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Racism has become a fact of life in Australia over the past decade or so, yet there are relatively few studies of its nature or extent, and still fewer on its geography. Using a social constructivist approach, this study draws on a survey of 5056 respondents to investigate attitudes to racism and cultural diversity in New South Wales and Queensland, and of perceptions of out-groups as instances of ‘strangers in our midst’. On racism, results show the presence of a continuum of attitudes ranging from generally tolerant to generally intolerant, a presence which cuts across compositional (social or aspatial) characteristics to emphasise the existence of a distinctive geography, an everywhere different nature to racist and non-racist attitudes which transcends urban–rural and traditional social layers. On the other hand, perceptions of out-groups are not uniformly correlated with presence or absence of cultural diversity. In many cases, the ability to make judgements about significant ‘others’ or out-groups has been shown to relate more to abstract notions of self and national identity, reproduced in public by mainstream news media and political leaders. In particular, it may reflect an Anglo (or Anglo-Celtic) view on nationalism, which is a hallmark of the ‘new racism’: an assimilationist or ethnocultural view of Australian society which is different from the ‘civic nation’ ideal envisaged by multiculturalism. That the geography of attitudes and perceptions people have towards and about different cultural groups is so ‘everywhere different’ has important implications for attempts to address and redress issues of intolerance in Australia.  相似文献   

This paper identifies contrasting environmental discourses on bushfire from the public debate that followed the Victorian fires of 2002–03. Submissions to the inquiry into the 2002–03 Victorian bushfires provide a particularly rich source of documentation. It is argued that environmental events such as bushfire only become political issues, or problems, when they are constituted as such through environmental discourse. Through the analysis, three contrasting discourses on bushfire are identified—here labelled the ‘conservationist’, ‘ruralist’ and ‘wise use’ discourses. In examining how different ‘constructions’ of bushfire have led to conflict, each discourse is shown to consist of a range of actors who draw on shared storylines. Having established a better understanding of the different attitudes, beliefs, interests and values that underpin debates about bushfire, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the prospects for compromise among the discourses and the potential for improved land and fire management outcomes.  相似文献   

Ponga, Glass and Concrete   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In accepting that Aotearoa is no-longer a rural nation there are exciting possibilities for the study of urban socio-cultural geography - the effects of urbanisation on the lives ofNewZealanders. Contemporary social geographical theories have combined with postmodernism, poststructuralism, postcolonialism and feminism toproducea ‘new cultural geography’. We argue that this new cultural geography couldprovide important theoretical avenues for the development of an ‘indigenous’ New Zealand urban socio-cultural geography.  相似文献   


In 2014, the New South Wales (NSW) state parliament passed legislation implementing a new Code of Practice (‘Code 10/50’) granting property owners in bushfire-prone areas the right to clear all trees within 10 m, and all vegetation within 50 m, of residences without prior approval from authorities. The Code is a significant departure from previous regimes which often required permits for vegetation clearance. The Code was introduced in direct response to bushfire threat in the wake of the 2013–14 bushfires in NSW. However, the Code has been plagued by controversy, with accusations of abuse in areas with little or no bushfire history, and a lack of any substantial environmental protections, particularly prior to a review in August 2015. In this paper we examine the debates surrounding the enactment of the Code and consider the way in which particular justifications for the Code permeated parliamentary deliberations. Our investigation relies on unpacking how the Code emerged in order to shed light on how a very controversial policy came into being. We adopt a legal geography approach, together with insights from political ecology, to demonstrate that changes in regulatory processes have the potential to fundamentally alter our landscapes.  相似文献   

