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Culture plays an important role in communities’ abilities to adapt to environmental change and crises. The emerging field of resilience thinking has made several efforts to better integrate social and cultural factors into the systems-level approach to understanding social–ecological resilience. However, attempts to integrate culture into structural models often fail to account for the agentic processes that influence recovery at the individual and community levels, overshadowing the potential for agency and variation in community response. Using empirical data on the 2010 BP oil spill’s impact on a small, natural-resource-dependent community, we propose an alternative approach emphasizing culture’s ability to operate as a resource that contributes to social, or community, resilience. We refer to this more explicit articulation of culture’s role in resilience as cultural resilience. Our findings reveal that not all cultural resources that define resilience in reference to certain disasters provided successful mitigation, adaptation, or recovery from the BP spill.  相似文献   


This study investigates long-term appraisals of community recovery after a major environmental disaster. Specifically, we conducted a survey of 351 individuals living in coastal counties in Alabama and Florida on the five-year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Using mixed methods that combined content analysis and ordinary least squares regression, we find that residents who believe they live in a community where neighbors help each other are more likely to see their communities as recovering. Conversely, reporting major effects from environmental problems, like lost fishing income, reduces perceptions of community recovery. Five years after the oil spill a majority of respondents saw little economic recovery and almost half perceived low environmental recovery. This reflects the importance of the environment to the long-term health and success of areas dependent on natural resources. It also suggests the need for directing funding toward community-level programs and preserving shared natural resources post-disaster.  相似文献   

将轮台天山南麓山前平原中下部自北至南分为4个地貌带:洪水剥蚀带、溢出带、三角洲带及两河交汇区带。并以土壤电导作为积盐程度的指标,分析了天山南麓山前平原4个地貌带土壤盐的分布特征:溢出带和三角洲带土壤盐分含量高,两端洪水剥蚀带和两河交汇区带盐分含量低。物种多样性及物种组成分析结果表明,自北至南物种多样性及物种数量都在下降,洪水剥蚀带主要为柽柳群落、琵琶柴群落,溢出带主要为柽柳群落、盐节木群落、盐角草群落,三角洲带及两河交汇区均为柽柳群落。通过相关性分析,土壤盐分与群落物种多样性相关性不显著。但是,土壤盐渍化的变化明显影响到植物群落物种组成的变化、群落类型的空间分布和演替。  相似文献   

This paper undertakes a risk assessment of coastal counties in the Gulf of Mexico impacted by the 2010 Deep Water Horizon oil spill. The study evaluates hazard risk from the perspective of community resilience, social capital, and access to resources. The proposed hazard risk location model re‐specifies risk as a function of hazard, exposure, and coping ability. The model employs an autoregressive function and a threshold analysis to develop a place‐based risk assessment. The results indicate that spatial variation in risk levels coincides with locational differences in social capital across the study area. Geographical proximity to the spill, population density, and unemployment rate are also key factors in determining overall risk. Furthermore, temporal variation in risk levels is determined by exposure to previous hazard events and changes in the business cycle.  相似文献   

城市关系网络化是城市体系结构发展的重要趋势,不同要素流空间网络下的城市体系在空间组织上不尽相同,依托单一要素对网络进行表征的结果具有明显的局限性。本文基于企业联系、科研合作、人口迁徙和引力模拟四类要素网络,从城市节点、路径联系、社区特征等角度剖析多重流空间视角下中国城市网络的外部空间特征与差异,并探究城市间联系的内在模式规律。结果表明:(1)多维数据源视角下构建的多重城市网络在空间组织上表现出相似稳定性和多元差异性的统一。(2)一定程度上依赖于基础设施运转的人流、物流等网络受到地理距离的约束较大,相邻地区的小团体特征明显,社区结构较强;而资金流、信息流等实体性较弱的要素则突破了这种地理限制,发生联系的重点在于目标城市对于要素流的吸引力,社区结构较弱。(3)目前全国城市联系形态上具有层级性和扁平化的双重特征,据此本文基于“管道-蜂鸣”模型提出“社区蜂鸣-守门员-区域管道”城市空间组织模式,这一模式对于阐述中国的城市联系特征具有较好的适用性,可在全国识别出10个核心守门员城市和8个类型区。  相似文献   

