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这是一个令人振奋的喜讯. 据河南省国土资源厅于2007年9月5日召开的新闻发布会透露,截至8月底,全省已有4个省辖市、53个县(市、区),在经历了一年多的艰苦、细致工作后,终于关闭了辖区内的所有砖瓦窑厂,与"秦砖汉瓦"彻底告别.让我们记住吧,记住这4个省辖市的名字.它们分别是:漯河市、安阳市、鹤壁市、焦作市.让我们记住吧,记住这53个县(市、区)的名字.它们中有:舞阳县、临颍县、召陵区、文峰区、淇滨区、修武县、孟州市、伊川县等.  相似文献   

一边是蒜苗、菠菜、生菜等各种时令蔬菜,一边的猪圈内有五头将要出栏的肥猪.猪圈旁边是沼气池,沼气池为水泥结构,圆锥形,上边留一个直径有半米的圆孔以便向内填充植物垃圾和秸秆,其余的地方用土填好以后还可以种上菜,墙根没有硬化的地方,还零落地留着苦瓜、南瓜的枯藤.这是日前笔者在修武县城关镇河北辛庄村民范庆河家中看到的景象.  相似文献   

法国有许多在世界上驰名的标志性建筑或胜地,仅巴黎就有卢浮宫、凡尔赛宫、凯旋门、埃菲尔铁塔、巴黎圣母院等.笔者这里要说的是那条尽人皆知的香榭丽舍大街. 一些历史性的建筑往往标志着一个城市或地区的文化含量.而一条大街则常常标志着这一个城市或地区经济上的繁荣.如美国纽约的华尔街金融大街;日本的银座和日本桥商业街;我国北京的王府井商业大街,都成为这个城市甚至国家的代表.香榭丽舍大街则是巴黎乃至法国的代表.  相似文献   

Three types of spatial function zoning is an effective measure for regional environmental protection and orderly development.For ecological and economic coordinated development, spatial function zones should be divided scientifically to clear its direction of development and protection. Therefore, based on ecological constraints, a beneficial discussion would be about the key ecological function areas adopting the concept of ecological protection restriction and supporting socioeconomic development for spatial function zoning. In this paper, the researchers, taking Tacheng Basin, Xinjiang of China as an example, choose township as basic research unit and set up an evaluation index system from three aspects, namely, ecological protection suitability, agricultural production suitability, and urban development suitability, which are analyzed by using spatial analysis functions and exclusive matrix method. The results showed that: 1) This paper formed a set of multilevel evaluation index systems for three types of spatial function zoning of the key ecological function areas based on a novel perspective by scientifically dividing Tacheng Basin into ecological space, agricultural space, and urban space,which realized the integration and scientific orientation for spatial function at the township scale. 2) Under the guidance of three types of spatial pattern, the functional orientation and suggestions of development and protection was clearly defined for ecological protection zones,ecological economic zones, agricultural production zones, and urban development zones. 3) A new idea of space governance is provided to promote the coordinated and sustainable development between ecology and economy, which can break the traditional mode of thinking about regional economic development, and offers a scientific basis and reference for macro decision-making.  相似文献   

浙东大地,河山锦绣,景奇色美.其中许多景区藏而不露,少为世人所知,东海之滨的桃渚便是一例. 桃渚景区是8000万年前火山喷发而形成的独特的火山遗迹地貌,即喀斯特地貌.山上古洞幽壑遍布,奇岩秀石突兀,断崖索桥点缀,处处皆是大自然的神来之笔,令人叹为观止.与天台、雁荡等名山大川相比,亦毫不逊色.怪不得当年文天祥逃出元军的囚禁,落荒从海道经桃渚时,被桃渚雄奇瑰丽的风景所感动,情不自禁赋诗赞美:"海上仙子国,邂逅寄孤蓬.万象图画里,千崖玉界中."  相似文献   

