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The geographic distribution of formal and informal names is considered. Given names are variable and bearers may identify themselves with one name form or another (e.g., William, Will, Billy, Bill, W. T., “Skip”). The form of name chosen by state legislators was classified as formal or informal and the proportions of each were plotted by state. Three regions are identified by their relative use of name formality: the Northeast, where formal names are the rule, the South, centering on Arkansas, where informal names are common, and the West, also characterized by informal names. The West is divided between the Mountain and Pacific states, with large numbers of informal names and the states which they surround, which tend toward formal names. Some states, especially those of the Midwest, do not participate in this process. Indiana and South Carolina are exceptions to the general patterns. Informal names presume to create solidarity between legislators and voters. The South and West are apparently less formal than the Northeast in general, also in name usage.  相似文献   

Two measures of female status displayed dissimilar spatial distributions. Absolute status, measured by income, education, and occupation, was highest in the West and Northeast and lowest in the South. Female status was high where male status was high. The relative status of women compared to men, however, was high in the West and the rural Middle West and South but low in the Mountain West and industrial Northeast. Nationwide, where men enjoyed high absolute status, the relative status of women compared with men was poor.  相似文献   

广义地名及其本体研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
提出广义地名的概念(指可以与地球表面特定位置或范围相关联的一段文本),基于广义地名组织的文本形式的空间信息通常更符合人们对于地理空间知识的表达。探讨广义地名的本体,并给出相应的概念模型和逻辑模型,从而有助于广义地名数据库以及智能化广义地名服务的实现。该研究主要从广义地名的发生学、描述对象、地理范围、信息团体和语境引起的二义性等方面描述广义地名本体,并用UML语言建立便于在信息系统中实现的逻辑模型。  相似文献   


There has been the call to forge a synergistic relationship between local ecological knowledge and formal institutions in the governance of natural resources. How do informal institutions complement the efforts of formal state regulation of natural resources? How does this complementation foster a regularized human–wildlife interaction? Adopting an ethnographic design, this study assesses the role of institutional complementation in natural resource governance using the case of Boabeng–Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (BFMS) in Ghana, West Africa. We purposively selected 33 informants relevant to the BFMS governance process. The study observes that the synergy between formal and informal institutions strengthens wildlife protection in BFMS and the surrounding villages. The usefulness of informal rules is enhanced if appropriately complemented with a formal institutional arrangement. Over time, it becomes necessary for informal rules to grow in dynamism to depict the principles of collaboration, inclusivity, and benefit arrangements.  相似文献   

Urban geographers increasingly incorporate the potential of so‐called informal livelihood activities to provide resources that can be creatively managed in the transformation of urban space, particularly to the benefit of less well off and marginalized residents. This paper reports a case study in Rustenburg, North West Province, South Africa, where city managers began to promote inclusive development in the early 1990s, just prior to the formal dismantling of the apartheid system. The findings reveal that Rustenburg's urban transformation process, over a decade later, continued to reproduce repressive practices that limit the informal livelihood activities of the urban majority. Apparently efforts of well‐meaning city managers to implement a sustainable and inclusive development process are often rendered futile at the point of actually defining the constituents of urban socioeconomic transformation.  相似文献   

黄颖敏  薛德升  黄耿志 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1831-1840
21世纪初,在对非正规经济研究的二元主义、新马克思主义和新自由主义理论解释基础上,出现了批判管治主义理论,重点关注国家权力与制度对非正规性产生的影响。基于该视角,以东莞市长安镇为例,运用质性研究方法,分析了改革开放先行区的珠江三角洲,其基层非正规土地利用实践的产生、表现及其与制度创新之间的关系。研究发现:改革开放以来,在国家土地制度缺失、正规土地管理制度颁布和实施阶段,以及省级政府主导的土地制度创新阶段,非正规土地利用实践经历了被政府鼓励、包容和默许及正规化的过程。部分非正规土地利用实践成为制度创新的根源。土地制度的演变经历了由乡村基层“自下而上”式向地方政府“自上而下”式推动的转变,在演变过程中具有非正规性特征,并服务于各个时期的城市与经济发展需求。未来的研究中,应更多的关注“自下而上”的制度创新和地方实践。  相似文献   