Community surveys have been widely used to investigate local residents’ perceptions and behaviors related to natural resource issues. However, most existing community survey research relies on cross-sectional data and is thus unable to capture the temporal dynamics of community processes. Longitudinal analysis has received increasing interest in recent natural resource social science literature. Trend and panel studies are two typical approaches in longitudinal community survey research. Due to limited sampling frames, research design, and respondent attrition, longitudinal community surveys often involve both paired and independent observations across different survey waves. Using previous survey data on community responses to forest insect disturbance in Alaska as an example, this research note shows that the corrected z-test is a more appropriate approach to analyze partially correlated longitudinal data than conventional statistical techniques such as the paired and independent t-tests.  相似文献   

健康社区建设是后疫情时代的重要趋势,在促进居民健康状况方面,只有针对各类生活方式进行组合干预才能将个体患病风险降到最低并保证居民身心的全面健康.论文选取了北京22个典型社区,利用2019年北京城市体检问卷调查数据构建了社区居民健康生活方式的评价指标体系,并在此基础上结合社区生活圈内的建成环境空间数据,借助多层线性模型考...  相似文献   

探讨华为手机主导的全球价值链在后发赶超过程中的建构与重构,对于明晰发展中国家领先企业在全球价值链中所处的地位、价值捕捉及演进趋势具有重要意义。论文基于城市网络和全球价值链的研究视角,通过建立城市网络与价值链体系之间的映射关系,以“实体清单”正式生效日期为节点,系统整理断供前后华为手机供应商数据,借助总部—分支、社会网络分析等方法,揭示研发型(高端价值捕捉)、生产型(中端价值捕捉)和代工型(低端价值捕捉)城市网络的空间分布、网络结构和社群结构。结果表明:① 华为手机的生产组织模式具有典型“全球研发+国内生产/代工”特征,断供后高端价值供应商退出明显,核心零部件国产化替代趋势明显。② 断供后,深圳、上海和北京在城市网络中的影响力和控制力显著增强,在高、中、低端价值生产环节均占据核心地位,在研发型城市网络中尤为显著。③ 断供后,美国高端价值供应商所在城市的影响力大幅降低,以存储芯片和摄像头芯片为主的日韩供应商所在城市的影响力提升明显。④ 断供后,高、中、低端价值生产环节的网络集聚效应均有不同程度提升,推动华为价值链更加区域化。⑤ 断供前后,研发型城市社群变化最大;生产型城市社群数量规模适中,社区之间有明显的等级差异;代工型城市社群数量规模最小,社区内联系稀疏。“全球化布局”和“国产化替代”的组合战略是当前华为手机破解“卡脖子”问题的可行路径,也为后发国家高技术企业实现赶超提供经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Disasters literally and figuratively shake the foundations of place in a community. If place is seen as both a construction of and contributor to identity, then the impact of disasters can result in not only physical displacement but can also fundamentally displace community and individual identity. Despite this, resilience theory, a widely used approach for dealing with disaster, provides little empirical or theoretical background on the role of place in shaping response and recovery from disruption. On 22 February 2011, the ground beneath the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, shook, destabilizing the physical and psychological landscape and displacing the foundations of place identity for many communities. Through the case study of Project Lyttelton, a grassroots community organization close to the epicenter of the 22 February earthquake, this paper seeks to understand and explore the nuances of place and identity, and its role in shaping resilience to such displacing events. We argue that place is an integral component of social systems that requires consideration within resilience frameworks in order for social factors to be properly integrated. From this, we make the case for increased awareness of the connections between these processes and the related consequences for post-disaster realities at both the community and policy level.  相似文献   

