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在垂直入射斜井VSP的条件下,假定地下为倾斜层状平面结构,在各层中地震射线为直线,界面的反射和透射服从Snell定律时,本文提出一种射线追踪法正演模型。射线追踪是采用迭代法实现的。用理论模型试算可以得到较为满意的结果。  相似文献   

本文研究太平洋上“射线状”云——一种尚未纳入现行云分类体系的云的基本特征及分布规律。利用中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)可见光卫星云图、NOAA-20和Suomi NPP可见光和红外卫星云图,对2017—2021年发生在太平洋上空257个“射线状”云个例进行了统计分析。结果表明,“射线状”云呈近似圆形或椭圆形,有明显的云系中心和清晰的带状径向云臂由中心向四周延伸,多数个例发生在中低纬度的东南太平洋和东北太平洋上空,全年除4月份外各月份均有“射线状”云发生,高频月份为6、7和8月,中频月份为5、9、10和11月,低频月份为1、2、3、4和12月。部分“射线状”云个例的云系有旋转态势,北半球呈逆时针旋转,南半球呈顺时针旋转。“射线状”云云顶之上有逆温层存在,“射线状”云内部的运动特征为:云系低层以水平运动为主,低层辐合;云系中层以上升运动为主,水平方向辐合辐散较弱;云系顶层受稳定逆温层的阻碍无法继续向上发展,垂直气压速度(p-速度)近乎消失,转化为水平方向上的强辐散。本文的研究结果可为进一步研究“射线状”云形成的物理机制打下基础。  相似文献   

郑炳松  孙彦乾  陈俞  马景龙  李英骏 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7020-7026
提出了一种利用单飞秒激光脉冲驱动类氖钛X射线激光的物理方案.利用自相似方法研究了不同脉冲前沿的单飞秒激光辐照钛平板靶产生的类氖钛X射线激光等离子体的特性,得到了电子温度、电子密度和定标长度三者的定标律,讨论了给定输入参数下各定标律曲线的特性.研究表明,利用单个飞秒激光能够实现X射线激光的产生,而且脉冲前沿强度随时间增长平缓的飞秒激光有利于驱动X射线激光.本研究为实验上实现单飞秒激光脉冲驱动X射线激光提供了一种新的方案.  相似文献   

电离射线的生物学效应是引起广泛兴趣的一个生物学问题。用X射线或其他电离射线照射生物,不仅会引起生理变异,而且可能影响到遗传物质,引起突变。放射突变可以作为育种材料已是周知的事实。现在电离射线已被广泛用作育种的有效工具之一。电离射线在农业实践中的其他用途,例如是否可以利用低剂量电离射线来促进生物,特别是作物的生长发育,则还是争论的问题。有人认为用低剂量电离射线照射某些作物的种子有促进生长的效应。有人则持相反的意见,认为电离射线伤害相胞,使细胞胀大,不能真正促进生长。 1959年我们曾用各种剂量(低剂量和高剂量)的X射线照射海带配子体,发现低剂量X射线有促进生长发育的效应,高剂量则严重地抑制生长发育。对海带幼孢子体,低剂量X射线则没有相似明显的生物学效应。 为了验证我们的观察结果,1961年我们又进行了两个实验。第一个实验在实验室里进行,原则上是重复1959年的实验。但这次我们仅重复低剂量X 射线的实验,目的在验证低剂量X射线的良好生物学效应。高剂量X射线的有害作用是大家承认的事实,我们认为不必重复进行。 第二个实验是生产性实验,在海上进行。这是选用第一个实验中的一小部分材料,养殖在海里,看它们的生长发育情况。目的在探明低剂量X射线是否能提高海带的产量,是否在生产实践上有应用的前途。  相似文献   

