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The author has been compiling a catalog of LTP reports (temporary changes observed on the moon). More than 1,400 of these observations, of which 1,353 have ancillary data, were analyzed in an attempt to determine the possible causes of LTP. There were 201 sites reported at least once; about 12 had two or more reports. One dozen sites contain 70% of all observations, and one site, Aristarchus, provides 30%. Of the dozen most reported sites, 12 are rayed and 12 are dark flat-floored craters. The distribution of sites strongly favors the borders of both the terra and marial sides of the maria. Many are within the maria, and a very few are inland; yet most of these are associated with dark flat areas.The phenomena manifest themselves in five categories, viz., Brightenings, or Darkenings, or as Gaseous, Reddish and Bluish events. Among the hypotheses proposed for their causes are tidal, low-illumination/thermoluminescence, magnetic-tail and solar-flare effects. Analyses were conducted to see if different phenomena had different causes. There is some suggestion that they do. As concerns the tidal effects. the strongest peaks are at 0.5 (apogee) for Gaseous and Darkenings phenomena, 0.6 for Reddish events, and 0.7 for Brightenings. Reddish LTP have the strongest correlation with sunrise, while Aristarchus, Plato, Ross D area, and Bluish phenomena have the strongest correlations with solar-flare activity that produced magnetic storms on earth. “All” observations, the ones labeled “Best” (probable true anomalies), and Aristarchus, showed minima in the first half and maxima in the last half of the anomalistic (tidal) period. Histograms of several individual sites, including neighboring ones, behave differently, e.g. Aristarchus and Herodotus. When observed data are compared with expected observations (assumed to be evenly distributed) there were various correlations. For the Best data, 12 and 10% of the LTP fall close to perigee and apogee, respectively, and 10% would be expected for each. Seventeen percent occur within one day after sunrise when 3% would be expected; 20% occur while the moon is in the earth's magnetopause where 14% would be expected, and 12% occurred the same day the earth had a magnetic storm where 3% would be expected.Charts of albedo vs. age of several points for ten features were constructed. From these the normal behavior of the features throughout a lunation period was obtained. Measures that depart 2 or more full steps in Elger's albedo scale, are considered to be anomalies. Several cases of anomalous measures show up; e.g., for points on the south wall of Eimmart an albedo of 3.5 was reported once at age 10 days while for age 9 days the average albedo was 8, as it was afterward at age 11 days. The 3.5 may have been an anomalous darkening but unnoticed by the observer. Most of the features remained stable. A few exceptions were found, with Dawes showing the most anomalies. These amounted to 12% by nights or 2% by individual measures. Thus, monitoring the moon may yield an LTP once in ten nights, or 50 observations.All hypotheses show correlations with some categories and some features. Sunrise correlation is the most frequent correlation. Few correlations involve as many as 50% of the observations. The distribution of all LTP sites is different from and unique compared with deep- and shallow-focus moonquake epicenters. Routine albedo measures reveal unobserved variations which amount to about 10% in nights of observation bu 2% of individual albedo measures.  相似文献   

Periodic and morphological characteristics of lunar transient phenomena (LTP) are described. Some early historical records are reviewed. Most sites of LTP's show evidence of internal disturbance either initiated from within or by volcanic modification of impact formations. Some individual crater sites are described. The probability of the reliability of at least some, and probably most, reports has been increased by the later discovery of the periodic nature of the deep-focus and shallow moonquakes; spurious reports would not have produced the periodicity of LTP's, but random errors would increase the noise level.The conclusion to be drawn from the inadequacy of external energy sources is that some energy must be injected from within the moon, probably in the excitation of gases, but this must remain speculation until better data is obtained. The underlying problem now is still the difficulty of obtaining permanent instrumental records; only twenty heterogeneous reports are at present known.  相似文献   

A few large distant seismic events of distinctly high signal frequency, designated HFT (high-frequency teleseismic) events, are observed yearly by the Apollo lunar seismic network. Their sources are located on or near the surface of the moon, leaving a large gap in seismic activity between the zones of HFT sources and deep moonquakes. No strong regularities are found in either their spatial or temporal distributions. Several working hypotheses for the identity of these sources have been advanced, but many characteristics of the events seem to favor a hypothesis that they are shallow moonquakes. Simultaneous observations of other lunar phenomena may eventually enable the determination of their true identity.  相似文献   