中国乡村地理学研究的主要热点演化及展望   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
以地理学主要中文期刊近40年来刊发的有关乡村研究的文献为分析对象,采用Citespace软件文献计量分析及文献归纳方法,对中国乡村地理学研究主要热点进行识别和阶段性划分,并梳理其主要热点的研究进展。结果发现,伴随20世纪80年代的乡镇工业和21世纪初以乡村旅游业兴起的乡村两次产业结构调整,以及国家乡村发展和建设的战略和政策不断调整,乡村地理学的研究热点演化大致可分为3个阶段:①1978-2000年,主要聚焦于乡村城市化、城乡关系、乡村聚落、农业发展、农村经济等研究,为国家和地区的农业与农村发展做出了基础性和战略性贡献。②2000-2008年,开始转向以乡村旅游、农村居民点、新农村建设、村庄规划、空心村等研究热点话题,中国乡村地理学发展改变了“重城轻乡”的学科格局,逐渐走向繁荣。③2008年至今,研究热点转向多元化,涉及乡村转型、乡村重构、乡村性、空间重构、乡村社区、乡村治理等,研究主题逐渐接轨于国际乡村地理学。未来中国乡村地理学的研究应以建设乡村地理学学科基础理论和方法体系为核心目标,服务于国家实施乡村振兴战略需要,积极关注乡村发展、转型、分化、重构与治理等核心话题,深化乡村多元空间价值理论研究,形成独具中国特色的乡村地理学理论框架和研究范式。  相似文献   

社会文化地理学在中国近10年的进展   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
白凯  周尚意  吕洋洋 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1190-1206
21世纪以来,伴随中国社会的不断“分化”与“变迁”,典型社会文化现象不断涌现,社会文化地理学研究已成为学界所持续关注的研究领域。在初步总结国外社会文化地理学的理论演进脉络的基础上,本研究分析了过去10年以来中国社会文化地理学研究的热点与关注,结合中国发展现状提出,本土社会文化特质的地理学研究、权利与资本对社会文化空间形态与地方建构的影响、城乡与区域人口迁移所形成的流动现象与规模效应等,是未来社会文化地理学应重点关注的研究领域。同时强调了,社会文化地理学在中国的发展,需要注重知识贡献的普适性与中国自身社会文化特质的辩证统一。  相似文献   

空间认同:城市空间研究转向中的知识前沿、趋势与启发   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
郭文 《地理科学》2019,39(4):587-595
中国城市化进程的快速发展,促使人们不断解构、调整和重构对城市空间的认同,这是城市化发展中不容忽视的新问题。以Web of Science(WoS)为数据源,对国外城市空间认同研究进行了分析和知识再现。研究发现:城市空间认同是人们对城市发展中社会经济认同、文化认同、集体认同、身份认同与情感认同的集合。作为重要的国民意识,城市空间认同主题是国外学者关注的重要领域,对该领域研究的本质上是对城市空间实践中人文主义空间诉求的知识表征; 在2008~2017年的国外城市空间认同研究中,美国、英国、澳大利亚等国家具有明显优势,国际合作研究网络主要在美洲-欧洲、欧洲-澳洲,以及澳洲-欧美之间;国外城市空间认同研究高被引文献注重对“空间多中心性”“地方与连续性”“城市社区”“城市公民身份”“空间绅士化”“地方主义”等方面的讨论。 未来研究更加倾向在“认同”“空间”“城市”“地理”“政治”“地方”,以及“社区”等新主题方面。相比较而言,国内对城市空间认同的研究较为欠缺,随着中国城市空间实践不断推向纵深阶段,需要强化城市空间认同研究的“理论自觉”。  相似文献   

西方乡村性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在梳理20世纪60年代以来乡村性研究的社会、学术背景的基础上,聚焦于乡村性的社会建构流派及其对中国乡村转型与乡村地理研究的启示。社会建构流派将乡村性看作是社会、文化建构的过程与产物而非先存的事实,重点关注乡村转型过程中的权力关系与差异性。由描述性流派、乡土流派向社会建构流派的过渡可以看作是从关注乡村性物质层面转向想象层面,由追求乡村性的本体、核心机制向探索乡村性的认识论问题,也就是从追求“乡村性是什么”到研究“不同社会群体如何认识乡村性”“不同社会群体多样化的乡村性话语和体验”。而目前的中国乡村性研究主要关注乡村性指标及其模型建构,相关研究对于各级政府全面地了解现存的乡村问题并合理地制定乡村发展、复兴政策规划具有重要的实践意义。在西方乡村研究中,乡村性指标由于暗含线性发展观、无法解读乡村变迁的机制和过程而饱受批判。在中国乡村急剧变迁的今天,现代化乡村发展话语占据着主导地位,而在这一过程中不公平的权力关系和霸权话语对部分农村、农民的边缘化基本没有提及。在这种社会与学术背景下,乡村性社会建构流派对于解构乡村性主导话语、揭示乡村变迁过程中的权力关系及不同社会群体间利益冲突与协商具有重要意义。  相似文献   

