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On the basis of large amount of historical and measured data,this paper analyzed the regional,periodic,frequency,continuing,and response characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang and proposed the conception of ratio of peak runoff.Main characteristics of droughts and floods in Zhejiang are as follows:1)The western Zhejiang region is plum rain major control area,and the eastern coastal region of Zhejiang is typhoon major control area.2)Within a long period in the future,Zhejiang will be in the long period that features droughts.3)In Zhejiang the 17th century was frequent drought and flood period,the 16th,19th,and 20th centuries were normal periods,while the 18th century was spasmodic drought and flood period.4)The severe and medium floods in Zhejiang were all centered around the M-or m-year of the 11-year sunspot activity period.5)There are biggish years of annual runoff occurred in El Ni?o year(E)or the following year(E 1)in Zhejiang.The near future evolution trend of droughts and floods in Zhejiang is as follows:1)Within a relatively long period in the future,Zhejiang Province will be in the long period of mostly drought years.2)Between 1999 and 2009 this area will feature drought years mainly,while the period of 2010-2020 will feature flood years mostly.3)Zhejiang has a good response to the sunspot activities,and the years around 2009,2015,and 2020 must be given due attention,especially around 2020 there might be an extremely severe flood year in Zhejiang.4)Floods in Zhejiang have good response to El Ni?o events,in El Ni?o year or the following year much attention must be paid to.And 5)In the future,the first,second,and third severe typhoon years in Zhejiang will be 2009,2012,and 2015,respectively.  相似文献   

中国浪漫主义文学的发展源远流长,从楚汉浪漫传统到晚明叛逆洪流,中国古代浪漫主义文学由幼稚走向成熟,也逐渐产生了和现代浪漫思潮相同的精神内涵,这就是强烈的自我意识和反叛意识;20世纪"五四"时期,在新文化运动的背景上发展出全新的、更为自由奔放的、波澜壮阔的现代浪漫主义文学巅峰。由于政治环境、文化氛围、文学传统等多种因素的影响,中国古代浪漫主义文学在广度、深度等方面都与现代浪漫主义文学存在明显差异。  相似文献   

1IN TR O D U CTIO NH istoricdaelsertificatiisonnotonlythekeyissueon theinteractiobnetweennatureandhuman proces,sbutalsothemost challenginigssueinthecomplex reltaionshipbetweenhuman andland.Previousl,ymostChinesesci-entistisnthisfieldcarrieoduttheiresearch…  相似文献   

Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes and environment evolution,espectial-lyin the aspect of calamities,are made on the history documents of past 1500 years about Haiˊan region,Jiangsu Province.There existed two obvious flooding-drought frequently-occurring periods:one was from 1550 AD to 1850 AD and another was 100 AD to 1200AD.The period of 1550 AD to1850 AD is interrupted by two relatively arid and cold climatic periods:one was from 1630 AD to 1700 AD and another was 1750 AD to 1820 AD.The main characteristic of the calamity periods is that they occurred by turns,and sometimes,both drought and flooding occurred in the same year.The instability of the climatic changes in the Little Ice Age may be the main reason of the frequently-occurring flooding and drought in Haiˊan region.Research results also show that the frequently-occurring periods of flooding and drought is in close relationship with the solar activity,and therefore,occurrence of the flooding and drought may be in relation with the intensity of the solar activity.This hypothesis may need further study in the future.  相似文献   

The Western Carpathians are located out of world main natural hazardous zones. Human casualties are related more to snow avalanches in connection with mountain hiking, some individuals yearly by flooding and rarely by forest fires. Economic lost about 0.1 to 0.2 %, exceptionally up to 0.8 % of the gross domestic product (GDP) proportionally to the Carpathian regions of particular countries. Natural disasters are linked, except of the above mentioned events, to infrequent small and medium scale earthquakes, landslides, and erosion. Records of the most harmful natural events are found in archives since the 16^th century. Their systematic study and factor analysis started from the end of the 19^th century, and protective measures and organization of impact mitigation developed during the 20^th century to minimize the risk.  相似文献   

Thethreatagainstthecoastallowlandcausedbysea-levelriseisoneofthefocusesoftheworid'sat-tention.Thebestestimatevalueofglobaltheoreticalsea-levelriseinthe2lstcenturyisO.66m(SCOR,l99l)byworldwideauthoritativeorganizationsuchasIPCC(IntergovernmentPanelofClimateChange)etal.ThecrustofChangiiangDeltaissubsiding.Theaveragesubsidencerateinthelast2OOOaisl.2mm/a(PANetal.,l985).TheislandsoftheChangiiangRivermouthareaccumulatinglowlandislandsandtheirnat-uralelevationisbelowthehightidallevelofsprin…  相似文献   

Introduction According to the definition of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), natural hazards are naturally-occurring physical phenomena caused either by rapid or slow onset events having atmospheric, geologic and hydrologic origins on solar, global, regional, national and local scales. They include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, floods and drought. Natural hazards must not automatically cause disasters (UNESCO 2005). …  相似文献   

