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The sediment fill of a silled bedrock valley in Western Norway has been investigated with respect to stratigraphy and infill history using a combination of mapping, georadar, seismic profiling and drilling. A small outlet glacier occupies the head of the valley that displays a stepwise down-valley profile and terminates in a lake at 29 m above sea-level. The valley is surrounded by high, steep bedrock slopes and is characterized by a series of filled basins each limited by sills of bedrock or moraine accumulations. Till, glacial outwash and/or rockslide deposits fill in the lower half of the two larger basins. (Fan) delta deposits fringed by the deposits of alluvial fans and colluvial cones dominate the upper fill of most basins. (Fan) delta deposits interfinger downstream with lake sediments in the larger basins and fluvial deposits comprise the top fill. The overall infill pattern was controlled by deglaciation as well as basin size and shape. An overall decreasing sediment supply following deglaciation is shown in the fill of a larger basin down-valley, whereas a recently increasing sediment supply during glacier growth is reflected primarily in an upstream basin. Only the lowermost basin was exposed to a sea-level drop from 75 m above sea-level to the present lake level associated with incision and river migration. This observation is in contrast to the basins above marine influence where incision has been limited due to fixed downstream sills resulting in insignificant erosion except for some fan-head entrenchment. It follows that the fills of these small valley basins display progradational and aggradational trends of deposition and paraglacial reworking has been limited. Additionally, the study demonstrates that georadar profiling, combined with other methods, is very useful for comprehensive investigation of valley basins.  相似文献   

Four phases of cross‐cutting tunnel valleys imaged on 3‐D seismic datasets are mapped within the Middle–Late Pleistocene succession of the central North Sea basin (Witch Ground area). In plan the tunnel valleys form complex anastomosing networks, with tributary valleys joining main valleys at high angles. The valleys have widths ranging from 250 to 2300 m, and base to shoulder relief varying between 30 and 155 m, with irregular long‐axis profiles characteristic of erosion by water driven by glaciostatic pressures. The youngest phase of tunnel valleys are smaller and have a thinner infill than the older generations. The fill of the larger valleys comprises three seismic facies, the lowermost of which has high amplitudes and is discontinuous. The middle facies consists of wedge‐shaped packages of low‐angle dipping reflectors and is overlain by a facies characterised by sub‐horizontal reflectors, which onlap the valley margins. The seismic character, and comparison with lithologies identified in other northwest European Pleistocene tunnel valleys both onshore and offshore, suggests that the lower two seismic facies are most likely sand and gravel‐dominated, while the uppermost facies consists of glaciolacustrine and marine muds. The 3‐D morphology of the valley margins combined with the geometry of the infill packages suggest that episodic discharge of subglacial meltwater was responsible for incising the valleys and depositing at least some of the infill. Proglacial glaciofluvial deposits are inferred to account for some of the fill overlying the subglacial deposits. Glaciolacustrine and marine muds filled remaining valley topography as the ice sheet retreated. The preserved valley margins are shown to be time‐transgressive erosion surfaces that record changes in geometry of the tunnel valley system as it evolved through time, implying that valleys associated with each ice‐sheet advance/retreat cycle were dynamic and probably long‐lived. Within the constraints of the existing stratigraphy the oldest tunnel valleys in the Witch Ground area of the central North Sea are most likely to be Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 12 (Elsterian, ca. 470 ka) in age and the youngest pre‐MIS 5e (last interglacial, ca. 120 ka). If each tunnel valley phase was formed during the retreat of a major ice sheet then four glaciations with ice coverage of the central North Sea are recorded in the pre‐Weichselian, Middle–Late Pleistocene stratigraphy. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deep, elongated incisions, often referred to as tunnel valleys, are among the most characteristic landforms of formerly glaciated terrains. It is commonly thought that tunnel valleys were formed by meltwater flowing underneath large ice sheets. The sedimentary infill of these features is often highly intricate and therefore difficult to predict. This study intends to improve the comprehension of the sedimentology and to establish a conceptual model of tunnel‐valley infill, which can be used as a predictive tool. To this end, the densely sampled, Pleistocene tunnel valleys in Hamburg (north‐west Germany) were investigated using a dataset of 1057 deep wells containing lithological and geophysical data. The stratigraphic correlations and the resulting three‐dimensional lithological model were used to assess the spatial lithological distributions and sedimentary architecture. The sedimentary succession filling the Hamburg area tunnel valleys can be subdivided into three distinct units, which are distinguished by their inferred depositional proximity to the ice margin. The overall trend of the succession shows a progressive decrease in transport energy and glacial influence through time. The rate of glacial recession appears to have been an important control on the sedimentary architecture of the tunnel‐valley fill. During periods of stagnation, thick ice‐proximal deposits accumulated at the ice margin, while during rapid recession, only a thin veneer of such coarse‐grained sediments was deposited. Ice‐distal and non‐glaciogenic deposits (i.e. lacustrine, marine and terrestrial) fill the remaining part of the incision. The infill architecture suggests formation and subsequent infill of the tunnel valleys at the outer margin of the Elsterian ice sheet during its punctuated northwards recession. The proposed model shows how the history of ice‐sheet recession determines the position of coarse‐grained depocentres, while the post‐glacial history controls the deposition of fines through a progressive infill of remnant depressions.  相似文献   