城乡文化信息流时空整合的理论体系构建   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱媛媛  曾菊新  韩勇  罗翔 《地理科学》2016,36(3):342-351
为了探寻城乡文化信息流的基本规律,将综合运用大数据思维和Petri网理论,通过“3S”集成技术以及State flow分析工具,旨在解决如何测度城乡文化信息的流态关系和构建时空整合模型两个科学问题。从“动态”的城乡文化“场域”视野出发,以城乡文化信息流的时空整合为研究对象,探索文化信息流对新城乡文化空间形成的影响,并研制出驱动机理和时空整合模式,初步构建现代城乡文化信息流的时空整合理论,力图为促进新文化地理学和信息社会学等多学科的交融发展创建新的理论菜单,为加快城乡文化一体化发展奠定理论基础,为中国城乡文化信息资源共享工程的可持续建设提供科学理论支撑。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the directional shifts in human geographical research on Southeast Asia from 1945 to the present. It first begins with an overview of the identity of the region as conceived in various cultural traditions, such as the Greek, Arabic and Indian traditions. This is followed by an evaluation of regional geographies of Southeast Asia in the post-war period, highlighting the pre-eminence of the geostrategic definition of the region and the failure to come to grips with its rich cultural-historical identity. The paper then goes on to show that, arising from the changes in conceptual developments and methodologies in geography, the early regional emphasis then shifted to systematic concerns, with a movement away from ‘encyclopaedic’ to ‘adjectival’ geography (economic, urban, population, political, cultural and historical) and a greater emphasis on issues concerning national development. Since the 1980s, there have also been fewer regional works on Southeast Asia and though there are now many more indigenous geographers within the region, much of their research is based on their own national or provincial areas. However, this may shift again, given that rapid economic growth has now given the region prominence. Certainly, there is renewed multi-disciplinary interest in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

西方经济地理学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
贺灿飞  郭琪  马妍  范帅邦  赵瑜嘉 《地理学报》2014,69(8):1207-1223
20世纪80年代以来,西方经济地理学与经济学、政治学、社会学、管理学等社会科学广泛融合,呈现出空前繁荣的局面。本文对这一时期西方经济地理学的思潮演变、热点研究领域以及政策研究等方面进行梳理。西方经济地理学在经历了地理学的“新经济地理学”和经济学的“新经济地理学”两个影响深远的变革后,研究领域和主题逐步走向多样化与复杂化。本文综述了8个热点研究领域,包括区域与地方发展、经济全球化、产业地理、劳动力地理、创新与创意地理、消费地理、环境经济地理和金融地理的研究进展,并讨论了经济地理学与政策研究的关系,最后总结了西方经济地理学的特点。  相似文献   

地理学参与健康中国建设的重点领域与行动建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康与环境关系是最基本的人地关系,“健康中国”建设需要地理学参与。地理学能为健康中国建设提供基于发展战略、过程评价和政策导向的路径指引,基于人地关系和谐和空间系统优化的理论指导,基于健康生活引导、健康服务优化、健康环境营造、健康保障决策、健康产业布局的实践指南。地理学参与健康中国建设,可在居民健康素养、健康生活方式与时空行为、区域人群心理健康,重点人群健康服务、重大疾病监测防控、重点区域健康促进,健康大数据与信息系统、医疗卫生资源优化配置、健康服务可达性与公平性,气候变化的健康应对、健康生态环境建设、环境健康风险治理、健康城市(环境)建设、健康乡村(环境)建设、健康文化景观建设,道地药材开发与中医药产业布局、康养旅游与健身休闲产业布局、养老服务与妇婴产业布局等18个领域发挥独特优势。地理学参与健康中国建设还存在地理科学的健康基础薄弱、地理学者的参与意识不强、地理组织的政策支持不够等问题,需要强化问题导向和目标导向的健康地理学的理论、实证和政策研究,强化地理应用技术与地理科学思维深度融合的健康促进研究,强化地理组织对地理学者参与健康中国建设的系统引领与政策支持。  相似文献   

