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基于GIS的社区居民避震疏散区划方法及应用研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
在快速城市化和地震灾害频发的背景下,灾前人群紧急疏散区划成为防灾减灾规划研究的重要课题。结合当前城市应急疏散设施布局现状,立足于社区夜间避震疏散需求,综合运用GIS空间分析技术,从应急疏散需求分布、疏散空间可达性、疏散优化归属3方面逐步构建居民避震疏散区划方法,并选择上海市内人群和建筑相对密集的陆家嘴街道为对象开展实证研究。从而为城市防震减灾规划的避难设施优化布局和应急疏散预案编制提供科学适用的技术手段。  相似文献   

The timely and secure evacuation of residents to nearby urban emergency shelters is of great importance during unexpected disaster events. However, evacuation and allocation of shelters are seldom examined as a whole, even though they are usually closely related tasks in disaster management. To conduct better spatial allocation of emergency shelters in cities, this study proposes a new method which integrates techniques of multi-agent system and multi-criteria evaluation for spatial allocation of urban emergency shelters. Compared with the traditional emergency shelter allocation methods, the proposed method highlights the importance of dynamic emergency evacuation simulations for spatial allocation suitability analysis. Three kinds of agents involved in evacuation and sheltering procedures are designed: government agents, shelter agents, and resident agents. Emergency evacuations are simulated based on the interactions of these agents to find potential problems, for example, time-consuming evacuation processes and road congestion. A case study in Jing’an District, Shanghai, China was conducted to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed method. After three rounds of simulation and optimization, new shelters were spatially allocated and a detailed recommended plan of shelters and related facilities was generated. The optimized spatial allocation of shelters may help local residents to be evacuated more quickly and securely.  相似文献   

Hurricane Katrina constitutes the most costly natural as well as technology-induced disaster, in terms of both human suffering and financial loss in the history of the United States. Even years later, it continues to profoundly impact the livelihoods and the mental and physical health of those who have experienced evacuation and return and those who have begun lives anew elsewhere. Our study focuses on these geographical processes associated with the Katrina disaster experiences of African Americans and Vietnamese Americans comprising an overwhelming majority (93.4 percent) of residents in a racially mixed pre-Katrina eastern New Orleans neighborhood. We examine the spatial morphology of routes, volumes, and frequencies of evacuees; their return rates and experiences; and rationales and motivations to return or stay. The conceptual framework is based on the disaster migration, place attachment, and social network literature. Both quantitative and qualitative evidence indicates that the evacuation and return experiences of each minority group substantially differed, especially among African American women, and this was strongly influenced by existing social networks.  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠农田沙害特征及其时空变化规律   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
风沙严重威胁着乌兰布和沙漠农田的健康运行。通过野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,对农田沙害形式、特征及时空变化规律进行了分析。结果表明:①流沙入侵和土壤风蚀是危害农田的主要形式,其沙源主要为绿洲内部土壤风蚀和零星分布的流动沙丘及绿洲外部的流沙前移和风沙流活动;②农田沙害具有普遍性、季节性、各向异性、累积性和影响因素的多样性等特性;③绿洲内农田土壤风蚀由绿洲边缘向绿洲中心逐渐减弱,风蚀深度和强度下降。同一林网内,则由边缘向中心增加,防护林及地埂后一定距离内表现为沉积,其余地段表现为风蚀;沙质农田较黏质农田的风蚀深度和强度大。时间变化上,表现为秋季弱,春季强的特点。  相似文献   