开展Sentinel-1A SAR数据在洪水淹没范围提取和水体变化监测方面的应用研究,对科学有效地管理洪涝灾害有重要意义。合成孔径雷达以其不受天气影响、能穿透云层、覆盖面积广等特点成为灾害监测的重要数据来源。面向对象的方法能有效解决影像的椒盐现象被广泛运用于信息提取研究。本文基于Sentinel-1A SAR数据,利用面向对象的方法构建洪水淹没范围提取流程,绘制灾前、灾中、灾后水体变化监测图,对比分析基于传统像元的提取方法,实现对广西临桂会仙岩溶湿地区域不同时期洪水动态监测。研究表明,Sentinel-1A SAR数据在洪水监测领域有巨大的应用潜力,相较于传统基于像元的方法,面向对象的方法能有效抑制杂斑生成,提高空间信息的利用效率,具有更好的提取精度。  相似文献   

Collection and arrangement of the historical records of climatic changes and environment evolution, especially in the aspect of calamities, are made on the history documents of past 1500 years about Hai′ an region, Jiangsu Province. There existed two obvious flooding-drought frequently-occurring periods: one was from 1550 AD to 1850 AD and another was 1000 AD to 1200 AD. The period of 1550 AD to 1850 AD is interrupted by two relatively arid and cold climatic periods: one was from 1630 AD to 1700 AD and another was 1750 AD to 1820 AD. The main characteristic of the calamity periods is that they occurred by turns, and sometimes, both drought and flooding occurred in the same year. The instability of the climatic changes in the Little Ice Age may be the main reason of the frequently-occurring flooding and drought in Hai′ an region. Research results also show that the frequently-occurring periods of flooding and drought is in close relationship with the solar activity, and therefore, occurrence of the flooding and drought may be in relation with the intensity of the solar activity. This hypothesis may need further study in the future.  相似文献   

针对洪水灾害事故的随机性,复杂性和不确定的特点,以及在洪水风险评估选取评估指标过程中存在的主观性,通过采用粗糙集的改进属性约简算法对用于评估的指标集进行约简,从而剔除其中的对最终结果不造成影响的指标,并且利用相对约简建立用于洪水风险评估的层次指标体系,应用模糊层次分析法对该地区的洪水风险进行评估,比单纯的依靠专家打分法更具有科学依据和数据支持。  相似文献   

本文在编写《中国近代地图志》天文图篇的基础上,系统地梳理了中国古代天学家在创立“浑天说”,制造观象仪,实施天文观测和天文大地测量,制作天文图等方面的杰出成就。始于战国时期“石申夫”编制的第一个恒星表,汉代“张衡”创建的“浑天说”和世界第一台“浑天仪”,唐代“张遂”首次完成全国13个点的天文大地测量;元代郭守敬完成27个点的纬度“四海测验”与“水准测量”等,以及迄今发现的《战国前随县曾侯乙墓漆箱盖天文图》、《西汉壁画墓四象二十八宿星图》、《敦煌星图》、《苏州石刻天文图》、《过洋牵星图》、《恒星屏障图》和《赤道南北两侧总星图》等均为同时代世界首创古天文图,并以科学的天文图制作方法,展示出中国古地图大家庭中的佼佼者风范,在中国传统地图学发展过程中做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

TheagriculturalregionofSichuanBasinislocatedintheeastofSichuanProvince.TheChangjiang(YangtZe)caver,traversingeastandwest,itsbantributariesincludingtheMinjiang,Tuojiang,Jialing,FujiangandQujiangrivers,likefivefingerstoextendtowardsthenorth,disunitedthebasinintoplainsandhills,surroundedbylowandmiddlemountains,theterraindropsrapidlyfromtheexteriortointerior.Thus,asinglephysicalgeographicalunitismadeup.Withthelong-termdeve1Opment,acharacteristicagriculturalregionappealSundertheconditionofric…  相似文献   

The heavy floods in the Taihu Basin Showed increasing trend in recent years.In this work,a typical area in the northern Taihu Basin was selected for flood rish analysis and potential flood losses assessment.human activities have strong impact on the study area‘s flood situation(as affected by the polders built,deforestation,population increase,urbanization,etc.) and have made water level higher,flood duration shorter,and flood peaks sharper.Five years of different flood return periods[(1970),5(1962),10(1987),20(1954),50(1991)] were used to calculate the potential flood risk area and its losses.The potential flood risk map,economic losses,and flood-impacted population were also calculated.The study‘s main conclusions are:1) Human activities have strongly changed the natural flood situation in the study area,increasing runoff and flooding;2) The flood risk area is closely related with the precipitation center;3) Polder construction has successfully protected land from flood.Shortened the flood duration,and elevated water leel in rivers outside the polders;4) Economic and social development have caused flood losses to increase in recent years.  相似文献   

