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Recent viewpoints concerning the state of research in transport geography have touched on the issue of insularity and the need to bridge the divide between the largely spatial–analytical or quantitative research in transport geography and the critical or qualitative research prevalent in urban, economic, and most other subfields of human geography. Transport geography has been criticized by some for being a quiet corner of our discipline that has lost its centrality largely because it remains within the analytical framework of the 1960s. This article explores these sentiments by reexamining recent transport-oriented research in highly cited geography journals to assess the degree to which the qualitative–quantitative divide exists within transport geography and between transport and other subfield in human geography, as well as to explore issues of productivity and centrality of transport-oriented research in geography. Results indicate that geographical research involving transport topics is much more prevalent and reflects a wider range of epistemological and methodological approaches than is frequently assumed. Nevertheless, there is still a considerable divide between “mainstream” transport geography and other human geographical research that necessitates much more interaction between transport and other subfields and greater incorporation of alternative research approaches within the mainstream of transport geography. To that end, we propose a preliminary critical transport geography research agenda that is open to a variety of methodological approaches, including quantitative analysis.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the representation of disaster vulnerability, using the 2010 Haiti earthquake to problematise recent changes in secondary school curriculum and assessment. Drawing upon media perspectives of the Haiti earthquake, the article contrasts a traditional and relational teaching approach to the concept of disaster vulnerability. The article concludes that teachers need to draw upon a wider range of geographical paradigms in order to move students towards critical engagement with societal issues, a key aim of the social science learning area in the New Zealand Curriculum.  相似文献   

Although the term “historical geography” has been the subject of a sustained and critical debate, that of “geographical history” has not. Usage of the latter term has been variable and the epistemological status of geographical history has been ambiguous. An examination of the usage of the term “geographical history” during the past 100 years or so reveals both that it has been employed little but confusingly and that there have recently been calls for its wider adoption. Two key themes are identified in the literature: first, that of geographical history as the study of changing geographical distributions; and second, geographical history as the study of geographical (in the sense of physical environmental) influences in history. In theory it is possible to distinguish geography from history and historical geography from geographical history, but in practice it is often difficult to do so. Nonetheless, examining usage of the term matters as a contribution to the history of ideas, and identifying its common usages allows scholars to communicate with mutual understanding.  相似文献   

地理学综合研究的新进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
综合性与区域性为地理学的两大基本特点。本文首先简要回顾了我国地理学家关于地理学综合研究及其意义的有关论述,并指出了我国在地理学综合研究上的一些有待解决的问题,如地理学综合的内涵不够宽广,地理学综合的思维方式有欠缺,从过程和机理角度进行地理学综合的研究较为薄弱,以及地理学综合的手段偏于定性和单调。然后,针对这些问题,对地理学综合的内容和综合的方法进行了探讨,并从地理信息科学等角度对地理学综合的新手段进行了论述。  相似文献   

国外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐云帆  黄贤金 《地理研究》2021,40(9):2638-2656
在工业化、城镇化、信息化持续发展,全球变化和全球事件轮番冲击的背景下,公共卫生研究不断深化,已发展为全球性的跨学科议程及研究热点。回顾相关文献发现,国内外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究在数量上均经历了缓慢上升、加速上升和当前的快速上升阶段,但切入角度和关注议题存在差异。本文通过梳理国外地理学对公共卫生问题的研究,对这一领域概念、理论、方法的发展及热点进行归纳总结和综合评述,探讨健康老龄化、健康不平等、融合健康考量的城市规划等议题下现有研究的主要争议、前景及其对国内研究的启示,尤其指出气候变化和传染病大流行等外部压力下暴露出的地理学研究契机,以期拓展视野、聚焦问题,为国内地理学者参与公共卫生研究提供参考。  相似文献   