Both lunar transient phenomena and 222Rn/210Po anomalies observed by Apollo-15 and -16 orbital alpha spectrometers display preferences for certain kinds of locations: rims of circular maria and craters with central peaks and/or dark floors. If these classes of observations are due to lunar gas venting, why are these types of locations preferred? The hypothesis offered is that these are locations at which cracks or channels exist extending deep enough into the moon to tap lunar volatile reservoirs. Possible channels include circumferential cracks around circular maria, old lava tubes for dark-floor and volcanic central peak craters, and shattered subsurface rock structure for impact central peak craters.  相似文献   

Lunar seismicity and tectonics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seismic signals from 300–700 deep moonquakes and about four shallow moonquakes are detected by the long-period seismometers of two or more of the Apollo seismic stations annually. Deep-moonquake activity detected by the Apollo seismic network displays tidal periodicities of 0.5 and 1 month, 206 d and 6 a. Repetitive moonquakes from 60 hypocenters produce seismograms characteristic of each. At each hypocenter, moonquakes occur only within an active period of a few days during a characteristic phase of the monthly lunar tidal cycle. An episode of activity may contain up to four quakes from one hypocenter. Nearly equal numbers of hypocenters are active at opposite phases of the monthly cycle, accounting for the 0.5-month periodicity. The 0.5- and 1-month activity peaks occur near times of extreme latitudinal and longitudinal librations and earth-moon separation (EMS). The 206-d and 6-a periodicities in moonquake occurrence and energy release characteristics are associated with the phase variations between the librations and EMS. Because of the exact relationship between tidal phases and the occurrence of deep moonquakes from a particular hypocenter, it is possible to predict not only the occurrence times from month to month, often to within several hours, but also the magnitudes of the moonquakes from that hypocenter. The predicted occurrence of large A1 moonquakes in 1975, following a 3-a hiatus, confirms the correlation between A1-moonquake activity and the 6-a lunar tidal cycle and implies a similar resurgence for all of the deep moonquakes. Because no matching shallow moonquake signals have been identified to date, tidal periodicities cannot be identified for the individual sources. However, shallow moonquakes generally occur near the times of extreme librations and EMS and often near the same tidal phase as the closest deep moonquake epicenters. With several possible exceptations, the deep-moonquake foci located to date occur in three narrow belts on the nearside of the moon. The belts are 100–300 km wide, 1,000–2,500 km long and 800–1,000 km deep and define a global fracture system that intersects in central Oceanus Procellarum. A fourth active, although poorly defined, zone is indicated. The locations of 17 shallow-moonquake foci, although not as accurate as the deep foci, show fair agreement with the deep-moonquake belts. Focal depths calculated for the shallow moonquakes range from 0–200 km. Deep-moonquake magnitudes range from 0.5 to 1.3 on the Richter scale with a total energy release estimated to be about 1011 erg annually. The largest shallow moonquakes have magnitudes of 4–5 and release about 1015–1018 erg each. Tidal deformation of a rigid lunar lithosphere overlying a reduced-rigidity asthenosphere leads to stress and strain concentrations near the base of the lithosphere at the level of the deep moonquakes. Although tidal strain energy can account for the deep moonquakes in this model, it cannot account for the shallow moonquakes. The tidal stresses within the lunar lithosphere range from about 0.1 to 1 bar and are insufficient to generate moonquakes in unfractured rock, suggesting that lunar tides act as a triggering mechanism. The largest deep moonquakes of each belt usually occur near the same characteristic tidal phases corresponding to near minimum or maximum tidal stress, increasing tidal stress, and alignments of tidal shear stresses that correspond to thrust faulting along planes parallel to the moonquake belts and dipping 30–40°. With few exceptions, the shallow moonquakes occur at times of near minimum tidal stress conditions and increasing tidal stress that also suggest thrust faulting. The secular accumulation of strain energy required for the shallow moonquakes and implied by the uniform polarities of the deep moonquake signals probably results from weak convection. A convective mechanism would explain the close association between moonquake locations and the distribution of filled mare basins and thin lunar crust, the earth-side topographic bulge, and the ancient lunar magnetic field. The low level of lunar seismic activity and the occurrence of thrust faulting both at shallow and great depths implies that the moon is presently cooling and contracting at a slow rate.  相似文献   

