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This study provides experimental evidence for biologically induced precipitation of magnesium carbonates, specifically dypingite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·5H2O), by cyanobacteria from an alkaline wetland near Atlin, British Columbia. This wetland is part of a larger hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) playa. Abiotic and biotic processes for magnesium carbonate precipitation in this environment are compared.  相似文献   

This study formulates a comprehensive depositional model for hydromagnesite–magnesite playas. Mineralogical, isotopic and hydrogeochemical data are coupled with electron microscopy and field observations of the hydromagnesite–magnesite playas near Atlin, British Columbia, Canada. Four surface environments are recognized: wetlands, grasslands, localized mounds (metre‐scale) and amalgamated mounds composed primarily of hydromagnesite [Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O], which are interpreted to represent stages in playa genesis. Water chemistry, precipitation kinetics and depositional environment are primary controls on sediment mineralogy. At depth (average ≈ 2 m), Ca–Mg‐carbonate sediments overlay early Holocene glaciolacustrine sediments indicating deposition within a lake post‐deglaciation. This mineralogical change corresponds to a shift from siliciclastic to chemical carbonate deposition as the supply of fresh surface water (for example, glacier meltwater) ceased and was replaced by alkaline groundwater. Weathering of ultramafic bedrock in the region produces Mg–HCO3 groundwater that concentrates by evaporation upon discharging into closed basins, occupied by the playas. An uppermost unit of Mg‐carbonate sediments (hydromagnesite mounds) overlies the Ca–Mg‐carbonate sediments. This second mineralogical shift corresponds to a change in the depositional environment from subaqueous to subaerial, occurring once sediments ‘emerged’ from the water surface. Capillary action and evaporation draw Mg–HCO3 water up towards the ground surface, precipitating Mg‐carbonate minerals. Evaporation at the water table causes precipitation of lansfordite [MgCO3·5H2O] which partially cements pre‐existing sediments forming a hardpan. As carbonate deposition continues, the weight of the overlying sediments causes compaction and minor lateral movement of the mounds leading to amalgamation of localized mounds. Radiocarbon dating of buried vegetation at the Ca–Mg‐carbonate boundary indicates that there has been ca 8000 years of continuous Mg‐carbonate deposition at a rate of 0·4 mm yr?1. The depositional model accounts for the many sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical processes that occur in the four surface environments; elucidating past and present carbonate deposition.  相似文献   

The draw down of CO2 from the atmosphere during mineral weathering plays a major role in the global budget of this greenhouse gas. Silicate minerals remove twice the CO2 of carbonate minerals per mole of calcium in runoff during weathering. Bedrock weathering chemistry was investigated in the White River watershed of northeastern USA to investigate whether there are seasonal differences in carbonate and silicate weathering chemistry. Geographic Information Systems analyses of bedrock geology were combined with major element concentrations in river waters to gain an understanding of the consistency of mineral weathering during three seasons. The percent of carbonate mineralogy comprising the bedrock in tributaries of the White River varied from less than 5% to 45% by area. A mass balance calculation using major element concentrations in waters was applied to estimate the seasonal relationships between bedrock geology and bicarbonate flux. In all tributaries and the main stem of the White River the highest calculated percent of bicarbonate from carbonate mineral weathering was measured in the late fall. The results suggest that carbonate and silicate bedrock weathering processes are seasonally controlled. Thus single season sampling could not accurately represent an entire year's geochemical budget. In the White River, water samples obtained solely during the summer would consistently underestimate the total yearly source of bicarbonate from carbonate bedrock weathering. The same sample set would also provide data that would lead to an underestimation of the yearly atmospheric CO2 draw down by bedrock weathering in the watershed. For example at four of the seven locations studied there was an almost two-fold difference between summer and spring calculated atmospheric CO2 consumption rates.  相似文献   


De Beers kimberlite mine operations in South Africa (Venetia and Voorspoed) and Canada (Gahcho Kué, Victor, and Snap Lake) have the potential to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) through weathering of kimberlite mine tailings, which can store carbon in secondary carbonate minerals (mineral carbonation). Carbonation of ca. 4.7 to 24.0 wt% (average = 13.8 wt%) of annual processed kimberlite production could offset 100% of each mine site’s carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions. Minerals of particular interest for reactivity with atmospheric or waste CO2 from energy production include serpentine minerals, olivine (forsterite), brucite, and smectite. The most abundant minerals, such as serpentine polymorphs, provide the bulk of the carbonation potential. However, the detection of minor amounts of highly reactive brucite in tailings from Victor, as well as the likely presence of brucite at Venetia, Gahcho Kué, and Snap Lake, is also important for the mineral carbonation potential of the mine sites.