This research distinguishes informal from formal neighborhoods in developing countries by analyzing shape (form), terrain geomorphology, texture, road networks and dominant settlement materials (vegetation, soil, asphalt) to produce a multivariate, spatially explicit evaluation of settlement structure. The principal datasets require only high resolution imagery and elevation data which are both widely available. Ancillary data, field surveys, and dwelling outlines, which are difficult to obtain from developing countries in general, are not required. Twenty-four variables derived from a review of informal settlement and suburban sprawl research describing settlement characteristics were identified and tested for significance. From both discriminant function analysis and regression trees, seven variables were identified to be significant in distinguishing informal and formal settlements using data from Guatemala. Results show promise in using limited data to identify informal settlements in Latin American countries or other less developed nations.  相似文献   

This article investigates how an existing two‐tiered land tenure system creates a hybrid space that blurs, and essentially questions and problematizes the boundaries of the formal/informal divide as presented within Angolan political and legal discourses. It showcases how urban formality and informality exist alongside each other in Luanda and how people take recourse to both formal and informal channels in attempts to secure housing, land tenure and livelihoods in the city. Through case studies, the article describes how small‐scale farmers in Luanda's northern municipality of Cacuaco lost their lands to urban development in 2009–10 and the ensuing circumstances in which formal rights and informal land tenure became intermeshed and ambiguous. As the case studies illustrate, a gap exists between the legal code and practice on the ground. This gap is represented in how Angola's postconflict land strategy, with its forced evictions and demolitions of houses and neighbourhoods, often with little or no compensation, is at odds with the Angolan Land Law, which states that land may only be expropriated by the state or local authorities for specific public use and must be justly compensated.  相似文献   

Local place names are frequently used by residents living in a geographic region. Such place names may not be recorded in existing gazetteers, due to their vernacular nature, relative insignificance to a gazetteer covering a large area (e.g. the entire world), recent establishment (e.g. the name of a newly-opened shopping center) or other reasons. While not always recorded, local place names play important roles in many applications, from supporting public participation in urban planning to locating victims in disaster response. In this paper, we propose a computational framework for harvesting local place names from geotagged housing advertisements. We make use of those advertisements posted on local-oriented websites, such as Craigslist, where local place names are often mentioned. The proposed framework consists of two stages: natural language processing (NLP) and geospatial clustering. The NLP stage examines the textual content of housing advertisements and extracts place name candidates. The geospatial stage focuses on the coordinates associated with the extracted place name candidates and performs multiscale geospatial clustering to filter out the non-place names. We evaluate our framework by comparing its performance with those of six baselines. We also compare our result with four existing gazetteers to demonstrate the not-yet-recorded local place names discovered by our framework.  相似文献   

文化生态学视角下的南海诸岛地名文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵静  张争胜  陈冠琦  南文龙 《热带地理》2016,36(6):1045-1056
地名具有丰富的文化内涵,正日益受到学术界的高度关注。南海诸岛及其附近海域是中国政治敏感地带,多国为主权归属问题摩擦不断,研究其地名文化历史演变问题可为维护中国领土主权提供有力证据。基于南海诸岛地名命名、变更和演变等资料,采用文本分析方法,分析《更路簿》和不同时期公布的南海诸岛命名资料,并利用 GIS 将地名的演变情况进行地理可视化表达,同时对南海诸岛及其附近海域的开发者--渔民和老船长等进行深入访谈。研究发现:南海诸岛的土地名主要依据岛礁的自然地理环境特征而命名,地名的更替、消亡与社会文化环境紧密相关;1935 年公布的地名以音译英文地名为主,1947 年更名以去外国化、美化、纪念地名为主,1983 年对 1947 年所公布的标准地名更改很少,在这 118 个地名中,增加了前几次未公布地名 39 个,这些地名几乎都沿用渔民命名的土地名。  相似文献   

