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Approaches to improve the governance of social–ecological systems are difficult to define in situations where governance is weak, that is, involving limited interactions between the actors and weak management of natural resources. This article analyzes an action research process implemented in the Chaouia coastal region of Morocco, where weak governance of the social–ecological system led to a groundwater and agricultural crisis. A dialogue between local actors was set up with the aim of identifying strategies to address the crisis. First separately and then together, farmers’ groups and staff members of public organizations analyzed the existing situation, scenarios for the future of the area, and strategies to cope with the crisis. Contrary to the expectations of the participants, farmers and staff members of public organizations had productive discussions. This approach clarified how social learning can be achieved and governance improved in this situation of weak governance.  相似文献   

Natural resource management practices such as community-based resource management (CBRM) are well-established bottom-up approaches to developing adaptive governance systems. Less is understood about how communities involved in such processes can attract top-down support without compromising their credibility or salience. We tested the usefulness of the linked boundary functions concept – boundary chains – for explaining the role of “research for development” (R4D) organizations in the integration of bottom-up community resource governance and top-down policy and legislative governance. We used the Australian Centre for Agricultural Research (ACIAR) in the Solomon Islands as a case study to probe the role of R4D organizations in this regard. The linked boundary functions concept proved useful in exploring the active functions of R4D organizations as actors that lend credibility, salience, and legitimacy to community-based governance initiatives. The concept of linked boundary functions or boundary chains can contribute to the current discussion in the complexity-aware theory of change and open new avenues for boundary management that enable the development of integrated resource governance in complex development contexts. This article contributes to the existing literature on the boundary spanning activities of R4D organizations.  相似文献   

汪涛  Ingo LIEFNER  李丹丹 《地理研究》2011,30(10):1861-1872
以重庆维普期刊全文数据库中2000~2009年发表于生物技术领域的合著论文作者信息统计数据为数据源,从省级层面运用UCINET和ArcGIS软件分析知识网络的空间结构特征及其演化规律。近十年来生物技术知识网络经历了由萌芽阶段向扩张阶段和成熟阶段转变的过程,知识的扩散方式由接触扩散为主向等级扩散为主转变,知识交流的密集区...  相似文献   

刘晓凤  葛岳静  胡伟  黄宇  马腾 《地理科学进展》2019,38(11):1735-1746
全球治理背景下,国家仍是国际社会最重要行为体,但非国家行为体作为重要的国际活动参与者也逐渐成为不可忽视的力量。在地理学框架中深入探讨非国家行为体的地缘政治角色,可以更加系统地理解“一带一路”建设中的多元地缘关系。论文依据地理学尺度思想梳理了非国家行为体的概念和分类,并归纳其地缘政治空间影响及实现途径,以期在理论上完善对地缘政治主体的研究,搭建非国家行为体的地缘政治认识框架,实践上指导中国“一带一路”等对外合作的开展。主要结论包括:① 非国家行为体没有动摇国家主权的决定性地位,但在世界政治中仍发挥着不可替代的独特作用,一是作为国家力量的拓展,二是对传统的国家边界、主权有空间上的突破;② 在国际事务上,非国家行为体与国家的互动及相关行为对国际安全、制度、认知和权力空间既产生了积极作用,也造成了一定损害和威胁;③ 非国家行为体通过参与和维护全球治理,塑造地缘政治想象与认同,以及调节和重塑地缘政治空间边界三种方式实现地缘政治影响。因此,为更好地服务“一带一路”建设,需要从不同角度分析非国家行为体的影响,通过与之加强对话、开展合作,合理管理、警惕部分非国家行为体的威胁以及培育鼓励中国的非国家行为体等多种方式应对其潜在影响。  相似文献   

Theory on environmental governance and water governance emphasises decentralised, devolved forms of interaction between stakeholders. As previously excluded actors are empowered to take part in governance, new forms of cooperation are created. This paper examines how the cooperative principle has influenced stakeholder interaction at the local and international scales of water governance in South Africa. Water policies and initiatives have been set up to promote multi-level governance that emphasises cooperation between various stakeholders. The emphasis on cooperation and inclusiveness is particularly pertinent to the South African context because of its apartheid past. The paper asks whether there have been new forms of cooperation between a wider array of actors, as the theory proposes. By using the case studies of the Sabie catchment and the Lesotho Highlands Water Project to examine local and international level governance, the paper finds challenges related to power disparity and interdependence of actors, and risk perceptions of inclusive decision-making. It is found that at both the local and international level, the state, which is a 'traditional' actor, still plays an influential role in decision-making. 'New' actors such as businesses, civil society, and regional institutions are more visible but have limited decision-making power. Non-linear, time-consuming forms of cooperation occur in water governance.  相似文献   