地理科学的中国进展与国际趋势   总被引:61,自引:7,他引:54  
中国地理学取得了骄人的进展,表现在科研方向的突破、对国家建设的贡献、研究手段的革新、对科学和教育的贡献、对社会的贡献等方面。但当前中国也存在基础研究薄弱、学科整合不足、学术走向迷茫、竞争能力堪忧、全球视野欠缺、地理教育错位等问题。国际地理学对科学界所确定的关键研究问题表示出更大的关注,科学界也将更加了解地理学及其视角能对科学知识做出的贡献。地理学所关切的科学问题直指今天决策者的紧迫需求。地理学家以多种方式对解决实际问题做出贡献。国际地理学的发展聚焦在:揭示复杂系统中的不平衡和动态,认识全球化 (包括环境、经济、人口、政府和文化等)的潮流及其影响,建立从地方到全球的空间连续系列研究,利用包括时间系列数据在内的纵向数据进行过程比较研究,加强地理学理论、技术和研究成果对决策的影响,加强地理教育,包括努力提高公众的地理学能力,改进高等院校地理学家的训练,提高地理理解力,加强地理组织机构。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of an emerging theme within the subfield of nutritional geography we call the geography of malnutrition. Work relating to malnutrition is a high-priority research topic, with growing relevance to geographical concepts, but there is no overview of geographical approaches to this theme. Using keyword searches in Google Scholar and Web of Science to obtain relevant publications, we identified the major foci of work within this theme: undernutrition, diseases that cause malnutrition, the nutrition transition, and critical and feminist approaches to malnutrition. We review these foci, provide examples of prominent work, and identify areas of research concerning malnutrition that are highly spatial but have yet to be effectively studied using geographic techniques.  相似文献   

As we enter the new millennium, geographers have a momentous opportunity to reflect upon the historical development of our discipline and the academic culture within which it thrives, with the aim of setting out an antiracist agenda. We advocate a fundamental refashioning of the discipline, not simply an extension of its research agenda; for racism, like gender, is not just another item in the lexicon of geographical subjects. The agenda includes, but is not limited to: clarifying relations between racism and law; racism and immigration policy; racism and poverty; and mobilizing racialized groups around policy issues. These items need to be addressed both through scholarship and through activism, as centering geographical practices in the streets rather than in the academy impels not only more effective social change, but also new theoretical understanding of geographies of engagement. Our agenda for antiracist geography also involves three aspects of institutional change: to build up on and extend traditional geographical scholarship; to change the basis of the discipline by extending the principles of antiracism throughout our institutional practices, particularly in the classroom; and to change the face of the discipline by increasing the participation and contributions of geographers of color.  相似文献   

Much recent feminist geographical scholarship emphasizes the utility of qualitative research methods; yet, a significant proportion of feminist research in geography is quantitative. Geographers' engagement with the ideas of feminist theorists has shed new light on the relationship between epistemology, methodology, and objectivity, which in turn has facilitated a reexamination of feminist uses of quantification. In providing a context for the debate over quantitative and qualitative methods, we argue that each has a place in feminist geographical research.  相似文献   

中国政治地理学研究进展评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘云刚  王韬 《地理学报》2022,77(6):1506-1517
当前世界正面临“百年未有之大变局”,在此背景下政治地理学的发展日益受到关注。得益于得天独厚的发展环境和旺盛的学科需求,政治地理学在中国近年再度复兴,在本土化概念创新、多源研究数据和方法拓展等方面取得一系列显见的成果。另一方面,学科发展亟待跨越的一些“门槛”也日益显现,如共识核心概念缺乏、学科范式不统一、多尺度研究视角不足等,制约了其学术研究与政策应用的深入互动。在此背景下,本文基于对中国政治地理学发展动态的梳理,探讨了制约学科发展的若干基本问题,指出目前的当务之急是加强多/跨尺度研究、政策研究、区域研究,加强东西方思想交流,以此推动知识导向的批判性研究、实证主义的学术研究和实用主义的政策研究相辅相成的知识生产格局形成,从而构建起求真务实、经世致用的东方政治地理学特色,为全球治理和国家长治久安做出更大贡献。  相似文献   

《The Journal of geography》2012,111(3):106-121

The growing importance of law in American society and the potential contribution that geographers can make in implementing America's legal system point to rewarding future linkages between law and geography. This paper suggests the need for a course on Law and Geography to cultivate these linkages. The proposed course outline draws examples from water law and criminal justice law and other legal bodies that suggest significant avenues for future geographical research.  相似文献   