The Little Ice Age began in the early 15 the century and ended in 16 the century in the northwest region of China. In the Northern Hemisphere, the age of the Little Ice Age postponed form north to south, form west to east, and moist region to drought. Judged by the data the Little Ice Age of the Northwest China is later than the eastern China and Europe. The climate of the Little Ice Age in northwest China was cold-wet. In northwest China, as compared with the Little Ice Age, the recently annual temperature have raised about 1-1.3℃, the precipitation have reduced 50-78 mm, the evaporation have increased 7%, the glacier area have reduced about 21-46%, and the runoff have reduced about 14% in the river which the meltwater supply proportion is less than 10%. To sum up, since the Little Ice Age the warm-dry tendency of climatic variation is quite obviously in northwest China. If it goes on like this, its influence will be more severe to the river which meltwater proportion is more than 50%.  相似文献   

通过对关中平原清代历史文献资料的搜集、整理和小波分析,对该区清代霜雪灾害等级、周期及其成因进行了研究,并恢复了该区清代霜雪灾害发生时的最低气温.结果表明:关中平原清代共发生霜雪灾害34次,其中轻度、中度、重度霜雪灾害分别为2、20、12次;关中平原清代霜雪灾害可分为3个阶段,1644~1733年为第1阶段,1734~1823年为第2阶段,1824~1912年为第3阶段;第1和第3阶段为霜雪灾害多发阶段,以中度和重度灾害为主,第2阶段为霜雪灾害少发阶段,以轻度和中度灾害为主;小波分析表明,关中平原清代霜雪灾害的发生存在不同的时间周期规律,其周期主要有9~15年、13年、34年左右和40年左右;降雪或寒流引起的气温骤降至0℃以下是造成关中平原清代霜雪灾害的主要原因;关中平原清代轻度和中度霜雪灾害的气温范围为-6.4℃~-1℃,重度的气温范围一般为-19℃~-17℃;关中平原清代共发生3次寒冷气候事件,分别为1690~1692年、1861~1865年和1893~1895年.  相似文献   

Global climate change during the twentieth century had a significant impact on the glaciers that resulted in creation of new lakes and expansion of existing ones, and ultimately an increase in the number of glacial lake outburst floods(GLOFs) in the Himalayan region. This study reports variation of the end-moraine dammed lakes in the high altitude Hindukush-Karakoram-Himalaya(HKH) region of Pakistan to evaluate future floods hazard under changing climate in this region. An integrated temporal remote sensing and Geographic information system(GIS) based approach using satellite images of Landsat-7 and 8 was adopted to detect 482 endmoraine dammed lakes out of which 339 lakes(0.02 km2) were selected for temporal change analysis during the 2001-2013 period. The findings of the study revealed a net expansion in the end-moraine dammed lakes area in the Karakoram(about 7.7%) and in the Himalayas(4.6%), while there was a net shrinkage of about 1.5% in the lakes area in the Hindukush range during this period. The percentage increase in the lakes' area was highest above 4500 m asl in the Hindukush, within 3500-4000 m asl in the Himalayas and below 3500 m asl in the Karakoram range. The overall positive change in the lakes' area appears to prevail in various altitudinal ranges of the region. The heterogeneous areal changes in the endmoraine dammed lakes might be attributed to different climate regimes and glacial hydrodynamics in the three HKH ranges. A periodic monitoring of the glacial lakes and their associated glaciers is essential for developing effective hazard assessment and risk reduction strategies for this high altitude Himalayan region.  相似文献   


In response to a suggestion that the large meander of the Kuroshio is a good predictor of droughtsin the Changjiang River Valley, it is argued that more recent inceptions of the meander lend statisticalweigh to the belief that the large meander is itself a consequence of E1 Nino, and hence of the SouthernOscillation. The meander usually lags. Thus, if the meander reliably predicts droughts, the Tahiti componentof the Southern Oscillation will usually give six months' extra warning.  相似文献   

Located in the headwater upstream of the Taihu Lake region, which is a densely populated and economically developed area in China, the West Tiaoxi River catchment is a frequently food-hit area due to its nature and climatic characteristics. During the last several decades, more than ten catastrophic floods happened in this area, causing huge economic losses. Since 1990, due to the increasing property vulnerability to flood hazard, the disasters were even more serious than before, and economic losses increased year by year. Thus, there have great importance to study flood behaviors, flood risks and their consequences. In this paper the hydrologic/hydraulic modelling is presented firstly. It is the method to study the relationship between rainfall and runoff and the flood propagation process. Secondly, the author gives the summary of the current study methods for flood risk assessment. The West Tiaoxi River catchment has a long history of the construction of polders and hydraulic engineering. Most farmlands have been protected against floods. So the combination method has been used to obtain the real risk area. The results have been obtained by using this method, which, the authors think, will be used in disaster preparedness, property insurance etc. Foundation item: Under the auspices of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 49671028) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Biography: XU Peng-zhu (1965 —), male, a native of Funing County of Jiangsu Province, associate researcher. His research interests include hydrology and water resources, numerical modelling, and application of GIS to hydrology.  相似文献   

在洪水灾情监测中,快速准确的获取淹没区域和洪灾面积,对防汛救灾和灾后重建工作具有重要价值.本文以2017年美国圣路易斯洪水为例,基于Sentinel-1 SAR数据,利用变化检测和阈值相结合的方法实现大范围洪水淹没提取,将VV/VH极化数据分别与从同期Sentinel-2光学影像中获取的洪水淹没范围进行比较,评定极化方...  相似文献   

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