近2600年神农架大九湖泥炭的气候变化记录   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24  
神农架大九湖沼泽泥炭柱状样提供了分辨率为25a的约2600a来的气候变化记录。对样品进行了环境磁学参数测量、X射线荧光分析(XRF)、孢粉鉴定和统计建模,结果表明,大九湖气温的变化曲线与竺可桢中国东部的物候温度曲线以及格陵兰氧同位素变化曲线大体一致,与青藏高原东部希门错湖泊沉积物温度代用指标的变化曲线也十分相似。特别是550—1300AD间的相对温暖期,与竺可桢首次提出来的中国东部隋唐温暖期(约600-1000AD)和欧洲的中世纪暖期(930-1240AD)在时间跨度上大致对应。可划分为4个阶段:(1)600BC—550AD,气候相对冷湿;(2)550—1300AD,气候相对凉干;(3)1300—1900AD,气候又转变为冷湿,其中最冷期1400—1900AD可与欧洲的小冰期对应;(4)1900AD至今,气候又开始转向相对凉干。同时发现低频磁化率χlf与铁元素含量之比(χlf/Fe)的变化曲线与利用孢粉分析数据恢复的大九湖气候变化曲线对应得很好,特别是二者都清晰地显示了500—1300AD为一相对暖期。这预示着χlf/Fe可能是泥炭剖面的一个更好的气候记录代用指标。  相似文献   

海水营养盐分光光度法测定,通常用一系列已知浓度的标准溶液,分别测定其吸光度,从而求得被测物质的浓度和吸光度的关系,并绘制工作曲线,由工作曲线查得被测物质的浓度,这种方法有几个缺点:第一是根据测得的吸光度和相应的浓度作图时,直线的斜率和截距受人为的因素影响,不同的人会画出略有差异的直线:第二,不容易对这条标准曲线进行评价和检验;第三,使用起来比较麻烦。在电子计算器已相当普及的今天,当然希望用一个公式由吸光度计算浓度,而不愿意查工作曲线,如果直接用电子计算机处理原始数据(吸光度),则需要一个计算公式。现介绍根据一系列标准溶液和测得的吸光度,求浓度和吸光宠的回归直线方程及对方程进行评价和质量控制。  相似文献   

全驱动船舶轨迹跟踪初始位置影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱荷珍  王磊 《海洋工程》2015,33(4):86-93
船舶轨迹跟踪属于广义上的船舶动力定位,具体来说是船舶在规定的时间内,通过轨迹跟踪系统的控制到达原本设定的位置。以某一全驱动船舶为例,分别对预定轨迹为直线和圆进行船舶轨迹跟踪时域模拟研究,通过分析船舶时域模拟轨迹与预设轨迹的水平位置偏差与艏向角偏差研究轨迹跟踪精度,并分析船舶初始位置对轨迹跟踪的影响。研究表明,船舶初始水平位置偏离设定轨迹起点越大,船舶调整至轨迹的时间越长,但最终能回到预设轨迹上;船舶初始艏向如偏离过大,会导致船舶远离预设轨迹。在实际工程应用中,可利用动力定位将船舶定位至轨迹跟踪起点,调整船舶艏向,再开始轨迹跟踪。  相似文献   

射线追踪法是以建立的地下地质模型为基础,研究不同的激发点发出的射线经地下地质界面反射后可以被接收到的信息,从而了解不同的观测系统对于特定地质条件地震资料采集的效果,对于海上地震采集相关参数的确定十分关键.在天然气水合物地震勘探中,丰富的多波勘探信息对于查清水合物内部速度结构、提高地层的分辨率具有重要意义.本文在分析国外天然气水合物海底地震仪(OBS,ocean bottom seismometer)勘探的应用成果基础上,采用射线追踪法理论计算和海上实验,实现了针对天然气水合物的海底地震观测系统设计,试验获得了转换横波记录,取得了良好的应用效果.  相似文献   

正艏向heading某瞬时的船首尾线所指的船首方向。导航线leading line又称"叠标线"。一条由连接两个助航标志一直延伸到航行相关水域的直线。航速speed船舶在单位时间内航行的距离。推荐航线recommended route在海图上用线条标出能确保水域安全航行供船舶参考的航线。航迹track船舶航行的轨迹线。叠幅overlap同比例尺航海图相邻图幅之间,为了航海换图方便而形成的一定范围的重叠部分。  相似文献   

对于混响预报,散射强度是一个相当重要的物理量。在波束位移射线简正波理论的基础上推导了浅海混响模型,仿真比较了负跃层浅海情况四种海底散射模型对应的混响衰减曲线,结果表明海底散射模型对浅海混响的影响较为显著。  相似文献   

