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对143年甘谷西7级地震史料的新见解   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
根据地震历史资料的考证分析,143年甘谷西地震可能由2次地震组成,其中陇西、汉阳(今甘谷)、武都三郡地震有感区为一次地震,称为南区;张掖、武威、北地(今吴忠)三郡地震有感区为另一次主震,称为北区。南区地震震中大致位于甘谷西,与原定震中位置大体相当,仍称为甘谷西地震,震级达714级左右,震中烈度约Ⅸ~Ⅹ度,发震构造为西秦岭北缘断裂带中段;北区的143年地震震中位于武威以东的腾格里沙漠边缘,震级达712级左右,震中烈度约Ⅹ度,推测其发震构造为祁连山-河西走廊活动断裂系东端的主干活动断裂之一。  相似文献   

在归纳1954年山丹71/4级地震已有地震史料的基础上,根据新获得的朱允明(2006)《山丹地震考察笔记》的详细考察资料,按照《新中国地震烈度表》重新评定了本次地震中各考察点的地震烈度,重新绘制了该地震的等震线图。其中,极震区Ⅸ—Ⅹ度区长轴方向为北西向,呈扁椭圆形,长轴直径约40km;Ⅷ度区南西侧为山丹盆地,第四纪沉积较厚,地震烈度衰减缓慢,因此,Ⅷ度区等震线向南明显突出。1954年山丹71/4级地震极震区位于龙首山北缘断裂西段,大致与该断裂的包代河-黑头山段相吻合,综合分析认为,该段断裂是本次地震的主发震断层,而破喇嘛顶西缘断裂和毛湖洞断裂是重要的参与断裂。  相似文献   

四川北部地区位于南北强震构造带的中北段,区内活动断裂众多、构造关系复杂、历史及现今地震活动频繁。其中,早期历史地震因时间久远、史料记载简略等原因,其地震基本参数确定和发震构造分析难度较大,存在较大的不确定性。通过对地震史料的系统梳理和实地考证,对该区1900年以前的3次中强破坏性地震(公元638年松潘地震、1738年南坪地震和1748年松潘北地震)进行补充考证,对其震中位置、震级和烈度等基本参数进行重新核定,并综合分析其发震构造特征。研究结果对分析该区地震活动特征及判定未来强震危险区等均具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

1837年甘肃岷县北6级地震考证与发震构造分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过对1837年甘肃岷县北6级地震的历史资料考证、 发震构造的综合研究表明:在1837年地震中遭破坏最为严重的地区位于今岷县堡子乡武旗及临潭县陈旗一带(当时的洮州厅以东约15 km)。 由此确定1837年甘肃岷县地震极震区位于甘肃岷县-临潭-卓尼三县交界, 极震区烈度为Ⅷ度, 震中位于北纬34.7°, 东经103.9°, 误差在10 km以内。 该地区构造位于东昆仑断裂带和西秦岭北缘断裂带的应变传递和构造转换的中间过渡区, 其中临潭-宕昌断裂带活动特性差异明显, 只有部分地段表现出全新世活动特征, 地震极震区一带分布有不同程度的滑坡和基岩崩塌等。 综合分析认为, 临潭-宕昌断裂带的岷县-宕昌段的前缘分支断裂是甘肃岷县1837年6级地震的发震构造。  相似文献   

734年天水7级地震考证与发震构造分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
根据历史地震资料的考证结果,734年天水地震的极震区位于秦州中都督府、麦积都尉一带,今天水市秦城区、北道区和麦积山一带,震中烈度达Ⅹ度,震级71/2级左右。其等震线长轴方向为NW向,大致与西秦岭北缘断裂带的甘谷-武山断裂段相吻合,极震区正好位于甘谷-武山断裂段的东端。综合分析认为,734年天水71/2级地震的发震构造为西秦岭北缘断裂带的甘谷-武山断裂段东端  相似文献   

1590年7月7日甘肃永靖东南地震考证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公元1590年7月,在甘肃临洮附近有破坏性历史地震记载"……坏城廓庐舍,压死人畜无算"。同月,青海东部的冰沟城(今乐都县东北)也因地震而城崩。在过去出版的地震目录中,均按两次地震列出,分别称为甘肃临洮51/2级地震,震中烈度Ⅶ度;青海乐都5级地震,震中烈度Ⅵ度。根据史料考证和现场调查结果,综合分析认为,上述两次地震很有可能为同一次地震,其震中位于甘肃永靖东南的马衔山区,震中烈度达Ⅷ—Ⅸ度,震级61/2级左右,其发震构造很可能为兰州马衔山北缘断裂带的中西段。  相似文献   