社会—生态韧性视角下城乡治理的逻辑框架   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
伴随着快速城镇化,生态环境剧烈变化与社会经济结构深刻转变使中国城乡发展问题愈发突出,城乡治理面临新挑战。社会—生态韧性理论与城乡治理实践存在紧密关联,但对两者关系的研究欠缺。论文以中国城乡发展问题为导向,厘清社会—生态韧性与城乡发展的关系,构建社会—生态韧性视角下城乡治理的逻辑框架。将社会—生态韧性的核心理念(耦合、自组织和学习)引入城乡规划、个体参与和政策制定,将促进城乡融合和可持续发展。在未来的城乡治理中,需要将社会与生态问题统筹考虑,贯彻人地耦合的理念,形成多层级的城乡协同治理网络,促进适应性治理,培育不同尺度城乡治理主体的合作和创新,尤其要重视城乡社区的学习、适应能力构建。实践中需要充分利用空间规划工具,将生态系统服务纳入城乡空间治理范畴,协调城乡生态系统服务与居民福祉的关系,增强城乡对不确定性的缓冲和应对能力。  相似文献   

文章基于中美人口贩运历史和现状,从国家方略、法律法规、工作机构、预警系统和受害者救助与安置回归5方面,比较了两国在打击人口贩运方面的优势和劣势。结果发现,中美人口贩运治理国家方略,均是在“以人为本、协同预防、依法打击、积极救助、妥善安置”的框架下制定的。中国更多的是针对打击国内拐卖妇女、儿童犯罪的全面性,而美国则是重点治理商业性跨国人口贩运。中国治理的特色在于自上而下的管理和自下而上的自治,一旦方略、法律法规形成,能够迅速覆盖全国执行;而美国属于联邦制国家,联邦政府与州政府是合作而非隶属关系,加之三权分立与制衡相结合的政治制度和两党制的政党制度,美国治理人口贩运问题的全国执行度、联动性还需进一步考察。最后,就中国如何应对和治理拐卖人口问题提出几点建议,具体包括:1)加大对《中国反对拐卖人口行动计划(2021—2030)》的实施力度,各地需因地制宜地明确行动措施;完善与国家法的衔接并合理吸收借鉴,持续推进针对打击人口拐卖的专门立法,增强应对能力;2)加强国际合作,重视社会建设和治理跨国、跨地域人口拐卖问题;3)细化反拐工作机构,成立专门工作组,设置专项经费,畅通建议渠道;4)构建并完善“团圆系统”配套制度建设。  相似文献   

基于粤港澳大湾区三地不同的媒介社会结构,以媒介、社会学交叉学科视角,创新性提出区域协同下四种维度三大类别的媒介传播框架,以此探索在“一国两制”跨界联系下和区域协同发展过程中,粤港澳大湾区社会资本的形成及区域协同演进的阶段性特点。研究发现:随着区域一体化发展加速,粤港澳三地媒介互动的维度及深度不断增强,但在“社会-文化”层面的连结型社会资本仍较为薄弱。在区域对话中,由于缺乏能贯穿粤港澳三地日常生活、适应三地民众媒介使用习惯的区域性媒介平台,粤港澳大湾区内尚未形成有效的底层监测及反馈机制,导致跨界空间联系项目中社会成本高企。以媒介及社会学等交叉学科视角,探索区域空间协同实践中媒介传播状况和社会资本的形成机制,有助于促进湾区建立更为灵活有效的对话机制,来回应区域民生需求,提升区域协同效率,以及推动区域共识的达成。  相似文献   

Local governance involves coalitions between public and private actors on policy issues. Actors participating in these coalitions may vary according to the issue in question, even within the same city. Based on a survey carried out among actors from different sectors of the local political community in four Spanish cities, governance networks are analyzed across five different issues: public housing, cultural tourism, urban regeneration, social policy, and citizen participation. Using network analysis and indexes in a comparative examination of 20 policy networks, we show that variations across networks are explained by policy issue content and supra-municipal regulations, regardless of the cities’ political characteristics.  相似文献   