This study assesses the potential use of Mg isotopes to trace Mg carbonate precipitation in natural waters. Salda Lake (SW Turkey) was chosen for this study because it is one of the few modern environments where hydrous Mg carbonates are the dominant precipitating minerals. Stromatolites, consisting mainly of hydromagnesite, are abundant in this lake. The Mg isotope composition of incoming streams, groundwaters, lake waters, stromatolites, and hydromagnesite-rich sediments were measured. Because Salda Lake is located in a closed basin, mass balance requires that the Mg isotopic offset between Lake Salda water and precipitated hydromagnesite be comparable to the corresponding offset between Salda Lake and its water inputs. This is consistent with observations; a ??26Mg offset of 0.8?C1.4??? is observed between Salda Lake water and it is the incoming streams and groundwaters, and precipitated hydromagnesite has a ??26Mg 0.9?C1.1??? more negative than its corresponding fluid phase. This isotopic offset also matches closely that measured in the laboratory during both biotic and abiotic hydrous Mg carbonate precipitation by cyanobacteria (Mavromatis, V., Pearce, C., Shirokova, L. S., Bundeleva, I. A., Pokrovsky, O. S., Benezeth, P. and Oelkers, E.H.: Magnesium isotope fractionation during inorganic and cyanobacteria-induced hydrous magnesium carbonate precipitation, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2012a. 76, 161?C174). Batch reactor experiments performed in the presence of Salda Lake cyanobacteria and stromatolites resulted in the precipitation of dypingite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·5(H2O)) and hydromagnesite (Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·4H2O) with morphological features similar to those of natural samples. Concurrent abiotic control experiments did not exhibit carbonate precipitation demonstrating the critical role of cyanobacteria in the precipitation process.  相似文献   

Determining the relative proportions of silicate vs. carbonate weathering in the Himalaya is important for understanding atmospheric CO2 consumption rates and the temporal evolution of seawater Sr. However, recent studies have shown that major element mass-balance equations attribute less CO2 consumption to silicate weathering than methods utilizing Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr mixing equations. To investigate this problem, we compiled literature data providing elemental and 87Sr/86Sr analyses for stream waters and bedrock from tributary watersheds throughout the Himalaya Mountains. In addition, carbonate system parameters (PCO2, mineral saturation states) were evaluated for a selected suite of stream waters. The apparent discrepancy between the dominant weathering source of dissolved major elements vs. Sr can be reconciled in terms of carbonate mineral equilibria. Himalayan streams are predominantly Ca2+-Mg2+-HCO3 waters derived from calcite and dolomite dissolution, and mass-balance calculations demonstrate that carbonate weathering contributes ∼87% and ∼76% of the dissolved Ca2+ and Sr2+, respectively. However, calculated Ca/Sr ratios for the carbonate weathering flux are much lower than values observed in carbonate bedrock, suggesting that these divalent cations do not behave conservatively during stream mixing over large temperature and PCO2 gradients in the Himalaya.The state of calcite and dolomite saturation was evaluated across these gradients, and the data show that upon descending through the Himalaya, ∼50% of the streams evaluated become highly supersaturated with respect to calcite as waters warm and degas CO2. Stream water Ca/Mg and Ca/Sr ratios decrease as the degree of supersaturation with respect to calcite increases, and Mg2+, Ca2+, and HCO3 mass balances support interpretations of preferential Ca2+ removal by calcite precipitation. On the basis of patterns of saturation state and PCO2 changes, calcite precipitation was estimated to remove up to ∼70% of the Ca2+ originally derived from carbonate weathering. Accounting for the nonconservative behavior of Ca2+ during riverine transport brings the Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr composition of the carbonate weathering flux into agreement with the composition of carbonate bedrock, thereby permitting consistency between elemental and Sr isotope approaches to partitioning stream water solute sources. These results resolve the dissolved Sr2+ budget and suggest that the conventional application of two-component Ca/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr mixing equations has overestimated silicate-derived Sr2+ and HCO3 fluxes from the Himalaya. In addition, these findings demonstrate that integrating stream water carbonate mineral equilibria, divalent cation compositional trends, and Sr isotope inventories provides a powerful approach for examining weathering fluxes.  相似文献   