Study of historical earthquake is one of the important methods to understand the seismic activities and analyze the seismogenic faults. On the May 25th, 1568 AD, a destructive earthquake occurred to the northeast of the present-day city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. Because this earthquake happened shortly after the 1556 M8 earthquake and was regarded as an aftershock, it has received little attention in previous studies. Previous earthquake catalogue agreed in assigning a magnitude 6 3/4 to this earthquake but had different epicentral locations and seismic intensity, and the seismogenic structure remains ambiguous. Based on textual research of historical earthquake and field investigation, the Jingyang County, Gaoling County, and Xianning County, were the worst hit area by the earthquake, and the areas, including Yongle Town, Gaozhuang Town at southeastern Jingyang County to Gaoling County and its southeastern present-day Jijia and Zhangbu, should be the mesoseismal area of this earthquake. The epicenter intensity of this earthquake is Ⅸ+(9~10 degrees), and the magnitude is estimated to be 7. The isoseismal lines were drawn to exhibit the various intensities of the areas damaged during the event, with its major axis directed NWW. Intensities reached Ⅸ+ in the zone extending west-northwest parallel to the Weinan-Jingyang Fault. This fault, characterized by a normal fault that developed during the Cenozoic extensional history of the Weihe Basin, dipping to the north at an angle of 60°~80°, is one part of the southern boundary faults in Weihe graben. There are geomorphological and geological evidences of recent activity of the fault during (180±30)a BP to (1 600±30)a BP. At T1-T2 fluvial terraces on the north bank of Weihe River, the scarps were faulted during Ming Dynasty, and sandy soil liquefaction, dense structural tensional fissures and faulted strata are noted in stratigraphic profiles and trenches. Thus, we suggest that this fault can reliably be regarded as being active during Holocene, and re-name the earthquake as the Shaanxi Gaoling earthquake.  相似文献   

联合利用甘肃及周边测震台网记录的古浪及周边地区4 592次地震的P波绝对到时和相对到时资料,采用双差地震定位方法对古浪震源区小震进行重新定位后发现,皇城-双塔断裂带东、西两段表现出不同的力学运动性质,西段以逆冲运动为主,地震主要发生在断裂的下盘;而东段地震却主要发生在上盘,断层活动以局部拉张为主。还首次发现在皇城-双塔断裂带的中段与主破裂呈垂直方向存在一条主震发生时新产生的共轭断层,基于小震的断层面参数反演显示该断裂是一高倾角运动性质以右旋为主兼具正断的断裂。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe vector diagramof the crustal horizontal movement of the north margin of Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) block obtained from GPS measurements of 2001 ~2003 shows that the western part of theregion presents a southwestward movement oppositetothetrend beforethe Nov.14 ,2001 west KunlunMountains PassMS8 .1 earthquake ,which mayreflectthe post-earthquake relaxationand adjustment ofthe region (Zhang Xi ,2004) .It was the variation of regional dynamics that led to instability of thepo…  相似文献   

Tancheng-Lujiang Fault runs through Shandong,Jiangsu,Anhui Provinces of East China,and this segment is called the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone in the paper.By comparative analysis on the data of seismogeology,deep seismic exploration,seismic tomography,seismic activity,geomorphology,crustal motion velocity field and deformation observation,etc.,and based on the principles of historical earthquake recurrence and structure analogy,the possibility is discussed of the occurrence of strong earthquake in the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment.It is found by comparison between the Wangji-Jiashan region of south Sihong County and epicenter area of the 1668 Tancheng M 81/2 earhtquake that there are high similarities between these two regions in terms of deep-seated and shallow geologic structure,neotectonic movement,and seismic activity,etc.According to the studies of historic seismic event recurrence and tectonic comparison,the area along Wangji to Jiashan of Sihong County along the Shandong-Jiangsu-Anhui segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault zone is likely to generate M7 or above strong earthquake.  相似文献   

兰州地区活动构造的基本特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
兰州地区发育了NWW向和NWW向2组主导性活动构造带。大致以河口为界,东部地区主要为NWW向的马衔山-兴隆山左旋逆走滑活动断裂系,其新活动明显,是区内的主要控震断裂,1125年兰州7级地震就发生在其中的马衔山北缘断裂带的西端。河口以西为拉脊山北缘断裂和庄浪河断裂等1组NWW向的弧形逆冲断褶带,变形方式以断裂扩展褶皱为主,其新活动可能导致了138年金城-陇西63/4级地震、1440年永登61/4级地震和1995年永登5.8级地震的发生。兰州市区所在的兰州盆地则夹持在上述2组活动构造之间,其内同样发育了NWW向和NWW向的次级断裂,如刘家堡断裂、金城关断裂、雷坛河断裂及深沟桥断裂等,其上具有孕育和发生中强震的构造条件。  相似文献   

