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Effects of sampling microhabitats with low coverage within the STAR/AQEM macroinvertebrate sampling protocol on stream assessment
Authors:Peter Haase  Steffen U Pauls  Christine HM Engelhardt  Andrea Sundermann
Institution:aSenckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Department of Limnology and Conservation, Clamecystrasse 12, 63571 Gelnhausen, Germany
Abstract:In the STAR/AQEM protocol microhabitats covering less than 5% of the sampling area were neglected. Driven by an ongoing discussion on the importance of these underrepresented microhabitats we tested the influence of sampling them. We investigated 48 streams representing 14 different stream types from all over Germany. Macroinvertebrates of underrepresented microhabitats were sampled in addition to the STAR/AQEM protocol. To ensure the method remains feasible in routine monitoring programmes the total sampling and sorting effort of additional sampling was limited to 20 min. Particularly those taxa were picked, which were not recognised during the routine STAR/AQEM sorting.To identify the effect of additional sampling on stream assessment results, we calculated the stream type-specific Multimetric Index (MMI) with the “main” and the “main+additional” data for each sample. The mean and median difference in MMI values between “main” and “main+additional” samples was 0.02 and 0.01, respectively. In seven of 48 samples (14.6%) a different ecological quality class was calculated with the “main+additional” dataset. Regarding common metrics within the MMI as well as intercalibration metrics differences between “main” and “main+additional” samples were analysed. The values differed most in richness metrics (e.g., number of EPTCBO Taxa, number of Trichoptera Taxa). The results of the present study show that additional sampling of underrepresented microhabitats could alter multimetric assessment results.
Keywords:Stream assessment  Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling  Multi-habitat sampling  Microhabitats  Intercalibration metrics
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