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作者姓名:张兆琪  王权  卫彦升  刘成如  杨五宝  段春森  杨耀华
作者单位:山西省地质调查院,太原 030001
基金项目:中国地质调查局“大同市幅、偏关县幅1∶25万区调修测(编号: 基[2010]矿评01-11-07)”项目资助
摘    要:通过对1∶25万大同市幅地质概况的介绍,重点论述了所取得的主要成果: ①对区内构造单元进行了划分,查明了各个构造单元的物质组成及变质、变形特点,建立了早前寒武纪地质构造事件演化序列及其地质构造演化模式,恢复了本区的地质构造发展史; ②对前人所称集宁群进行了重新认识和解体,认为原集宁群由变质深成岩与变质表壳岩系组成,同时针对区内的沉积盖层,系统地建立了岩石地层格架,为生物地层、年代地层划分提供了新资料; ③将区内变质深成岩划分为4个岩浆岩带,对各个岩浆岩带的变质深成岩进行了详细解体与划分; ④针对区内的中生代侵入岩,查明了其空间分布、岩石特征、岩石化学及地球化学特征,探讨了岩石成因,研究了其构造背景; ⑤针对区内早前寒武纪变质岩系变质矿物,查明了不同变质体的变质矿物组合特点和矿物世代关系; ⑥针对区内的构造形迹,建立了本区构造格架,将早前寒武纪的构造变形划分为五台期早晚2次变形,吕梁期早晚2次变形,并针对区内中生代构造,查明了各个盆地的盆缘构造特征和不同方向、不同期次、不同性质断裂的分期配套关系,尤其是查明了大同盆地西缘大型构造带的空间展布、性质、断裂组合及运动学特征,对探讨山西中—新生代盆地的演化发展具有重要意义。

关 键 词:集宁群  构造单元  岩浆岩带  1∶  25万大同市幅  

Main achievements in supplemental regional geological survey of 1∶250 000 Datong Sheet
Authors:ZHANG Zhaoqi  WANG Quan  WEI Yansheng  LIU Chengru  YANG Wubao  DUAN Chunsen  YANG Yaohua
Institution:Shanxi Institute of Geological Survey, Taiyuan 030001, China
Abstract:The supplemental regional geological survey project of 1∶250 000 Datong Sheet has got productive achievements. (1) The division of tectonic units and the mineralogical compositions were studied, and characteristics of deformation and metamorphism on different tectonic units were also investigated. Evolution sequence and model of Early Precambrian tectonic events were determined. The Datong sheet area tectonic history was established. (2) A brand new view for rediscovering and deconstruction that Jining Group is consisted of metamorphic plutonic and metamorphic superficial crust rocks was proposed. Detailed investigation was carried out on the sedimentary layer in the area. The stratigraphic framework was established comprehensively and systematically. New data was collected on chronostratigraphic and biostratigraphic division.(3) The metamorphic plutonite in the sheet has been divided into four magmatic belts. Deconstruction and division for metamorphic plutonite in each belt has been done.(4) The spatial, petrochemical and geochemical characteristics for Mesozoic intrusive rocks in the area were discovered. The petrogenesis and tectonic background were analyzed.(5) Comprehensive and systematic research on metamorphism characteristics, metamorphic facies zone division and the characteristics of metamorphic minerals of Early Precambrian metamorphic rocks has been completed. The mineral assemblage and generation relationship on different massif has been ascertained. (6) The tectonic framework in the sheet was established by systematic research on tectonic features. The Early Precambrian structure-deformation styles were compartmentalized into four-time deformations belonging to Wutai and Luliang deformation-phase. The authors identified the matching relationship on fractures with different directions, phases and characters in the basins by investigating the Mesozoic tectonics in the area, and clarified the spatial distribution, properties, fracture combination and movement characteristics of the large-scale Majiatan thrust nappe belt located in western margin of Datong basin. This paper has great significance for research of Shanxi Meso-Cenozoic basin’s development.
Keywords:Jining Group  structural unit  magmatic belts  1∶  250 000 Datong Sheet
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