Existing facies models of tide‐dominated deltas largely omit fine‐grained, mud‐rich successions. Sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of the exceptionally well‐preserved Late Eocene Dir Abu Lifa Member (Western Desert, Egypt) aims to bridge this gap. The succession was deposited in a structurally controlled, shallow, macrotidal embayment and deposition was supplemented by fluvial processes but lacked wave influence. The succession contains two stacked, progradational parasequence sets bounded by regionally extensive flooding surfaces. Within this succession two main genetic elements are identified: non‐channelized tidal bars and tidal channels. Non‐channelized tidal bars comprise coarsening‐upward sandbodies, including large, downcurrent‐dipping accretion surfaces, sometimes capped by palaeosols indicating emergence. Tidal channels are preserved as single‐storey and multilateral bodies filled by: (i) laterally migrating, elongate tidal bars (inclined heterolithic strata, 5 to 25 m thick); (ii) forward‐facing lobate bars (sigmoidal heterolithic strata, up to 10 m thick); (iii) side bars displaying oblique to vertical accretion (4 to 7 m thick); or (iv) vertically‐accreting mud (1 to 4 m thick). Palaeocurrent data show that channels were swept by bidirectional tidal currents and typically were mutually evasive. Along‐strike variability defines a similar large‐scale architecture in both parasequence sets: a deeply scoured channel belt characterized by widespread inclined heterolithic strata is eroded from the parasequence‐set top, and flanked by stacked, non‐channelized tidal bars and smaller channelized bodies. The tide‐dominated delta is characterized by: (i) the regressive stratigraphic context; (ii) net‐progradational stratigraphic architecture within the succession; (iii) the absence of upward deepening trends and tidal ravinement surfaces; and (iv) architectural relations that demonstrate contemporaneous tidal distributary channel infill and tidal bar accretion at the delta front. The detailed facies analysis of this fine‐grained, tide‐dominated deltaic succession expands the range of depositional models available for the evaluation of ancient tidal successions, which are currently biased towards transgressive, valley‐confined estuarine and coarser grained deltaic depositional systems.  相似文献   

A multi‐channel, high‐resolution seismic reflection survey using a Micro‐GI airgun was carried out in the framework of the Russian‐German project PLOT (Paleolimnological Transect) on Lake Levinson‐Lessing, Taymyr Peninsula, in 2016. In total, ~70 km of seismic reflection profiles revealed in unprecedented detail the glacial and postglacial sedimentary infill of the lake basin. Five main seismic units have been recognized and interpreted as glacial (Unit V), subglacial and proglacial (Unit IV), marine (Unit III), fluvial‐lacustrine (Unit II) and lacustrine (Unit I) sediments. Of particular significance are imbricated, south‐orientated structures present in the southernmost part of the lake basin within Unit V and a large topographic ridge recognized in front of those structures. We interpret these structures as push moraines and an end moraine, respectively, left by the glacier after its retreat. The depositional pattern of the units above the moraines documents past lake‐level fluctuations. We interpret Unit IV, Unit III and Unit I as highstand deposits, and Unit II as lowstand deposits. Gas‐charged sediments dominate the northern part of the lake basin, whilst they occur only sporadically and in limited spatial extent in the central and southern parts of the lake. In the latter areas, the seismic and echo‐sounder data suggest recent tectonic activity. Our study contributes to the reconstruction of environmental conditions in the Taymyr Peninsula directly following the Early Weichselian deglaciation and shows that deep tectonic lake basins affected by several glaciations can preserve important palaeoenvironmental records, which contributes significantly to our understanding of palaeoenvironmental changes in the Taymyr Peninsula and the central Russian Arctic.  相似文献   