Lacustrine carbonate deposits with spherulitic facies are poorly understood, but are key to understanding the economically important “Pre-Salt” Mesozoic strata of the South Atlantic. A major barrier to research into these unique and spectacular facies is the lack of good lacustrine spherulite-dominated deposits which are known in outcrop. Stratigraphy and petrography suggest one of the best analogue systems is found in the Carboniferous of Scotland: the East Kirkton Limestone. Here we propose a hydrogeochemical model that explains why the CaCO3, SiO2, Mg-Si-Al mineral suite associated with spherular radial calcite facies forms in alkaline lakes above basaltic bedrock. Demonstrating links between igneous bedrock chemistry, lake and spring water chemistry and mineral precipitation, this model has implications for studies of lacustrine sediments in rift basins of all ages. Using empirical and theoretical approaches, we analyze the relationship between metal mobilization from sub-surface volcaniclastic rocks and the potential for precipitation of carbonate minerals, various Mg-bearing minerals and chalcedony in a lacustrine spherulitic carbonate setting. This suite of minerals is most likely formed by in-gassing of CO2 to a carbon-limited alkaline spring water, consistent with the reaction of alkali igneous rocks in the subsurface with meteoric groundwater. We suggest that an analogous system to that at East Kirkton caused development of the ‘Pre-Salt’ spherulitic carbonate deposits.  相似文献   

The stability of titanite is sensitive to temperature and partial pressure of CO2. The finding of authigenic titanite grains in weathering regolith formed on Paraná basalts, Brazil, under tropical climatic conditions, reveals the thermodynamically-driven conversion from calcite to titanite at elevated ambient temperatures. Being unusual nowadays, this phase transition provides important implications for the understanding of silicate weathering in earlier geological epochs.Two types of secondary titanites were identified in the weathering profile of the study area. The tiny grains of 10 ​μm are forming in the microscopic voids in the rock. Also, large fractures filled with Fe-rich clay minerals contain bigger specimens of up to 170 ​μm. The titanites of second type often coexist with chalcedony and barite. No carbonate minerals were found in the weathering profile. Weathering sphene can be discriminated from other titanite types by its strong positive Eu anomaly, increased Al2O3 content and low content of trace elements. Its specific chemical composition and reactive transport modeling link this secondary mineral with dissolution of plagioclase. The titanite precipitation is controlled by slow diffusion in poorly-aerated, highly-alkaline pore fluids.The subaerial weathering of basaltic rocks provides a significant reservoir for atmospheric CO2. However, the deposition of carbonate minerals is thermodynamically avoided at the stability field of titanite. We demonstrate a complex feedback between CO2 and soil carbonates. The rise in pCO2 triggers the precipitation of calcite in the weathering regolith, but the greenhouse effect increasing the temperature can cease carbonate deposition. Secondary titanites were found in several paleosols and at least a part of them can be of weathering origin.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that chemical weathering of Ca–silicate rocks could potentially control long-term climate change by providing feedback interaction with atmospheric CO2 drawdown by means of precipitation of carbonate, and that in contrast weathering of carbonate rocks has not an equivalent impact because all of the CO2 consumed in the weathering process is returned to the atmosphere by the comparatively rapid precipitation of carbonates in the oceans. Here, it is shown that the rapid kinetics of carbonate dissolution and the importance of small amounts of carbonate minerals in controlling the dissolved inorganic C (DIC) of silicate watersheds, coupled with aquatic photosynthetic uptake of the weathering-related DIC and burial of some of the resulting organic C, suggest that the atmospheric CO2 sink from carbonate weathering may previously have been underestimated by a factor of about 3, amounting to 0.477 Pg C/a. This indicates that the contribution of silicate weathering to the atmospheric CO2 sink may be only 6%, while the other 94% is by carbonate weathering. Therefore, the atmospheric CO2 sink by carbonate weathering might be significant in controlling both the short-term and long-term climate changes. This questions the traditional point of view that only chemical weathering of Ca–silicate rocks potentially controls long-term climate change.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the feasibility of ex situ carbonation in landfills utilizing raw natural substances (namely serpentinites as Mg-source and the CO2-rich fraction of biogas as C-source) was tested through a laboratory procedure comprising three steps. The first step is the acid attack of a serpentinite at 70 °C, by means of HCl 2 M, to get MgCl2-rich solutions. Attacks of different durations were performed to evaluate the time needed. The second step is the neutralization of the MgCl2-rich solution by addition of concentrated ammonia. The third (carbonation) step is mixing of the neutralized MgCl2-rich solution with a solution of ammonium carbonate. This was produced in a landfill by absorption of CO2 contained in biogas in a solution of ammonia. The neutralization of acid MgCl2-rich solutions caused the precipitation of ferrihydrite with secondary ammonium carnallite and salammoniac, whereas abundant precipitation of Amorphous Hydrated Impure Magnesium Carbonate (AHIMC), sometimes with minor nesquehonite, occurred in the third step. This solid carbonate acts as a stable CO2 sink up to 380 °C. The geochemical behavior of some minor elements was also investigated during the experimental processes revealing that Al, Cr and Ni were removed during neutralization (second step), in contrast to Ca which remained in the circumneutral MgCl2-rich solution and entered into the structure of AHIMC. During the carbonation step, precipitation of artinite, hydromagnesite, lansfordite, magnesite and nesquehonite was thermodynamically impossible as the aqueous phase was undersaturated with respect to these solid phases upon separation of AHIMC.  相似文献   

