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摘    要:生物强化技术对于改善现有污水处理工艺的效果具有重要作用 。实验研究以生活污水中添加有效微生物群(EM)和单以生活污水两种方式培养活性污泥,然 后分别将其引入SBR反应器,以考察EM对SBR工艺处理生活污水的强化作用。结果表明,在正 常生活污水浓度和最优工艺条件(污水pH6~8,曝气2h,静置沉淀0.5h)下,EM-SBR反应器对 污水CODcr、NH+4-N的平均去除率分别比普通SBR工艺高19.08%和23.17%;且具有较好 的稳定性。此外,EM强化的SBR工艺还具有极强的抗冲击负荷能力,当进水CODcr为2738mg.L-1时,处理3h后,出水CODcr即可达到《污水综合排放标准》的要求,去除率高于96 %,而普通SBR工艺即使处理6h也不能达标。

关 键 词:生物强化技术  生活污水  有效微生物群(EM)  序批式活性污  泥法(SBR)  化学需氧量(CODcr)  氨氮(NH+4-N)

The Bioaugmentation of Sequencing Batch Reactor Sludge with Effective Microorganismes (EM) for Domestic Sewage Treatment
Authors:Meng Fanping
Institution:Meng Fanping;(College of Marine Life Science, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao , 266003)
Abstract:Bioaugmentation plays an important role in improving was tewater treatment process. In this research, two kinds of activated sludge, cult ured by domestic sewage only and effective microorganisms (EM) + domestic sewage respectively, were added into the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to examine the bioaugmentation of EM during domestic sewage treatment. It showed that, under t he optimal process conditions (pH6~8 of sewage, 2 hours of aeration and 0.5 hour s of settling), the average removals of CODcr and NH+4-N in sewage for EM- SBR reactor were register a increase of 19.08% and 23.17% respectively in compar ison with those for common SBR. In addition, EM-SBR also had a higher resistanc e to organic loading than common SBR. When the initial concentration of CODcr wa s 2738mg
Keywords:bioaugmentation  domestic sewage  effective microor ganisms(EM)  sequencing batch reactor(SBR)  chemical oxygen demand(CODcr)  ammon ia-nitrogen(NH+4-N)
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