利用新疆南疆各地州1949~2008年间发生的大风天气所造成的死亡人口、受灾农田面积、经济损失和死亡牲畜资料,评估南疆风灾的灾度及其时空变化特征进行深入分析。分析得出:(1)阿克苏、喀什和巴州重大风灾天气发生次数多,强度大,是风灾防范和灾后救助的重点地区;和田和克州重大风灾天气发生次数少,强度弱,是风灾防范和灾后救助的次重点地区;在4~5月份重大风灾天气发生次数多,持续时间长,而且4~5月份是作物播种和出苗期,大风容易成灾,为此4~5月份是风灾防范和灾后救助的重点季节。(2)重大风灾天气发生次数由20世纪50年代至90年代逐年增长,自21世纪开始略有减少;重大风灾天气在巴州发生次数最多,在60a间为84次,其次喀什75次,阿克苏67次,和田和克州较少。(3)风灾经济损失随着工农业生产总值的增长而增加,而且增长速度比经济增长速度快,建议增加防治风灾投入,改善生态环境,加快退耕还林还草进程,建立减灾系统,加强风灾防治。  相似文献   

山洪灾害具有广泛性、突发性、破坏性等特征,开展山洪易发区的社区韧性评估,从而提高灾害应对能力是当前防灾减灾的前沿热点和难点。论文提出了一套多学科的综合方法:(1)利用中介效应明晰了山洪视角下社区韧性评价体系各指标间的定量化传递关系;(2)构建了基于决策实验室分析和解释结构模型的耦合数学模型,确定社区韧性影响因素的多级递阶解释结构模型,分析社区韧性的差异化影响因素;(3)采用信息扩散方法,定量分析山洪灾害社区韧性的变化趋势并排序。以粤北山洪易发区为例,从城镇、村落、城乡结合部3种类型社区进行灾害韧性分析。结果表明:山洪视角下的社区韧性指标体系是一个多维度多层次的复杂网络系统,包括环境、社会、心理、制度和信息沟通5个方面;不同类型社区灾害韧性的直接影响因素呈差异化特征,而供排水设施建设和洪灾应急演练为社区韧性的根本影响因素,对增强山洪视角下社区韧性发挥本质性作用;由于调研村落多位于山洪频发区,居民防范灾害、减轻灾害影响的意识较强,村落较城镇和城乡结合社区呈现出更高的韧性。研究可为提升粤北山洪易发区社区韧性及社区防灾减灾能力提供科学参考,该综合分析方法亦可为其他类型灾害的精细化防灾减灾提供支...  相似文献   

1949-2015年中国典型自然灾害及粮食灾损特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国是一个自然灾害频发的国家,研究其自然灾害演变特征及粮食灾损规律,对实现中国社会经济可持续发展、解决中国粮食安全问题具有重要意义。本文先基于Python语言编程获取1949-2015年中国31省市自然灾害造成的受灾、成灾、绝收面积,构建灾害强度指数分析不同灾种的时序特征分异,利用趋势分析、ESDA方法分析不同灾种在省域空间的分布特征及冷热区;再获取1949-2015年粮食种植数据,通过粮食灾损估算模型、定义粮食灾损率、地理空间探测器,计算并检验中国粮食损失时空特征及分异性。结果表明:① 相比受灾面积曲线,本文构建的灾害程度指数能够更好揭示自然灾害时序演变特征;② 1949-2015年期间中国两大主力灾害(洪灾、旱灾)交替出现,未来5~10年以洪灾为主;③ 灾种排序旱灾>洪灾>风雹>低温>台风,其中旱灾、洪灾受灾占比过半;④ 省域不同灾种间空间趋势变化特征明显,区域受灾面积东部>西部,北部>南部,且北部灾种单一、南部多灾并发;⑤ 自然灾害受灾总和、旱灾、雹灾、低温空间上全局自相关性不显著,呈随机模式分布,洪涝、台风在空间分布上具有显著的全局自相关性,呈集聚模式;⑥ 1949-2015年灾害、灾损量、灾损率整体时序趋势呈现先升后降,2000年为临界点,空间分布具有异质性,单因子解释力度差异显著,多因子交互均呈非线性增强关系,胡焕庸线两侧冷热点分布呈两极化且其重心向北迁移。建议政府加强除旱减雹(西北)、除旱排内涝(东北)、排涝防冻(中部)、排涝预台(东南沿海)等工程技术措施;同时西北(环境恶劣)、东北(中国粮仓)应作为防灾减灾重点保护区,制定专项保护方案,以保证中国粮食丰产增收。  相似文献   