Concentrations of weathering products in streams often show relatively little variation compared to changes in discharge, both at event and annual scales. In this study, several hypothesized mechanisms for this “chemostatic behavior” were evaluated, and the potential for those mechanisms to influence relations between climate, weathering fluxes, and CO2 consumption via mineral weathering was assessed. Data from Loch Vale, an alpine catchment in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, indicates that cation exchange and seasonal precipitation and dissolution of amorphous or poorly crystalline aluminosilicates are important processes that help regulate solute concentrations in the stream; however, those processes have no direct effect on CO2 consumption in catchments. Hydrograph separation analyses indicate that old water stored in the subsurface over the winter accounts for about one-quarter of annual streamflow, and almost one-half of annual fluxes of Na and SiO2 in the stream; thus, flushing of old water by new water (snowmelt) is an important component of chemostatic behavior. Hydrologic flushing of subsurface materials further induces chemostatic behavior by reducing mineral saturation indices and increasing reactive mineral surface area, which stimulate mineral weathering rates. CO2 consumption by carbonic acid mediated mineral weathering was quantified using mass-balance calculations; results indicated that silicate mineral weathering was responsible for approximately two-thirds of annual CO2 consumption, and carbonate weathering was responsible for the remaining one-third. CO2 consumption was strongly dependent on annual precipitation and temperature; these relations were captured in a simple statistical model that accounted for 71% of the annual variation in CO2 consumption via mineral weathering in Loch Vale.  相似文献   