Satellite-based products with high spatial and temporal resolution provide useful precipitation information for data-sparse or ungauged large-scale watersheds. In the Lower Lancang-Mekong River Basin, rainfall stations are sparse and unevenly distributed, and the transboundary characteristic makes the collection of precipitation data more difficult, which has restricted hydrological processes simulation. In this study, daily precipitation data from four datasets(gauge observations, inverse distance weighted(IDW) data, Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) estimates, and Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations(CHIRPS) estimates), were applied to drive the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) model, and then their capability for hydrological simulation in the Lower Lancang-Mekong River Basin were examined. TRMM and CHIRPS data showed good performances on precipitation estimation in the Lower Lancang-Mekong River Basin, with the better performance for TRMM product. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency(NSE) values of gauge, IDW, TRMM, and CHIRPS simulations during the calibration period were 0.87, 0.86, 0.95, and 0.93 for monthly flow, respectively, and those for daily flow were 0.75, 0.77, 0.86, and 0.84, respectively. TRMM and CHIRPS data were superior to rain gauge and IDW data for driving the hydrological model, and TRMM data produced the best simulation performance. Satellite-based precipitation estimates could be suitable data sources when simulating hydrological processes for large data-poor or ungauged watersheds, especially in international river basins for which precipitation observations are difficult to collect. CHIRPS data provide long precipitation time series from 1981 to near present and thus could be used as an alternative precipitation input for hydrological simulation, especially for the period without TRMM data. For satellite-based precipitation products, the differences in the occurrence frequencies and amounts of precipitation with different intensities would affect simulation results of water balance components, which should be comprehensively considered in water resources estimation and planning.  相似文献   

亲爱的读者朋友,正所谓"春风送佳音,百花迎宾来".当您在办公室里、在田间地头、在行进的火车上捧起本期杂志时,您可能会有一个惊奇的发现:几年来,您一直热情关注和钟爱的《河南国土资源》杂志,经国家新闻出版署批准,已正式更名为《资源导刊》了.我国期刊园林又盛开了一朵鲜艳的花朵.  相似文献   

A high-resolution Arctic Ocean-Finite Volume Community Ocean Model(AO-FVCOM) and observational current data from 14 mooring stations in Bering Strait and surrounding regions between 1990 and 2015 were used to study the seasonal and interannual variability of Bering Strait throughflow(BST). AO-FVCOM represented the BST with a climatological northward flux of 1.06 Sv, which was close to the observational mean of 0.94 ± 0.26 Sv. From the model results, the strongest volume flux was in summer, approximately 45% larger than that in winter. Interannual variability of BST was also indicated in the model results, and the maximum and minimum annual mean transports are in 2007 and 2012, respectively. AO-FVCOM showed larger differences from the observations in 2000, 2002, and 2015 than in other years, which may be related to the limitation of atmospheric forcing for the model. According to the driving mechanisms of BST, sea level difference(SLD) across the strait dominates the northward volume transport, and local wind is also important in forcing the seasonal variability of the BST and SLD patterns to change the BST indirectly.  相似文献   

嵌入式技术以及信息技术的发展使得越来越多的设备接入网络成为可能,这两项技术的融和具有广泛的应用前景.首先分析了嵌入式系统网络化的需求,结合对嵌入式操作系统Vxworks和对ARM芯片的研究,分析了相关网络协议,最后提出构建嵌入式WebServer的软硬件解决方案.  相似文献   

Based on the hydrographic data in austral summer during the 22nd Antarctic Expedition of China(2005/2006),some features can be found about the northern margin of Emery ice shelf as follows.The heat content in the surface layer(0-50 m) at the eastern end and the western end of the ice-shelf margin is much higher than that at the middle.The upper mixing-layer depth and the seasonal thermocline depth at the middle of the ice-shelf northern margin are much shallower than those at the both ends.However there is much less difference between the middle and the ends in the bottom layer.The remote sensing photos show that the inhomogeneity in the surface-layer water is closely related to the spatial distribution of the floes and polynia in the area.  相似文献   

采用后殖民主义理论,从多元文化主义角度分析论述《午夜的孩子》对印度民族道路的探讨:小说中东西方叙事模式的混合以及印度方言和标准英语的融合是对西方权力话语的解构;通过比较作为多元文化存在的午夜的孩子大会和英迪拉领导的独裁政府,重构多元文化主义而非激进民族主义,是应对权力话语的后殖民话语;小说中人物的混杂性,进一步强调东方和西方的相互依存性,印度民族道路有赖于尊重文化差异,让不同的文化相互碰撞、融合并共存。  相似文献   