於家  温家洪  陈芸  廖邦固  杜士强 《地理学报》2017,72(8):1458-1475
城市应急避难所的空间配置一直是灾害防治和城市安全研究领域的热点问题。本文以城市居民尽快地,尽少拥挤地到达满足容纳需求的应急避难所为目标,整合遥感影像数据、高精度人口分布数据、交通路网数据和专家知识等数据,综合运用智能体模型和多准则决策方法,对城市避难所空间配置开展研究。本文设计了三类与应急疏散相关的智能体:政府智能体、避难所智能体和居民智能体,来实现应急疏散的模拟,并根据模拟结果支持应急避难所的空间选址和配置。选址方法上运用了多准则决策方法和权重敏感性分析,在选址高适宜区域内选定避难所的新建方案。以新的避难所空间布局和配置为条件,执行新一轮的应急疏散模拟过程,实现选址的循环优化,从而获得最终的避难所空间配置方案。本文以上海市静安区的应急避难所空间配置分析为案例,生成了该区域应急避难所的详细空间配置方案,该方案能帮助居民在尽少拥挤风险下尽快疏散到附近的避难所。本文提出的方法充实了中国城市避难所选址的相关理论与可操作性的技术基础,为其他地区开展避难所的配置工作提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

According to the principle of the eruption of debris flows, the new torrent classification techniques are brought forward. The torrent there can be divided into 4 types such as the debris flow torrent with high destructive strength, the debris flow torrent, high sand-carrying capacity flush flood torrent and common flush flood by the techniques. In this paper, the classification indices system and the quantitative rating methods are presented. Based on torrent classification, debris flow torrent hazard zone mapping techniques by which the debris flow disaster early-warning object can be ascertained accurately are identified. The key techniques of building the debris flow disaster neural network (NN) real time forecasting model are given detailed explanations in this paper, including the determination of neural node at the input layer, the output layer and the implicit layer, the construction of knowledge source and the initial weight value and so on. With this technique, the debris flow disaster real-time forecasting neural network model is built according to the rainfall features of the historical debris flow disasters, which includes multiple rain factors such as rainfall of the disaster day, the rainfall of 15 days before the disaster day, the maximal rate of rainfall in one hour and ten minutes. It can forecast the probability, critical rainfall of eruption of the debris flows, through the real-time rainfall monitoring or weather forecasting. Based on the torrent classification and hazard zone mapping, combined with rainfall monitoring in the rainy season and real-time forecasting models, the debris flow disaster early-warning system is built. In this system, the GIS technique, the advanced international software and hardware are applied, which makes the system's performance steady with good expansibility. The system is a visual information system that serves management and decision-making, which can facilitate timely inspect of the variation of the torrent type and hazardous zone, the torrent management, the early-warning of disasters and the disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

准确了解区域洪水灾害风险演变状况及规律,对于洪水灾害预警与管理具有重要意义。本文利用1990年和2000年洪水灾害风险等级数据和风险指数数据,分析了10年来区域洪水灾害风险演变规律。研究表明:(1)1990~2000年10年之间,研究区的洪水灾害风险在空间分布格局及时间演变过程上都发生了显著变化。(2)高风险区与较高风险区的面积在增加,较低风险区、中等风险区的面积在逐渐减少,这是区域洪水灾害风险等级结构变化最突出的特征。(3)区域洪水灾害风险等级之间的不对等转化是各种风险等级结构特征发生实质性变化的主要原因。(4)2000年区域洪水灾害风险较1990年高,整个区域洪水灾害风险在增加,但局部地区洪水灾害风险变化不一。(5)区域洪水灾害风险演变的本质就是风险等级类型结构和功能的自组织,对于揭示洪水灾害演变的普遍现象和机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