Geochemistry of soil, soil water, and soil gas was characterized in representative soil profiles of three Michigan watersheds. Because of differences in source regions, parent materials in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan (the Tahquamenon watershed) contain only silicates, while those in the Lower Peninsula (the Cheboygan and the Huron watersheds) have significant mixtures of silicate and carbonate minerals. These differences in soil mineralogy and climate conditions permit us to examine controls on carbonate and silicate mineral weathering rates and to better define the importance of silicate versus carbonate dissolution in the early stage of soil-water cation acquisition.Soil waters of the Tahquamenon watershed are the most dilute; solutes reflect amphibole and plagioclase dissolution along with significant contributions from atmospheric precipitation sources. Soil waters in the Cheboygan and the Huron watersheds begin their evolution as relatively dilute solutions dominated by silicate weathering in shallow carbonate-free soil horizons. Here, silicate dissolution is rapid and reaction rates dominantly are controlled by mineral abundances. In the deeper soil horizons, silicate dissolution slows down and soil-water chemistry is dominated by calcite and dolomite weathering, where solutions reach equilibrium with carbonate minerals within the soil profile. Thus, carbonate weathering intensities are dominantly controlled by annual precipitation, temperature and soil pCO2. Results of a conceptual model support these field observations, implying that dolomite and calcite are dissolving at a similar rate, and further dissolution of more soluble dolomite after calcite equilibrium produces higher dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations and a Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio of 0.4.Mass balance calculations show that overall, silicate minerals and atmospheric inputs generally contribute <10% of Ca2+ and Mg2+ in natural waters. Dolomite dissolution appears to be a major process, rivaling calcite dissolution as a control on divalent cation and inorganic carbon contents of soil waters. Furthermore, the fraction of Mg2+ derived from silicate mineral weathering is much smaller than most of the values previously estimated from riverine chemistry.  相似文献   

Chemical weathering of silicate minerals has long been known as a sink for atmospheric CO2, and feedbacks between weathering and climate are believed to affect global climate. While warmer temperatures are believed to increase rates of weathering, weathering in cool climates can be accelerated by increased mineral exposure due to mechanical weathering by ice. In this study, chemical weathering of silicate minerals is investigated in a small temperate watershed. The Jamieson Creek watershed is covered by mature coniferous forest and receives high annual precipitation (4000 mm), mostly in the form of rainfall, and is underlain by quartz diorite bedrock and glacial till. Analysis of pore water concentration gradients indicates that weathering in hydraulically unsaturated ablation till is dominated by dissolution of plagioclase and hornblende. However, a watershed scale solute mass balance indicates high relative fluxes of K and Ca, indicating preferential leaching of these solutes possibly from the relatively unweathered lodgement till. Weathering rates for plagioclase and hornblende calculated from a watershed scale solute mass balance are similar in magnitude to rates determined using pore water concentration gradients.When compared to the Rio Icacos basin in Puerto Rico, a pristine tropical watershed with similar annual precipitation and bedrock, but with dissimilar regolith properties, fluxes of weathering products in stream discharge from the warmer site are 1.8 to 16.2-fold higher, respectively, and regolith profile-averaged plagioclase weathering rates are 3.8 to 9.0-fold higher. This suggests that the Arrhenius effect, which predicts a 3.5- to 9-fold increase in the dissolution rate of plagioclase as temperature is increased from 3.4° to 22 °C, may explain the greater weathering fluxes and rates at the Rio Icacos site. However, more modest differences in K and Ca fluxes between the two sites are attributed to accelerated leaching of those solutes from glacial till at Jamieson Creek. Our findings suggest that under conditions of high rainfall and favorable topography, weathering rates of silicate minerals in warm tropical systems will tend to be higher than in cool temperate systems, even if the temperate system is has been perturbed by an episode of glaciation that deposits regolith high in fresh mineral surface area.  相似文献   

Authigenic calcite and dolomite and biogenic aragonite occur in Holocene pan sediments in a Mediterranean‐type climate on the western coastal plain of South Africa. Sediment was analysed from a Late Pleistocene coastal pan at Yzerfontein and four Holocene inland pans ranging from brackish to hypersaline. The pans are between 0·08 and 0·14 km2 in size. The δ18OPDB values of carbonate minerals in the pan sediments range from ?2·41 to 5·56‰ and indicate precipitation from evaporative waters. Covariance of total organic content and percentage carbonate minerals, and the δ13CPDB values of pan carbonate minerals (?8·85 to ?1·54‰) suggest that organic matter degradation is a significant source of carbonate ions. The precipitation of the carbonate minerals, especially dolomite, appears to be mediated by sulphate‐reducing bacteria in the black sulphidic mud zone found in the brine‐type hypersaline pans. The knobbly, sub‐spherical texture of the carbonate minerals suggests that the precipitation of the carbonate minerals, particularly dolomite, is related to microbial processes. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios of pan carbonate minerals (0·7108 to 0·7116) are slightly higher than modern sea water and indicate a predominantly sea water (marine aerosol) source for calcium (Ca2+) ions with relatively minor amounts of Ca2+ derived from the chemical weathering of bedrock.  相似文献   