月球内部构造研究综述   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
回顾了月震观测的历史,归纳出月震的特点,并将月震分成热震、浅震和深震三种类型加以.分析总结出一个比较完整的月球内部构造模型.在此基础上,详细介绍了如何根据月震观测资料确定月壳和月幔.本文还对月核存在的可能性加以阐述,指出由于月球1100 km以下数据的缺乏,到目前为止没有确切的证明月核存在的证据.最后,紧密关注月球构造研究的最新进展,给出了月核可能存在的形式:半径为352 km(成分为纯Fe)或者374 km(成分为Fe-FeS晶体).  相似文献   

地球空间双星探测计划   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
地球空间双星探测计划包括两颗小卫星,将分别运行于目前国际上地球空间探测卫星尚未覆盖的近地赤道区和近地极区.双星计划的主要科学目标是用高分辨率的仪器在近地空间的主要活动区探测场和粒子的时空变化;研究磁层亚暴、磁暴和磁层粒子暴的触发机制及磁层空间暴对太阳活动和行星际扰动的响应过程;建立地球空间环境的动态模式.为了实现科学目标,赤道卫星和极区卫星上各载有9台探测仪器.赤道卫星的轨道是:近地点550km,远地点60000km,倾角约2.5°;极区卫星轨道是:近地点350km,远地点25000km,倾角约90°左右.为了使双星计划与欧空局ClusterⅡ相配合,赤道卫星计划于2002年12月发射,极区卫星计划于2003年6月发射.双星计划与ClusterⅡ相配合,可形成地球空间6点探测计划,这将成为21世纪初国际上重要的地球空间探测计划.  相似文献   

Matching signals have previously been identified from about eighty repeating deep moonquake sources. These moonquakes clearly display tidal periodicities in their histories of origin times and signal amplitudes; they are presumably triggered by the solid-body tide in the moon, raised primarily by the earth. The A1 hypocentre has been the most active and has also produced seismograms with signals of reversed polarity. In an attempt to deduce focal mechanisms for these events, we calculated various tidal stress functions at the Al hypocentre using a homogeneous moon model, and correlated them with the origin times of events. No good correlation was found, either for tidal stress peaks of consistent polarity, or for tidal stress peaks of opposite polarity at the times of “inverted” events. This could be due to an inaccurate moon model, but it has also been noted that the relative amplitudes of signals recorded at different seismic stations vary between events from the same hypocentre. Earthquake swarms often contain events with fault-plane solutions in very different orientations. A similar variation between events from each deep moonquake hypocentre would explain the different amplitude ratios and also the “inverted” events.  相似文献   

Summary In the set of VLF data from the Interkosmos-14 satellite (launched on 11 December 1975 with apogee height of 1707 km, perigee 345 km and inclination 74°) as received in direct telemetry transmissions at the Observatory Panská Ves (Czechoslovakia), ion cyclotron whistlers were found at unusually high geomagnetic latitudes. These whistlers indicate a marked decrease of proton density in the close vicinity of the satellite with increasing geomagnetic latitude. It appeared, moreover, that proton whistlers at higher geomagnetic latitudes even sensitively reflected the rapid changes of plasma parameters within the region of the mid-latitude trough of light ions.  相似文献   

大气阻力引起卫星轨道衰减的数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文以德国低轨道卫星CHAMP为例,联合考虑地球扁率和大气阻力摄动的影响,对相应摄动方程进行数值积分,计算轨道根数变化,并进而计算得到卫星空间位置,由此模拟考察大气阻力引起的轨道高度衰减.模拟中使用综合考虑了太阳辐射和磁暴等多种因素影响的最新国际大气标准JB2008模式来计算热层大气密度. 选取CHAMP卫星轨道高度自然衰减(无点火提升卫星高度操作)的2005全年进行模拟;为了考察不同年份阻力系数的可能变化,对2002年1—3月处在较大高度的轨道也进行了模拟.考虑到CHAMP卫星的特殊几何构形及飞行高度的热层温度条件,取阻力系数大于2.8,并在一定范围内变化,以求得模拟与实际轨道衰减符合较好.结果表明,对于2005年,阻力系数为2.91时模拟得到的轨道高度的衰减与实际轨道衰减符合得最好,模拟与实际轨道半长轴全年的标准偏差为81m;在卫星高度稍高的2002年,模拟的最佳阻力系数为3.0;模拟所得最佳阻力系数值比传统使用的值2.2大30%以上.由于在模拟中忽略了高阶保守力分量,所得近/远地点高度没有出现实际轨道所显示的周期性起伏.  相似文献   