This study offers new insights into the origin and depositional history of the mixture of sediments infilling one of the largest offshore, northward‐orientated, clinoform‐structured, tunnel valleys (TVs) of Elsterian age in the southern North Sea (SNS). Specifically, the study sheds light on the provenance of TV deposits based on K‐Ar dating of illite, QEMSCAN® heavy mineral assemblage study, and U‐Pb and fission track dating on single grains of apatite. Early Pleistocene substrate and the TV infill demonstrate provenance from the Scandinavian and Baltic realms as well as from Renish central Europe and the Alps. Prior to Elsterian glaciation fluvial transport to the SNS increasingly switched from Baltic sources to a more central European influence. However, based on similar provenance of both the substrate and TV infill, the episode of subglacial tunnel valley formation interrupted this central European influence. Glacial erosional processes associated with the expansion of the Elsterian ice sheet to the SNS reworked a large amount of sediment from the Early Pleistocene deposits of the SNS. The sediment was eventually deposited as the tunnel valley infill. Taking into account a high uncertainty related to the facies of TV sedimentary infill, which thus far has been inferred from seismic reflection surveys only, this study offers the first comprehensive set of data on the composition and provenance of the offshore Elsterian TV sediment.  相似文献   

Sedimentological outcrop analysis and sub‐surface ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) surveys are combined to characterize the three‐dimensional sedimentary architecture of Quaternary coarse‐grained fluvial deposits in the Neckar Valley (SW Germany). Two units characterized by different architectural styles are distinguished within the upper part of the gravel body, separated by an erosional unconformity: (i) a lower unit dominated by trough‐shaped depositional elements with erosional, concave‐up bounding surfaces that are filled by cross‐bedded sets of mainly openwork and filled framework gravel; and (ii) an upper unit characterized by gently inclined sheets of massive and openwork gravels with thin, sandy interlayers that show lateral accretion on a lower erosional unconformity. The former is interpreted as confluence scour pool elements formed in a multi‐channel, possibly braided river system, the latter as extensive point bar deposits formed by the lateral migration of a meandering river channel. The lateral accretion elements are locally cut by chute channels mainly filled by gravels rich in fines, and by fine‐grained abandoned channel fills. The lateral accretion elements are associated with gravel dune deposits characterized by steeply inclined cross‐beds of alternating open and filled framework gravel. Floodplain fines with a cutbank and point bar morphology cover the gravel deposits. The GPR images, revealing the three‐dimensional geometries of the depositional elements and their stacking patterns, confirm a change in sedimentary style between the two stratigraphic units. The change occurred at the onset of the Holocene, as indicated by 14C‐dating of wood fragments, and is related to a re‐organization of the fluvial system that probably was driven by climatic changes. The integration of sedimentological and GPR results highlights the heterogeneity of the fluvial deposits, a factor that is important for modelling groundwater flow in valley‐fill aquifers.  相似文献   