中国电子信息产业创新网络与创新绩效研究   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1  
采用国家知识产权局1985~2013年中国电子信息产业联合申请发明专利信息数据,借助Ucinet、ArcGIS、Stata等分析工具,对中国电子信息产业创新网络特征、结构、演化、绩效进行了分析。研究发现:知名高校和大型企业是中国电子信息产业创新网络重要的科学知识源和技术知识源,也是创新合作优先连接主体,与美国跨国公司、西欧中小企业是创新网络科技知识源的特点不同;创新网络呈现“核心-边缘”模式,创新网络结构的“小世界网络”特征越来越明显;本市、境外是创新合作最重要的空间载体,地理邻近有助于隐性知识交流,在国内合作创新网络构建中发挥着重要作用,技术邻近是促成境外合作创新的重要基础,进一步验证了Bathelt等学者倡导的关系经济地理学假说;提高网络地位、占据结构洞位置能够提升主体创新绩效;创新网络内部作用机理的地域差异明显,网络结构根植性对发达地区创新一般有负面影响,地理邻近对发达地区创新主体的创新绩效影响不显著,但地理邻近却有利于欠发达中西部地区创新主体间的隐性知识交流,有助于创新绩效的提高。因而,应引入“网络资本”来分析网络主体的创新绩效,弥补中心地理论中基于规模等级分析主体创新能力的传统做法。  相似文献   

杨宇  任亚文 《地理研究》2023,42(1):1-16
全球能源治理是当前能源话语权塑造的重要形式,其本质是能源利益主体间围绕多元能源议题而构建的关系网络。在以往相关研究中,各能源组织的架构、功能、绩效以及所产生的复杂影响占据了主要内容,而对于全球能源治理的整体结构以及内部关系却未能有进一步探索。本研究认为,能源组织与实际贸易存在交互关系,将二者相结合来进一步呈现和解释全球能源治理架构是有必要的。基于此,本研究以2019年为时间节点,收集主要能源组织的属性数据与各国之间的石油和天然气贸易数据,将国家间在能源治理组织的常态化合作关系与实际发生的能源贸易关系作为分析基础;并利用社会网络分析方法构建全球能源治理网络,探析其基本结构以及出现的“边界重构”现象。研究发现:(1)能源组织网络与能源贸易网络存在显著的结构性差异,在两种网络对比中,美国与俄罗斯均占据主导地位。(2)中国已经成为能源贸易大国,但在全球能源组织合作中不具优势,与传统能源利益集团之间缺乏正式的治理合作。(3)全球能源治理体系呈现出典型的“核心-边缘”结构,主要被划分为欧盟以及亚太-北美“社区”,其中OECD(经济合作与发展组织)国家占据“核心”地位;而以单一能源输出为主导功能的出...  相似文献   

Patterns of social interaction influence how knowledge is generated, communicated, and applied. Theories of social capital and organizational learning suggest that interactions within disciplinary or functional groups foster communication of knowledge, whereas interactions across groups foster generation of new knowledge. We used social network analysis to examine patterns of social interaction reported in survey data from scientists and managers who work on fish and fire issues. We found that few fish and fire scientists and managers interact with one another, suggesting low bridging social capital and thus, limited opportunity for generation of new knowledge. We also found that although interaction occurs among scientists—suggesting modest bonding social capital—few managers interact with other managers, indicating limited opportunity for communication of scientific knowledge for the purposes of application. We discuss constraints and opportunities for organizational learning evident in these patterns of social interaction among fish and fire scientists and managers.  相似文献   

Social actors in arid regions must develop strategies to respond to available resources, which are scarce, variable, patchy and unpredictable relative to other regions. We explore our observations of relationships amongst people and organisations in Australian deserts using a stylised network model of the structure of social networks in arid systems. Results suggest that temporal resource variability drives increased network density, but with fewer strong ties; sparse populations drive a relatively higher proportion of strong ties, and that networks develop a hub configuration as resource endowments become more patchy spatially. These ideas highlight some issues that warrant improved understanding by actors seeking to enhance livelihoods and local resilience in these extreme environments.  相似文献   

This article develops the idea of “Extension 3.0” as an approach to agricultural extension that capitalizes on the network structure of local agricultural knowledge systems. Over the last century, agricultural knowledge systems have evolved into networks of widely distributed actors with a diversity of specializations and expertise. Agricultural extension programs need to manage these networks in ways that maximize the synergy between experiential, technical, and social learning. Using empirical research from California farmers, we highlight the structure of these networks within and across contexts, and the importance of boundary-spanning relationships. We provide some initial recommendations about actions needed to realize the goal of Extension 3.0, which is to deliver relevant agricultural knowledge to the right people, at the right time and place.  相似文献   