Biotite is a common constituent of silicate bedrock. Its weathering releases plant nutrients and consumes atmospheric CO2. Because of its stoichiometric relationship with its transformational weathering product and sensitivity to botanical activity, calculating biotite weathering rates using watershed mass-balance methods has proven challenging. At Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory the coupling of biotite to its transformational weathering product is only valid if the stoichiometric relationship for the two phases is known; this relationship is unlikely layer-for-layer. Rates of biotite weathering and transformation of its secondary weathering product at the Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory are comparable with other Appalachian watersheds. The magnitude and sign of the difference between field- and laboratory-determined biotite weathering rates are similar to those of other silicate minerals. The influence of major-cation proportions in biomass on the rates of biotite weathering and transformational weathering product is greatest for watersheds with high biomass aggradation rates. The watershed with the lowest bedrock reactivity and highest flushing rate yielded the highest gibbsite formation rate of ~500 mol ha?1 year?1 and lowest kaolin-group mineral formation rates of 4–78 mol ha?1 year?1. The kaolin-group mineral formation rate increases as bedrock reactivity increases and flushing rate decreases to a maximum of ~300 mol ha?1 year?1, with a similar minimum gibbsite formation rate. The relative differences in bedrock reactivity and flux of water through Coweeta Hydrological Laboratory watersheds studied appear to be invariant over geologic timescales.  相似文献   

Following the promising results obtained on the laboratory scale, an aqueous mineral carbonation process was tested under industrial conditions as part of a pilot project conducted in a cement plant in Quebec. Experiments were conducted using a Parr 18.7 L reactor with cement plant flue gas (14–18 vol.%CO2) and serpentinite tailings as a source of magnesium. The gas was not concentrated or separated before use. The reactions occurred at a solid/liquid ratio of 150 g/L, 22 ± 3 °C and a total pressure between 2 and 10 bar. To decrease water consumption, the effect of liquid recirculation on the rates of CO2 sequestration, Mg leaching and carbonate precipitation were studied. The solid reacted with 6 successive batches of gas (15 min each), and the liquid was recovered for the carbonate precipitation after every two batches. For the recirculation assays, after carbonate filtration, the liquid was reused with subsequent batches.The results showed that the dissolution of CO2 was not affected by the liquid recirculation since 72.5% of the CO2 introduced was dissolved; in comparison to 77% when fresh liquid was used. The captured CO2 resulted in 0.215 and 0.211 g CO2/g of residue in the experiments with and without liquid recirculation, respectively. This result corresponds to approximately 45% of serpentinite's total capacity for CO2 sequestration, which is 0.47 g CO2/g of residue. The carbonate precipitation experiments were conducted in a separate system at low temperatures (32–40 °C) and included 2 h of stirring. When the liquid was recirculated, supersaturation was reached more quickly because of the accumulation of Mg2+ and HCO3/CO2−3 ions. Therefore, the rate of precipitation and the amount of carbonate formed were significantly more important when the liquid was recirculated. However, the overall efficiency corresponding to the captured CO2 under carbonate form does not exceed 9% even with liquid recirculation.  相似文献   

We have collected and analyzed a larger set of stream waters for major ions and strontium isotopes in Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. These new data substantiate the concept that the dissolution of carbonate minerals is a significant source of strontium, even in polar desert environments where liquid water is primarily limited to stream channels. In Taylor Valley, most of the carbonate minerals present are the result of secondary processes, such as mineral precipitation and/or eolian deposition, and not through primary geologic sources, such as bedrock or till sources. In Von Guerard Stream (Lake Fryxell basin) and Andersen Creek (Lake Hoare basin), water samples were collected during the austral summer to determine short-term 87Sr/86Sr patterns. The observed variability in both time and space may be dependent on the relative amounts of primary and secondary carbonates present in the streambeds and hyporheic zone as well as contingent on the relative proportions of carbonate and aluminosilicate weathering.  相似文献   

