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Locally managed marine areas (LMMAs) are often recommended as a strategy to achieve conservation and fisheries management, though few studies have evaluated their performance against these objectives. We assessed the effectiveness of eight periodically harvested closures (PHCs), the most common form of management within Fijian LMMAs, focusing on two outcomes: protection of resource units and biodiversity conservation. Of the eight PHCs, only one provided biodiversity benefits, whereas three were moderately successful in protecting resource units (targeted fish biomass). Protection of resource units was more likely when PHCs were harvested less frequently, less recently, and when total fish biomass in open areas was lower. Our findings further suggest that monitoring, enforcement, and clearly defined boundaries are critical, less frequent harvesting regimes are advised, and culturally appropriate management incentives are needed. Although PHCs have some potential to protect resource units, they are not recommended as a single strategy for broad-scale biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Sociospatial information is critical to marine and coastal ecosystem management. The Hawaii Coastal Uses Mapping Project used a participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) methodology to gather local knowledge regarding the location and intensity of coastal human activities in Hawaii's priority sites for coral reef management. PGIS provided an efficient and effective means of obtaining information in a data-poor context, particularly at a scale and location where considerable local knowledge is held by community members and resource users. We detail the PGIS methods developed to collect sociospatial data on human uses in the project regions and discuss important considerations regarding the practice of PGIS that emerged from the mapping process, as well as implications for the production and documentation of spatial knowledge. Key themes include: issues of scale and appropriateness in using PGIS as a method for mapping human coastal and marine activities; data validity, authority, and the nature of local knowledge; community trust, engagement, and collaboration; and utility for coral reef management. While several factors limit local agencies' ability to use this spatial information to date, natural resource managers found the participatory mapping process to be highly valuable for stakeholder identification and engagement, and the maps provide a resource to state and federal managers to better understand the human implications of future management scenarios.  相似文献   

The significance of biodiversity conservation has transformed from a concern for conservation of endangered species and landscapes into an increasingly diverse yet comprehensive set of conservation, social and economic development goals. Community conservancy, a powerful extension of the PA system, has great potential to support biodiversity conservation, poverty eradication and conflict mitigation. Based on its policy environment and development characteristics, Kenya has implemented community conservation practices, and established over 160 conservancies across the country in the past decades. This paper reviews the development and experiences of community conservancies, discusses how they have been implemented in Kenya, and looks at the management paradigm, efficacy and challenges to help better understand the community conservancy approach. The development trajectory and lessons these conservancies have to offer can contribute to the sustainable utilization of natural resources and the enhancement of community wellbeing in Kenya and other countries alike.  相似文献   

Conservation planning and resulting ecological target identification require selection of both a planning area boundary and temporal baseline or reference condition. We examined the effects that these selections can have on resulting amount and location of identified conservation targets. A gap analysis for California was conducted using five different sets of ecoregion boundaries to identify and compare existing conservation shortfalls in major land cover type representation in protected areas using a threshold of 30 percent per ecoregion per type as the minimum required for future ecological viability. Another gap analysis was run for a single ecoregion using two temporal baselines (current and pre-1900) for the land cover followed by a comparison of identified conservation needs. We found that the boundaries of different ecoregional schemes affected both the total area needed to meet the per ecoregion land cover conservation goals and the spatial location of underprotected land cover types. Choice of temporal baseline also had a significant effect on the establishment of conservation targets for the highly human-impacted Central Valley ecoregion. To meet the given conservation threshold using a historic rather than contemporary baseline, a substantial amount of restoration is required. The results can help identify areas of both conservation needs consensus and those that vary widely based on the chosen planning boundary, as well as aid in the selection of appropriate restoration targets in degraded ecosystems. Because all landscapes are continuous in nature and planning area boundaries are discrete, similar results are likely to be found in analyses conducted in other regions.  相似文献   

