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摘    要:侯德封同志是我国早期地球化学事业的开创者、组织者和设计师。他于50年代初提出的化学地史及60年代反复强调的核子地质均蕴育了浓厚的地球化学思维。在50年代我国制定12年科学技术发展规划和60年代创办我国第一个地球化学研究机构的过程中,侯老发挥了远见卓识和当机立断的地球化学事业开拓者的关键作用。在领导和组织建国后我国早期的稀有元素地球化学、同位素地球化学和铀钍地球化学科研工作中,侯老是主要的带头人,在学术思想上提出了指导性见解。

关 键 词:地球化学  稀有元素  化学地史

Institution:Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Abstract:Prof. Hou Defeng was well known among Chinese geoscientists for his eminent achievements in regional geological research, in Quaternary studies, in investigation on Mn and Fe ore deposits, as well as in founding the theory of petroleum generation in subaerial sediments. However, the important role played by Prof. Hou in building up and shaping the science of geochemistry in China has seldom been noticed.The author coworked with Prof. Hou in 1955-1966, and was deeply impressed by what he had done for the geochemistry of China. As early as the beginning of the fifties, Prof. Hou proposed the idea what he called the chemical history of the Earth, in which the thinking of geochemical evolution was involved and discussed. In the sixties, Hou wrote several papers dealing with the problems of nuclear geology.All these serve as significant geochemical thoughts in the early development of geochemistry in China. In this period Prof. Hou led in many respects the investigations of U, REE and rare elements mineral deposits in Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His ideas on the importance of the relative geochemical activities of these elements in giving birth to ore deposits have important bearing in ore exploration.Prof. Hou's significant contribution to the development of geochemistry of China also lies in his great enthusiasm in pushing geochemistry forward in 1956,working on the first 12-year perspective planning for the development of science and technology of China. Soon after this, laboratories of isotope geochemistry, trace element geochemistry and others were founded, courses of geochemistry started to be taught in universities and geochemical exploration became gradually valuable tools in searching for ore deposits. The founding of the first Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences was also due to the initiative of Prof. Hou in 1964.All the above-mentioned show that in theoretical thinking, planning and realization of research work and establishment of research organizations, Prof. Hou had proved himself to be a leading figure, an important designer, in one word, a pioneer and founder of the science of geochemistry in the early days of the new People's Republic.
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