兰州1125年7级地震考证与发震构造分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
对历史地震资料的详细考证,黄土地震滑坡的调查及兰州地区活动断裂的追踪考察表明:在兰州1125年地震中遭毁坏的“金城六城”之一的益机滩堡在今兰州市西固区河口以南的潍尼龙厂内,由此确定的六城范围在今兰州市西固区以南至河口一带,这与本区黄土地震滑坡的分布范围,全新世活动断裂的展布及地震破裂带遗迹的分布相吻合,综合分析认为,兰州1125年7级地震的发震构造应为兰州市区以南,距市区最近距离仅4km的马衔山北缘活动断裂带西端的咸水沟断裂段。  相似文献   

南北地震带北段强震破裂空段的地震危险性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
综合活动构造与重要活动断裂带的历史及现今强震震源区或破裂分布等资料,南北地震带北段存在长期缺少MSge;7.0地震的破裂空段.为了考察这些空段的地震危险性,首先采用Burgers体黏弹介质模型,计算周围有记载以来的历史强震在空段引起的库仑应力动态演化;其次结合背景地震发生率,采用Dieterich模型分析历史强震对空段地震活动的影响,讨论了空段所在区域的地震发生概率.结果显示,南北地震带北段强震破裂空段的地震危险性程度自高到低依次是:东昆仑活动断裂带东段的若尔盖——九寨沟段、六盘山断裂带中南段空段、香山——天景山段裂中南段同心空段、天祝——大靖空段、西秦岭北缘断裂带中西段、西秦岭北缘断裂带东段.该结果可为南北地震带北段的地震危险性估计提供参考.   相似文献   

On August 8, 2017, Beijing time, an earthquake of M7.0 occurred in Jiuzhaigou County, Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province, with the epicenter located at 33.20°N 103.82°E. The earthquake caused 25 people dead, 525 people injured, 6 people missing and 170000 people affected. Many houses were damaged to various degrees. Up to October 15, 2017, a total of 7679 aftershocks were recorded, including 2099 earthquakes of M ≥ 1.0. The M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake occurred in the northeastern boundary belt of the Bayan Har block on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where many active faults are developed, including the Tazhong Fault(the eastern segment of the East Kunlun Fault), the Minjiang fault zone, the Xueshan fault zone, the Huya fault zone, the Wenxian fault zone, the Guanggaishan-Daishan Fault, the Bailongjiang Fault, the Longriuba Fault and the Longmenshan Fault. As one of the important passages for the eastward extrusion movement of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(Tapponnier et al., 2001), the East Kunlun fault zone has a crucial influence on the tectonic activities of the northeastern boundary belt of Bayan Kala. Meanwhile, the Coulomb stress, fault strain and other research results show that the eastern boundary of the Bayan Har block still has a high risk of strong earthquakes in the future. So the study of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake' seismogenic faults and stress fields is of great significance for scientific understanding of the seismogenic environment and geodynamics of the eastern boundary of Bayan Har block. In this paper, the epicenter of the main shock and its aftershocks were relocated by the double-difference relocation method and the spatial distribution of the aftershock sequence was obtained. Then we determined the focal mechanism solutions of 24 aftershocks(M ≥ 3.0)by using the CAP algorithm with the waveform records of China Digital Seismic Network. After that, we applied the sliding fitting algorithm to invert the stress field of the earthquake area based on the previous results of the mechanism solutions. Combining with the previous research results of seismogeology in this area, we discussed the seismogenic fault structure and dynamic characteristics of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake. Our research results indicated that:1)The epicenters of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake sequence distribute along NW-SE in a stripe pattern with a long axis of about 35km and a short axis of about 8km, and with high inclination and dipping to the southwest, the focal depths are mainly concentrated in the range of 2~25km, gradually deepening from northwest to southeast along the fault, but the dip angle does not change remarkably on the whole fault. 2)The focal mechanism solution of the M7.0 Jiuzhaigou earthquake is:strike 151°, dip 69° and rake 12° for nodal plane Ⅰ, and 245°, 78° and -158° for nodal plane Ⅱ, the main shock type is pure strike-slip and the centroid depth of the earthquake is about 5km. Most of the focal mechanism of the aftershock sequence is strike-slip type, which is consistent with the main shock's focal mechanism solution; 3)In the earthquake source area, the principal compressive stress and the principal tensile stress are both near horizontal, and the principal compressive stress is near east-west direction, while the principal tensile stress is near north-south direction. The Jiuzhaigou earthquake is a strike-slip event that occurs under the horizontal compressive stress.  相似文献   