本文将CG-LTDR数据集中的地表覆盖数据产品应用于北京气候中心陆面模式(BCC_AVIM 1.0)中,并通过数值模拟分析不同覆盖类型的数据(冰川、湿地、湖泊、植被PFT)更新对模拟结果的影响。结果表明,新数据对不同地表类型的基本分布特征都有合理描述,但与模式中原有数据的差异明显,表现为冰川比例在格陵兰岛西部地区增加,湿地在大部分地区都减少,湖泊在北美和欧亚大陆中高纬地区的比例减少,但青藏高原及周边地区小幅增加,植被PFT的差异最明显。与采用模式原地表覆盖数据的控制试验相比,新数据引入所致的改变,主要局限于地表覆盖数据改变的区域。冰川数据更新使高纬冰川积雪区和青藏高原的温度降低,湿地数据提高了欧洲和北美主要水区的地面温度,湖泊数据有效降低了亚洲地区的温度,更新植被PFT的影响最广泛,使得南美、南非、东北亚、北美和澳洲大部分地区的温度升高,而中国华南江南地区以及南亚地区的温度降低,但在一些地区的模拟效果降低。数据全部更新引起的温度改变最明显,但并不是所有类型的简单叠加,尤其在地表复杂区域。不同的覆盖类型数据更新,可在一定程度上减少模式对于地表温度的模拟偏差(如格陵兰岛西部和青藏高原地区、欧洲内陆湖区的温度偏高),因此需适当选用更新的数据。  相似文献   

BDS分布在3个不同高度的轨道上且同时播发3种频点的信号数据,导致其观测值多路径误差可能在星座间、频点间存在差异。基于此,利用我国iGMAS跟踪网络和国际MGEX跟踪网络的17个GNSS多模观测站数据,从高度角、信号频点、接收机类型、跟踪站分布以及卫星星座等5个方面进行BDS多路径误差的差异性分析,同时与同源观测站上的GPS观测值多路径误差进行对比。结果表明,B3频点的多路径误差最小;3种星座间,GEO卫星的多路径误差最小;BDS的GEO卫星和IGSO卫星的多路径误差在地域上无明显的差异;BDS的B3频点上的多路径误差优于GPS 3个频点上的对应结果,BDS的B1和B2频点与GPS的L1和L2频点上多路径误差的精度相当。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的迅猛发展,城市建筑物建模的复杂性和实景化要求越来越高。因此,进行高精度的城市建筑物建模,建立有效的数据结构成为一项具有挑战性的工作。针对结构实体几何(Constructive Solid Geometry, CSG)模型建模的局限性,本文提出了一种结合CSG和BR(Boundary Representation)的混合建模方法。该方法改进传统的CSG为“空间CSG(SCSG)”,利用维度扩展的九交模型(DE-9IM)表示体元间的拓扑关系,确定唯一的SCSG树来表示城市建筑物的外部结构,同时用BR表示城市建筑物几何要素间的拓扑关系。然后,本文结合文件数据库和关系数据库来联合管理模型数据。关系数据库存储模型和纹理的属性信息;文件数据库存储模型和纹理图像。在存储和调用纹理影像时,关系数据库中的面ID将城市建筑模型ID和纹理ID关联,纹理图像和城市建筑模型同时被加载和存储。另外,本文采用最小二乘法对建筑物多边形进行正交化和拓扑调整处理,以保证模型数据的精确性。本文选择美国科罗拉多州丹佛地区和瑞士苏黎世地区的数据进行实验,并根据不同的建模方法进行模型加载耗时的比较,证明本文提出的方法耗时较少。实验结果表明,该混合建模方法不仅可以有效地表示实体的拓扑关系,还可以加快纹理加载,实现建筑物的快速精确建模,有效实现空间查询。  相似文献   

文章概略介绍了利用卫星进行定位的原理 ;由卫星信号传播、信号接收和SA政策等引起的理论误差 ;给出了多种快速、高精度定位的工作模式和观测点选择的原则 ;列出了将WGS - 84坐标转换为我国坐标的公式及解算参数的具体方法 ,供读者在GPS工作中参考。  相似文献   

