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作者姓名:姜建军  袁海军
作者单位:中国地质大学 北京 (姜建军),中国地质大学 北京(袁海军)
摘    要:本文根据从云南西部耿马采集的大量的腕足类Stereochia属标本,以及详查资料的比较,对Stereochia属和Costiferina属的特征和成员进行了深入的讨论。通过对属种的修订,理清了两个属的地质时代和地理分布。结果表明,Stereochia属的地质历程主要是早二叠世Sakmarian期至晚二叠世Dzhulfian期;Costiferina属出现时期比Stereochia属晚,主要分布在早二叠世Baigendzinian期至晚二叠世Djulfian期。上述两属对确定冈瓦纳大陆北缘海边界有重要意义,Stereochia常与(竹蜓)类和珊瑚化石共生,生活在温暖清澈水体中。古地理上,它分布在冈瓦纳大陆北缘海边界,属于浅海地台型沉积范围;Costiferina常出现于碎屑岩中,与之共处的化石多为个体巨大、壳壁厚的Fusispirifer,很少与(竹蜓)类和珊瑚类在一起,表明它生活在冈瓦纳大陆北缘海的靠大陆一侧,这里陆源碎屑丰富,海水混浊,并相对偏冷。

关 键 词:腕足类  Costiferina  Stereochia  地质时代  地理分布

Jiang Jianjun Yuan Haijun.ON THE CHARACTERISTICS, MEMBERS, GEOLOGICAL AGE AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF Stereochia AND Costiferina (BRACHIOPODA)[J].Geoscience——Journal of Graduate School,China University of Geosciences,1992(2).
Authors:Jiang Jianjun Yuan Haijun
Abstract:This paper deals mainly with the composition. geological age and geographical distri- bution of the brachiopod genera Stereochia and Costiferina. The studied specimens were largely collected from the lower Permian, in Gengma County. Yunnan and the Lower Per- mian, in Ngari, Tibet. The morphologic characters of all the species of Costiferina and Stereochia described in the extensive world literature are carefully discussed. Based on the detailed comparision and research, several species have been revised and transferred in their generic position: Costiferina sinensis Sun is revised as Pseudoantiquatonia sinensis (Sun). Callimarginatia orientalis Zan as Stereochia orieatalis (Zan), Productus subcostatus Waagen as Stereochia subcostatus (Waagen). Dictyoclostus magnus Coleman as Stereochia magnus (Coleman). Dictyoclostus callytharrensis Prendergast as Stereochia callytharrensis (Prendergast) and Dictyoclostus wadei Prendergast as Costiferina wadei (Prendergast). Two chinese species Costiferina obesa Fang and Costiferina xiaoxinzhaiensis Fang have been proved to be the synonym of Stereochia lytostyla Grant. After a wide comparison and a carefully revision. the geological age and distribution of the Costtiferina and Stereochia have been reexamined and traced out. The major conclu- sions reached here are that the genus Stereochia ranges from the Sakmarian stage of Early Permian to the Djulfian stage of Late Permian. It is mainly found in Ko Muk of south Tai- land. Gengma county of Yunnan and Shenza county of Tibet and probably was living in a near-shore environment with shallow and clear water and coral fossils. Costiferina spans from the Baigendzinian stage of Early Permian to the Djulfian Stage of Late Permian. This genus is mainly found in Australia, Nepal, Pakistan and Ngari in Tibet and was living in a muddy environment associated with many spiny and sessile forms, such as Fusispirifer.
Keywords:Brachiopods  Costiferina  Stereochia  geological age  geographical distri-bution
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