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The relevance of research underlies in the fact that numerical models of technogenic rock arrays can predict and evaluate structural and mechanical properties, which are very difficult or even impossible to study instrumentally. It is possible to simulate the technogenic rock array’s structure by the method of discrete elements, where each particle in the array structure is described separately. The article contains the method of numerical simulation of structure of bulk disjointed rock array, describes the basic initial and boundary conditions of the model; represents the visualization of numerical model of the array created with peripheral dumping (as the array with more textured and visual segregated granulometric composition). The ways of application of technogenic rock array numerical modeling in the mining process are described. Comparative analysis of real and simulated array structure shows the adequacy of the numerical model and the algorithm developed for its creation. In addition, the adequacy of the model is supported by a high convergence of the experimental and calculated dependence of the filtration rate values upon the particle size distribution of technogenic rock arrays.  相似文献   

On the occurrence of the celebration of the Fiftieth An-niversary for the establishm ent of the People’s Republic ofChina,we contribute this paper entitled“Developm ent of Ge-ological Science in China in the Twentieth Century”.Thiscomes out from a review of the newly published book aboutthe history of geological disciplines:“Fifty Years of Geologi-cal Science in China”.The draftof the paper was formed aftera discussion between the authors.It deals with the existingstate of geologica…  相似文献   

贵州“三稀”元素矿床特征及找矿前景分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"三稀"元素是现代高精尖科学技术重要的战略资源。本文总结和分析了贵州典型"三稀"元素矿床的基本特征,将"三稀"元素矿床划分为沉积、热液和岩浆作用3种成因和9个类型,并对不同类型矿床的资源潜力进行了探讨。分析认为,沉积、热液成因"三稀"元素矿床是地质找矿重点,黑色岩系型、含煤岩系型、铝铁岩系型、磷块岩系型"三稀"元素矿床具有重大资源潜力,铅锌矿型、汞锑金矿型"三稀"元素矿床具有富集度高和独立成矿优势。对现有优势矿床及其含矿岩系开展"三稀"元素资源潜力的再评价是发现共(伴)生"三稀"矿产的有效途径,也是构建资源节约型、环境保护型社会的时代要求。  相似文献   

高压水热体系在科学实验、工业过程和自然界中广泛存在.氧逸度/活度是高压水热体系最基本的物理化学参数之一,经常控制着体系的物质形态、性状以及过程的发生与发展,因此对高压水热体系氧逸度/活度的测量与控制具有极为重要的意义.本文首先对目前国际上流行的各种高压水热体系氧逸度/活度测量与控制技术从原理和基本特点等方面作了详细的介绍,接着对各种技术的优、缺点作了比较与评价,文末对未来高压水热科学与技术领域氧逸度/活度测量与控制技术的发展趋势作出了展望.  相似文献   

DCOM远程对象接口方法调用原理及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者在文章中简述了分布式系统的发展历程,重点介绍了分布式对象计算技术的实现方法,同时,也介绍了微软DCOM的层次结构以及实现分布式对象计算的基本原理。最后以分布式GIS系统的建立为例,研究了DCOM的实现技术及结构层次。  相似文献   

Genetic commodification relies on methods that treat genes as information. By representing genes as information, scientists produce standardized and stable objects that are easily tradable. In this paper, I argue that a Midwestern plant conservation science institution (MPCSI) challenges genetic commodification through distinct knowledge-making and social practices. In particular, scientists at this institution treat genes not as information, but as contextual and contingent entities. By employing genetic technologies that deemphasize the code metaphor of genes, these scientists make genes unavailable to trade as information.I analyze the socionatural implications of this institution’s use of genetic technology in native ecosystem restoration. Drawing from interviews and participant observation, I focus on specific techniques used by the MPCSI’s scientists to view genes as embodied relational entities, rather than abstract information. I illustrate how these technologies allow the MPCSI to challenge the epistemologies and methodologies that are crucial to producing genetic commodities.Additionally, I illustrate how the MPCSI serves as a model for plant science institutions to reconceptualize their use of banked plant genetic resources. This model complicates the commodity speculation paradigm common to bioprospectors. At the same time, this genetic restoration approach relies on and produces different engagements with markets. I detail the MPCSI’s emerging relationship with commercial seed nurseries to illustrate how decommodification is integral to commodification. Finally, I argue that although the MPCSI’s genetic restoration strategy necessitates limited market engagements, their scientific practices and institutional relationships produce drastically different socioecological outcomes compared to institutions that treat genes as information.  相似文献   