结合AOP和元架构技术给出了一种对象动态自适应的解决方案,该方案基于分离关注原理并分两阶段。首先,确保系统需要动态自适应关注点被清晰的分离;然后使各自分离的关注点能够动态自适应。最后,给出了一个原型系统的初级框架。  相似文献   

长兴水口顾渚山风景区的紫笋茶,是闻名国内外的优质名茶。本文在实地调查的基础上,分析了紫笋茶优异的品质与地质环境背景条件的相关性。特定的地质背景条件,首先造就了一个避风向阳、雨量充沛的小气候环境;特定的泥盆系与花岗岩类浸入岩的地层背景所形成的土壤,为茶树生长提供了大量的营养物质,特别是有益的微量元素对提高茶叶品质起到了重要作用;同时这一特定的背景条件下,形成了对茶树生长有利的酸性土壤。特定的水文地质背景条件.又提供了充足的水份,还补充了茶树生长所必需的营养物质。通过对环境背景条件的分析,最终提出了长兴县茶叶发展的方向。  相似文献   

S 《山地科学学报》2008,5(1):63-72
Livestock behaviour in the Pyrenees includes free grazing and a long resting period that provokes the accumulation of dung and urine in some places,so-called camping areas. The aims of this study were (i) to analyze any change in floral composition,and in nutritional and chemical contents of plants in a livestock camping area; and (ii) to relate the floral composition with soil chemical properties. In a linear transect,five sampling zones were established,from the centre of the camping area to the surrounding Nardus stricta-dominant pasture. The above ground plant biomass and the topsoil were sampled in each zone with 6 replicates per zone. Plant species were classified and weighed to calculate above ground biomass,nutritional and chemical contents,and Shannon diversity and evenness indices. Additionally,soils were sampled in two periods,at the beginning and at the end of grazing period. Soil available nutrients (nitrate,ammonium,phosphorus,potassium,calcium and magnesium),total nitrogen,organic carbon and pH were measured.
Plant chemical contents (protein,lignin and others) were significantly related to the proportions of grasses,legumes and other plants; so,the protein content is positively correlated with legumes plant biomass while lignin content is negatively correlated with grasses. Both plant and soil nutrients increased linearly towards the centre of the camping area. However,the relationship among plant species richness,diversity and evenness relative to its position along the studied transect was bell-shaped. From the outskirts to the centre of the camping area,plants with low nutrient demand were progressively replaced by those with medium and high nutrients demand and by pioneers.
Nardus stricta-dominant pasture has low plant diversity and plant nutrient content as well as a poor soil nutrient availability. The presence of the camping area introduced patches with more soil nutrients and new species in the large spatial scale. However at a small spatial scale,the strong soil nutrien  相似文献   

光学与微波遥感的新疆积雪覆盖变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2002-2013年冬季的MODIS光学遥感数据,以及AMSR-E、AMSR2与MWRI被动微波遥感数据,建立了新疆地区冬季每日积雪分布遥感反演模型。首先,将Terra与Aqua双星MODIS的积雪产品融合,初步去云并最大化积雪信息;然后,利用AMSR-E/AMSR2和MWRI被动微波数据进行每日雪盖提取;最后,利用被动微波遥感数据反演得到的每日雪盖结果对双星融合后依然有云的像元进行替换,得到每日积雪分布情况。据此模型提取了11年间冬季的积雪天数信息,结合气象台站观测数据,分析了新疆冬季积雪的年内和年际变化规律。结果表明,新疆地区积雪主要分布在北部新疆,积雪天数与地形关系密切,山区积雪天数较多,盆地及城市区积雪天数较少;积雪天数年内变化是从11月到次年1月随温度降低逐渐增加,从1月到3月积雪天数则逐渐减少。新疆地区积雪天数在这11年中存在一定的波动,积雪天数与该年的平均气温,以及月低于0℃的天数存在显著相关性,与降雪量关系不明显。新疆地区近年来积雪天数重心有向西向南移动的趋势,这可能与全球气候变暖导致多年积雪融化有关。  相似文献   

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