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Across Ireland there is a striking topographical contrast between predominantly limestone-floored lowlands and uplands developed on silicate-dominated rock types. This arises from the fundamentally different way in which limestone and other rocks are removed. Limestone is removed through dissolution, a low-energy process enhanced by vegetation. Other rock types are removed by erosion, a high energy process that is inhibited by vegetation. In Ireland countless ‘soft days’ over the last 60 Ma have been more effective at removing limestone than other rock types. Limestone uplands have survived only where they were protected by a cover of insoluble rock, such as sandstone or mudstone, which has been stripped away relatively recently by glacial erosion. The large-scale removal of considerable thicknesses of limestone across Ireland has increased the relief of non-limestone uplands through the effects of isostatic uplift. Denudation across the Irish landscape has led to changing outcrop patterns of limestone and other rocks, resulting in profound long-term changes in topography and drainage patterns.  相似文献   

Geomorphological analysis of a digital elevation model reveals an extensive zone with uniformly oriented elongated landforms in the middle and eastern Wielkopolska Lowland, directly to the north of the maximum extent of the Weichselian Ice Sheet. Individual linear landforms are up to 10 km long, a few hundred metres wide, and with only a few metres of relief. The belts of linear landforms visible on the surfaces of the uplands are disrupted by subglacial channels and younger river valleys. The character and distribution of both landform types, in relation to the outlines of marginal zones of the Weichselian ice lobes, indicate that their origin was subglacial. The elongated landforms are interpreted as mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) characteristic of palaeo-ice stream zones. The MSGLs occur in a zone 70 km long and 80 km wide and are distinctly divergent towards the maximum extent of the ice sheet. This arrangement demonstrates that they are the record of the terminal zone of the ice stream, whose full size was likely in the order of a few hundred kilometres in length.  相似文献   

We measured 10Be and 26Al in 29 sediment samples to infer the history and millennial-scale rates of change down a low-gradient piedmont, a common but enigmatic landform that dominates the Mojave Desert. Nuclide data suggest that a large volume of sediment was deposited on the proximal East Range Road piedmont in Fort Irwin, California, ∼ 75,500 yr ago. Since then, this material has been stable or eroding slowly. In contrast, on the distal piedmont (3.5 km from the upland source basins) soil stratigraphy suggests that there have been alternating periods of surface stability, erosion, and deposition over the last 70,000 yr. Nuclide data from samples amalgamated along cross-piedmont transects suggest that long-term average down-gradient sediment speeds range from 9 cm yr− 1 near the uplands to 22 cm yr− 1 6 km down-piedmont. These speeds are similar to 10Be-estimated sediment speeds down three other piedmonts in the Mojave Desert, suggesting that piedmont surface morphologies dominated by shallow migrating channels have similar sediment transport rates. The timing of surface process change down the East Range Road piedmont is determined by a combination of sediment available in the source basins, sediment transport rates, and the size of the piedmont.  相似文献   

In the Hebgen lake area of SW Montana, the Madison and South Fork Rivers occupy the northeast sides of their respective meander-belts. The form of the abandoned meander-loops within these asymmetric meander-belts indicates that they were produced by gradual northeast migration of the active channels. This progressive migration can be related to tectonic tilting produced by regional extensional faulting at a high angle to the original channel-belt axis which ran down a gently sloping outwash cone. Asymmetric channel sandstone bodies in the rock record can be recognized by the preferred dip of successive lateral accretion units in meander loops. Together with soft sediment deformation, facies and thickness variations they may indicate tectonic deformation of the sedimentary surface.  相似文献   

