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Parallel-Dynamic Interpolation Algorithm of Sea Surface Height for Future 2D Altimetry Mapping of Sea Surface Height
Abstract:The sea surface height data volume of the future wide-swath two-dimensional(2 D) altimetric satellite is thousands of times greater than that of nadir altimetric satellites. The time complexity of the 2 D altimetry mapping reaches O(n~3). It is challenging to map the global grid products of future 2 D altimetric satellites. In this study, to improve the efficiency of global data mapping, a new algorithm called parallel-dynamic interpolation(PA-DI) was designed. Through the use of 2 D data segmentation and fine-grained data mosaic methods, the parallel along-track DI processes were accelerated, and a fast and efficient spatial-temporal high-resolution and low-error enhanced mapping method was obtained. As determined from a comparison of the single-threaded DI with the PA-DI,the new algorithm optimized the time complexity from O(n~3) to O(n~3/KL), which improved the mapping efficiency and achieved the expected results. According to the test results of the observing system simulation experiments, the PA-DI algorithm may provide an efficient and reliable method for future wide-swath 2 D altimetric satellite mapping.
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