开展产业网络灾害经济损失评估研究,是理解产业网络脆弱性和潜在风险,科学指导灾前风险防范及灾后恢复重建决策的关键环节。本文从产业网络中灾害扩散的角度,对其造成的经济损失类型及研究进展进行了系统梳理。结果表明,产业物理损失方面,主要通过建立灾害强度参数与厂房建筑、生产设备及存货等物理损失程度间的脆弱性曲线进行评估。受灾产业中断损失方面,应关注其组合投入要素物理受损情景下的生产能力损失程度(PCLR)。产业网络灾害波及损失方面,主要存在微观“企业供应链网络”和宏观“产业链网络”二种研究尺度。其中,前者以微观企业个体为基本粒度,利用复杂网络分析方法,模拟灾害依托企业供应关系扩散的空间过程及其造成的供应链中断损失;后者以聚合的产业部门或区域为基本粒度,利用投入产出(IO)、可计算一般均衡(CGE)等宏观经济计量模型,模拟灾害在产业部门或区域间的扩散过程及其造成的宏观区域经济损失。最后,从情景分析的视角,构建包括灾害事件场景、产业网络暴露、节点物理损失和中断损失、供应链网络中断损失、宏观产出损失于一体的多过程、多尺度经济损失集成评估体系,以综合模拟灾害损失在产业网络中的放大效应。  相似文献   

暴雨山洪灾害预警是中小流域山洪灾害防控体系的薄弱环节,也是决定山洪灾害防控成败的关键。论文围绕山洪灾害预警的核心问题,从中国山洪灾害区域差异特征、山洪灾害预警技术方法、山洪灾害概率预警现状3个方面进行了综述。中国山洪灾害分布存在明显的时空差异,因此有必要根据山洪灾害的区域差异发展有针对性的预警方法。以临界雨量为指标的雨量预警是目前中国中小流域暴雨山洪灾害预警的主要技术手段,但常规方法仅给出一个(组)确定的临界雨量阈值,导致预警结果存在突出的不确定性问题。概率预警可以定量评估诸多不确定性,给出山洪灾害概率预警结果,因此具备很好的理论优势与潜在应用价值。论文展望了山洪灾害概率预警未来的研究重点与方向:(1)充分挖掘暴雨洪水样本信息,开展山洪灾害概率预警基础方法与技术集成研究;(2)加强非平稳性条件下的临界雨量阈值估算与山洪灾害概率预警研究;(3)综合考虑预警阈值发生概率及其致灾概率,优化“多级预警、多级响应”技术方法,推进山洪灾害综合预警业务系统建设与应用。  相似文献   

According to the principle of the eruption of debris flows, the new torrent classification techniques are brought forward. The torrent there can be divided into 4 types such as the debris flow torrent with high destructive strength, the debris flow torrent, high sand-carrying capacity flush flood torrent and common flush flood by the techniques. In this paper, the classification indices system and the quantitative rating methods are presented. Based on torrent classification, debris flow torrent hazard zone mapping techniques by which the debris flow disaster early-warning object can be ascertained accurately are identified. The key techniques of building the debris flow disaster neural network (NN)real time forecasting model are given detailed explanations in this paper, including the determination of neural node at the input layer, the output layer and the implicit layer, the construction of knowledge source and the initial weight value and so on. With this technique, the debris flow disaster real-time forecasting neural network model is built according to the rainfall features of the historical debris flow disasters, which includes multiple rain factors such as rainfall of the disaster day, the rainfall of 15 days before the disaster day, the maximal rate of rainfall in one hour and ten minutes. It can forecast the probability, critical rainfall of eruption of the debris flows, through the real-time rainfall monitoring or weather forecasting. Based on the torrent classification and hazard zone mapping, combined with rainfall monitoring in the rainy season and real-time forecasting models, the debris flow disaster early-warning system is built. In this system, the GIS technique, the advanced international software and hardware are applied, which makes the system′s performance steady with good expansibility. The system is a visual information system that serves management and decision-making, which can facilitate timely inspect of the variation of the torrent type and hazardous zone, the torrent management, the early-warning of disasters and the disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