The sequence architecture and depositional systems of the Paleogene lacustrine rift succession in the Huanghekou Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, NE China were investigated based on seismic profiles, combined with well log and core data. Four second‐order or composite sequences and seven third‐order sequences were identified. The depositional systems identified in the basin include: fan delta, braid delta, meander fluvial delta, lacustrine and sublacustrine fan. Identification of the slope break was conducted combining the interpretation of faults of each sequence and the identification of syndepositional faults, based on the subdivision of sequence stratigraphy and analysis of depositional systems. Multiple geomorphologic units were recognized in the Paleogene of the Huanghekou Sag including faults, flexures, depositional slope break belts, ditch‐valleys and sub‐uplifts in the central sag. Using genetic division principles and taking into consideration tectonic features of the Paleogene of the Huanghekou Sag, the study area was divided into the Northern Steep Slope/Fault Slope Break System, the Southern Gentle Slope Break System and T10 Tectonic Slope Break System/T10 Tectonic Belt. Responses of slope break systems to deposition–erosion are shown as: (1) basin marginal slope break is the boundary of the eroded area and provenance area; (2) ditch‐valley formed by different kinds of slope break belts is a good transport bypass for source materials; (3) shape of the slope break belt of the slope break system controls sediments types; (4) the ditch‐valley and sub‐sag of a slope break system is an unloading area for sediments; and (5) due to their different origins, association characteristics and developing patterns, the Paleogene slope break belt systems in the Huanghekou Sag show different controls on depositional systems. The Northern Fault Slope Break system controls the deposition of a fan delta‐lacustrine‐subaqueous fan, the Southern Gentle Slope Break system controls the deposition of a fluvial–deltaic–shallow lacustrine and sublacustrine fan, and the T10 Tectonic Slope Break System controls the deposition of shallow lacustrine beach bar sandbodies. The existence of a slope break system is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for studying sandbody development. The formation of effective sandbodies along the slope break depends on the reasonable coupling of effective provenance, necessary association patterns of slope break belt, adequate unloading space and creation of definite accommodation space. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the narrow offshore border zone between Germany and Denmark, 550 km of high‐density 3·5‐kHz subbottom seismic reflection profiles were recorded within a 70‐km2 area in order to reconstruct the seismic stratigraphy of late Pleistocene to early Holocene lacustrine and fluvial environments. Using detailed line drawings, seismic facies analyses and a hierarchy of bounding surfaces, a depositional unit was recognized and subdivided into subunits 4a (oblique‐parallel), 4b (mound, oblique‐tangential), 4c (sigmoid, oblique), 4d and 4e (shingled and parallel). The base of this seismic facies association defines a wide U‐shaped valley with well‐defined scours and, in the valley sides, ‘steps’ are located above deep steep‐dipping reflections. Stratigraphic control was available from 32 coring sites (5‐ to 12‐m‐deep vibrocores). Subunit 4b represents coarsening‐up silt and sand, and samples from subunit 4d show fining‐up fine sand, silt and clay. The seismic facies association is proposed to have formed by a fluvial event of short duration some time in the period between 10·3 14C ka BP and 9·0 14C ka BP. Subunits 4a to 4e represent gradually decreasing flow power. A peak flow initiated the fluvial event, after which water discharge and level fell rapidly. Subsequently, the normal background discharge from the Baltic Sea area dominated the flow style. Reflections beneath the ‘step’‐like valley side with high dip angles are interpreted as faults. This tectonic activity resulted in subsidence in the analysed area and could possibly have influenced the fluvio‐dynamic development. The seismic stratigraphic succession reveals a high‐resolution record of sediments in this area. In particular, the stepwise uncovering of the morphology of the subunits, preserved in high‐resolution seismic facies associations, is proposed as a useful tool in modelling the dynamic development of the near sea‐floor environment.  相似文献   

Using extensive data sets from three separate areas in the German North Sea sector, consisting of seismic grids, cores and in‐situ cone penetration tests (CPT), we have established a revised stratigraphical framework for the mid to late Quaternary deposits of the German North Sea sector. This framework consists of four regional unconformities and 15 other local unconformities derived from seismic profiles. Using these unconformities, along with lithological and geotechnical data, it was possible to define and correlate 14 major units and 21 subunits within the framework. The Quaternary cover in the area is characterized by a variety of environmental settings ranging from glacial terrestrial and fluvial to lacustrine as well as brackish and marine environments with associated erosion, reworking and deposition. The complexity of Quaternary deposits within the area is explained by its history of repeated ice advances interrupted by marine transgressions and exposed periglacial landscapes. Within the framework, eight buried tunnel valleys and two shallow buried river valleys are identified from seismic profiles with four phases of tunnel valley generation inferred. These phases of tunnel valley generation are associated with the Elsterian (three) and Saalian (one) glacial stages. Infill of these tunnel valleys consists of glaciofluvial sands, thick sequences of marine and lacustrine fine‐grained sediments and some reworked till remnants. Elsewhere, extensive tabular units have formed consisting of marine and fluvial sediments. We compare this new stratigraphy with previous stratigraphies for the German North Sea sector, attribute informal stratigraphical names and offer preliminary correlations with established stratigraphies from other sectors of the North Sea.  相似文献   