Plant communities on semi-arid floodplains are ecologically important and support a diverse local and regional fauna and often pastoral economies. Water resource development may affect these communities and economies by decreasing water supply; determining the nature of these relationships is not straightforward because of the complex nature of plant responses to wetting and possible interactions with other drivers. We investigate the effects of reduced wetting on vegetation by examining spatial patterns in plant communities and above-ground herbaceous plant biomass across a flood frequency gradient, geomorphic settings and grazing exclosures. Community and biomass changes were also examined over time in relation to wetting events. The results demonstrate the importance of wetting on plant communities across timescales. At longer timescales, flood frequency influences community composition; at shorter timescales, wetting increase plant biomass and has a secondary influence on community composition. Plant biomass is also influenced in the short-term by grazing, but there is little influence of grazing on community composition. Soil nutrients do not vary systematically across the floodplain and have little influence on species distributions. We conclude that reduced water availability due to water resource development will result in reduced productivity in the short-term and community composition changes in the long-term.  相似文献   

社区空间演化是近年来学术界持续关注的热点问题之一。利用社区动态演化集团渗透法(Clique Percolation Method)及叠置分析法,探究了宁夏闽宁镇生态移民社区空间动态演化类型、特征及影响因素,结果表明:① 生态移民社区主要存在增长、融合、延续、新生等空间动态演化类型;② 社区空间演化特征总体表现为由零散到集中,由不规则到规则几何图形,演化过程处于正向演化状态且符合中国民族分布特点;③ 社区空间动态演化影响因素主要有政策、自然环境、产业发展状况和地缘关系。  相似文献   

李亚枝  刘立欣 《热带地理》2021,41(4):857-869
为阐述微观社会情境下移民社会融入的影响因素,以广州非洲人群体中出现的“昼伏夜出”现象为研究对象,在2019年2—4月对广州登峰村开展问卷调查和深度访谈,以获取居民日常行为数据,探讨该现象的成因及其背后的机制。结果表明:在穗非洲人的作息行为存在“时差”,具体表现为群体性的“昼伏夜出”——起床和休息时间点的整体性后移。相关性研究分析表明,这种通过时间交互实现的“昼伏夜出”,与该群体的社交状况、场所互动状况和“对穗态度”密切相关,实质是其采取“浅层融入,深度区隔”社会适应策略的具体手段,也是迁入地对此发出响应的互动结果。通过时间维度上对社区空间的“错峰”使用,非裔有选择地放弃占据、使用和改造社区的部分需求,实现主动区隔;对此,同一空间下的其他群体根据与非裔的互动需求,对自身行为模式作出调整,以此实现登峰村内不同人群间的双向适应。  相似文献   

The process of recovery from environmental impact provides insights into factors that drive community assembly. This study investigated community reassembly following perturbation, using littoral cladoceran microfossils. Whole-lake experimental manipulations of acids and nutrients in Lake 302N (L302N; 1972–1997) and acids in Lake 223 (L223; 1976–1994) at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA; Ontario, Canada), provided an opportunity to use the sediment record to reconstruct the trajectory of recovery. Comparison was made to unmanipulated Lake 377 (L377) to estimate changes in regional baseline conditions. Recovery was evaluated at both the species and community level, using univariate and multivariate metrics. Up to 14 years after cessation of acid and nutrient additions, and following chemical recovery to pH > 6.5, both L302N and L223 littoral cladoceran communities failed to recover to their pre-manipulation states. Multivariate metrics demonstrated hysteresis along the recovery trajectory, and the movement to alternative states in littoral cladoceran communities in both lakes. The most recent littoral cladoceran community structure, reconstructed from the paleorecord, is driven by the persistence of species from the acidification period, suggesting biological resistance. Recovery states differed between L302N and L223, although their initial, pre-manipulation littoral cladoceran community structures were similar, reflecting multiple, independent recovery trajectories. Independent recovery trajectories are at odds with previous findings, which suggest that dispersal from an egg bank should support deterministic recovery trajectories. We conclude that littoral cladoceran microfossils can be used effectively to determine the community state with recovery and compare it to the pre-manipulation condition, particularly with the use of multivariate metrics.  相似文献   

