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Geochemistry of tin, tungsten and molybdenum in Swedish proterozoic granitoids: Their potential use in regional mineral exploration
Authors:K-M Drake
Abstract:The primary aim of this broad regional study is to statistically determine the Li-Sn-W-Mo-bearing potential of various granitoids using geochemical criteria. Computer based, univariate and multivariate statistical methods are applied to major- and trace-element data from about 660 granitic rock samples and over 800 major element analyses, selected from the Swedish geological literature. The granitoids are subdivided following earlier geotectonic chronologic and newer geochemical-statistical principles.Most granite types occurring in known Sn-W mineralized areas, except the granites around the W deposit of Baggetorp, were identified as potentially W-Sn-bearing. That is, they show significantly high mean and variance values for W and/or Sn as well as promising values of the probability parameters for these elements, compared to corresponding statistics for a calculated Swedish average granitoid (SAG).Evidence of very high total variability of Li, Sn and W within the individual granite types suggests the need for further tests, to control the variability errors due to sampling and preparation and errors of chemical analysis. These sources of error may obscure natural elemental heterogeneity of the granite type that is of interest in geochemical prospecting.Interpretations of Sn, W and Li frequency distribution patterns, petrochemical trends and multivariate similarity tests suggest that the primary chemistry of the granitoids is overprinted by (a) postmagmatic processes of broad regional nature, which have similarly affected the individual granite types, and (b) a wide variety of secondary alterations of local character. These conclusions imply that potential Sn and W deposits may be sought within all Swedish Proterozoic granitoids and their within all Swedish Proterozoic granitoids and their immediate sorroundings, where susch processes have redistributed and concentrated these where such processes have redistributed and concentrated these elements. However, the granites which are highly differentiated, Sn-W-Li-U-Th-F-enriched, and strongly and strongly magnetic are particularly promising target areas for further, extensive rock-geochemical prospecting and other exploration surveys. rock-geochemical prospecting and other exploration surveys.
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