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《Marine pollution bulletin》2012,64(5-12):431-437
We used an established seagrass monitoring programme to examine the short and longer-term impacts of an oil spill event on intertidal seagrass meadows. Results for potentially impacted seagrass areas were compared with existing monitoring data and with control seagrass meadows located outside of the oil spill area.Seagrass meadows were not significantly affected by the oil spill. Declines in seagrass biomass and area 1 month post-spill were consistent between control and impact meadows. Eight months post-spill, seagrass density and area increased to be within historical ranges. The declines in seagrass meadows were likely attributable to natural seasonal variation and a combination of climatic and anthropogenic impacts. The lack of impact from the oil spill was due to several mitigating factors rather than a lack of toxic effects to seagrasses. The study demonstrates the value of long-term monitoring of critical habitats in high risk areas to effectively assess impacts.  相似文献   

Detailed data on seagrass distribution, abundance, growth rates and community structure information were collected at Orman Reefs in March 2004 to estimate the above-ground productivity and carbon assimilated by seagrass meadows. Seagrass meadows were re-examined in November 2004 for comparison at the seasonal extremes of seagrass abundance. Ten seagrass species were identified in the meadows on Orman Reefs. Extensive seagrass coverage was found in March (18,700 ha) and November (21,600 ha), with seagrass covering the majority of the intertidal reef-top areas and a large proportion of the subtidal areas examined. There were marked differences in seagrass above-ground biomass, distribution and species composition between the two surveys. Major changes between March and November included a substantial decline in biomass for intertidal meadows and an expansion in area of subtidal meadows. Changes were most likely a result of greater tidal exposure of intertidal meadows prior to November leading to desiccation and temperature-related stress.  相似文献   

Eight shallow water Posidonia oceanica meadows were sampled in June 1999 along 300 km of the Ligurian coast and were compared through shoot density and lepidochronology. The growth of the seagrass was examined in the light of climate fluctuations and local stresses, colonisation by alien, invasive alga Caulerpa taxifolia, and effects of the oil spill from the tanker "Haven", and other anthropogenic impacts. Both shoot density and lepidochronology pointed to a generalised state of regression of all the meadows. The analysis of long-term growth curves of the rhizomes showed a positive trend parallel to the increase of air temperature. Two main groups of meadows were individuated on the basis of growth curve similarity. The first included four meadows, namely Ventimiglia, Imperia, Noli and Prelo, that were characterised by average values of rhizome growth of 8-9.1 mmyear(-1) and shoot density greater than 200 shootsm(-2). Although the Imperia meadow was the only one where the alien invasive alga C. taxifolia was found, it did not show differences for rhizome growth in comparison to the other meadows. The second group was formed by meadows that had suffered past anthropogenic impacts: Arenzano and Monterosso al Mare. They showed higher rhizome growth rates (9.4-10.6 mmyear(-1)) and shoot densities between 200 and 100 shootsm(-2). At Arenzano, where "Haven" oil was stranded in April 1991, no rhizome older than 8 years was found, thus confirming the shoot mortality induced by the oil spill event. The two last meadows exhibited growth curves very different from all the others: Portovenere, is a shallow meadow where P. oceanica merely survives in an extremely degraded situation with highest rhizome growth rate (12 mmyear(-1)), the other, Riva Trigoso, is the only meadow implanted on rock and had the lowest growth rates (7.1 mm year(-1)).  相似文献   

Seagrass systems of the Western Pacific region are biodiverse habitats, providing vital services to ecosystems and humans over a vast geographic range. SeagrassNet is a worldwide monitoring program that collects data on seagrass habitats, including the ten locations across the Western Pacific reported here where change at various scales was rapidly detected. Three sites remote from human influence were stable. Seagrasses declined largely due to increased nutrient loading (4 sites) and increased sedimentation (3 sites), the two most common stressors of seagrass worldwide. Two sites experienced near-total loss from of excess sedimentation, followed by partial recovery once sedimentation was reduced. Species shifts were observed at every site with recovering sites colonized by pioneer species. Regulation of watersheds is essential if marine protected areas are to preserve seagrass meadows. Seagrasses in the Western Pacific experience stress due to human impacts despite the vastness of the ocean area and low development pressures.  相似文献   