In recent years, a series of important progresses have been made in the aspect of magnesium isotopes behavior in weathering processes. These progresses are not only favorable to understand the change of the magnesium isotopic compositions in rivers, but also establish the foundation to further reveal the magnesium isotope geochemical cycle. The magnesium in rivers is both magnesium sink for weathering and magnesium source for the ocean. The Mg isotopic compositions in rivers are dominated by the magnesium sources and Mg isotope fractionations processes. The sources of magnesium in rivers originate mainly from draining rocks, as well as less contribution from the eolian deposition, groundwater, plant debris, and precipitation. The Mg isotope fractionations in rivers are mainly related to precipitation and dissolution of carbonate minerals, silicate mineral hydrolysis, adsorption on mineral or colloidal matter surface, and plant uptake. Generally, the contribution of carbonate minerals dissolution or precipitation is equal to add or reduce magnesium from carbonate endmember, which has a remarkably negative δ26Mg value. Based on the fact that most clay minerals are rich in 26Mg during nature silicate mineral hydrolysis, then it is possible to infer that residual weathering products enrich in 26Mg. However, there is no significant Mg isotope fractionation causing by the adsorption on mineral or colloidal matter surface during river water migration. For the plant uptake, the root prefers to have 26Mg, leading the plant itself rich in heavier Mg isotopic composition. In addition, formation of secondary minerals in rivers could also reflect the changes of chemical parameters in rivers (such as major elements, CO2 solubility, pH, etc.). Hence, Mg isotopic composition in rivers and associated isotope fractionations are not only the basis for the application of magnesium isotope to trace surface material cycle, but also have important significance for the further understanding the geochemical cycle of magnesium isotopes.  相似文献   

This study focused on typical injection layers of deep saline aquifers in the Shiqianfeng Formation used in the Carbon Capture and Sequestration Demonstration Projects in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China. The study employed experiments and numerical simulations to investigate the mechanism of CO2 mineral sequestration in these deep saline aquifers. The experimental results showed that the dissolved minerals are plagioclase, hematite, illite–smectite mixed layer clay and illite, whereas the precipitated minerals are quartz (at 55, and 70 °C) and kaolinite (at 70 °C). There are rare carbonate mineral precipitations at the experimental time scale, while the precipitation of quartz as a product of the dissolution of silicate minerals and some intermediate minerals rich in K and Mg that transform to clay minerals, reveals the possibility of carbonate precipitation at the longer time scale. These results are consistent with some results previously reported in the literature. We calibrated the kinetic parameters of mineral dissolution and precipitation by these experimental results and then simulated the CO2 mineral sequestration under deep saline aquifer conditions. The simulation results showed that the dissolved minerals are albite, anorthite and minor hematite, whereas the precipitated minerals are calcite, kaolinite and smectite at 55 and 70 °C. The geochemical reaction of illite is more complex. At 55 °C, illite is dissolved at the relatively lag time and transformed to dawsonite; at 70 °C, illite is precipitated in the early reaction period and then transformed to kaolinite. Based on this research, sequestrated CO2 minerals, which are mainly related to the temperature of deep saline aquifers in Shiqianfeng Fm., are calcite and dawsonite at lower temperature, and calcite at higher temperature. The simulation results also establish that calcite could precipitate over a time scale of thousands of years, and the higher the temperature the sooner such a process would occur due to increased reaction rates. These characteristics are conducive, not only to the earlier occurrence of mineral sequestration, but also increase the sequestration capacity of the same mineral components. For a sequestration period of 10,000 years, we determined that the mineral sequestration capacity is 0.786 kg/m3 at 55 °C, and 2.180 kg/m3 at 70 °C. Furthermore, the occurrence of mineral sequestration indirectly increases the solubility of CO2 in the early reaction period, but this decreases with the increase in temperature.  相似文献   

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