Traditionally regarded as a relict permafrost and periglacial landscape that lay beyond the limits of Pleistocene glaciation, the granite uplands of northern Dartmoor in south‐west England in fact contain geomorphological evidence for the former existence of a plateau ice cap, making the area the location of the southernmost independent glacier mass in the British Isles. In addition to weakly U‐shaped valleys, the most prominent evidence comprises arcuate and linear bouldery ridges and hummocky valley floor drift, which are interpreted as latero‐frontal moraines deposited by the outlet glacier lobes of a plateau ice cap. Inset sequences of these depositional landforms, in association with meltwater channels, demarcate the receding margins of the glacier lobes. A numerical model of ice cap development shows that a predominantly thin plateau icefield type glaciation is required in order to produce significant ice flow into surrounding valleys. The highest and most extensive plateau areas were occupied by ice for the longest cumulative period of time throughout the Pleistocene, thereby explaining: (1) the lack of tors in such areas as the product of ‘average’ glacial conditions preferentially removing tors or dampening their production rates, (2) the survival of high relief tors during glaciation if they occupied summits too narrow to develop thick and erosive glacier ice, and (3) the survival of subdued tors in areas glaciated less regularly during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5-6):255-266
The Sambor Prei Kuk archaeological site in lower reach of the Stung Sen River, central Cambodia, is the site of the capital city of the pre- Angkor state of Chenla. The location of Sambor Prei Kuk is discussed in relation to the geomorphological characteristics of lower reach of the Stung Sen River and the requirements of the inhabitants. The uplands were divided into upland I, which is characterized by hills, and uplands II and III, both of which have flat surfaces, with upland III lower than upland II. The present river follows a meandering course within a conspicuous meander scroll zone, and deposits along the channel are repeatedly eroded and redeposited. Back marsh areas have gradually filled with suspended flood water sediments during the last 4600 years at an accumulation rate of 0.6 mm/yr. The floodplain and lake plain were divided into five zones to evaluate the monsoonal flood risk and accessibility to upland, considering uplands distribution. Sambor Prei Kuk on upland II with the port town adjacent the river is situated on the place where water transport is feasible and the risk of monsoonal flood is low, which means the people accommodated to the highly different dry and monsoonal environment.  相似文献   

Exceptional exposures of Permian basin floor fans (fans 3, 4) and a slope fan (fan 5) in the Tanqua Karoo foreland basin of South Africa have enabled an investigation of the relation between the pinch-out geometries and fan architecture. The pinch-out geometry of fan 3 is characterized by the down dip transition from thin to medium bedded sheet deposits to pinch-out fingers, which are overlain by younger prograding sheet deposits. This geometry reflects the progradational stacking pattern of the fan. In contrast, the fan 4 pinch-out fingers consist of stacked channel fills in the same conduit. This pinch-out configuration relates to the dominant aggradational style observed on the mid and distal parts of fan 4. Fan 5 represents a slope fan comprising an axial channel conduit, which branches down slope into three distributary channels. The distal fan is characterized by larger channel fills, which may represent bypass channels to other basin floor fans. The very thick-bedded nature of the youngest channel fill unit suggests early bypass followed by retrogradation as indicated by the presence of thinner bedded heterolithic channel fill deposits along the axial conduit. Although some of the massive pinch-out channels exhibit basal scour, their depositional morphology suggests that they mainly originated due to the infill of subtle topographic depressions by low concentration turbidity currents. Instead of describing these features as channel fills, the use of the term pinch-out fingers is preferred.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Holocene deposits of the Firenze alluvial plain (Northern Apennines, Italy) and deals with the sedimentary features of chute channels draining the down‐river edges of the meander neck formed by 70 to 100 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep sinuous channels. Two main types of chute channels have been recognized. Type 1 is represented by 3 to 6 m wide and 0·5 to 1 m deep straight channels filled with mud aggregates overlying a basal gravel lag made of reworked caliches. These channels drained the point bar top during floods, and are thought to have been initiated as small rills when a shallow flow overpassed the downstream side of the point bar. Type 2 channels, 3 to 6 m wide and 1 to 1·5 m deep, are moderately to highly sinuous and filled with well‐stratified sand and gravels sourced from nearby rocky highlands. Type 2 channels were connected to the main river channel also during the base flow stage. The transition from Type 1 to Type 2 channels is documented and is interpreted as the result of the meander cut‐off process. Type 1 chute channels represent the early stage of the cut‐off phase, when a headcut is incised on the down‐river edges of the meander neck. The headcut migrates up‐river across the meander neck during floods, when fast currents shape the chute channels into a straight route. The transition from Type 1 into Type 2 channels is linked to the connection of the up‐river migrating headcut with the main channel and the termination of the cut‐off process. At this stage, the cut‐off channel is drained permanently and receives bedload from the main channel. The progressive shaping of the newly formed channel will convert it into the main channel and lead to the formation of an oxbow lake in the abandoned meander branch. Development of chute channels in the Firenze alluvial plain is thought to have heralded a decrease in sinuosity of the main channels, triggered by a climate‐driven increase in water discharge.  相似文献   