作为世界平面设计大师,福田繁雄被认为是最具创新能力、最有个性的平面设计师,他的大量平面设计作品在国际上有着较高的地位。在他的平面作品中,简洁的视觉语言、玩味十足的幽默感以及用线、面等简练的表现手法构成了其独特的作品风格,给人以强烈的视觉冲击,充分地显示了他驾驭空间和图形语言的能力。笔者通过对福田繁雄的作品和创作手法进行分析,在设计元素的提取及创作手法中进行借鉴,总结出适用于开拓首饰设计思维的方法及设计理念,创作出具有时代风格及个人艺术表现力的设计作品,以此.来满足现代社会人们不断提高的消费需求,为首饰设计开辟新的发展空间。  相似文献   

陈国兴  丁杰发  方怡  彭艳菊  李小军 《岩土力学》2020,41(11):3509-3522
基于性能的抗震设计,要求工程师设计出具有预期抗震性能的结构,一个关键因素是地震作用的确定,这在很大程度上取决于局部场地条件。通过收集和分析北京、苏州和唐山城区956个钻孔资料,建立地表20 m和30 m深土层走时平均剪切波速VS20和VS30的关系式;现场钻探获取北京城区深105 m的典型钻孔原状土样,试验给出各类土体动剪切模量和阻尼比曲线;建立北京城区170个钻孔的场地反应计算模型,采用Nakamura提出的HVSR法和陈国兴等提出的弱震法估算场地基本周期TS值,结合国内外现行抗震规范的场地分类及一些学者对场地分类的研究成果,提出两种新的场地分类建议方案:基于等效剪切波速VSE和覆盖土层厚度H(地表至剪切波速VS ≥ 500 m/s的基岩深度)的双指标场地分类方案及基于VSE、H和TS的三指标场地分类方案。提出的场地分类方案对我国现行抗震规范场地分类方法的改进有参考价值。  相似文献   

章茵  史静  刘澜  徐梦华  焦奇 《地质论评》2015,61(5):1199-1204
本文运用统计分析方法,提取目前与科普网络传播以及地学科普网络传播相关的基础数据,运用地学科普网站网页评估卡,对国内各类科普网站进行了测评和分析。以期从公开获取的网络数据了解国内科普网络资源分布和地学科普网站的发展现状,为管理机构了解和指导科普网络传播以及地学科普网络传播工作提供依据。  相似文献   

中国旅游洞穴景区(点)的统计分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
曹翔  杨晓霞  李溪  向旭  孙晓蓓 《中国岩溶》2017,36(2):264-274
通过中国洞穴数据库、中国各省市旅游景区名录、同程旗下网站(www.17u.net)和欣欣旅游网(www.cncn.com)下属的洞穴旅游专栏以及其他相关网站、报刊等途径获得中国大陆旅游洞穴的相关数据,对中国旅游洞穴的数量、质量、开放时间、空间分布、开发主题、门票价格等进行统计分析,结果发现:截止2016年7月,中国大陆地区拥有旅游洞穴景区(点)708个,其中,旅游洞穴景区364个,旅游洞穴景点344个,除宁夏和上海外,在其余29个省级行政区均有分布;现有A级旅游洞穴景区177家;以旅游洞穴景区作为重要组成部分的世界自然遗产有2处,世界地质公园有6处,国家地质公园有24处,国家级风景名胜区有26处;中国旅游洞穴景区(点)开放时间主要集中于20世纪70年代以来的40多年间,尤以1980—2008年间开放的最多,年际差异性较小;受岩溶地质背景的区域差异和社会经济发展水平的双重影响,中国旅游洞穴景区(点)较为集中地分布于西南、中南、华南、华东地区,在省际间空间上呈凝聚态势;中国旅游洞穴景区(点)的开发主题主要涉及地质观光、历史遗迹、宗教活动、科普教育、医疗保健、地下漂流等类型;中国5A、4A、3A、2A级旅游洞穴景区的平均门票价格分别为129元、86.16元、53.09元、37.19元,高于非洞穴类同类A级旅游景区。   相似文献   


On the basis of experimental data obtained during a comprehensive experiment in Vityaz Bay of the Sea of Japan using onshore laser strainmeters and a low-frequency hydroacoustic emitter generating complex phase-manipulated signals with a central frequency of 33 Hz, we developed the basic principles of contactless tomography of the Earth’s crust in the shelf regions of various seas, including those covered by ice, making it possible to determine efficiently the structure and composition of the upper Earth’s crust under seas.