朱海天 《地理研究》2018,37(11):2344-2354
依据多种历史资料,介绍南沙群岛地名的变迁过程,对中国“更路薄”中的渔民俗称以及中国政府于1935年、1947年和1983年三次公布的南沙岛礁地名进行统计,分析渔民俗称和标准地名对维护中国领土和主权完整的重要意义,梳理了各套地名系统中的专名体系和通名体系,对地名语源进行探讨,研究各地名系统之间的演进过程,总结了各自的优点与缺憾。针对现用标准地名提出以下建议:① 有计划地公布部分资料中已有记载岛礁的标准地名;② 对大型环礁细部、新生沙洲和新建大型人工岛进行命名以利于维护主权和保障航行安全;③ 对于现用标准地名中的部分外来语源地名可恢复其渔民俗称;④ 对于存疑岛礁应尽快核实确认以去疑存真。  相似文献   

This county-level study examines the locational concentrations of membership in a sample of national environmental organizations. Maps of location quotients indicate distinct regions of high and low membership concentrations, with membership most concentrated in the Northeast, West, and Rocky Mountain states. The results may be helpful in identifying general patterns of environmental concern in different U.S. regions.  相似文献   

非正规就业对女性的影响一直是非正规就业研究的重点,其中许多研究认为,从事非正规就业的女性往往难以实现向上发展而强化了自身弱势地位.这类研究忽视了非正规性的多样化性质,过度地强调了非正规就业对女性的负面影响.本研究以广州市芳村茶叶市场茶艺表演业为例,使用观察、问卷调查和深度访谈的方法研究了非正规就业对女性人力资本积累与向...  相似文献   

薛德升  黄耿志 《地理研究》2008,27(6):1390-1399
国内外现有的研究认为,无管制或缺少管制是非正规经济或非正规部门的核心特征。我国城市中的城中村是非正规部门最为集中的区域。选取广州市海珠区的下渡村这一典型案例,对非正规部门的"管制"状况进行了深入调查研究。发现在我国经济转型与快速城市化的背景下,城中村有宽松的管制环境、廉价的住房市场和良好的区位等条件,吸引了大量的非正规部门。但这些城中村的非正规部门并非完全处于管制之外,而是生存于一种管制之外的特殊"管制"之中。这种"管制"表现为一个以政府力量为主导,地方自治组织、地痞组织、本地村民和周围居民等多方力量共同作用的复杂结构,深刻而切实地影响着非正规部门的生存状态。  相似文献   

This paper uses the U.S. 1990 Public Use Micro Sample to characterize the 1985-1990 primary, return, and onward interstate migration patterns for blacks and whites. The classification of these three types of migration is based on the state of birth and state of residence at the start and end of the census interval. Major migration streams, migration rates, and net migration are evaluated for each migrant type and compared for blacks and whites. Overall, the migration patterns of blacks resemble those of whites, with an attraction to the South and the Southwest and movement out of the Northeast and the Midwest. Some differences were observed, however, between the two races. Return migration rates were somewhat higher for black migrants as compared with whites, and onward migration rates were lower. Black primary out-migrants represented a larger proportion of the total flows from the southern states as compared with white out-migrant flows, and they represented a larger share of the out-migrants from the rust belt states. The major migration streams also had different regional and national patterns by race and migrant type.  相似文献   

从地名看开疆文化在海南岛的传播扩散   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
朱竑 《地理科学》2001,21(1):89-93
开疆文化是一种开发,开拓边疆的文化,开疆文化的传播是通过众多文化要素的逐渐渗透,传输而实现整体状况改变的,开疆文化在海南的传播扩散及其历史影响则又可以从地名等文化要素的演变中得到反映,进而从一个侧面印证开疆文化在海南岛的传播,扩散及影响。  相似文献   

