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Book Reviews
Abstract:Lukashev, K. I., and V. K. Lukashev, Geokhimicheskiye poiski elementov v zone gipergeneza GEOCHEMICAL PROSPECTING FOR ELEMENTS IN THE ZONE OF SUPERGENESIS]: 2 volumes. Nauka i tekhnika Press, Minsk, 1967. NK66-28(70).

Iskopayemyye rify i metodika ikh izucheniya FOSSIL REEFS AND METHODS OF THEIR STUDIES]: Transactions of the 3rd Paleoecologial-Lithological Session (Ural, June 1965). 21 papers by 32 authors. G. I. Smirnov and M. L. Klyuzhina, Executive Editors. IGiG, Uralian Branch, AN SSSR. Sverdlovsk, 1968, 252 pp., 10 tables, 91 figs., 280 refs. NK67-30(50).

Markov, K. K., A. A. Velichko, et al., Plestotsen THE PLEISTOCENE]: Vysskaya shkola Press, Moscow, 1968, 304 pp., 31 tables, 120 figs., 40 refs. Lists of plant spp., typical of glacial and interglacial periods, and of typical Neogene-Pleistocene faunal complexes. Subject index. NK68-21(198).

Markov, K. K., V. I. Bardin, et al., Geografiya Antarktidy GEOGRAPHY OF ANTARCTICA]: Mysl' Press, Moscow, 1968. 439 pp., 61 tables, 67 figs., 653 refs. Index of geographical names. Map (loose); expeditions (traverses); topography under ice; survey; tectonics; shelf glaciers. NK66-47(125).

Paleovulkanizm Urala PALEOVOLCANISM OF THE URAL]: Seven papers by 16 authors. S.N. Ivanov and V. M. Necheukhin, Executive Editors. IGiG, Uralian Branch, AN SSSR. Sverdlovsk, 1968. 184 pp., 7 tables, 64 figs., 220 refs. NK67-30(44).

Vulkanogennyye formatsii Kazakhstana VOLCANOGENIC FORMATIONS OF KAZAKHSTAN]: Seventeen papers by 34 authors. R. A. Borukayev, Executive Editor. Nauka Press, KazSSR. Alma-Ata, 1967, 160 pp., 29 tables, 35 figs., 181 refs. NK66-48(27).

Kalinko, M. K., Neorganicheskoye proiskhozhdeniye nefti v svete sovremennykh dannykh. Kriticheskiy analiz INORGANIC ORIGIN OF OIL IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN DATA. CRITICAL ANALYSIS]: Nedra Press, Moscow, 1968, 336 pp., 49 tables, 33 figs., 487 refs.

Margantsevyye mestorozhdeniya SSSR MANGANESE ORE DEPOSITS OF THE USSR]. Based on the data at the Conference on Principal Genetic Types and Geochemistry of Manganese Ore Deposits, April 6–12, 1965, Moscow. IGEM, AN SSSR and others. Thirty-two papers by 53 authors. D. G. Sapozhnikov, Executive Editor. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1967. 460 pp., 79 tables, 160 figs., 532 refs. Appendix: general bibliography, 1958–1964, 700 titles. NK66-26(10).

Alexandrov, S. M., V. L. Barsukov, and V. V. Shcherbina, Geokhimiya endogennogo bora GEOCHEMISTRY OF ENDOGENIC BORON]: The Vernadskiy Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Moscow, 1968. 184 pp., 29 tables, 59 figs., 185 refs. NK66-46(69).

Yushkin, N. P., Mineralogiya i paragenezis samorodnoy sery v ekzogennykh mestorozhdeniyakh MINERALOGY AND PARAGENESIS OF NATIVE SULFUR IN EXOGENIC ORE DEPOSITS]: Komi Branch, IG, AN SSSR. Nauka Press, Leningrad Div., 1968, 187 pp., 19 tables, 72 figs., 286 refs. SK68-1(335). By Dr. V.P. Sokoloff
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