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摘    要:本文分析得到:1957—1982年间,全球低纬度火山爆发有73.9%和高纬度火山爆发有62.5%,分别发生在地球自转年际变化的减速段和加速段;火山爆发的日期,一般多发生在3天内遇到3个以上天文奇点引潮力共振加压的叠加之时,强火山爆发都发生在4个以上此种共振加压之时。表明地球自转速度变化和天文奇点引潮力共振加压在不同时间尺度上,分别对火山爆发具有调制和触发作用。其物理机理,两者都是引起火山附近地壳异常加压,促使岩浆受到挤压而累积能量或触发爆发。

关 键 词:地球自转  引潮力共振  火山爆发

Institution:Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science
Abstract:Volcanic eruption is a severe geologic calamity and an important factor influencing the global climatic changes. At present, the research on trigger factors of volcanic eruption is rather frail. This paper shows that the change of earth rotation speed and the superposition of resonance pressure increase of tide-forming force have modulation and trigger effect on volcanic eruption respectively. During 1883—1982, there mainly were 40 times of the global volcanic eruptions. Their volcanic ash spurted to the stratosphere and affected the solar radiation in mid-latitude. Assuming that the distinguish border is 36° latitude, except one is beyond it, of the 23 volcanic eruptions in the low-latitude, 17 occurred during the decelerate period of earth rotation annual mean values, accounting for 73.9%, of the 16 vc canic eruptions in the high-latitude, 10 occurred during the period of the earth rotation acceleration, accounting for 62.5%. Particularly, all major volcanic eruptions conform to this relation. It shows that the changes of the earth rotation speed have modulation effect on the volcanic eruptions in different latitude. After tong period of research, we have found that the lunar effect no the atmosphere movement is strickly decided by the vertical tide-forming force at the moment of astronomical singularity. At this moment, the most remarkable effect areas are: nearby 54.7° of sublunar point at astronomical singularity, 80—90° of sublunar point at astronomical singularity, and ≤±2° at the lunar culmination, corresponding respectively to the resonance area of tide-forming force, the gravitational wave and the stationary wave. This paper has analysed and shown that, 3 major volcanic eruptions in the period of 1957—1982 (March 8, 1963, Agung volcanic eruption; May 18 1980, ST. Helens volcanic eruption; March 28—April 4, 1982, El-Chichon volcanic eruption), all occurred at the meeting of 4 astronomical singularity's superposition of pressure increase of resonance within 3 days. The other 11 volcanic eruptions also met with 2—4 astronomical singularity's superposition of pressure increase of resonance within 3 days. Tested by the astronomical singularity's resonance conditions of the several continuous events of 1980 ST. Helens volcanic eruption and the 1991 Pinatubo major volcanic eruption, the similar conformation to this relation holds. From he above, it may be shown that, within a short period, the superposition of many astronomical singularity's resonance pressures have an important trigger effect on the volcanic eruption. Their physical mechanism may be proposed as that the decrease of the earth rotation would lead to the shortening of the radius of the equator and the contracting of low-latitude lithosphere, making the magma of some volcanos in low-latitude compressed and accumulating the energy for eruption; on the contrary, the increase of the earth rotation would lead to the shortening of the polar radius and the contracting of the high-latitude lithosphere, so accumulating the energy for volcanic eruption in high-latitude. The astronomical singularities superposition of resonance pressure increase within a short period also causes some active volcanic magma to meet a specially continuous compressive force and initiating the volcanic eruption.
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