在很多情况下,自然保护区管理与保护区周边社区的发展处于矛盾之中。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区地处滇西民族地区,生物多样性保护面临着社区发展的很大压力。综合保护与发展的思想对解决这样的矛盾提供了很好的思路,即要确保生物多样性保护,就需要调和保护区管理与当地社区的社会与经济需求,在保护区外向当地社区提供可行的经济替换,减轻他们对保护区的依赖,从而使当地群众在自然资源管理中扮演积极的角色。高黎贡山国家级自然保护区保山管理局在加强依法管护的同时,运用综合保护与发展策略,将保护区管理与周边社区的发展联系起来,利用自身的一些优势,为周边社区引进项目、资金、技术,促进社区资源管理与经济发展,减缓了社区对保护区的压力,提高了社区群众对自然保护和可持续发展的认识,有的村社还组织起生物多样性保护协会、森林共管委员会等保护性组织,积极参与保护工作。  相似文献   

Montane (alpine) areas are generally of high value for nature conservation. Such environments and the habitats they support are dynamic and often fragile. They are vulnerable to disturbance from a range of human activities and are responsive to climate changes over short and long timescales. Biodiversity and conservation values are closely linked to geological history, geomorphological processes and soils, and it is crucial that management systems are based on understanding these links.
There are many similarities between the Cairngorm Mountains (Scotland), the Giant Mountains (Czech Republic) and Abisko Mountains (Sweden) in terms of geology, geomorphology, ecology, links with biodiversity and high conservation importance. Comparable pressures and management issues involve, to varying degrees, a history of human use and impacts from deforestation, pasturing, grazing, recreation and atmospheric pollution. Landscape change therefore involves a complex interplay between natural and anthropogenic factors. Managing such change requires better understanding of the geo–ecological processes involved and the factors that determine landscape sensitivity. This is illustrated through a simple framework and examples from the three areas. Comparison of landscape sensitivity between similar montane areas, but in different geographic locations and climatic environments, should allow more informed management planning and a precautionary approach in advance of further changes in human activity and from predicted global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

The authors surveyed a representative sample of the Norwegian population (N = 4077) to examine perceptions of biodiversity loss and management, the relative importance of biodiversity loss to other environmental issues, and perceived implications of biodiversity loss. The results showed that 50% of the sample population saw biodiversity as a reality and major environmental issue, and 75% recognized that biodiversity loss occurs. Biodiversity loss was perceived as a lesser global environmental problem than environmental toxins, climate change, air and water pollution, and loss of rainforest, despite the fact that these topics can be difficult to separate since biodiversity loss is a function of other environmental problems. Loss of biodiversity was seen to have negative impacts on people's relationship to the natural environment, to impact environmental resilience, to be at least partly human-induced, and to be an issue of importance and relevance to the general public, not merely to the scientific community. Self-reported levels of knowledge of environmental topics were associated with increasing concern about consequences of reductions in species diversity. The authors conclude that efforts to increase public support for biodiversity conservation can be strengthened by increased emphasis on aesthetic, emotional and cultural aspects of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Montane (alpine) areas are generally of high value for nature conservation. Such environments and the habitats they support are dynamic and often fragile. They are vulnerable to disturbance from a range of human activities and are responsive to climate changes over short and long timescales. Biodiversity and conservation values are closely linked to geological history, geomorphological processes and soils, and it is crucial that management systems are based on understanding these links.
There are many similarities between the Cairngorm Mountains (Scotland), the Giant Mountains (Czech Republic) and Abisko Mountains (Sweden) in terms of geology, geomorphology, ecology, links with biodiversity and high conservation importance. Comparable pressures and management issues involve, to varying degrees, a history of human use and impacts from deforestation, pasturing, grazing, recreation and atmospheric pollution. Landscape change therefore involves a complex interplay between natural and anthropogenic factors. Managing such change requires better understanding of the geo–ecological processes involved and the factors that determine landscape sensitivity. This is illustrated through a simple framework and examples from the three areas. Comparison of landscape sensitivity between similar montane areas, but in different geographic locations and climatic environments, should allow more informed management planning and a precautionary approach in advance of further changes in human activity and from predicted global warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Innovations for conservation and development   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