Wu  Xiao-ni  Wang  Teng  Liao  Qian  Li  Ye 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(2):257-266
Drag anchor is widely applied in offshore engineering for offshore mooring systems. The prediction of the invisible trajectory during its drag-in installation is challenging for anchor design in determining the anchor final position for ensuring sufficient holding capacity. The yield envelope method based on deep anchor failure for kinematic analysis was proposed as a promising trajectory prediction method for drag anchor. However, there is a lack of analysis on the effects of the parameters applied in the kinematic analysis. The current work studies the effects of the yield envelope parameters, anchor line bearing capacity factor and the anchor/soil interface friction. It is found that the accuracy of the yield envelope parameters has large impact on the prediction results based on deep yield envelopes.Analyses of cases with smooth fluke predict deeper embedment depth than that from analyses of cases with rough fluke. The decrease of the capacity factor results in the increase of the anchor embedment depth, the anchor line load,the anchor chain angle and the stable value of the normalized horizontal load component for the same drag length,while the stable value of the normalized vertical load component decreases when the capacity factor decreases. This illustrates the importance in applying reasonable parameters and improving the method for more reliable prediction of the anchor trajectory.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces a three-dimensional guidance system developed for a miniature Autonomous Underwater Vehicle(AUV). The guidance system determines the best trajectory for the vehicle based on target behavior and vehicle capabilities. The dynamic model of this novel AUV is derived based on its special characteristics such as the horizontal posture and the independent diving mechanism. To design the guidance strategy, the main idea is to select the desired depth, presumed proportional to the horizontal distance of the AUV and the target. By connecting the two with a straight line, this strategy helps the AUV move in a trajectory sufficiently close to this line. The adjacency of the trajectory to the line leads to reasonably short travelling distances and avoids unsafe areas. Autopilots are designed using sliding mode controller. Two different engagement geometries are considered to evaluate the strategy's performance: stationary target and moving target. The simulation results show that the strategy can provide sufficiently fast and smooth trajectories in both target situations.  相似文献   

Current Nature of the Kuroshio in the Vicinity of the Kii Peninsula   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kuroshio flows very close to Cape Shionomisaki when it takes a straight path. The detailed observations of the Kuroshio were made both on board the R/V Seisui-maru of Mie University and on board the R/V Wakayama of the Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experimental Station on June 11–14, 1996. It was confirmed that the current zone of the Kuroshio touches the coast and bottom slope just off Cape Shionomiaki, and that the coastal water to the east of the cape was completely separated from that to the west. The relatively high sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami could be caused by this separation of the coastal waters when the Kuroshio takes a straight path. This flow is rather curious, as the geostrophic flow, which has a barotropic nature and touches the bottom, would be constrained to follow bottom contours due to the vorticity conservation law. The reason why the Kuroshio leaves the bottom slope to the east of Cape Shionomisaki is attributed to the high curvature of the bottom contours there: if the current were to follow the contours, the centrifugal term in the equation of motion would become large and comparablee to the Coriolis (or pressure gradient) term, and the geostrophic balance would be destroyed. This creates a current-shadow zone just to the east of the cape. As the reason why the current zone of the Kuroshio intrudes into the coastal region to the west of the cape, it is suggested that the Kii Bifurcation Current off the southwest coast of the Kii Peninsula, which is usually found when the Kuroshio takes the straight path, has the effect of drawing the Kuroshio water into the coastal region. The sea level difference between Kushimoto and Uragami is often used to monitor the flow pattern of the Kuroshio near the Kii Peninsula. It should be noted that Uragami is located in the current shadow zone, while Kushimoto lies in the region where the offshore Kuroshio water intrudes into the coastal region. The resulting large sea level difference indicates that the Kuroshio is flowing along the straight path.  相似文献   