In remote, tropical areas human influences increase, potentially threatening pristine seagrass systems. We aim (i) to provide a bench-mark for a near-pristine seagrass system in an archipelago in East Kalimantan, by quantifying a large spectrum of abiotic and biotic properties in seagrass meadows and (ii) to identify early warning indicators for river sediment and nutrient loading, by comparing the seagrass meadow properties over a gradient with varying river influence. Abiotic properties of water column, pore water and sediment were less suitable indicators for increased sediment and nutrient loading than seagrass properties. Seagrass meadows strongly responded to higher sediment and nutrient loads and proximity to the coast by decreasing seagrass cover, standing stock, number of seagrass species, changing species composition and shifts in tissue contents. Our study confirms that nutrient loads are more important than water nutrient concentrations. We identify seagrass system variables that are suitable indicators for sediment and nutrient loading, also in rapid survey scenarios with once-only measurements.  相似文献   

Due to increasing development Southeast Asia’s coastlines are undergoing massive changes, but the associated impacts on marine habitats are poorly known. Singapore, a densely populated island city–state, is a quintessential example of coastal modification that has resulted in the (hitherto undocumented) loss of seagrass. We reconstructed the historic extent and diversity of local seagrass meadows through herbarium records and backwards extrapolation from contemporary seagrass locations. We also determined the current status of seagrass meadows using long-term monitoring data and identified the main threats to their presence in Singapore. Results show that, even though ∼45% of seagrass has been lost during the last five decades, species diversity remains stable. The main cause of seagrass loss was, and continues to be, land reclamation. We conclude that strict controls on terrestrial runoff and pollution have made it possible for seagrass to persist adjacent to this highly urbanised city–state.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 years, about one-third of the original area of the seagrass Posidonia australis has been lost from Port Hacking (Australia) due to anthropogenic impacts. To assess the feasibility of restoring these seagrass meadows, healthy Posidonia rhizomes were transplanted to four impact sites and one control site. Survival rates of transplanted shoots were monitored in situ bi-monthly for 16 months and, at the end of the experiment, rhizome growth, shoot growth, shoot production and growth architecture were assessed by harvesting tagged rhizomes. A total of 575 shoots were transplanted and after 16 months 650 shoots were present. Four of the five sites exhibited high survival rates in the short term (less than six months) but only two impact sites, Burraneer Bay (BB) and Red Jacks Point (RJP), and the control site (CS) survived to the end of the experiment. Total number of shoots increased by 61% at CS, tripled at BB, but decreased by 22% at RJP. Rhizome growth varied significantly between site, from 22.3 +/- 1.4 cm yr(-1) at BB to 9.1 +/- 1.0 cm yr(-1) at RJP. Shoot growth did not vary significantly between sites and was approximately 2-3 cm yr(-1). At BB and CS there was substantial colonisation of the surrounding substrate, with new rhizomes, orthotropic shoots and transitional shoots produced. Survival of transplants appeared to depend on whether the factors that had caused the original loss of Posidonia were still operating in the study area.  相似文献   

This study determined effects of an oil spill on subtropical benthic community production and respiration by monitoring CO2 fluxes in benthic chambers on intertidal sandflats during emersion before and after an accidental spill. The oil spill decreased sediment chlorophyll a concentrations, altered benthic macrofaunal community, and affected ecological functioning by suppressing or even stopping microalgal production, increasing bacterial respiration, and causing a shift from an autotrophic system to a heterotrophic system. Effects of the oil spill on the macrofauna were more severe than on benthic microalgae, and affected sedentary infauna more than motile epifauna. Despite the oil spill’s impact on the benthic community and carbon metabolism, the affected area appeared to return to normal in about 23 days. Our results suggest that the prompt response of benthic metabolism to exposure to petroleum hydrocarbons can serve as a useful indicator of the impact of an oil spill.  相似文献   

Tropical seagrass decline and recovery from severe storm impacts was assessed via quarterly measurements of seagrass biomass, species composition and experimental investigations of recovery in north Queensland. Shallow and deep seagrass meadows suffered major declines. Significant recovery in the two years following loss only occurred at deeper sites. Halophila spp. in deep water areas had a high capacity for recovery through the availability of seed banks. In contrast, the shallow species did not recover quickly from experimental disturbance, had poor seed reserves and relied on asexual propagation. The potential for shallow species to recover rapidly from widespread losses was limited as seed banks were limited or non-existent. Understanding inter- and intra-specific differences in seagrass recovery and how this interacts with location is critical to predict the consequences of climate events to tropical seagrasses. This is especially important as more frequent severe storms are predicted as a consequence of climate change.  相似文献   

Seagrass ecosystems are diminishing worldwide and repeated studies confirm a lack of appreciation for the value of these systems. In order to highlight their value we provide the first discussion of seagrass meadows as a coupled social–ecological system on a global scale. We consider the impact of a declining resource on people, including those for whom seagrass meadows are utilised for income generation and a source of food security through fisheries support. Case studies from across the globe are used to demonstrate the intricate relationship between seagrass meadows and people that highlight the multi-functional role of seagrasses in human wellbeing. While each case underscores unique issues, these examples simultaneously reveal social–ecological coupling that transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. We conclude that understanding seagrass meadows as a coupled social–ecological system is crucial in carving pathways for social and ecological resilience in light of current patterns of local to global environmental change.  相似文献   

