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On the general theory of equivalent projection
Authors:Hojovec  Vladislav  Budinský  B  Krcho  J
Institution:(1) Faculty of Civil Engineering, The Czech Technical University, Prague
Abstract:Summary The paper deals with the general theory of equivalent projection. By specifying the results derived, special cases may be treated. Examples of methods are described which enable free functions to be found in a general solution. A detailed procedure of solving the problem with a numerical example is given, taking into account the optimization according to the global criterton, established for extreme angular distortion.
Rcyiecyzcyyucymcyiecy Rcyascyscymcyamrcyuvcyaiecymscyyacy ocybcyshchcyayacy miecyocyrcyuyacy rcyavcyncyocyvcyiecylcyukcyukhcy nrcyocyiecykcytscyuubreve; ¶rt;ayucymscyyacy ncyiecykcyocymocyrcyycyiecy chcyascymncyycyiecy scylcyucychcyau. Icyzcylcyocyzhcyiecyncyycy nrcyumcyiecyrcyycy mcyiecymocy¶rt;ocyvcy, nocyzcyvcyocylcyyacyyucyshchcyuiecy ncyaubrevemu scyvcyocybcyocy¶rt;ncyycyiecy fcyucyncykcytscyuu vcy ocybcyshchcyiecymcy rcyiecyshcyiecyncyuu. Ucychcyumycyvcyaiecymscyyacy ocynmumcyalcyuzcyatscyuyacy nocy khcyarcyakcymiecyrcyuscymuchcyiecyscykcyocymcyucy vcyycyrcyazhcyiecyncyuyucy, scyocyscymavcylcyiecyncyncyocymcyucy ¶rt;lcyyacy mcyakcyscyumcyalcysoftcyncyocyocy uscykcyazhcyiecyncyuyacy ucylcyocyvcy, u ocynuscyycyvcyaiecymscyyacy nocy¶rt;rcyocybcyncyycyubreve mcyiecymocy¶rt; rcyiecyshcyiecyncyuyacy scy chcyuscylcyiecyncyncyycymcy nrcyumcyiecyrcyocymcy.

Dedicated to Professor Frantiscaronek Fiala on the Centenary of his Birthday
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