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摘    要:<正> 苏浙皖地区黄龙灰岩下部白云岩的时代问题,通过现场参观和讨论,基本上趋于统一。但南京地区黄龙灰岩下部白云岩的时代至今尚未取得一致意见。1984年7月,南京地质矿产研究所在南京东郊陈家边附近(茨山北坡)“老虎洞白云岩”中发现牙形刺,含化石地层的剖面简述如下:

Age of the Laohudong dolomite in Nanjing area
Abstract:A dolomitic mudstone of 15 to 25 cm thick was discovered in the middle and upper parts of the "Laohudong Dolomite" in the northern part of Cishan, Nanjing. In the overlying dolomite, Middle Carboniferous conodonts were obtained, and in the underlying dolomite, Late Early Carboniferous conodonts were obtained. Therefore, the upper dolomite belongs to the Middle Carboniferous, and the lower dolomite to the Early Carboniferous.
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