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Analysis of an illustrative interaction between structural features and earthworm populations in Brazilian ferralsols
Authors:Michel Brossard  Gustavo Adolfo de Freitas Fregonezi  Maria de Fátima Guimarães  Cristiane de Conti Medina  Amarildo Pasini  Lourival Vilela  Miguel Angel Ayarza
Institution:1. IRD, UMR 210 Eco&Sols, BP 64501, 34394 Montpellier cedex 5, France;2. Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Depto de Agronomia, CP 6001, 86051-990 Londrina, PR, Brazil;3. Embrapa Cerrados, CP 08223, 73301-970 Planaltina, DF, Brazil;4. Corpoica, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agrícola, Centro de Investigacion Tibaitata, Cundinamarca, AA 240142 Las Palmas, Colombia
Abstract:Ferralsols are characterized by poorly-defined horizons, weak macrostructure and strong development of a fine granular structure comprising subangular micro-aggregates. In this study, the morphological and physical modifications caused by earthworm activity in a clayey ferralsol were analysed. After describing soil structures, undisturbed samples were taken for evaluating aggregates and determining clod bulk density and particle density. Soil water retention properties were measured and an inventory of soil invertebrate macrofauna was created. The structural and porous transformations were due to aggregates created by earthworm activity. Changes in bulk density can be associated with pore modifications caused by a change in the proportions of aggregate types, and a notable reduction of total porosity was measured, tending to increase soil volume with dense aggregates. Structural modifications affected the topsoil down to 0.5 m and water retention between −1 and −33 kPa, the principal water compartment of these soils.
Keywords:Oxisol  Latossol  Soil structure  Aggregate  Pore space  Geophagous earthworm  Cerrado Bioma
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