The late Pleistocene Holocene stratigraphic architecture on the northeastern Brazilian continental shelf off the Parnaíba Delta has been explored by high-resolution seismic profiles. The seismic surveys reveal the widespread distribution of incised valleys of different size in offshore continuation of the present-day Parnaiba delta. According to morphology two channel types can be distinguished: U-shaped channels in the eastern part and V-shaped channels in the western part. The stratigraphic successions were grouped into four seismic units separated by different seismic boundaries. The characteristics of the seismic boundaries and internal reflectors of the seismic units were used to distinguish between marine and riverine deposits. The incised-valleys architectural elements were used to link sedimentation processes and variations in base level from late Pleistocene channel avulsion and channel infill in the lowermost course of the paleo-Parnaíba River to marine sediments of the present-day inner shelf. The change of the depositional environments in relation to deglacial sea-level rise is compared to incised valley infills of the Mekong River and Red River systems in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

The Bashkirian Lower Brimham Grit of North Yorkshire, England, is a fluvio‐deltaic sandstone succession that crops out as a complex series of pinnacles, the three‐dimensional arrangement of which allows high‐resolution architectural analysis of genetically‐related lithofacies assemblages. Combined analysis of sedimentary graphic log profiles, architectural panels and palaeocurrent data have enabled three‐dimensional geometrical relationships to be established for a suite of architectural elements so as to develop a comprehensive depositional model. Small‐scale observations of facies have been related to larger‐scale architectural elements to facilitate interpretation of the palaeoenvironment of deposition to a level of detail that has rarely been attempted previously, thereby allowing interpretation of formative processes. Detailed architectural panels form the basis of a semi‐quantitative technique for recording the variety and complexity of the sedimentary lithofacies present, their association within recognizable architectural elements and, thus, the inferred spatio‐temporal relationship of neighbouring elements. Fluvial channel‐fill elements bounded by erosional surfaces are characterized internally by a hierarchy of sets and cosets with subtly varying compositions, textures and structures. Simple, cross‐bedded sets represent in‐channel migration of isolated mesoforms (dunes); cosets of both trough and planar‐tabular cross‐bedded facies represent lateral‐accreting and downstream‐accreting macroforms (bars) characterized by highly variable, yet predictable, patterns of palaeocurrent indicators. Relationships between sandstone‐dominated strata bounded by third‐order and fifth‐order surfaces, which represent in‐channel bar deposits and incised channel bases, respectively, chronicle the origin of the preserved succession in response to autocyclic barform development and abandonment, major episodes of incision probably influenced by episodic tectonic subsidence, differential tilting and fluvial incision associated with slip on the nearby North Craven Fault system. Overall, the succession represents the preserved product of an upper‐delta plain system that was traversed by a migratory fluvial braid‐belt system comprising a poorly‐confined network of fluvial channels developed between major sandy barforms that evolved via combined lateral‐accretion and downstream‐accretion.  相似文献   

This study from the southern margin of the Gulf of Corinth documents a Late Pleistocene incised valley‐fill succession that differs from the existing facies models, because it comprises gravelly shoal‐water and Gilbert‐type deltaic deposits, shows strong wave influence and lacks evidence of tidal activity. The valley‐fill is at least 140 m thick, formed in 50 to 100 ka between the interglacials Marine Isotope Stage 9a and Marine Isotope Stage 7c. The relative sea‐level rise left its record both inside and outside the incised valley, and the age of the valley‐fill is estimated from a U/Th date of coral‐bearing deposits directly outside the palaeovalley outlet. Tectonic up‐warping due to formation of a valley‐parallel structural relay ramp contributed to the valley segmentation and limited the landward extent of marine invasions. The valley segment upstream of the ramp crest was filled with a gravelly alluvium, whereas the downstream segment accumulated fluvio‐deltaic deposits. The consecutive deltaic systems nucleated in the ramp‐crest zone, forming a bathymetric gradient that promoted the ultimate growth of thick Gilbert‐type delta. The case study contributes to the spectrum of conceptual models for incised valley‐fill architecture. Four key models are discussed with reference to the rates of sediment supply and accommodation development, and it is pointed out that not only similarity, but also all departures of particular field cases from these end‐member models may provide valuable information on the system formative conditions. The Akrata incised valley‐fill represents conditions of high sediment supply and a rapid, but stepwise development of accommodation that resulted from the spatiotemporal evolution of normal faulting at the rift margin and overprinted glacioeustatic signals. This study adds to an understanding of valley‐fill architecture and provides new insights into the Pleistocene tectonics and palaeogeography of the Corinth Rift margin.  相似文献   