The trial and conviction of seven public officials in L’Aquila, central Italy, for having allegedly given out misleading and incorrect information to the public before the 6 April 2009 earthquake has proved to be one of the most momentous developments of recent times in science and disaster risk reduction—and also one of the most misunderstood. It highlights the difficulty in transforming the findings of the earth sciences, which are often characterised by uncertainty, into information that can be used to protect ordinary citizens. This paper describes those elements of the disaster at L’Aquila which are pertinent to the trial and the legal proceedings that followed them. It analyses the political, social and scientific context of the trial, and the reaction of scientists and their institutions in Italy and other countries. I conclude that the defendants were tried as responsible public officials, not as scientists. The mass media in Italy and abroad tended to insist that what was on trial was the ability to predict earthquakes, and this had an enormous influence on the opinion of scientists in many different places. However, the trial was actually about the apparently fatal consequences of misleading the public with “incomplete, imprecise and contradictory information”, as the prosecutors put it. I believe that much of the international reaction to the trial was misguided because it was based on incomplete, second-hand information about the proceedings. If scientists were to make judgements on their own work in such a superficial manner, the results would be highly unreliable and public faith in science would plummet.  相似文献   

谭峰屹  汪稔  于基宁 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z1):603-605
介绍了旁压仪的基本原理和构成,并且指出了海相淤泥的性质。详细介绍了法国梅纳公司生产的GA型旁压仪在海相淤泥中原位测试的应用情况。对测试的成果进行了分析,结果表明:旁压模量、变形模量和压缩模量均随着孔深而增加,并逐步趋于稳定。临塑压力、极限压力和承载力在三种模量趋于稳定的时候有进一步增大的趋势。实践证明:本次试验的结果可以较好地应用于工程设计中,并且为类似的工程提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the three French underground laboratory sites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
From March 1994 to August 1996, ANDRA conducted a large reconnaissance work on three sites for possible underground research laboratories. These surveys highlighted for each site the presence of a geological formation, the properties of which meet the requirements of the French Fundamental Safety Rules. On the East site, the selected formation is a 130 m thick argillite layer. On the Gard site the layer is composed of close-packed siltites which are 200–400 m thick. On the Vienne site a hercynian granodiorite batholith was found under a 160 m thick jurassic overdurden.  相似文献   

The documentation and management of information concerning geological sites are important activities in all the steps of the geoheritage conservation and its day-to-day management. This documentation is mostly available on the web; it includes varied types of data such as pictures, scientific publications, news, and blog articles. In order to ensure the efficient management of the geoheritage resources, scientists and people involved in the promotion of the geoheritage and geotourism should have access to this documentation and kept updated of the most recent and relevant information. In this study, we propose the development of a web information monitoring system that automates the search and the collection of different types of documents related to the Algerian geosites available on the web. It is designed as a tool that continuously browses the web using the most popular search engines and then disseminates the results to the users through periodic newsletters. This proposed system will also serve to chronologically organize all the pictures of geosites gathered from the web and thus in order to study the evolution of Algerian geosites over time. For this purpose, we use one of the crowdsourcing methods in the field of knowledge management that is games with a purpose (GWAP). The idea here is to involve people in sorting pictures of geosites through a playful interface. The results obtained show that this system is a valuable tool that can assist geoscientists and decision makers in enhancing the geoheritage.  相似文献   

树木年轮分析在环境变化研究中的应用   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
吴祥定 《第四纪研究》1990,10(2):188-196
鉴于环境变化与树木生长关系密切,可以通过对树木年轮变异状况的分析,获取环境变化的信息。本文概述了树木年轮分析的基本原理、研究途径以及已经取得的进展与应用前景。  相似文献   