According to the results of The Second Comprehensive Scientific Expedition on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the balance of solid and liquid water on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is disturbed, and a large amount of solid water, such as glaciers and perpetual snow, is transformed into liquid water, which aggravates the risk of flood disasters in the Plateau. Based on the historical flood disaster records of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, this paper analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of the flood disasters in the Plateau, and estimated the critical rainfall for the flood disasters combined with precipitation data from the meteorological stations in each basin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The results show that most of the flood disaster events in the Plateau are caused by precipitation, and the average annual occurrence of flood disasters is more than 30 cases and their frequency is on the rise. The high frequency areas of flood disasters in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are mainly in the Hehuang Valley and the Hengduan Mountains area; the secondary high frequency areas are located in the valley area of South Tibet and the peripheral area of the Hehuang valley. Finally, we found that the highest critical rainfall value of flood disasters in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is in the southern area of the plateau, followed by the eastern and southeastern parts of the plateau, and the lowest values are in the central, western and northern parts of the Plateau.  相似文献   

灾害危险性和灾害损失是区域灾害风险评估的重要内容。以往研究大多基于国别尺度,无法表征国家内部和经济带沿线的灾害损失特征。本文基于“一带一路”沿线地区的洪涝、干旱、风暴、地震4类主要自然灾害的历史数据,提出灾害数据空间尺度下推方法,构建了基于省级尺度的灾害数据库,从灾害发生频次与灾害损失的角度,探讨了“一带一路”沿线地区主要灾害危险性和人口、经济损失的空间分布特征以及综合灾损高值区的主导灾害。研究表明2003—2018年间,“一带一路”沿线地区灾害发生广泛,各类灾害危险性和损失具有明显的集聚特征:81.4%区域均有灾害发生,洪涝灾害发生范围最广,风暴主要发生在沿海地区,干旱灾害集中在中国北部和泰国等地,地震多分布于地震带沿线;全域人口损失以洪涝(53%)、干旱(26%)为主,经济损失以洪涝(49%)、地震(23%)为主,各地区人口和经济损失因区域内人口和经济基础不同存在空间差异;大部分区域损失由单一灾害主导,仅小部分地区损失受多种灾害共同影响。研究结果提示我们应针对各灾害高危区、灾损高值区及各地区主导灾害制定相适应的防灾减灾措施,为未来“一带一路”的自然灾害风险防范与综合减灾、重大基础设施建设等提供支撑。  相似文献   

According to the principle of the eruption of debris flows, the new torrent classification techniques are brought forward. The torrent there can be divided into 4 types such as the debris flow torrent with high destructive strength, the debris flow torrent, high sand-carrying capacity flush flood torrent and common flush flood by the techniques. In this paper, the classification indices system and the quantitative rating methods are presented. Based on torrent classification, debris flow torrent hazard zone mapping techniques by which the debris flow disaster early-warning object can be ascertained accurately are identified. The key techniques of building the debris flow disaster neural network (NN) real time forecasting model are given detailed explanations in this paper, including the determination of neural node at the input layer, the output layer and the implicit layer, the construction of knowledge source and the initial weight value and so on. With this technique, the debris flow disaster real-time forecasting neural network model is built according to the rainfall features of the historical debris flow disasters, which includes multiple rain factors such as rainfall of the disaster day, the rainfall of 15 days before the disaster day, the maximal rate of rainfall in one hour and ten minutes. It can forecast the probability, critical rainfall of eruption of the debris flows, through the real-time rainfall monitoring or weather forecasting. Based on the torrent classification and hazard zone mapping, combined with rainfall monitoring in the rainy season and real-time forecasting models, the debris flow disaster early-warning system is built. In this system, the GIS technique, the advanced international software and hardware are applied, which makes the system’s performance steady with good expansibility. The system is a visual information system that serves management and decision-making, which can facilitate timely inspect of the variation of the torrent type and hazardous zone, the torrent management, the early-warning of disasters and the disaster reduction and prevention.  相似文献   

