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作者姓名:包汉勇  张柏桥  曾联波  刘超  李凯  罗兵  梁榜  刘皓天  龙幼康
作者单位:1.中国石化江汉油田分公司勘探开发研究院, 湖北武汉 430223
摘    要:华南海相页岩层系生烃后大多经历了多期复杂的构造叠加改造,形成了多类型的构造样式,且不同样式页岩气富集程度差异明显.通过对华南数十口页岩气探井及涪陵页岩气田300多口开发井的分析测试、测井及地震资料的详细解剖,并结合实钻效果分析,建立了一套直接与间接指标相结合适用于华南海相页岩含气性评价的指标体系;并针对华南典型的挤压构造背景,在重点考虑构造紧闭程度(宽缓、窄陡及破碎)和构造形态(正向、负向及斜向)差异性的基础上,提出了24种表征页岩气差异富集的构造模式.指出在区域构造背景相同的前提下,宽缓型构造模式是页岩气富集的最有利模式,窄陡型次之,破碎型最差. 

关 键 词:华南    海相    页岩气    差异富集    构造模式    石油地质

Marine Shale Gas Differential Enrichment Structure Models in South China
Abstract:Most of the marine shale strata in South China have undergone poly-cycle complex structural superimposition and reformation after hydrocarbon generation, forming many types of structural styles, and the enrichment degree of shale gas in different styles is obviously different.Based on the analysis, testing and the detailed anatomy of the logging and seismic data in dozens of shale gas exploration wells in South China, and more than 300 development wells in the Fuling shale gas fields, a set of direct and indirect indicators for shale gas bearing evaluation in South China are established combining with actual drilling results.Based on the typical background of extrusion structure in South China, focusing on the structural tightness (broad, narrow and steep, fractured) and structural forms (positive, negative and oblique), 24 structural models representing the differential enrichment of shale gas are proposed.Under the premise of the same macroscopic structural background, the broad structural model is the most favorable mode for shale gas enrichment, followed by the narrow-steep type, and the fractured type is the worst. 
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