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Resting Stages of Plankton in Recent North Adriatic Sediments
Authors:Fernando Rubino  Genuario Belmonte  Anna M Miglietta  Sebastiano Geraci  & Ferdinando Boero
Institution: Istituto Sperimentale Talassografico "A. Cerruti", CNR, via Roma, 3;74 100 Taranto, Italy. ; Dipartimento di Biologia, Stazione di Biologia Marina, University of Lecce; via Prov.le per Monteroni;73 100 Lecce, Italy. ; Istituto per la Corrosione Marina dei Metalli, CNR, Torre Francia, via de Marini, 6; 16 149 Genova, Italy.
Abstract:Abstract. Plankton-derived resting stages were found in 26 sediment cores collected in the North Adriatic Sea; 46 morphotypes were identified, 38 were attributed to taxa according to their morphology and, in some hatching cases, also according to the morphology of the derived active forms. Six species of Dinophyta were recorded for the first time from the North Adriatic Sea. Each morphotype was described in detail. Twenty-nine resting stages were Dinophyta; one was a Chrysophyta; two were Tintinnina; and six were metazoans. At every site Dinophyta cysts were more abundant than Metazoa cysts. Cyst bank densities were variable, with empty forms generally more abundant than full ones; cyst concentrations were highest at the mouth of the Po River delta.
Keywords:North Adriatic Sea  dinoflagellates  resting stages  cyst bank
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