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作者单位:中国水文地质工程地质勘查院,北京 100081
摘    要:本文简要地介绍了RS(遥感图像处理系统)和GIS(地理信息系统)技术及其集成的基本概念和方法。讨论了RS和GIS技术及其集成的内在涵义、相互关系,认为RS是GIS重要的外部信息源,是其数据更新的重要手段,尤其对于全球性的 地理动力学分析,更必须有RS所提供的覆盖全球的动态数据与GIS的结合。反之,GIS则可以提供RS所需要的一些辅助数据,以提高RS图像的信息量和分辨率,同时,GIS可以将实地调查所

关 键 词:遥感  图像处理系统  GIS  技术集成

Technology and integration of RS and GIS and their use
Abstract:The basic conceptsand methods ofRS(rem ote sensing im age processing system ) and GIS(geographic infor- m ation system )and theirintegration areintroduced.Thetechnology and integration ofRSand GISarediscussed fortheir inherentm eaning and relationship to each other.RSisconsidered asan im portantexternalinform ation source ofGISand a usefultoolforrenewing data,especially to globalenvironm entalchange research and geographic dynam icalanalysis.It is im perative to com binedynam icaldata covering thewhole world region provided by RSw ith GIS.On thecontrary,GIS can provide som e supplem entary data and im prove the amountofinform ation and resolution.Meanw hile,GIScom bines un-rem ote sensing data aquired through field investigation with rem ote sening data,so thatitcan im prove theprecision ofRSim age processing and intertation.The integrated com bination ofRSand GIStechnology includes rem ote sensing, geographic technology,which constitutesgeographicinform ation system with high autom ation,and intelligence.They are potentw aysofanalyzing collection,treatm ent,andrenew ing adynam icalgeography processand providing supplem entary inform ation ofdecision.
Keywords:RS  GIS  technology  integration
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