The state of Kerala in India is known for its active civil society and the massive decentralization campaign launched in 1996. However marginalization of tribal communities hampers the state's decentralized environmental management strategies. The proposed construction of a dam along the Chalakkudy River will displace two colonies of the Kadar tribe in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns, destroy habitats of local wildlife and devastate unique riverine vegetation endemic to the region. This brings to light issues of social and environmental justice as well as a wider responsibility to protect and preserve unique flora and fauna. The state's decentralization strategies, as they relate to tribal communities, lack consideration of local power distribution and cultural conditioning. This raises questions about the state's role in social justice as well as biodiversity conservation. In 2010 and 2011, the author's interviews in Chalakkudy and Athirapilly towns reveal that tribal communities perceive that their place in society restricts their contribution regarding natural resource management and use. The paper suggests that unless the culture of planning and decision making in the state are changed, decentralized strategies will be ineffective, resulting in a predominately top‐down approach towards natural resource management, and will negate Kerala's goal of democratic decentralization.  相似文献   

国际湿地科学研究的主要特点、进展与展望   总被引:164,自引:5,他引:164  
湿地科学是当前国际众多学科学者共同热切关注的重点学科和前沿领域。根据大量最新国际湿地科学研究文献资料中的信息 ,提出了湿地的科学定义和湿地科学的概念。归纳出国际湿地科学研究发展的主要特点 ,即湿地科学历史久远 ,过去发展缓慢而现代发展迅速 ;目前已成为 2 1世纪科学研究的重点学科和研究领域 ;研究内容增多 ,领域扩大 ;综合性增强 ,分化性加大 ;世界湿地科学发展不平衡 ,发展中国家与发达国家之间的湿地研究水平差距逐步缩小。总结了国际湿地科学研究前沿领域的最新进展和发展趋势 ,主要在湿地保护与管理 ,形成、发育与演化 ,古环境重建 ,生态过程与动态 ,生物多样性保护 ,温室气体排放、温室效应和全球环境变化 ,湿地退化机制、退化湿地恢复与重建和人工湿地构建 ,生态系统健康 ,泥炭地与泥炭开发利用、湿地生态工程模式与管理技术和新技术、新手段与新方法应用方面取得突出进展。  相似文献   

There are opportunities for more effectively integrating resource‐based recreation and tourism with goals for primary production and nature conservation across a range of landscapes and land tenure types. ‘Naturalness’ sought for recreation and tourism, like biodiversity, is not confined to the conservation estate, and the ‘recreation estate’ extends into private land. Although it may be argued that ongoing privatisation of land ownership reduces public opportunities for recreation, diversity in ownership, at least at the regional level, enhances the overall spectrum of recreational opportunities. Diversification into recreation and tourism on private land may also help protect biodiversity through such processes as ‘sympathetic management’, as well as by making production land‐use systems more economically robust.  相似文献   

