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Long-period fluctuations in ionospheric absorption and their relation with planetary activity in the stratosphere
Authors:D Pancheva  G Nestorov  B De la Morena  Josef Boška  Reviewer J Laštovička
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Bulg. Acad. Sci., Bulgaria;(2) Atmospheric Sounding Station „El Arenosillo”, Spain;(3) Geophysical Institute, Czechoslo. Acad. Sci., Prague
Abstract:Summary By investigating the quasi-regular variations in ionospheric absorption along three distant radio paths with approximately one and the same equivalent frequency during the winters 1983/84 and 1984/85, an attempt is made to study the stratospheric-mesospheric relations at typical geographic mid latitudes. It is shown that the quasi-regular oscillations of ionospheric absorption, investigated in this paper, reach maximum development in each time series at one and the same time. This means, that if they are provoked by an external source when it starts acting, a spectrum of frequencies is generated rather than a definite fixed frequency. By studying the variation of the instantaneous amplitudes of the quasi-regular oscillations in ionospheric absorption with time, their connection with the amplification of the quasi-stationary planetary waves in the stratosphere with a zonal wave number 2 during the winter periods under investigation is shown.
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