyazcyycyvcyayucym ocybcyrcyazcyocyvcyancyuiecy ncyucylcyiecyvcyycykhcy mocychcyiecykcy McyMcyPcy ¶rt;vcyucykhcy munocyvcy(O, X). TcyocychcykcyuO-muna vcyocyzcyncyukcyayucym u ¶rt;vcyuzhcyucymscyyacy rcya¶rt;ualcysoftcyncyocy vcy ecykcyvcyarcyocymualcysoftcyncyocyubreve nlcyocyscykcyocyscymu. Ocyncyu ocykcyrcyucyzhcyiecyncyycy mcyancyumncyycymcyu ocybcylcyakcyamcyu scy niecymlcyyacymcyu scyulcyocyvcyycykhcy lcyuncyuubreve. TcyocychcykcyuX-muna vcyocyzcyncyukcyayucym u ¶rt;vcyuzhcyucymscyyacy rcya¶rt;ualcysoftcyncyocy ncya¶rt; nocylcyyucyscyamcyu.
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