多波束测深系统作业的基本前提是测船保持匀速直线运动状态,而实际作业中非匀速运动状态下的多波束测量普遍存在,此时常用的基于加速度测量原理的测姿设备会受到影响。为此,在多波束测姿误差分析的基础上,针对直线加速、U型转弯两种情况下的测姿误差进行研究,通过INS测姿与GNSS三天线测姿的数据比较,对非匀速直线运动状态下姿态误差的影响特点及程度进行了分析。实验证明当测船做直线加速运动时,会使纵摇角产生较大误差;当测船转弯时,会使横摇角产生较大误差,这对指导多波束实际测量具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Concurrent mapping and localization using sidescan sonar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes and evaluates a concurrent mapping and localization (CML) algorithm suitable for localizing an autonomous underwater vehicle. The proposed CML algorithm uses a sidescan sonar to sense the environment. The returns from the sonar are used to detect landmarks in the vehicle's vicinity. These landmarks are used, in conjunction with a vehicle model, by the CML algorithm to concurrently build an absolute map of the environment and to localize the vehicle in absolute coordinates. As the vehicle moves forward, the areas covered by a forward-look sonar overlap, whereas little or no overlap occurs when using sidescan sonar. It has been demonstrated that numerous reobservations by a forward-look sonar of the landmarks can be used to perform CML. Multipass missions, such as sets of parallel and regularly spaced linear tracks, allow a few reobservations of each landmark with sidescan sonar. An evaluation of the CML algorithm using sidescan sonar is made on this type of trajectory. The estimated trajectory provided by the CML algorithm shows significant jerks in the positions and heading brought about by the corrections that occur when a landmark is reobserved. Thus, this trajectory is not useful to mosaic the sea bed. This paper proposes the implementation of an optimal smoother on the CML solution. A forward stochastic map is used in conjunction with a backward Rauch-Tung-Striebel filter to provide the smoothed trajectory. This paper presents simulation and real results and shows that the smoothed CML solution helps to produce a more accurate navigation solution and a smooth navigation trajectory. This paper also shows that the qualitative value of the mosaics produced using CML is far superior to those that do not use it.  相似文献   

Deposystems are complex and governed by discrete depo events with variable intervals of stasis or erosion in between. Since shoreface sediments indicate sea level, depo events of shoreline facies are discrete samples of sea level. Only if these samples are sufficiently regular and frequent will the shoreline trajectory in the space domain accurately reflect the sea-level curve in the time domain. This study presents a method to convert shoreline trajectory in the space domain to sea-level curve in the time domain from artificial miniature deltas. One obtains the depo sequence as function of time and uses it to: convert depo sequence from time-to space domain, correlate depo sequence to shoreline trajectory in the space domain, and convert shoreline trajectory from space-to time domain. For natural deltas one would extract the depo set in the frequency domain, i.e. the probability density function of stasis intervals between depo events from the experimental depo sequence and use it to: convert shoreline trajectory from space-to time domain, and infer a range of possible sea-level curves. This method therewith explicitly includes the uncertainty of the inferred sea-level curve.  相似文献   

基于射线理论的海脊俘获波机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
万鹏  王岗  于洪荃  张尧  陶金波 《海洋学报》2019,41(11):35-39
虽然众多现场实测资料和数值模拟均表明海脊可以俘获海啸波并引导其传播至远场地区,带来严重的灾害,但少有研究阐述其产生机理。本文基于射线理论,推导了指数型海脊上波浪传播轨迹的理论解,并提出了震源位于海脊顶部的海啸被海脊完全俘获的条件。基于该俘获条件进一步给出了海脊对海啸俘获效率的表达式,用以评估海啸中被海脊俘获影响至远场的能量占海啸总能量的比例。  相似文献   


In this article, the results of an experimental study on the effect of drilling fluid on concrete-soil/rock interface shear strength in the seawater drilling environment are presented. The series of direct shear tests using a purpose-designed shear box with seawater were performed considering different types of drilling fluid and base material, various normal stress levels at the interface, and filtration times. The results indicated that bentonite drilling fluid significantly decreased the concrete-soil/rock interface shear strength while a negligibly small effect was observed for polymer drilling fluid, confirming the findings from the previous studies. It was also observed that the degree of interface shear strength reduction when using bentonite drilling fluid varied with the type of base material as well as the level of normal stress at the interface. The results also confirmed that the groundwater chemistry does not alter governing mechanism of the drilling fluids and the concrete-soil/rock interface interaction and that significant benefit can also be expected when using polymer-based drilling fluid over bentonite in terms of the side resistance of a drilled shaft in seawater drilling environment as well.  相似文献   

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