With the financial assistance from the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), the Thailand's Royal Forest Department (RFD) has initiated a strategy for cooperation in transboundary biodiversity conservation with Cambodia and Laos. The Pha Taem Protected Forest Complex (PPFC) in northeastern region was chosen as a pilot project because of the increasing pressure on biodiversity from illegal trade in plants and wildlife across the tri-national borders. The PPFC covers five protected areas in Thailand and adjoins the Phouxeingthong National Biodiversity Conservation Area (NCBA) in Laos and the Cambodia's Protected Forest for Conservation of Genetic Resources of Plants and Wildlife. Two important outputs derived from the project phase I (2001–2004) were a long-term management plan in a framework of transboundary biodiversity conservation and initiative cooperation between the three countries. Cooperation is achieved at certain level and Laos is reluctant to nominate the Phouxeingthong NBCA for inclusion in the project's second phase. In addition, forest cover in buffer zone has been encroached for agricultural practices. The ecological management zones using bioregional approach was developed to provide a framework for transboundary biodiversity conservation in the adjoining protected forests and reducing the conflict of resource uses by local residents in the buffer zone.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are among the most widely accepted methods of marine management. MPAs are not, however, always placed such that they can maximize impact on conservation and livelihoods. Current MPA guidelines fall short in focusing primarily on biophysical criteria, overlooking interrelated socioeconomic factors. We identified 32 socioeconomic factors that influence whether MPA placement has an impact on biodiversity and/or livelihoods and weighted the quality of evidence using a novel “Evidence for Impact” Score. Results suggest that stakeholder engagement, poverty, population density, and strong leadership have most potential to positively impact biodiversity and/or livelihoods, but the direction of impact (i.e., positive or negative) can be context-dependent. We found a generally poor evidence base for impact evaluation of socioeconomic factors: though some factors were highly cited, few studies actually evaluate impact. Results indicate the need for a more interdisciplinary approach to MPA placement and more empirical studies that assess impact.  相似文献   

GAP分析:保护生物多样性的地理学方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
GAP分析1988年由Burley首次提出并被Scott在夏威夷项目中首次应用。GAP分析(保护生物多样性的地理学方法)是快速概观生物多样性几种要素的分布和保护状态的一种方法,它集中在生物有机体更高层,基于生境保护和多物种保护的双重目的,已被证明是保护大尺度生物多样性行之有效的方法之一。目前GAP分析主要集中于陆地脊索动物门的研究,而对水生生境和其它动物门研究较少,同时对生物多样性的过程研究不足。本文在对GAP分析的内涵、产生、研究现状综述的基础上,分析GAP分析的优缺点和发展趋势,并对我国GAP分析进行研究。由于中国的GAP计划尚未进行,现阶段中国的GAP分析应首先集中在一些生物多样性典型地区或针对一些濒危和稀有物种进行研究,然后推广到其它地区或普通物种。  相似文献   

包括联合国粮农组织(FAO)认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)和一些国家农业部认定的国家重要农业文化遗产(NIAHS)在内的农业文化遗产是一种新的遗产类型,通常具有丰富的生物多样性、多元的传统知识、独特的资源利用技术、杰出的文化景观,是一个典型的社会-生态系统。文化关键种作为塑造了一个地区的社会文化特征的重要物种,可以作为研究社会-生态系统保护与恢复力提升的一种独特视角和方法。本文通过系统梳理文化关键种概念的起源与内涵,分析了它们与生物文化多样性和社会-生态系统保护之间的关系,并结合农业文化遗产的基本特征和保护需求,尝试对农业文化遗产地文化关键种给出了定义,即"在农业文化遗产系统内,由生物资源和文化实践紧密结合,对当地社会文化的稳定性产生重要影响且能够促进农业文化遗产保护目标实现的生物文化复合体"。在此基础上,进一步分析了识别农业文化遗产文化关键种对农业文化遗产保护的主要意义:一是通过文化关键种的识别与保护有助于遗产地关键要素的识别和保护;二是利用文化关键种社区认同度高的优势可以调动社区参与遗产保护的积极性;三是以文化关键种的识别与保护为切入点,有助于更好地实现全球或国家重要农业文化遗产保护目标,即保障食物与生计安全、保护生物多样性、促进传统知识与技术体系传承以及维持景观特征等。  相似文献   

