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摘    要:榧螺科主要分布在热带和亚热带海区,它所包括的种类色彩丰富,某些种的种内个体之间的颜色和花纹变异甚大,所以过去在种的鉴定上相当紊乱。早期学者象Duclos(1845)、Reeve(1850)、Marrat(1870)、Weinkauf£(1878)和Tryon( 1883)等人曾记载过数百个种名。以后有些学者,如Vanatta(1915)、Dautzenberg(1927)、Kuroda(1941)等人将某些在形态上近似的种合并起来,在这些种下又分若干变种。根据我们查考到前人记载的中国海榧螺科的种名,计有三属四十三种,其中至少有二十三种的模式标本采自中国海。 根据中国科学院海洋研究所在我国沿海进行的调查(1953-1963)、潮间带生态调查(1958-1963)和全国海洋综合调查(1958-1960)所获的标本,并参考本所和天津、大连两个自然博物馆收藏的国外标本,对中国海的榧螺科重新作了研究。我们的材料包括极大部分前人报道的分布在我国海的“种”,其中许多“种”形态特征差别较小,而且具中间类型的标本。据这些材料我们归并为10种和2亚种,

关 键 词:榧螺科

A Study on the Olividae of the China Coast
Lou TzE-KONG.A Study on the Olividae of the China Coast[J].Studia Marina Sinica,1965(7):1-14.
Authors:Lou TzE-KONG
Institution:Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica
Abstract:After studying materials collected by the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica and some foreign specimens preserved in the Natural Museums of Tientsin and Dairen, we came to the conclusion that the total number of 43 species of Olividae previously reported from the coast of China by different authors is far more than what actually exists. As various distinct species differ only in color and pattern and not in morphological features of specific significance, we consider them as being synonymous with one another. As a result, the total number of species of Olividae of the China coast is reduced by 1/4. All of the species studied can be found in the South China Sea but only three in the East China Sea and two in the Yellow Sea. Among those reported, five species deserve further discussion.
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