A combination of a dense reflection seismic grid and up to 50‐m‐long records from sediment cores and cone penetration tests was used to study the geometry and infill lithology of an E–W‐trending buried tunnel valley in the south‐eastern North Sea. In relation to previously known primarily N–S‐trending tunnel valleys in this area, the geometry and infill of this 38‐km‐long and up to 3‐km‐wide valley is comparable, but its E–W orientation is exceptional. The vertical cross‐section geometry may result from subglacial sediment erosion of advancing ice streams and secondary incision by large episodic meltwater discharges with high flow rates. The infill is composed of meltwater sands and reworked till remnants on the valley flanks that are overlain by late Elsterian rhythmic, laminated, lacustrine fine‐grained sediments towards the centre of the valley. A depression in the valley centre is filled with sediments most likely from the Holsteinian transgression and a subsequent post‐Holsteinian lacustrine quiet‐water setting. The exceptional axis orientation of this tunnel valley points to a regional N–S‐oriented ice front during the late Elsterian. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Upper and Middle Waterton lakes fill a glacially scoured bedrock basin in a large (614 km2) watershed in the eastern Front Ranges of the Rocky Mountains of southern Alberta, Canada and northern Montana, U.S.A. The stratigraphic infill of the lake has been imaged with 123 km of single-channel FM sonar (‘chirp') reflection profiles. Offshore sonar data are combined with more than 2.5 km of multi-channel, land-based seismic reflection profiles collected from a large fan-delta. Three seismic stratigraphic successions (SSS I to III) are identified in Waterton Lake resting on a prominent basal reflector (bedrock) that reaches a maximum depth of about 250 m below lake level. High-standing rock steps (reigels) divide the lake into sub-basins that can be mapped using lake floor reflection coefficients. A lowermost transparent to poorly stratified seismic succession (SSS I, up to 30 m thick) is present locally between bedrock highs and has high seismic velocities (1750–2100 m/s) typical of compact till or outwash. A second stratigraphic succession (SSS II, up to 50 m thick), occurs throughout the lake basin and is characterised by continuous, closely spaced reflectors typical of repetitively bedded and rhythmically laminated silts and clays most likely deposited by underflows from fan-deltas; paleo-depositional surfaces identify likely source areas during deglaciation. Intervals of acoustically transparent seismic facies, up to 5 m thick, are present within SSS II. At the northern end of Upper Waterton Lake, SSS II has a hummocky surface underlain by collapse structures and chaotic facies recording the melt of buried ice. Sediment collapse may have triggered downslope mass flows and may account for massive facies in SSS II. A thin Holocene succession (SSS III, <5 m) shows very closely spaced reflectors identified as rhythmically laminated fine pelagic sediment deposited from interflows and overflows. SSS III contains Mt. Mazama tephra dated at 6850 yr BP.  相似文献   

