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WILLEBRORD SNEL VAN ROIEN, the “learned Snellius,” was born in 1580 at Leyden, where his father Rudolf was Professor of Science. He naturally proceeded to the university, and made such rapid progress under his tutor, L. van Ceulen, that he was already in 1600 delivering lectures on Ptolemy's “Almagest.” With his mind developed by travel in Europe, including a residence of some duration at Prague, where he was associated with Tycho Brahe before that great observer's death in 1601 and with the still more eminent Kepler as another of Brahe's pupils, he had acquired such scholarship as to publish in 1608 a daring reconstruction of the defective work, “De sectione determinata,” by Apollonius of Tyana. This was the year of his marriage to Maria de Lange, daughter of the Burgomaster of Schoon.
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