Assessments of the conservation status of natural resources have been conducted at large (i.e., global, continental, and countrywide) extents. Studies at finer scales, however, can yield increased detail needed to identify conservation strategies for smaller scales which can contribute to goals at the larger extents. Our study was conducted at the scale of a single state, San Luis Potosí, in Central Mexico. Although the state harbors great biological diversity, large areas covered by natural vegetation communities have been and continue to be destroyed by land use changes, cattle grazing, and mine-generated pollution. Our purposes were to quantify the proportion of distribution within natural protected areas (NPAs) of land cover classes, soil types, ecoregions, and altitudinal steps. In addition, within individual NPAs, we aimed at assessing risks. We conducted our analysis at the 1:1, 1:250,000, and 1:1,000,000 scales depending on layer availability. Our results show that actions within the state could contribute to federal and global conservation goals by protecting sites of globally imperiled ecosystems (cloud forests and natural grasslands). At a finer scale, we identified that piedmont scrubland, medium and low tropical moist forests, wetlands, and low elevation habitats are rare and/or constitute conservation omissions within the state. Similarly, ecoregions with mesquite, semi-deciduous, and moist tropical thorn forest, wetlands, and low elevations (<1200 m.a.s.l.) are conservation omissions or gaps. Finally, at the smallest scale, risks within some protected areas (PAs) include the presence of agriculture, cattle grazing, and mine tailings from mines dedicated to extraction of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, and Zn. Therefore, management within these PAs should minimize such risks through identification of the most important conservation zones within the PAs, and implementation of local legislation prohibiting such activities at the immediacies of conservation zones. Approaches like ours within similar administrative units will help identify ecosystems that are vulnerable and not well protected. However, to prioritize conservation action it is also important to consider surrogates such as species from different groups and ecosystems, as well as rarity and complementarity of such surrogates.  相似文献   

罗培  秦子晗 《地理研究》2013,32(5):952-964
以华蓥山大峡谷地质公园为例,应用问卷调查和登门访谈的方法,对地质公园内居民的社区参与现状和意愿进行调查,分析他们对地质遗迹资源保护与开发的认知态度,明确他们在资源开发中的利益诉求。调查表明,在资源保护和开发中社区参与存在的主要问题是,居民参与度低,参与机会有限,有强烈的参与决策、规划、商业经营的愿望,并希望在参与中分享资源开发的利益,参与过程得到政府、企业的保障。本文在现有的经营体制下,从资源保护(含环境保护)、规划决策、商业经营、利益分配、社会参与保障等五个方面,构建了居民在地质遗迹资源保护和利用中的社区参与模型体系,为我国地质遗迹资源保护和开发中的社区参与问题研究和实践提供了参考。  相似文献   

Conventional development theory and practice have often failed to recognise the centrality of women in sustainable resource management. A conceptual shift in environment and resource policies, planning and programmes is required to affirm that women are active participants rather than passive recipients of change. To address the need for enhanced women's participation in community-based forestry development, this paper focuses on the policy and programme elements important in the design and implementation of successful community forestry projects. Consequently, the intention of this paper is to increase the awareness of planners and decision-makers regarding methods of operationalising women's participation in community-based forestry. Building upon previous work from aid agencies and other researchers, a range of institutional, organisational, socio-cultural and project elements are identified. These elements provide a comprehensive framework of the policy and programme issues requiring consideration when promoting women's participation in successful community-based forestry activities.  相似文献   

Geographically or sociologically defined resource management units, such as buffer zones or community resource management territories, seek to harmonize local land–use practices with protected–area management objectives. The geographically restricted nature of these models often results in simplistic representations of society–nature relations over time and space. Conservation areas are misrepresented as ecologically and socially homogeneous, as well as politically neutral. This study examines the limits of a spatially defined conservation and development project designed around the physical geographical unit of the watershed at Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya. It argues that politically motivated violence that has plagued the area since the early 1990s has severely undermined the suitability of such narrowly defined conservation territories. Specifically, the case study points to the permeability of the Lake Nakuru watershed to national and regional political forces that ultimately constrain participation in conservation activities. The spaces of conservation and development must be enlarged to include these extralocal arenas and processes if environmental problems are to be effectively addressed.  相似文献   

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