地理学参与健康中国建设的重点领域与行动建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
健康与环境关系是最基本的人地关系,“健康中国”建设需要地理学参与。地理学能为健康中国建设提供基于发展战略、过程评价和政策导向的路径指引,基于人地关系和谐和空间系统优化的理论指导,基于健康生活引导、健康服务优化、健康环境营造、健康保障决策、健康产业布局的实践指南。地理学参与健康中国建设,可在居民健康素养、健康生活方式与时空行为、区域人群心理健康,重点人群健康服务、重大疾病监测防控、重点区域健康促进,健康大数据与信息系统、医疗卫生资源优化配置、健康服务可达性与公平性,气候变化的健康应对、健康生态环境建设、环境健康风险治理、健康城市(环境)建设、健康乡村(环境)建设、健康文化景观建设,道地药材开发与中医药产业布局、康养旅游与健身休闲产业布局、养老服务与妇婴产业布局等18个领域发挥独特优势。地理学参与健康中国建设还存在地理科学的健康基础薄弱、地理学者的参与意识不强、地理组织的政策支持不够等问题,需要强化问题导向和目标导向的健康地理学的理论、实证和政策研究,强化地理应用技术与地理科学思维深度融合的健康促进研究,强化地理组织对地理学者参与健康中国建设的系统引领与政策支持。  相似文献   

In recent years, physical geography in Mexico has contributed to the enterprise of geographical science by integrating with fields of study closely related to topics of sustainable development. This paper outlines the contribution of the discipline to environmental public policy development, particularly ecological land use planning and integrated watershed management. In terms of applications, physical geography appears to have reached a stage of maturity in Mexico. However, it must offer a stronger leadership in areas such as ecoregional analysis (in an integrated fashion, and not only from the biological‐ecological perspective) and regional vulnerability to global change processes. An excellent opportunity exists for scientists and decision makers to develop a common agenda.  相似文献   

孙俊 《地理研究》2020,39(1):200-213
以《科学知识的地理》为中心,基于学术史、当前学界对该书的述评及相关研究的梳理,文章对科学知识地理学的学术脉络及创见进行了较详的考察。传统科学知识地理性的解释路径,存在无地方性与地方性二元论问题,且“地理”被视为科学的外因。基于科学知识生产“场所”地方性意义的揭示,科学与区域关系的建构,以及科学“流通”与科学全球化的阐释,科学知识地理学建构了“地点-区域-全球”多尺度视野下的科学知识生产、流通、消费解释路径,在揭示辩证性的科学知识地理性的同时,以新的模式解释了科学知识的地方性与全球性关系。当前研究对当代科学知识地理性的强调,以及后殖民思潮的介入,将科学知识地理学带入到了更为广阔的学术视野中。结论建议中国的科学知识地理学研究应注意审视当前科学知识地理学理论的预设,注意挖掘中国科学知识地理性方面的特殊议题,从多个层面结合中国实际讨论科学知识地理性问题,并及时、批判性地吸收和应用相关新思潮、新理论。  相似文献   

An analysis of the presence of women geographers in Spanish universities indicates that women lecturers are a minority, especially in the top posts. The written contributions of women geographers in geographical journals published by geography departments, and in unpublished M.A. theses and doctoral dissertations are proportionally fewer than the corresponding percentage of staff members.  相似文献   

Charles W.J Withers 《Area》2002,34(3):303-311
The recent success of the RGS–IBG in securing funds to develop the Society's archives provides a moment in which those interested in the history of geographical knowledge and of geography as an academic discipline might reflect on the nature of 'the geographical archive' that is constituted in and by the academic department. Drawing, in part, upon the work of Derrida and of Foucault, the paper firstly examines what an archive is and what it does. Secondly, the paper raises questions about the process of archiving and the practices of being in the archive, using the example of a research project on the history of disciplinary geography in the author's university department. In conclusion, the paper calls for wider collective attention to the nature of 'the geographical archive' in institutions teaching and researching geography in the UK.  相似文献   