Urban-rural transformation and rural development are issues at the forefront of research on the topic of the urban-rural relationship in the field of geography, as well as important practical problems facing China’s new urbanization and overall planning of urban and rural development. The Center for Regional Agricultural and Rural Development, part of the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was established in 2005. The Center has laid solid foundations for integrating research in the areas of agricultural geography and rural development in China over the past decade. The paper aims to review the major achievements in rural geographical research in China during the past decade, analyze innovative developments in relevant theories and methods, and suggest prospects and countermeasures for promoting comprehensive studies of urban-rural transformation and rural geography. The research shows that innovative achievements have been made in rural geography studies of China in the past decade as major national policy development, outputs of result and decision making support; new breakthroughs have been achieved in such major research projects as geographical integrated theory, land remediation projects and technology demonstration projects, new urbanization and urban-rural integration; significant progress has been made in actively expanding the frontiers of rural geography and pushing forward theoretical innovations in land and resource projects; and, with China’s development goals of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieving modernization in mind, future innovative developments in agricultural and rural geography should aim to make research more strategic, systematic, scientific and security-oriented, with attention given to promoting systematic scientific research on international cooperation and global rural geography.  相似文献   

中国乡村聚落地理研究进展及趋向   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
近年来, 随着中国新农村建设的不断推进, 乡村发展问题日益受到学术界的重视。作为聚落地理学重要分支的乡村聚落地理学重新受到关注。了解乡村聚落地理学的研究现状, 掌握其研究趋向, 不仅是学术发展的需要, 也是促进中国城乡协调发展, 推动新农村建设的需要。在查阅大量相关文献的基础上, 本文首先简要叙述了国外乡村聚落地理的研究进展, 认为国外的相关研究成果值得中国借鉴;然后简单分析了中国乡村聚落研究进展, 并从乡村聚落生态、乡村聚落空间特征及其演化、乡村聚落发展问题、乡村聚落综合研究等4 个方面对近年来中国乡村聚落研究的主要内容进行概括和分析;最后, 在分析国内外乡村聚落研究进展的基础上, 本文认为中国未来乡村聚落研究的主要趋向应为:中国工业化、城镇化过程中乡村聚落演变趋势预测研究;中国不同发展水平区域乡村聚落的模式研究;中国不同地貌形态区乡村聚落的研究;新聚落的构建研究;跨学科综合性研究。  相似文献   

基于活动视角的城市建成环境与居民健康关系研究框架   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
曹阳  甄峰  姜玉培 《地理科学》2019,39(10):1612-1620
快速城镇化在改变城市空间形态与布局的同时也对公众健康产生了间接影响,城市建成环境对居民健康的影响过程与作用模式的研究,一直是预防医学、地理学与环境科学等多学科关注的热点。以居民日常体力活动为中介变量,围绕“城市建成环境与居民健康关系”这一健康地理学研究的重要分支方向,提炼了不同尺度建成环境与居民健康关系的概念模型与作用模式。在此基础上,提出了“建成环境客观组织-居民主观感知-体力活动促进-健康效应产出”系统性研究框架,并从数据来源、研究方法、重点研究内容3个方面阐述了具体研究思路,认为通过居民活动识别空间利用与方案优化是未来微观尺度健康地理研究的重要结合方向,为后续实证研究提供理论支撑与范式借鉴,同时也为相关公共卫生政策制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

随着区域一体化政策和信息、交通等设施的推进,乡村地区被纳入更为广泛的要素流通与经济过程中,乡村地区被内、外经济社会多重联系重新定义。论文通过回顾西方发达国家乡村地理关系范式研究进展,重点探讨了乡村地区能否通过加强外向联系来削弱其地理区位边缘性这一核心问题,同时探讨了关系研究范式在中国乡村地理研究中的适用性,并试图构建起适应中国国情的乡村关系地理研究框架。西方乡村地理学者提出了关系的研究范式以适应乡村地区新的发展背景,在关系视角的研究语境中,社会经济活动中的参与主体被当作真正的研究对象,关注参与主体间各类“流”要素及其关系;同时,距离的概念被重新定义,地理空间呈现虚、实交互的特征,关系距离是对基于位空间的乡村研究的补充;此外,关系资本、弱关系和嵌入性等“关系”概念重新定义了乡村社会经济的作用过程。研究发现,地理区位与地方性特征仍然是乡村产业发展及参与外部竞争最重要的资本,但以通信、交通等设施为代表的“硬”环境的改善对弥补乡村区位劣势的边际效益逐渐降低。因而现阶段乡村振兴战略的推进需要从制度空间、学习空间、“非正式”社交网络等“软”环境的建设着手,促进信息、技术和资本等“流”要素的移动,进而推动乡村产业和功能的发展。  相似文献   