Seagrasses in the Great Barrier Reef region, particularly in coastal habitats, act as a buffer between catchment inputs and reef communities and are important habitat for fisheries and a food source for dugong and green turtle. Within the Great Barrier Reef region there are four different seagrass habitat types now recognised. The spatial and temporal dynamics of the different types of seagrass habitat is poorly understood. In general seagrass growth is limited by light, disturbance and nutrient supply, and changes to any or all of these limiting factors may cause seagrass decline. The capacity of seagrasses to recover requires either recruitment via seeds or through vegetative growth. The ability of seagrass meadows to recover from large scale loss of seagrass cover observed during major events such as cyclones or due to anthropogenic disturbances such as dredging will usually require regeneration from seed bank. Limited research into the role of pollutants on seagrass survival suggests there may be ongoing impacts due to herbicides, pesticides and other chemical contaminants. Further research and monitoring of seagrass meadow dynamics and the influence of changing water quality on these is needed to enhance our ability to manage seagrasses on the Great Barrier Reef.  相似文献   

A major heavy-oil spill from the Russian tanker Nakhodka occurred in the Sea of Japan on 2 January 1997. We investigated the impacts of this spill on a rocky intertidal ecosystem along the southern coast of the Sea of Japan. We selected Imago-Ura Cove as our study site to observe temporal changes along the oiled shore, because minimal cleaning effort was made in this area. Field surveys were conducted every autumn and spring from 1997 to 2000. We measured coverage by macroalgae in 1 x 1-m(2) quadrats and counted the animals in 5 x 5-m(2) quadrats along the intertidal zone. Changes in the ecosystem caused by the oil spill were analyzed by applying a geographical information system (GIS) to the Sea of Japan for the first time. The GIS showed that following the accident there were heavily oiled areas in sheltered regions, but these decreased over the three years. It also showed that coverage by macroalgae and the number of animals increased, although some species of algae with microscopic sporophyte generations, and some populations of perennial shellfish, remained stable or decreased during the study period. GIS was able to trace temporal changes in intertidal communities resulting from the impacts of heavy oil on flora and fauna at a spatial scale of 10-100 m. GIS is thus a practical tool for visualizing, analyzing, and monitoring changes in an ecosystem polluted by oil, taking into account topographic differences along the coastline.  相似文献   

Digested sludge from the Port Adelaide Sewage Treatment Works has been discharged to Gulf St. Vincent, a marine embayment in South Australia, since 1978. The outfall is sited in seagrass meadows dominated by Posidonia spp. and Amphibolis spp. By 1982 the discharge had affected an area of approximately 1900 ha, 365 ha of which were completely denuded of these seagrasses. A monitoring programme conducted over summers 1983–1985, inclusive, was based on the above-ground biomass (standing crop) of Posidonia at fourteen sites around the outfall. All sites were surveyed in the first two summers and eight sites were surveyed in the third. The results indicate that there was no ongoing reduction in the standing crop of Posidonia at any of the sites. These data also suggested that excessive growth of epiphytes on the leaves of Posidonia was a likely cause of the observed impact on the seagrass beds.  相似文献   

The upper portion of the meadows of the protected Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica occurs in the region of the seafloor mostly affected by surf-related effects. Evaluation of its status is part of monitoring programs, but proper conclusions are difficult to draw due to the lack of definite reference conditions. Comparing the position of the meadow upper limit with the beach morphodynamics (i.e. the distinctive type of beach produced by topography and wave climate) provided evidence that the natural landwards extension of meadows can be predicted. An innovative model was therefore developed in order to locate the region of the seafloor where the meadow upper limit should lie in natural conditions (i.e. those governed only by hydrodynamics, in absence of significant anthropogenic impact). This predictive model was validated in additional sites, which showed perfect agreement between predictions and observations. This makes the model a valuable tool for coastal management.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows are valuable ecosystem service providers that are now being lost globally at an unprecedented rate, with water quality and other localised stressors putting their future viability in doubt. It is therefore critical that we learn more about the interactions between seagrass meadows and future environmental change in the anthropocene. This needs to be with particular reference to the consequences of poor water quality on ecosystem resilience and the effects of change on trophic interactions within the food web. Understanding and predicting the response of seagrass meadows to future environmental change requires an understanding of the natural long-term drivers of change and how these are currently influenced by anthropogenic stress. Conservation management of coastal and marine ecosystems now and in the future requires increased knowledge of how seagrass meadows respond to environmental change, and how they can be managed to be resilient to these changes. Finding solutions to such issues also requires recognising people as part of the social–ecological system. This special issue aims to further enhance this knowledge by bringing together global expertise across this field. The special issues considers issues such as ecosystem service delivery of seagrass meadows, the drivers of long-term seagrass change and the socio-economic consequences of environmental change to seagrass.  相似文献   