Structural lineations of varying orders have been mapped for the full extent of the Welsh uplands where in some areas their clear impress in the micro-relief has revealed minor structures not previously described in geological literature. Although significant variations in the strike of these structurally induced breaks of slope may be noted they display the more typical Caledonoid alignments (NE—SW or NNE—SSW) in nearly 60 per cent of the total area of the country. The dominance of these trends has been somewhat accentuated by the fact that even along the northern edge of “Armorican” South Wales, where low dips are a feature, a NE–SW grain is also evident in extensive tracts of the prevalent scarplands.  相似文献   

Sea level rise leads to coastal transgression, and the survival of ecosystems depends on their ability to migrate inland faster than they erode and submerge. We compared marsh extent between nineteenth-century maps and modern aerial photographs across the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in North America, and found that Chesapeake marshes have maintained their spatial extent despite relative sea level rise rates that are among the fastest in the world. In the mapped region (i.e., 25% of modern Chesapeake Bay marshland), 94 km2 of marsh was lost primarily to shoreline erosion, whereas 101 km2 of marsh was created by upland drowning. Simple projections over the entire Chesapeake region suggest that approximately 100,000 acres (400 km2) of uplands have converted to wetlands and that about a third of all present-day marsh was created by drowning of upland ecosystems since the late nineteenth century. Marsh migration rates were weakly correlated with topographic slope and the amount of development of adjacent uplands, suggesting that additional processes may also be important. Nevertheless, our results emphasize that the location of coastal ecosystems changes rapidly on century timescales and that sea level rise does not necessarily lead to overall habitat loss.  相似文献   

The southern flank of Mt. Cairo in southern Lazio edges a valley which forms one of the major passageways from central to southern Italy. The mountainous landscape has affected the settlement pattern, as have historical events such as the Roman conquests and recent socio-economic evolution, which has led to industrialization of a traditional pastoral- agricultural setting. The slopes of calcareous Mt. Cairo are characterized by a cascade of normal faults which delimit landscape units such as the “uplands,” “steep slopes,” and the “mountain rise,” which contains well developed alluvial and colluvial fans. Along the lower mountain slopes, Bronze and Iron Age sites are consistently located higher than Roman ones. Archaeological remains and historical documents indicate that only after the Roman conquest was the agricultural potential of the flatter lower areas fully exploited. Roman villas were characteristically placed on the upper parts of the fans, where both access to different types of land and elevation above the mists of the valley were enjoyed. The Medieval period brought a trend back to higher sites and fortified villages. The uplands remained in use through the ages.  相似文献   

The Middle Devonian Malbaie Formation of Eastern Gaspé, Canada, comprises sharply alternating conglomerate and sandstone units. Their petrography suggests derivation from the same source, but palaeocurrents indicate different dispersal systems for the sand and gravel. The principal conglomerate facies is horizontally stratified, with well-developed imbrication, characteristic of deposition on a high-energy, proximal braidplain. Minor cross-stratified conglomerate shows well-defined size sorting, attributed to avalanching down foresets and sorting within minor bedforms on bar tops. The sandstone units mainly comprise erosion surfaces overlain by mudstone intraclasts, alternating with lineated low-angle to horizontally stratified sandstone or trough cross-stratified sandstone. The sandstone units were deposited on a proximal braidplain with highly variable discharge, but the absence of calcrete indicates that dry periods were not prolonged. The Malbaie is the coarsest, uppermost formation of a Devonian clastic wedge formed during the Acadian Orogeny. The uniformity of facies association and palaeocurrents, particularly in conglomerate units, indicates derivation from a broad upwarp to the south. This implies that the Acadian uplands resulted from straight compression, in contrast to the localized uplifts formed by strike-slip faulting during the Carboniferous.  相似文献   

