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Magnitude classification of rock bursts based on seismic records of mining stations
Authors:K Liíma  Z Pros  J Vaněk  Z Vajter  J Kozák
Institution:(1) Geophysical Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Prague;(2) Seismological Centre, Mine “Československá armáda”, Karviná;(3) Mining Institute, Czechosl. Acad. Sci., Ostrava
Abstract:Summary A method was developed for classifying the intensity of seismic events observed in the Karviná part of the Ostrava—Karviná mining district. The method is based on determining the magnitude of events, using the homogenized maximum amplitudes of the S-wave group. The amplitude observations were homogenized by means of station corrections estimated by successive approximation simultaneously with the derivation of the optimum calibrating function. The magnitude classification developed enables an objective and relatively simple estimation of the intensity of seismic events in mines with an accuracy corresponding to the quality of observations. The correlation between the so-called accepted energy, currently used for classifying rock bursts in the Ostrava—Karviná mining district, and the corresponding magnitudes was established.
Резюме Оnuсaн меmо?rt; меmо?rt; каaссuфuкaцuu сеŭсмuческuх явлеuŭ нaблю?rt;aемых в кaрвuнскоŭ чaсmu Осmрaвско-Кaрвuнскоŭ у?rt;ольноŭ облaсmu. Меmо?rt; основaн нa оnре?rt;еленuu мa?rt;нumу?rt;ы явленuŭ. Для эmоŭ зa?rt;aчu uсnользовaны мaксuмaльные aмnлumу?rt;ы в ?rt;руnnе S-волн. О?rt;норо?rt;носmь нaблю?rt;енuŭ ?rt;осmu?rt;нуma сmaнцuоннымu nоnрaвкaмu, коmорые оnре?rt;елялuсь о?rt;новременно с оnmuмaльноŭ кaлuбровочноŭ функцuеŭ. Пре?rt;ложеннaя клaссuфuкaцuя ?rt;aёm нa?rt;ёжную u оmносumельно nросmую оценку uнmенсuвносmu сеŭсмuческuх явленuеŭ в у?rt;ольном бaссеŭне с mочносmью оmвечaюшеŭ кaчесmву нaблю?rt;енuŭ. Усmaновленa корреляцuя меж?rt;у, maк нaзывaемоŭ, nрuняmоŭ энер?rt;uеŭ явленuя, оnре?rt;елённоŭ nо меmо?rt;uке uсnользуемоŭ нa nрaкmuке Осmрaвско-Кaрвuнскuх щaхm, u сооmвеmсmвуюшеŭ мa?rt;нumу?rt;оŭ.
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