The global food system is coming under increasing strain in the face of urban population growth. The recent spike in global food prices (2007–08) provoked consumer protests, and raised questions about food sovereignty and how and where food will be produced. Concurrently, for the first time in history the majority of the global population is urban, with the bulk of urban growth occurring in smaller-tiered cities and urban peripheries, or ‘peri-urban’ areas of the developing world. This paper discusses the new emerging spaces that incorporate a mosaic of urban and rural worlds, and reviews the implications of these spaces for livelihoods and food security. We propose a modified livelihoods framework to evaluate the contexts in which food production persists within broader processes of landscape and livelihood transformation in peri-urban locations. Where and how food production persists are central questions for the future of food security in an urbanising world. Our proposed framework provides directions for future research and highlights the role of policy and planning in reconciling food production with urban growth.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the recent developments in public space policy in the city of Hanoi, Vietnam. It has three aims. The first is to look at a potentially progressive urban policy in contrast to most work on ‘policies in motion’ that has primarily been concerned with neoliberal policies. The second is to put the process of public space policymaking in Hanoi in historical and cultural perspective. We therefore describe public space in Hanoi as historically constituted by different layers of meaning and physical urban patterns. The paper's third aim is to analyse the translocal connections involved in a policy that is still in the making, and therefore characterized by a series of ‘loose threads’. We show how different types of connections – policy mobility, topological relations and inter‐referencing – relate Hanoi to multiple locales elsewhere. The conclusion reflects on the ‘politics of reception’ showing how analysing a policy in the making develops a critical analysis of policies in motion.  相似文献   

Many geographers, past and present, have addressed public policy issues facing nations and peoples and in the process offered solutions to highly complex problems. Three ‘sentinels’ of the discipline, Halford Mackinder, Carl Sauer and Thomas Griffith Taylor, served as protectors of geography speaking up for the science in a way often confronting public officials, politicians and others. They contributed significantly to the development of geography in Britain, the USA, Australia and Canada, while engaging in public policy debates on topics such as geopolitics, geographical constraints on land use and natural resource management. All three were advocates for the unity of geography, stressing how an understanding of the interconnectedness of natural and human phenomena can assist in decision making. They were often frustrated by what they saw as ill-informed policies which did not respect geographic realities. Given their varied contributions, it is difficult to fully assess their impact both during their long and productive lifetimes, and subsequently, especially given the interdisciplinary and contested nature of their research. Today, academic geographers are faced with having to increasingly ‘prove the impact’ of their research, something beyond the comprehension of previous generations. Lessons from an analysis of the work of these ‘sentinels’, as well as my own experience, show how difficult a task this will be.  相似文献   

1949—2019年中国乡村振兴主题演化过程与研究展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实施乡村振兴战略是坚持农业农村优先发展、实现农业农村现代化总体目标、建立健全城乡融合发展体制机制和政策体系的重要途径。论文系统回顾了乡村发展的历程,将1949年以来中国乡村发展分为:人民公社为主体的城乡二元结构阶段、小农经济为主体的家庭联产承包责任制阶段、城市反哺农村的城乡统筹发展阶段、城乡融合发展与乡村振兴阶段4个发展时段。从时间序列深入刻画了乡村振兴的主体分化、产业演变、环境整治、文化重构、乡村治理5个振兴主题及乡村规划的演化过程与研究趋势。最后,着眼于新时代乡村振兴战略需求与研究热点,从学科交叉融合的理论与实践研究、城乡一体化与城乡融合发展研究、乡村产业融合发展与提质增效研究、乡村“三生”空间融合发展研究、乡村跨区域协作与联动研究5个方面对乡村振兴未来研究趋势展开了讨论。  相似文献   

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