In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. Over the following days, approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered, however a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the immediate impacts on the intertidal habitat and to gain baseline information for future comparative assessments. Sediment PAH and metal concentrations, mangrove communities and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed within one month post-spill at oil-impacted sites; adjacent sites which were not visibly impacted; and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill. Highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand Sediment Quality Guidelines (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). These sites contained very few or no crab holes in the high intertidal area, indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. Little immediate impact was evident on the mangrove and macrobenthic communities, however future surveys may show evidence of longer-term impacts on these communities.  相似文献   

A fully integrated and effective response to an oil or chemical spill at sea must include a well planned and executed post-incident assessment of environmental contamination and damage. While salvage, rescue and clean-up operations are generally well considered, including reviews and exercises, the expertise, resources, networks and logistical planning required to achieve prompt and effective post-spill impact assessment and monitoring are not generally well established.The arrangement and co-ordination of post-incident monitoring and impact assessment need to consider sampling design, biological effects, chemical analysis and collection/interpretation of expert local knowledge. This paper discusses the risks, impacts and mitigation options associated with accidental spills and considers the importance of pre-considered impact assessment and monitoring programmes in the wider response cycle. The PREMIAM (Pollution Response in Emergencies: Marine Impact Assessment and Monitoring; www.premiam.org) project is considered as an example of an improved approach to the planning, co-ordination and conduct of post-incident monitoring.  相似文献   

In January 2006, 25 tonnes of heavy fuel oil spilled into the Port of Gladstone in Queensland, Australia, from the breached hull of a bulk carrier ship. Over the following days, approximately 18 tonnes of the oil was recovered, however a certain amount of oil was deposited in the intertidal areas of Port Curtis leaving a highly visible, viscous residue. The objectives of this research were to assess the immediate impacts on the intertidal habitat and to gain baseline information for future comparative assessments.Sediment PAH and metal concentrations, mangrove communities and intertidal macroinvertebrates were assessed within one month post-spill at oil-impacted sites; adjacent sites which were not visibly impacted; and reference sites which were located outside the recorded distribution of the oil spill. Highest PAH concentrations were found at the impacted sites, with concentrations of some PAHs exceeding Australian and New Zealand Sediment Quality Guidelines (ANZECC/ARMCANZ, 2000). These sites contained very few or no crab holes in the high intertidal area, indicating a low crab density in comparison to reference sites. Little immediate impact was evident on the mangrove and macrobenthic communities, however future surveys may show evidence of longer-term impacts on these communities.  相似文献   

To determine the impact of genetic toxicity caused by the Hebei Spirit oil spill on December 7, 2007, we measured DNA damage in the blood cells of striped beakperch in vitro after exposure to extracts from sediments in the Taean area. The objective of this study was to investigate temporal changes of toxic effects caused by residual PAHs in the sediments up to 18 months after an oil spill. In conclusion, DNA damage had reduced over this 18-month period; that is, the sediments recovered quickly from the oil pollution. In addition, statistically significant correlations between PAHs and DNA damage were observed. Because the comet assay is sensitive to DNA damage induced by genotoxic substances from the polluted sediments, the comet assay can be considered a useful tool as a biomarker in investigating genetic toxicity in environmental monitoring and elucidating the recovery of oil pollution after oil spill as well.  相似文献   

This paper provides a synthesis of the EU project MedVeg addressing the fate of nutrients released from fish farming in the Mediterranean with particular focus on the endemic seagrass Posidonia oceanica habitat. The objectives were to identify the main drivers of seagrass decline linked to fish farming and to provide sensitive indicators of environmental change, which can be used for monitoring purposes. The sedimentation of waste particles in the farm vicinities emerges as the main driver of benthic deterioration, such as accumulation of organic matter, sediment anoxia as well as seagrass decline. The effects of fish farming on P. oceanica meadows are diverse and complex and detected through various metrics and indicators. A safety distance of 400 m is suggested for management of P. oceanica near fish farms followed by establishment of permanent seagrass plots revisited annually for monitoring the health of the meadows.  相似文献   

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