Seismic and drilling well data were used to examine the occurrence of multiple stratigraphic unconformities in the Tarim Basin, NW China. The Early Cambrian, the Late Ordovician and the late Middle Devonian unconformities constitute three important tectonic sequence boundaries within the Palaeozoic succession. In the Tazhong, Tabei, Tadong uplifts and the southwestern Tarim palaeo‐uplift, unconformities obviously belong to superimposed unconformities. A superimposed unconformity is formed by superimposition of unconformities of multiple periods. Areas where superimposed unconformities develop are shown as composite belts of multiple tectonic unconformities, and as higher uplift areas of palaeo‐uplifts in palaeogeomorphologic units. The contact relationship of unconformities in the lower uplift areas is indicative of truncation‐overlap. A slope belt is located below the uplift areas, and the main and secondary unconformities are characterized by local onlap reflection on seismic profiles. The regional dynamics controlled the palaeotectonic setting of the Palaeozoic rocks in the Tarim Basin and the origin and evolution of the basin constrained deposition. From the Sinian to the Cambrian, the Tarim landmass and its surrounding areas belonged to an extensional tectonic setting. Since the Late Ordovician, the neighbouring north Kunlun Ocean and Altyn Ocean was transformed from a spreading ocean basin to a closed compressional setting. The maximum compression was attained in the Late Ordovician. The formation of a tectonic palaeogeomorphologic evolution succession from a cratonic margin aulacogen depression to a peripheral foreland basin in the Early Caledonian cycle controlled the deposition of platform, platform margin, and deep‐water basin. Tectonic uplift during the Late Ordovician resulted in a shallower basin which was followed by substantial erosion. Subsequently, a cratonic depression and peripheral or back‐arc foreland basin began their development in the Silurian to Early–Middle Devonian interval. In this period, the Tabei Uplift, the Northern Depression and the southern Tarim palaeo‐uplift showed obvious control on depositional systems, including onshore slope, shelf and deep‐water basin. The southern Tarim Plate was in a continuous continental compressional setting after collision, whereas the southern Tianshan Ocean began to close in the Early Ordovician and was completely closed by the Middle Devonian. At the same time, further compression from peripheral tectonic units in the eastern and southern parts of the Tarim Basin led to the expansion of palaeo‐uplift in the Late Devonian–Early Carboniferous interval, and the connection of the Tabei Uplift and Tadong Uplift, thus controlling onshore, fluvial delta, clastic coast, lagoon‐bay and shallow marine deposition. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seismic surveys with sub‐bottom profiler were carried out in the Manfredonia Gulf in the southern Adriatic Sea. Here, a buried surface was recognized on which three valleys, located about 80 km from the shelf edge, were deeply incised. Beneath this surface, a pre‐upper Würm seismic unit (PW) was identified. Above, two seismic units were recognized: the transgressive system tract (TST) and highstand system tract (g2). On the basis of regional correlation with onshore and offshore data, these units and their boundaries were dated and correlated with phases of the last glacial–interglacial cycle. The incised valley system was attributed to the Marine Isotopic Stage (MIS) 2. The TST and g2 units fill the valleys and were attributed to the post‐glacial sea‐level rise and highstand. The incised valleys are anomalous with respect to published models; despite having many characteristics that would have limited the fluvial incision (the lowstand shoreline that remained on the shelf, the low gradient of the shelf, the subsidence that affected the study area since MIS 5), the valleys appear to be deeply incised on the shelf, with valley flanks that can exceed 40 m in height. The model to explain the formation of the valleys comprises enhanced river discharge as the key factor in increasing river energy and promoting erosion across the low gradient shelf. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Stratigraphical exposures of both glacial and non‐glacial sediments at Morgan Bluffs, a >6‐km long exposure on the east coast of Banks Island, comprise a discontinuous archive of Quaternary environmental change. A detailed facies analysis of the sediments and a new stratigraphical framework is incompatible with the many climatostratigraphical units proposed previously. Instead, three distinct intervals of sedimentation are recognized. The first records the progradation of a delta, followed by fluvial aggradation of a braided river valley perhaps ~1 Ma. The second documents glacigenic sedimentation, including fluctuations of a tidewater glacier margin, in a marine basin more than 0.78 Ma. The third records till deposition by the NW Laurentide Ice Sheet during the Late Wisconsinan, followed by the progradation of a deglacial, ice‐contact delta into an ice‐dammed lake ~12.8 cal. ka BP. The revised stratigraphical framework adds important new terrestrial observations to a sparse and fragmentary data set of Quaternary environmental change in the Canadian Arctic. This study challenges former references and correlations to the previously proposed climatostratigraphical framework and nomenclature.  相似文献   

Coastal exposures of Late Pleistocene sediments deposited after 19 000 yr BP near Dublin, Ireland, provide a window into the infill of a subglacially-cut tunnel valley. Exposures close to the steeply dipping bedrock wall of the valley show boulder gravels within multi-storey U-shaped channels cut and filled by subglacial meltwaters driven by a high hydrostatic head. Gravels are truncated by poorly sorted ice-proximal glaciomarine sediments that record the pumping of large volumes of subglacial debris along the tunnel valley to a tidewater ice sheet margin. The sedimentary succession is dominated by sediment gravity flow facies comprising interbedded diamict and massive, poorly sorted gravel facies interpreted as subaqueous debris flow deposits. Gravel beds show local inverse and normal coarse-tail graded facies recording the restricted development of turbulent flow. Sediment gravity flow deposits fill broad (<2 km) shallow (10 m) and overlapping channels. Penetrative deformation structures (e.g. dykes) are common at the base of channels. The same subglacially-eroded topography and glaciomarine infill stratigraphy can be identified on high resolution seismic profiles across nearly 600 km2 of the western Irish Sea. Tunnel valleys are argued to have been exposed to glaciomarine processes by the rapid retreat of a calving tidewater ice sheet margin in response to marine flooding caused by glacio-isostatic downwarping below the last British Ice Sheet. The facies associations described in this paper comprise an event stratigraphy that may be found on other glaciated continental shelves.  相似文献   

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