兰州马衔山北缘断裂带古地震初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
兰州马衔山北缘断裂带为一条全新世活动断裂 ,大致由 4条次级断裂段组成 .沿断裂带发现了多期古地震事件 ,其活动具有时空不均匀性 .其中东段的马衔山段可以确定 2次古地震事件 ,距今 5850± 50 0aB .P .,2 0 60± 42 0aB .P .,复发间隔约 380 0a ;震级 7~ 7.5级左右 .中段的七道梁段发现 2次古地震事件 ,距今 1 682 0± 80aB .P .,1 0 80 0± 1 40aB .P ..西段的雾宿山咸水沟段可以确定一次古地震事件 ,其年代为 1 2 45± 560aB .P .,结合史料考证结果 ,认为就是 1 1 2 5年兰州 7级地震 .从古地震活动年代及复发间隔分析 ,马衔山北缘断裂带未来的强震危险段应为东段的马衔山段和西段的雾宿山咸水沟段 .  相似文献   

公元前179年“齐楚地震”考证与发震构造讨论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
对公元前179年(汉文帝前元元年)"齐楚地震"的基本参数一直有不同认识,属于疑难历史地震。在吸收西汉政区研究成果的基础上,深入分析了地震史料隐含的约束条件,对这次地震震中位置进行了考证。提出了以齐楚边界和国都连线为基点,结合史料给出的有关约束条件,综合确定震中位置的技术方案。同时,依据地震地质调查成果,从发震构造角度论证了震中位置的合理性。1)鉴于西汉时期政权更迭频繁,通过追踪西汉初期(尤其是汉文帝前元元年前后)齐、楚政区变化情况,尽力复原当时的行政区划和齐楚两国边界分布。2)认真分析史料记载的"齐楚地震,二十九山同日崩,大水溃出"所指示的地区范围,对比历史上其他震例造成的破坏现象的空间分布以及破坏程度,为震中位置和震级确定提供重要约束条件。经文献考证认为,这次地震可定为公元前179年6月6日平邑南(35.2°N,117.6°E)7级地震。3)结合卫星影像判读和野外地震地质调查资料,分析研究了"齐楚地震"所在地区的地质构造特点和活动断裂发育情况。在排除该地震事件属于郯庐断裂带地震事件后,通过对比分析郯庐断裂带西侧发育的各条NW向断裂的构造地貌以及剖面表现,认为苍尼断裂可能是"齐楚地震"的发震断裂。在震中附近,苍尼断裂控制着白彦断陷盆地的发育,也是断层地貌最为清楚的地方,断错的地层最新,断层运动量也最大。  相似文献   

芦山地震崩滑灾害空间分布及相关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
周庆  江亚风  吴果  陈国光 《地震地质》2014,36(2):344-357
由于逆断层作用,2013年芦山MS 7.0地震诱发的崩滑地质灾害分布表现出了明显的上盘效应与方向效应。在震后应急科考中未发现发震断层的地表破裂带,然而灾区大量出现的地震诱发滑坡、崩塌,加之密集的余震分布、地震烈度调查结果等,提供了确定芦山地震宏观震中、地震动错动方向以及研究地震发震构造等的诸多线索。 统计结果表明,芦山地震诱发的滑坡、崩塌具有明显的优势滑动方向(135°~144°),该方向揭示了地震断层的错动方向,与震源机制解反映的一致,大体垂直于发震断层的走向;从地震诱发崩塌、滑坡灾害点的分布与密度判断,宏观震中位于宝盛乡北,在仪器记录震中东北约3.6km处;从余震群分布、地震诱发滑坡分布特点及地震等烈度线等,结合以往强震如汶川地震等的调查经验,推测当震级足够大时,发震断层地表破裂带可能通过地质灾害、余震密集区东侧的边缘地带,总体平行于双石-大川断裂。另外,通过分析地层岩性与崩滑地形条件之间的关联性,发现崩滑灾害在某些地层岩性中易发,灾害点呈线性排列的原因是不同地层岩性之间抗风化能力的差异性,造成在地层分界线上形成线性陡崖或高坡度地带,使之在强震作用下容易发生崩塌、滑坡。  相似文献   