西藏高原生态功能区划研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在分析西藏高原生态环境特征,明确生态系统类型的结构与过程及其空间分布特征的基础上,评价不同生态系统类型的生态服务功能及其在区域社会经济发展中的作用和重要性。运用生态系统科学的原理与方法,结合遥感、地理信息系统和综合分析等手段,对西藏高原在生态区、生态亚区和生态功能区3 个级别上进行生态分区,划分为7 个生态区、17 个生态亚区和76 个生态功能区,并用3 级命名法对这些分区进行命名,绘制了西藏高原生态功能分区图,为高原生态保护和区域社会经济发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

南疆近60年来洪灾时空变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对南疆洪灾时空变化特征进行深入分析。结果表明:①南疆洪灾,在20世纪50~70年代发生频次较低,自1980年开始显著上升。洪灾年内主要集中在3~9月,其中7月频次最多为7.8次。春季发生融雪型洪灾,夏季以暴雨洪灾和暴雨融雪型洪灾为主。②阿克苏和喀什是南疆洪灾频次最多,暴雨洪灾持续时间最长的地区,巴州是暴雨洪灾频次及持续时间增长速度最快的地区。③阿克苏和喀什属于重洪灾区、巴州属于中洪灾区、克州与和田属于轻洪灾区。④洪灾损失随着工农业生产总值的增长而增加,而且增长速度比经济增长速度快,建议加大防洪投入力度,建设控制性水利工程。  相似文献   

唐宋时期是我国气候中的重要暖期,开展该时期区域灾害时空格局研究,可为气候变暖的影响研究提供实证案例,为潜在极端气候风险防范提供依据。基于《中国古代重大自然灾害和异常年表总集》,以10年为时间分辨率,将气象、水文类灾种整合归类为冷害、热害、旱灾、水灾、其他灾害,并以省为基本单元统计唐宋时期我国东部地区(南北方)重大气象、水文灾害的发生频次,分析其时空分布特征。结果显示:唐宋暖期灾害可分为3个高发期和4个低发期,存在"较少发-高发-少发-较高发"循环的特点;南、北方自然灾害高发期和低发期并不同步;灾害发生具有空间集中性(多发于浙江、河南、陕西、山东、河北和江苏),南方多水灾、旱灾,北方多水灾、冷害。唐宋时期灾种构成与现今相似,重大水灾发生频次是旱灾的3~4倍。受经济发展地域范围和经济水平、灾害记录详略及灾害等级评判标准差异的影响,现代灾害发生频次增大,具有区域分布集中性,主要发生于华北、华中、华南,区域分布范围明显南扩。在气候变暖情况下,应重点防范水灾、旱灾和冷害。  相似文献   

Vulnerability refers to the degree of an individual subject to the damage arising from a catastrophic disaster. It is affected by multiple indicators that include hazard intensity, environment, and individual characteristics. The traditional area aggregate approach does not differentiate the individuals exposed to the disaster. In this article, we propose a new solution of modeling vulnerability. Our strategy is to use spatial analysis and Bayesian network (BN) to model vulnerability and make insurance pricing in a spatially explicit manner. Spatial analysis is employed to preprocess the data, for example kernel density analysis (KDA) is employed to quantify the influence of geo-features on catastrophic risk and relate such influence to spatial distance. BN provides a consistent platform to integrate a variety of indicators including those extracted by spatial analysis techniques to model uncertainty of vulnerability. Our approach can differentiate attributes of different individuals at a finer scale, integrate quantitative indicators from multiple-sources, and evaluate the vulnerability even with missing data. In the pilot study case of seismic risk, our approach obtains a spatially located result of vulnerability and makes an insurance price at a finer scale for the insured buildings. The result obtained with our method is informative for decision-makers to make a spatially located planning of buildings and allocation of resources before, during, and after the disasters.  相似文献   

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