Although climate change is expected to increase vulnerabilities, marginalization, and sufferings of many in the Global South, impacts will be unevenly felt across social strata. Intersectionalities of social difference, especially along gender and class lines, differentiate the ways in which impacts of climate change are experienced and responded to. Feminist political ecology and feminist geography insights can explain how different groups of people understand, respond to, and cope with variability and uncertainties in nuanced and critical ways, thereby elucidating the gendered implications of climate change. With a regional focus on South Asia, the article underscores the key issues that can be applied geographically elsewhere. Gendered implications of climate change in South Asia are particularly poignant as patriarchal norms, inequities, and inequalities often place women and men in differentiated positions in their abilities to respond to and cope with dramatic changes in socioecological relations but also foreground the complex ways in which social power relations operate in communal responses to adaptation strategies. This is particularly evident in water-related productive and reproductive tasks in agrarian societies that constitute the majority of South Asia. As climate change is expected to exacerbate both ecological degradation (e.g., water shortages) and water-related natural hazards (e.g., floods, cyclones), thereby transforming gender–water geographies, it becomes imperative to undertake careful multiscalar and critical analyses to better inform policymaking. This article elucidates the complex ways that climate change will affect gender and social relations, thereby highlighting the ways that existing policy narratives and adaptation programs might be better informed by geographical insights. To this end, the article encourages feminist and critical geographers to more forcefully and fruitfully engage with global debates on climate change.  相似文献   

基于地理学视角的国际空间规划嬗变与启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
杨庆媛  罗奎  劳昕 《地理学报》2020,75(6):1223-1236
空间规划是优化国土空间开发格局的政策工具,空间规划改革是建立现代空间治理体系的重要举措,是当前政界与学界共同关注的热点议题。本文采用文献计量与典型案例分析方法,基于地理学视角对国外空间规划研究与实践进行深入剖析,目的在于总结其演化规律,明确其对中国空间规划改革的启示。研究发现:① 地理学作为一门专注于“空间”的科学,其理论与方法在空间规划改革中不可或缺。传统的地理学理论在空间规划中仍起着中流砥柱的作用,而关系地理学等后结构主义地理学理论在空间规划中的应用也日渐广泛,同时地理学还为空间规划提供了方法与技术支撑。基于孤立视角与线性增长的传统空间规划往往难以满足当前经济社会发展需求,而基于关系网络与多种发展轨迹综合叠加的关系地理学理论可为空间规划的科学化、合理化提供支撑。② 提升中国地理学研究水平是推动空间规划健康发展的基石。德国的地理学研究成果推动了其成为空间发展最为均衡的国家之一,日本的地理学研究成果则支撑了其以三大城市群为主导国土开发格局的形成,地理学者在推动既有理论本地化的过程中,更应从人地关系地域系统角度出发,为解决中国空前激烈的人地冲突提供科学指引。③ 构建层次分明、功能互补的空间规划体系是推动空间规划目标性与操作性相统一的保障。地理学作为一门经世致用的科学,应积极面对空间规划改革这一国家重大需求,结合区域特质创新理论、方法与技术途径,为空间规划改革提供科学、合理的决策支持,以此为国家人地关系协调可持续发展做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

生态补偿的地理学特征及内涵研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
地理学以环境-社会-人类动态的综合思维,以区域综合、区域间的相互关系、尺度间的相互转换等系统研究地球表层的性质和运动规律,“人-地”地域系统是其研究核心。生态补偿是一个典型的地理学研究命题,具有“人-地”地域系统的半开放性、非稳定性以及或然性特征。本文分析了生态补偿作为地理学研究命题的一般特征及其内涵。对于生态补偿是一个地理学研究命题的判断,依据在于自然地域系统厘定了生态补偿参与主体的基本关系、经济地理格局决定了生态补偿的空间差异、地域人文环境影响了生态补偿政策的制定及其补偿形式、地理学方法为生态补偿提供了技术与平台。区域是解读生态补偿问题的突破口,区域结构是制定生态补偿政策的重要参考、区域发展外部性是开展生态补偿的科学依据、地理要素资源的区域权属是确定生态补偿主客体的依据,生态补偿研究具有“区域-差异-尺度”的地理学分析范式。生态补偿的地理学特征表现在区域性、差异性、综合性、动态性等方面。  相似文献   

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