1518年6月22日韩国首尔以西海域——南黄海发生大震。地震波及朝鲜半岛全境,并在韩国首尔等沿海地区造成破坏,首尔的烈度为Ⅷ度,余震持续一个多月。地震还影响到中国东部地区。震级定为M7?级。此次地震可能与朝鲜半岛西缘断裂带(南黄海东缘断裂带)的活动有关。震中定于该断裂带附近(36.5°N,125.2°E)。  相似文献   

The Xianshuihe Fault, the boundary of Bayan Har active tectonic block and Sichuan-Yunnan active tectonic block, is one of the most active fault zones in the world. In the past nearly 300 years, 9 historical earthquakes of magnitude ≥ 7 have been recorded. Since 2008, several catastrophic earthquakes, such as Wenchuan MS8 earthquake, Yushu MS7.1 earthquake and Lushan MS7 earthquake, have occurred on the other Bayan Har block boundary fault zones. However, only the Kangding MS6.3 earthquake in 2014 was documented on the Xianshuihe Fault. Thus, the study of surface deformation and rupture behavior of large earthquakes in the late Quaternary on the Xianshuihe Fault is of fundamental importance for understanding the future seismic risk of this fault, and even the entire western Sichuan region. On the basis of the former work, combined with our detailed geomorphic and geological survey, we excavated a combined trench on the Qianning segment of Xianshuihe fault zone which has a long elapse time. Charcoal and woods in the trench are abundant. 30 samples were dated to constrain the ages of the paleoseismic events. Five events were identified in the past 9  000 years, whose ages are:8070-6395 BC, 5445-5125 BC, 4355-4180 BC, 625-1240 AD and the Qianning earthquake in 1893. The large earthquake recurrence behavior on this segment does not follow the characteristic earthquake recurrence model. The recurrence interval is 1000~2000 years in early period and in turn there is a quiet period of about 5 000 years after 4355-4180 BC event. Then it enters the active period again. Two earthquakes with surface rupture occurred in the past 1000 years and the latest two earthquakes may have lower magnitude. The left-lateral coseismic displacement of the 1893 Qianning earthquake is about 2.9m.  相似文献   

Surface rupture zone of historical earthquake is the most intuitive geomorphological response to fault activity. The rupture pattern, coseismic displacement and its geometric spatial distribution are important for determining segmentation and long-term movement behaviors of active fault. In the Barkol Basin of Xinjiang, according to the comprehensive result from remote sensing image interpretation, field surgery, high-resolution small unmanned aerial vehicles photography, terrain deformation measurements and trench excavation on geomorphological points, not only the new surface ruptures of the two M7 1/2 historical earthquakes in Barkol in 1842 and 1914 were found and defined between Xiongkuer and the southwest of Barkol County in southwestern part of the basin, but also the latest deformation evidence of the EW fold-up faults in the eastern part of the Basin was identified. Combined with the ancient document analysis of the two historical earthquakes, we finally conclude that the surface rupture zone in the western segment on the southern margin of the Barkol Basin is the seismogenic structure of the M7 1/2 earthquake in 1842. The surface rupture zone is mainly characterized by left-lateral strike-slip, roughly with en echelon arrangement spreading from Xiongkuer to the south of Barkol County. The length of the surface rupture zone determined by field investigation is at least about 65km, and the maximum horizontal displacement appears around the Xiongkuer Village. At the same time, the surface rupture zone gradually shows more significant thrust extrusion from west to east, and has a tendency of extension towards the central of the Barkol Basin. The average observed displacement of the entire surface rupture obtained by counting the coseismic offsets of multiple faulted gullies is(4.1±1.0)m, with the coseismic characteristic displacement of ~4m. The epicenter position should appear at the place with the largest horizontal dislocation amount near Xiongkuer Village. In addition, the length of the fold-blind fault zone in the vicinity of the Kuisu Town and the eastward extension to the Yanchi Township of the Yiwu Basin, which was discovered in the center of the Barkol Basin, is about 90km. The folded blind fault causes significant fold deformation in the latest sedimentary strata such as floodplain, and in addition, as shown on many outcrop sections, the bending-moment faults associated with the coseismic fold deformation have ruptured the surface. Therefore, the location of the epicenter should be located at the maximum fold deformation, which is near the Kuisu Town. The new research results not only further improve the understanding of the epicenter location and seismogenic faults of the two historical earthquakes in the Barkol Basin, but also provide an important reference for analyzing regional seismic hazards.  相似文献   

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