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Bear Mountain Igneous Complex, Klamath Mountains, California: an Ultrabasic to Silicic Cale-Alkaline Suite
Institution:1Department of Geology, University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina 29208
2Division of Geological & Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91125
3Lawrence Barkeley Laboratory, University of California Berkeley, California 94720
Abstract:The Bear Mountain igneous complex, Klamath Mountains, California,can be divided into distinct lithologic suites (order accordingto apparent relative age): (1) satellitic masses of clinopyroxene-richultramafic and gabbroic rocks with subordinate dunite and hornblende-plagioclasepegmatoid; (2) two-pyroxene-biotite diorite and monzodiorite;(3) heterogeneous hornblende-rich rocks varying from gabbroto diorite; (4) leucocratic rocks, chiefly consisting of biotitetonalite and granodiorite; and (5) late dikes (mafic to felsic).Elongate masses of unit (1) flank a composite pluton consistingof units (2–4), while the late dikes (unit 5) intrudethe adjacent country rocks. The rocks of the complex invadedan ophiolite allochthon during the Late Jurassic Nevadan orogeny,and well-defined contact aureoles surround the complex. Lowergreenschist facies rocks, chiefly metabasalt, impure siliceousmetasedimentary rocks, and serpentinized peridotite, have beendynamothermally metamorphosed to mineral assemblages indicativeof hornblende-hornfels facies and locally pyroxene-hornfelsfacies. The emplacement of the igneous complex was chiefly byforcible shouldering aside, although local tectonic featuressuch as faults in the ophiolite allochthon were instrumentalin the emplacement history. The ultramafic and gabbroic rocks are interpreted as crystalcumulates of a fractionated basaltic magma. Mineral compositionsand whole-rock chemical characteristics of the proposed cumulatessuggest that the Mg/Fe ratio of the parental basaltic liquidwas high. The activity of silica was low, while water vaporpressure apparently increased through time until it was moderatelyhigh during the late magmatic stage. These cumulates were subsequentlyremobilized during lateral tectonic compression and emplacedhigher in the crust as hot, semisolid aggregates. A diverse array of data, including pyroxene compositions, major-,minor-, and rare-earth-element abundances and field relations,suggest that the two-pyroxene-biotite diorite/monzodiorite unitwas consanguineous with the clinopyroxene-rich ultramafic andgabbroic rocks. The diorite/monzodiorite unit, therefore, isan intermediate differentiate of an early primitive basalt.Furthermore, major-, trace, and rare-earth-element data characteristicof the diorite/monzodionte unit indicate strong similaritiesto low-Si andesite and clearly suggest a calc-alkaline affinity. Age relations indicate that the hornblende-rich and leucocraticunits are younger and represent the intrusion of other magmasinto the same igneous locus. Petrographic and geochemical datafrom the hornblende-rich unit suggest recrystallization fromhydrous magmas similar in composition to high-Al basalt andbasaltic andesite. The leucocratic suite, consisting chieflyof calc-alkaline tonalitic rocks, is similar to other quartz-richfelsic rocks widespread throughout the Klamath Mountains-westernSierra Nevada. The available petrographic and geochemical dataare consistent with formation of these rocks by either fractionalcrystallization of a wet basaltic magma or partial melting ofamphibolite or eclogite. The Bear Mountain igneous complex is an example of a diversebut distinctive association of ultrabasic to silicic rocks whichcharacterize numerous plutonic complexes in the Klamath Mountains-westernSierra Nevada. These intrusive complexes invade older ensimaticrocks and appear to define the roots of a complex, Middle toLate Jurassic calc-alkaline magmatic arc. The ultramafic andgabbroic rocks characteristic of this plutonic association aresimilar to Alaskan-type complexes but differ in detail. Moresignificantly, these rocks are important clues to the compositionof early magmas as well as the complex processes operative inreservoirs that form the core of calc-alkaline magmatic centers.
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