The glacial geomorphology of Teesdale and the North Pennines uplands is analysed in order to decipher: a) the operation of easterly flowing palaeo-ice streams in the British-Irish Ice Sheet; and b) the style of regional deglaciation. Six landform categories are: i) bedrock controlled features, including glacitectonic bedrock megablocks or ‘rubble moraine’; ii) discrete mounds and hills, often of unknown composition, interpreted as weakly streamlined moraines and potential ‘rubble moraine’; iii) non-streamlined drift mounds and ridges, representing lateral, frontal and inter-ice stream/interlobate moraines; iv) streamlined landforms, including drumlins of various elongation ratios and bedrock controlled lineations; v) glacifluvial outwash and depositional ridges; and vi) relict channels and valleys, related to glacial meltwater incision or meltwater re-occupation of preglacial fluvial features. Multiple tills in valley-floor drumlin exposures indicate that the subglacial bedform record is a blend of flow directions typical of areas of discontinuous till cover and extensive bedrock erosional landforms. Arcuate assemblages of partially streamlined drift mounds are likely to be glacially overridden latero-frontal moraines related to phases of “average glacial conditions” (palimpsests). Deglacial oscillations of a glacier lobe in mid-Teesdale are marked by five inset assemblages of moraines and associated drift and meltwater channels, named the Glacial Lake Eggleshope, Mill Hill, Gueswick, Hayberries and Lonton stages. The Lonton stage moraines are thought to be coeval with bedrock-cored moraines in the central Stainmore Gap and likely record the temporary development of cold-based or polythermal ice conditions around the margins of a plateau-based icefield during the Scottish Readvance.  相似文献   

M. A. Arraudeau 《GeoJournal》1995,35(3):325-328
IRRI's upland rice research has made progress in solving some of the dilemmas in the upland rice ecosystem, although many challenges remain. IRRI researchers are gaining a better understanding of the ecosystem's constraints, opportunities, and research approaches. Cultivar improvement, use of farmer participatory methods to reduce erosion, and weed management are areas where research advances are being made. Developing perennial upland rice and managing weeds using less herbicide are exciting new projects being pursued. Enhancing rice productivity is seen as an entry point to alleviating the interrelated problems of declining productivity, lack of sustainability, and poverty in the uplands. Delay can irreparably damage the uplands and gravely affect the people who depend on them for survival.  相似文献   

沉积环境对孢粉组合影响的探讨--以石羊河流域为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
西部干旱区小型内陆流域 (石羊河流域 )内三个地点孢粉分析显示不同地点全新世孢粉组合差异极大。三角域剖面孢粉组合完全以针叶树为主;洪水河剖面孢粉组合下部以旱生草本为主,上部以针叶树为主;终闾区表土孢粉组合中 90 %为旱生草本、灌木。其差异已远远超出气候环境变化所导致的差异。结合沉积相、沉积环境、孢粉在不同沉积环境中的传播、扩散特性的综合分析,笔者认为这种差异是沉积环境、搬运介质差异造成的。三角城剖面处于半封闭环境,接纳储存来自上游的所有沉积物的信息,孢粉组合反映的是流域上游祁连山上的植被状况。洪水河剖面下部冲积地层发育时,剖面处于开放环境,孢粉组合反映当地植被;上部湖相层发育时,剖面处于半封闭环境,孢粉组合的环境指示意义与三角城剖面一致。终闾区表土孢粉组合反映现代风媒环境终闾区植被状况。古环境重建不能仅从孢粉组合出发,必须结合沉积环境综合分析,否则,古环境重建的结果是不可靠的.  相似文献   

The Quaternary glacial sequences in the Baltic region in Estonia. Latvia and Lithuania are relatively complete and reasonably well studied. The maximum thickness of deposits (200 300 m) is found in the uplands and ancient valleys. Tills of several genetic types have been described and in this paper the present view on the structure of the Pleistocene cover is given. The ice movement and glacial sedimentation were controlled by climate. underlying topography and tectonic processes.  相似文献   