刘炜  李郇  欧俏珊 《地理研究》2013,32(3):518-530
产业集群企业之间建立在各种正式与非正式联系上的技术交流与合作是集群企业技术创新的重要基础。然而,长久以来产业集群的非正式联系在西方主流的技术创新的研究文献中一直被忽视。本文通过对顺德家电产业集群30家企业的问卷调查和深度访谈,总结了产业集群的非正式联系的三种类型,即企业衍生形成的非正式联系、人才流动形成的非正式联系、长期合作建立在信任基础上的非正式联系。通过进一步研究发现,不同类型的非正式联系对于集群企业技术创新有着不同的影响。前两者对技术创新的影响主要体现在技术信息与知识的传递,而后者主要体现在使企业之间产生了一种技术上的共同理解和认识,能够提高企业之间技术合作的成功率。  相似文献   

薛德升  林韬  黄耿志 《地理研究》2014,33(4):698-709
作为世界城市化发展中的普遍现象,非正规部门的形成发展一直是研究重点。以广州狮岭皮具产业为例,以非正规工厂和临时工为对象,研究了外向型制造业中非正规部门的形成发展机制。研究认为:正规企业为满足产品生产和降低成本的需求而采取的生产分包模式是非正规部门形成的根本因素;正规企业劳动保障的缺失与工人对自由轻松的工作方式的追求促使工人转入非正规工厂和临时工市场,推动了非正规部门的发展;当地宽松的管制环境为非正规部门的存在提供了可能。全球金融危机在短期内对非正规部门的发展起到了催化作用。研究支持了新马克思主义理论,认为正规部门和非正规部门是相互联系的关系,是产业经济发展中有利的组成要素。非正规部门不是劳动者进入正规部门的“跳板”,而是他们逃避正规经济过度剥削的“避难所”。最后讨论了有关非正规部门和非正规劳动者的政策启示。  相似文献   

The age patterns of U.S. internal migration, while examined extensively at the national level, have not been fully explored at the regional scale. This study examines, using 1985 ‐ 1990 census data, the state‐level variations in two aspects of lifecycle mobility: the mobility level, or the average number of moves made over the lifecycle, and the mobility timing, or the age at which half the lifetime moves are completed. It further delineates typologies of states based upon their age structure of mobility. The study found that regional patterns in the mobility level showed some evidence of the Snowbelt‐Sunbelt patterns that characterized economic restructuring in the 1980s. Geographic patterns of mobility timing were less clear; however states in the West and the South showed somewhat more young distributions than the other regions. Further, there was a statistically significant relationship between mobility levels and timing: states with higher mobility levels also exhibited older mobility profiles, as a consequence of disproportionately high elderly mobility rates. The study highlights the regional differences in mobility behavior, and the interplay between the “how much” and the “when” of mobility.  相似文献   

何沛东 《地理研究》2022,41(3):777-793
海域地名是中国海洋文明的历史见证,在维护海洋权益、发展海洋经济等方面发挥着重要作用。依据地方志等历史资料,以“海(洋)”地名为例,对中国海域地名的源流和时空特征进行分析。研究表明:①中国海域地名具有较强的稳定性和生命力,其发展可以分为海域地名的空间指代模糊时期(先秦至宋代)、海域地名的空间指代清晰时期(宋代至清末)、海域地名中西融合时期(清末至1949年)、海域地名的系统整理和有序管理时期(1949年以后)4个阶段。②中国海域地名的得名原因主要可分为7种:因方位得名、因岛礁沙洲得名、因水文特征得名、因沿陆岸(或较大岛屿岛岸)的地理事物(政区、聚落、山峰等)得名、因航海相关的传说等得名、因海洋出产得名、因海域地形得名。③中国海域地名的空间分布呈现出明显的南北差异,以长江口为界,南方沿海诸省级行政区(含香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区)的海域地名数量远高于北方,南方又以浙江、福建、广东三省为最,岛屿数量等自然地理因素和海洋贸易等社会经济因素是造成此种差异的主要原因。④2018年国家海洋局、民政部受权公布了《我国部分海域海岛标准名称》,其中的“海(洋)”地名是1980年代中国海域海岛地名普查成果的体现。针对中国海域地名整理和研究的现状,提出加强海域地名的整理、公布与命名,明确海域的相关概念,规定海域地名的通名,海域地名的处理需符合国家海洋权益4条建议。  相似文献   

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