National Forests in the United States have undergone a spatially and temporally uneven governance transition in response to social and economic pressures and contemporary policy changes, with many national forest units moving from a wholly government-led “dominant federal” model to a more collaborative “social forestry” model in which nonfederal actors have greater influence and authority. Here we report on an effort to develop a suite of indicators designed to capture some of the most tangible elements of a transition from dominant federal to social forestry modes of governance. We pilot test these data on the Willamette National Forest using data from a variety of sources internal and external to the USDA Forest Service. We assess the suitability of these indicators for tracking governance transitions and discuss their applicability to other national forest units nationwide.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the emergence of a Learning Legacy Agenda (LLA) in the wake of the London 2012 Olympic Games as a governmental tool for the dissemination of urban development and infrastructure project delivery best practice. Focusing on the inception, coordination and implementation of the LLA we outline the intentionalities of mobility that underpin its formation and appropriation and suggest how this points to the emergence of a new “London model” of development and governance. Three intentionalities of knowledge capture, public duty and extra-local salience are unpacked to demonstrate the range of ways in which the bureaucratically initiated LLA banner has been used by various development actors and organisations to validate their existing practices. The case study of the LLA as an institutionalised governance apparatus is used to analyse the impact of specific forms of social relations on the ways in which “models” are produced, what their content consists of, how dominant agendas and narratives co-evolve with the priorities of an assemblage of actors and the processes of selective abstraction used to curate particular messages and forms of fixed and potentially mobile knowledge, yet dubious claims of “learning”.  相似文献   


Given the linkages between natural resources and social conflicts, evidence increasingly shows that successful natural resource management requires conflict mitigation and prevention. However, there may be a gap in practice between knowing what processes and tools need to be used to manage conservation conflicts and how to actually implement them. We present learning from a practice-based case study of conflict management in the Amarakaeri Communal Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon that aimed to develop natural resource governance institutions and build stakeholder capacity, including of indigenous groups, to navigate existing conflict resolution mechanisms. Through applying good practices in conservation conflict management and collaborative governance, we generated important lessons on the practical considerations involved in collaborative conservation. These lessons, while specific to our case, could be applied to a variety of protected areas facing complex social-ecological systems dynamics and wicked problems.  相似文献   

城市网络韧性的概念与分析框架探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市网络作为一种新的城市地域系统组织形式和研究范式被广泛关注。目前绝大多数城市网络研究都基于正面视角,对城市网络的负面效应、安全与可持续发展问题却鲜有提及。论文通过梳理城市网络与区域韧性的相关研究进展,探索性地提出一种基于演化韧性的城市网络韧性概念来探讨城市网络的“负面问题”。城市网络韧性可理解为城市网络系统借助于城市间社会、经济、工程与组织等各领域的协作和互补关系,能够预防、抵御、响应和适应外部急性冲击和慢性压力的影响并从中恢复或转换的能力。基于此概念,结合演化韧性与适应性循环理论,将城市网络视为一个动态演化的复杂适应系统,基于基础设施、组织、经济与社会等4个维度,兼顾适应性与适应能力,尝试性地提出基于韧性特征和韧性过程视角的城市网络韧性综合分析框架,并对城市网络韧性的分析方法、优化方法予以展望,对涉及的若干核心问题展开讨论。研究可为以安全发展为目标的区域规划、区域政策制定和区域组织建立提供科学依据,也可为各城市节点找准自身角色、有效参与区域治理提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

从自发组建的非政府组织到北极事务中颇具影响力的权力组织,原住民组织已经成长为北极事务中不可忽视的利益攸关方。在获取北极事务参与权及实施行动决策中,北极原住民组织展现了独特的思考和实践。基于批判地缘政治学的理论视角观察因纽特环北极理事会为代表的原住民组织的发展历程,发现:(1)北极原住民组织强调基于文本生产的知识权力获取方式;(2)制度性参与是原住民组织的主要行动路径。北极事务参与权的获取及针对性行动策略的实施帮助原住民组织成功影响和重塑了北极的治理理念、身份认同与地理空间,推动北极地区向着善治和良治发展。通过对因纽特环北极理事会案例的解析,可以为中国拓展自身在北极地区的合作空间提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the process and internal mechanisms of rural ecommerce industry agglomeration and space reconstruction in metropolitan fringe areas, employing Lirendong village in Guangzhou, China, as a case study. Questionnaire surveys and in-depth interviews were utilized and interpreted through the perspective of the actor-network theory. The results show that, in Lirendong village, local government, processing enterprises, rural collectives, e-commerce entrepreneurial talent, and other key actors participate in the pursuit and realization of suburban land value according to their action logic. Actors jointly evolved and constructed the phased industrial processes and space value accumulation process of the e-commerce industry. The reconstruction process experienced three stages, including the government-led agricultural decentralization stage, the market-oriented industrialization stage, and the Internet+ stage dominated by the social network of fellow villagers. The development process has evolved from the dominance of exogenous forces to that of endogenous forces, and, as a result, the types and structures of rural land use are diversified. The spatial texture and rural environment of the traditional country gradually disappeared, forming a diversified mixed form of urban-rural land and mixed-use landscape of industrial, commercial, and residential land in vertical space. At the same time, the social network changed from a single and homogeneous social network of acquaintances to a multiple network of strangers.  相似文献   

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