Geoarchaeological investigations in western Middle Park provide important information for understanding the soil‐stratigraphic context of Paleoindian components, as well as the latest Quaternary environmental change and landscape evolution in a Southern Rocky Mountain intermontane basin. Paleoindian components are associated with the oldest two of four latest Quaternary stratigraphic units (1–4) recognized in co‐alluvial mantles (combined slopewash and colluvium) in uplands and in alluvial valley fills. Limited data suggest accumulation of unit 1 as early as ∼12,500 14C yr B.P. in alluvial valleys and by at least ∼11,000 14C yr B.P. in uplands was followed by brief stability and soil formation. A relatively widespread disconformity marks earliest Holocene erosion and substantial removal of latest Pleistocene deposits in upland and alluvial settings followed by unit 2 deposition ∼10,000–9000 14C yr B.P., perhaps signaling the abrupt onset of an intensified summer monsoon. In situ Paleoindian components in uplands are found in a moderately developed buried soil (the Kremmling soil) formed in units 1 and 2 in thin (≤1m) hillslope co‐alluvial mantles. The Kremmling soil reflects geomorphic stability in upland and alluvial settings ∼9000–4500 14C yr BP, and represents a buried landscape with the potential to contain additional Paleoindian components, although elsewhere in western Middle Park Early Archaic components are documented in morphologically similar soils. Kremmling soil morphology, the relative abundance of charcoal in unit 2 relative to younger units, and charcoal morphology indicate the expansion of forest cover, including Pinus, and grass cover during the early and middle Holocene, suggesting conditions moister than present. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江中游某水电站库区泥石流工程影响分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
雅鲁藏布江中游某水电站在库区6.7km范围内发育有11条泥石流沟,泥石流发生频率较低。本文主要通过对库区各石流沟的危险性、堵江可能性及对水电站工程设施的影响三个方面进行分析讨论,进而综合分析库区泥石流的工程影响。其中3条沟距离坝址较近,危险性较大,会对坝址区水工建筑及施工安全造成一定影响,库区泥石流不会造成严重的堵江问题。水库蓄水后,库区泥石流堆积区急剧后退,对水库正常运营影响较小。  相似文献   

Debris flows: behaviour and hazard assessment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Debris flows are water‐laden masses of soil and fragmented rock that rush down mountainsides, funnel into stream channels, entrain objects in their paths, and form lobate deposits when they spill onto valley floors. Because they have volumetric sediment concentrations that exceed 40 percent, maximum speeds that surpass 10 m/s, and sizes that can range up to ~109 m3, debris flows can denude slopes, bury floodplains, and devastate people and property. Computational models can accurately represent the physics of debris‐flow initiation, motion and deposition by simulating evolution of flow mass and momentum while accounting for interactions of debris’ solid and fluid constituents. The use of physically based models for hazard forecasting can be limited by imprecise knowledge of initial and boundary conditions and material properties, however. Therefore, empirical methods continue to play an important role in debris‐flow hazard assessment.  相似文献   

为了研究断裂在下生上储式油气成藏中的作用,在油源断裂优势通道输导油气能力影响研究的基础上,利用油源断裂优势通道本身的发育特征和源岩品质,构建了油源断裂优势通道输导油气能力综合评价参数指标,建立了一套油源断裂优势通道输导油气能力综合评价方法,并将其应用于渤海湾盆地冀中坳陷留楚地区东三段储层10条主要油源断裂优势通道输导油气能力的评价中。结果表明,留楚地区东三段储层10条主要油源断裂共34条优势通道,其中:有8条输导油气能力综合评价等级为强,主要分布在北部留楚背斜区;有15条输导油气能力综合评价等级为中等,主要分布在留楚南背斜区;有11条输导油气能力综合评价为弱,主要分布在南部和东部边部地区。这与目前留楚地区东三段储层只在北部留楚背斜核部找到大量油、中部留楚南背斜找到少量油相吻合,表明该方法用于油源断裂优势通道输导油气能力综合评价是可行的。  相似文献   

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