The correlation between the b-values of acoustic emissions (AEs) and the phase of the moon was investigated at the Underground Research Laboratory (URL) in Canada. The same data as those used in Iwata (2002) were examined, which showed that the occurrence of AEs is correlated with the phase of the moon. It was expected, therefore, that the b-value of the AEs would also be sensitive to tidal stress/strain fluctuations. We investigated the variation of the b-values as a function of the phase of the moon. Results show that b-values immediately following the times of full/new moon are higher than those at other times. Using AIC (Akaike Information Criterion) and random (Monte Carlo) simulations, it was confirmed that this feature is statistically significant. We also investigated whether or not there was a change in the b-values immediately before the times of full/new moon, but no statistically significant change was observed. The results suggest that the effect of stress/strain fluctuations on AE occurrences at the URL is asymmetric to the times of full/new moon.All authors are members of the Academic Robotics Group. In listing The Academic Robotics Group, the authors are endeavoring to place each of the participant institutions on an equal footing in terms of effort and authorship. M. A. Talamini is serving as presenter.  相似文献   

During a series of substorm events on November 12 2004, the Neutral Atom Detector Unit(NUADU) flying onboard the TC-2 spacecraft observed, close to perigee, bright low-altitude Energetic Neutral Atom(ENA) emissions from both north and south poles. Through utilizing high temporal and spatial resolution data inversion techniques we present here a global view the associated processes of energetic ion deposition and injection at the uniquely high temporal resolution of a few minutes. It is demonstrated that the ENA emissions observed came mainly from the, low-altitude, high magnetic latitude polar region. Since precipitating ions follow magnetic field lines and have more chance to produce ENA emissions through charge exchange there.Therefore, the employment of a low-orbit satellite to record at high temporal and spatial resolution ENA image data is inferred to be the best way to monitor those dynamic ring current variations that occur during geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

When the relative velocity between magnetized plasma and neutral gas exceeds a critical value, the gas-plasma interaction is dominated by collective phenomena which rapidly excite and ionize the neutrals. The interaction of the solar wind with a large cloud (1024 – 1028 neutrals) vented from the moon should be of this type. Line radiation from such an interaction can yield an apparent lunar surface brightness rivaling reflected sunlight levels over small areas, if the kinetic energy flow density of the gas is sufficiently high. The aberrated solar wind flow past the moon would enhance the visibility of such interactions near the lunar sunrise terminator, supporting the statistical studies which indicate that the “Lunar Transient Phenomena” (anomalous optical phenomena on the moon) are significantly correlated with the position of the terminator on the lunar surface.  相似文献   

The lower portions of the volcanic sequence of some Archaean greenstone belts include members with crystallized from ultramafic liquids extruded at the earth's surface at 1600–1650°C. These liquids are interpreted as products of 60–80% melting of their mantle source composition which implies more catastrophic conditions of mantle melting than obtained in Palaeozoic, Mesozoic or Recent crust-mantle dynamics. Such conditions may be a consequence of major impacts on the surface of the primitive earth. It is suggested that the production of the lunar maria basins was accompanied by similar impacts on the earth and that such terrestrial maria played an important role in early stages of chemical differentiation of the crust and upper mantle. An hypothesis is presented in which some Archaean greenstone belts are interpreted as very large impact scars, initially filled with impact-triggered melts of ultramafic to mafic composition and thereafter evolving with further magmatism, deformation and metamorphism to the present Archaean greenstone belts.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the idea that large impact events have caused the moon to change its orientation in space. It is found that the very largest impact events, such as those which formed Imbrium and Orientale, probably did reorient the moon. This reorientation is primarily due to the change in the moon's moments of inertia consequent upon crater formation. The impulse delivered by the impact can at most unlock the moon's synchronous rotation for a few thousand years, and is thus not of major importance. The moon will attain its new orientation in less than a few times 104 years as a result of tidal friction. Since the large craters eventually are filled by isostatic rebound and extrusive igneous activity, the moon may eventually regain its original orientation unless other phenomena cause new changes in the distribution of mass on its surface.  相似文献   