东亚陆缘带构造扩张的深部热力学机制   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
近年来,我国地球科学家提出“陆缘构造扩张”观点,较好的解释了亚洲东部大陆边缘于新生代发生扩张离散运动的原因。本文基于“陆缘构造扩张”观点,探讨东亚陆缘带构造扩张的深部热力学机制。东亚陆缘带是具有强烈岩浆活动和构造变形的扩张带,此构造带的主要地球物理特征是频繁的地震活动和明显的地热异常。东亚陆缘扩张带地震层析成像显示,太平洋板块低角度俯冲到欧亚板块之下并平卧于670km相变界面之上。这种图像可能是俯冲后撤导致陆缘扩张的结果。热模拟及地球动力学计算表明:俯冲后撤时间距今约76Ma,海沟带后撤为陆缘壳体的生长留下空间,并形成东亚陆缘壳体增生扩展的前沿带,陆缘扩张量约700km。  相似文献   

In this critical review we reflect on findings from a socio-historical study of golf’s relationship with the environment. We focus especially on the golf industry’s pursuit of modernization from the early 1900s to the present. Golf’s quest to ‘be’ modern, we contend, has specifically constituted three particular ‘turns’: a first turn in the early 1900s involving the scientific rationalization of golf course development and maintenance; a second, ‘exemptionalist’ turn in the post-war years whereby science and technology fueled a perception of immense control over nature; and a third, more recent turn to ecological modernization (EM) whereby science and technology are leveraged toward environmental stewardship – or at least claims thereof. We ultimately argue that the golf industry’s recent adoption of EM principles in their environment-related work has political implications, as it ‘protects’ the industry from more radical environmental alternatives.  相似文献   

孙锐  赵倩玉  袁晓铭 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):299-305
通过对2011年新西兰发生的6.3级地震中获取的硬土场地、软土场地和液化场地强震记录实测资料进行分析,研究包括3种类型场地的地震动特征及其相互关系。分析的强震记录为震中距小于50 km,且峰值大于0.05g的23个场地上的加速度记录,其中含3个硬场地、11个软场地和9个液化场地。3种类型场地上的放大系数谱对比分析表明,硬土场地、软土场地和液化场地上的地震动特征具有明显区别,三者层次清晰,差别显著,从地震动表现上液化场地已构成一个与常规场地并列的独立单元;液化场地减少地震动高频分量但同时对低频分量显著放大,与非液化场地相比,液化场地可使其上短周期结构反应减小一半,但同时可使其上长周期结构反应放大2.5~5.0倍;土层的液化对此次地震中克莱斯特彻奇市中心CTV大楼的破坏应有很大影响,大楼自振周期约为0.7 s,地震中土层液化使场地加速度反应谱卓越周期由0.1~0.3 s增到0.5~1.0 s,与大楼的自振周期趋于吻合,加重了大楼震害。以此为鉴,按现有规范中地震动的设计方法,如遇液化场地将对长周期结构给出明显危险的结果,因此从振动角度今后进行结构抗震设计时,可液化场地上的地震动应给予特殊考虑。  相似文献   

This article explores the relationship between science and the extension of colonial power through an examination of the rise of the Northern Rhodesian (later, Zambian) Copperbelt in the 1930s. The rise of the Copperbelt rested in part on scientific prospecting operations perhaps unparalleled in size and scope in the world at the time. These operations brought new ‘scientific’ prospecting techniques to the area which enabled the Northern Rhodesian subsurface to be ‘seen’ in new ways. The seemingly universal and fixed knowledge scientists produced served both political and commercial aims, animating the ‘civilising’ project of imperial power and transforming a newly acquired territory into a profitable annex to empire. Two prospecting operations are explored in detail: (1) the first large concession floated as the Rhodesian Congo Border Concession and (2) the first attempt to use geological science to generate a complete geological map of mineral resources on the Copperbelt in the Nkana Concession. Examining the efforts of these two prospecting operations reveals the methodological, theoretical and epistemological challenges of producing a viable mineral investment and practicing science in the periphery. Finally, the disconnects between the logics and goals of science and those of colonial extraction in Africa are explored. Here it is argued that it was the very malleability of the knowledge produced by European scientists, rather than its abstract fixity or placeless universality, that enabled it to become part of wider political and economic flows.  相似文献   

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