日、月对地球表层海水的引潮力导致潮汐的周期性变化是一种成熟理论.地球除具有日、月、年潮汐规律外,还具有明显的准1800年、200年、50~70年、18.6年、9.3年和2.5~7年不同尺度的周期.本文通过将地球赤道半径和月球轨道半径投影到黄道面上,标定二者矢量半径之和的模的极值状态,创建了引潮力极大值和强潮汐的周期性指数KSEM.这对探讨和预测潮汐的时间分布和推断地球自转角速度变化规律提供了一种新途径.行星系统中木星和金星对地球的摄动影响最突出,但目前还没有一个行之有效的模型将日、地、月、木星、金星作为一个统一整体,对地球潮汐极值状态进行刻画.通过辨析这五大天体运动预设的位置关系的结构特征,进而考察KSEM指数与月球升交点和月球近地点会合周期的对应关系,以及对月球轨道运动不同的特征周期的叠加和定性分析,这对探讨强潮汐周期、厄尔尼诺现象和地震的时间分布规律提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

Lunar transient phenomena have been attributed to the release of gases from within the moon. The failure of the Apollo surface experiments to detect significant atmospheric enhancements can be used to establish upper limits to the amount of gases now being released from the various sites associated with lunar transient phenomena. An analysis of the sensitivity of the network of Apollo Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiments (deployed initially in 1969 and still operating) indicates that they would have detected any contemporary gas release greater than 6,500 kg from Alphonsus, 28,000 kg from Aristarchus, and similar quantities from other craters. The quantity of gas required to cause such phenomena as obscurations or glow discharge is probably much greater than these values. Consequently, if transient phenomena are real lunar surface events, they must originate from a mechanism other than simple gas emission.  相似文献   

唐采  唐吉阳 《华南地震》1997,17(2):16-23
对云南地区12个不氡点资料进行统计分析,发现水氡浓度普遍存在月变现象,这种月变是与月球运动有关潮汐响应。孟连7.3级震前,较多水氡点月变幅度普遍显示异常,异常量和异常时间在平面颁上有一定规律可循  相似文献   

用AE-D卫星近地点上观测的n(He)估算湍流层顶高度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
文分析了AE D极轨卫星近地点的变化及其相应的大气膨胀和密度分布情况. 在高度相同情况下, 中低纬区热层底部的大气密度比高纬区大, 卫星受阻也就更大, 从而卫星近地点的高度在中低纬区比高纬区要低、白天比夜间低. 采用近地点上的n(He)观测资料, 根据大气数密度在低层内均匀混合和高层内扩散分离的不同垂直分布特征, 粗略地估算出湍流层顶的高度Zt及其变化. 高纬区内Zt高低与纬度几乎无关, 但对磁暴的响应十分明显. 中低纬区内, Zt随纬度减小而增大; 白天地区Zt大于夜间, 而与磁暴的关系不大.  相似文献   

The relation between the local mean lunar time τ of earthquake occurrence and their fault trends is studied in this paper. The local mean lunar times τ of 53 earthquakes in 24 groups are calculated. Because the tidal generation force arisen by the moon is a cyclic function of about 12 hours 25 minutes in the main, the two tidal generation forces anywhere in the earth arising by the moon are equal in general when the moon lies to the two sites of 180° interval of local mean lunar time. Based on this phenomenon the values Δτ of τ1–τ2 or τ1–τ2 ± 180° of two earthquakes occurring repetitiously in the same place are also calculated. The calculated results show that if the fault trends of the two earthquakes in the same place is near, the Δτ is usually smaller and if the fault trends of the two ones is not near, the Δτ is usually larger and the distribution of the local mean lunar time τ of earthquakes in different places is dispersive even if fault trends of these earthquakes are near, and the τ does not concentrate on the lower and upper transit of the moon. The above phenomena clear up that the triggering earthquake of earth solid tide arisen by the moon is relative with the fault trends of earthquakes and we ought to think over the difference of environmental conditions of earthquake preparation of each seismogenic zone and can not make statistics to earthquakes in different places when we study the relation between the solid earth tide arisen by the moon and earthquakes.  相似文献   

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