多智能体城市土地扩张模型及其应用   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17  
传统的城市土地扩张模型多为静态模型,无法呈现空间上每一时间点的土地利用状况,以元胞自动机(Cellular Automata)模型为代表的新型城市土地扩张模型虽然具有动态特性,但其无法描述影响城市土地扩张的智能体(Agent)之间所产生的多元变化结果。以多智能体系统(Multi—Agent System)理论为基础,建立城市土地资源时间和空间配置规则,构建了动态且能描述影响城市土地扩张的智能体(Agent)间互动关系的城市土地扩张模型,并以长沙市区为例,应用所构建之模型进行了城市土地扩张的实证分析。结果表明:该模型可以反映城市土地扩张的基本特征和规律.对于解释城市土地扩张的成因、理解智能体行为对城市土地扩张过程的影响是合适的。并且将模拟结果与遥感土地利用解译结果对比.1998年、2001年、2005年城市土地扩张模拟的点对点精度均达到68%以上,从而能够为政府和城市规划者制定用地政策提供辅助决策支持。  相似文献   

河南承接制造业转移的时空格局研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于2000~2009年中国大中型企业数据库数据,利用产业转移承接指数、地区专业化和多样化指数、改进的偏离份额分析等方法,从时间、空间以及行业-区位等维度对河南承接制造业产业转移的时空格局进行研究。结果表明:时间趋势上,河南承接国内外制造业转移规模持续增大,承接行业类型显著增多;轻工业比重高于重工业,资本密集型行业明显增加。空间格局上,基本呈现出以中原城市群为中心的核心-外围模式,豫北地区承接制造业转移规模逐渐降低,而黄淮地区显著增强。各地市在制造业总体、轻工业、重工业以及劳动密集型、资本密集型和技术密集型行业的承接上,呈现出增强型、减弱型、补缺型、抵消型等不同的特征;专业化和多样化承接的组合类型城市之间也明显不同,地市间承接制造业转移的行业存在雷同,但多数转移行业受地理临近性的影响不显著。行业-区位组合上,劳动密集的轻工业和资本密集的重工业的集聚效应非常明显,而技术密集型行业对区位优势的指向性很强。  相似文献   

徐阳  彭澎  陆锋  高嘉良  程诗奋 《地理研究》2022,41(12):3199-3213
新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情对香港旅游业产生了巨大的冲击,掌握疫情期间游客出行的时空变化特征,对后疫情时代旅游业复苏和发展至关重要。本文基于2019年和2020年社交媒体的旅游评论数据,采用时序统计、复杂网络分析等方法,对比分析疫情前后香港旅游网络的演化特征,并结合旅游目的地语义刻画游客出行规律。结果表明:(1)游客出行规律呈现出一定程度变化,与疫情前相比,游客在一次出游行程中所访问的旅游目的地数量大幅下降;(2)热门目的地仍然在香港旅游网络中承担着连接其他目的地的重要作用,而围绕热门目的地形成的旅游网络社区由疫情前的空间显著集聚转为相对稀疏分布,但网络社区内部目的地的空间分布较疫情前变得更加集聚;(3)在游客选择出行目的地方面,热门目的地访问量急剧减少,而以往游客较少且地理位置较为偏僻的目的地,在游客出行目的地选择时变得更被关注,但产业目的地始终是香港旅游中最热门的旅游目的地类型。  相似文献   

Many geographic studies use distance as a simple measure of accessibility, risk, or disparity. Straight-line (Euclidean) distance is most often used because of the ease of its calculation. Actual travel distance over a road network is a superior alternative, although historically an expensive and labor-intensive undertaking. This is no longer true, as travel distance and travel time can be calculated directly from commercial Web sites, without the need to own or purchase specialized geographic information system software or street files. Taking advantage of this feature, we compare straight-line and travel distance and travel time to community hospitals from a representative sample of more than 66,000 locations in the fifty states of the United States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The measures are very highly correlated (r 2 > 0.9), but important local exceptions can be found near shorelines and other physical barriers. We conclude that for nonemergency travel to hospitals, the added precision offered by the substitution of travel distance, travel time, or both for straight-line distance is largely inconsequential.  相似文献   

Twitter has emerged as a global social network of active users who share conversations with one another in an online setting. Academics are one community that has increasingly taken to Twitter as a means of connecting with other scholars, sharing research, and obtaining meaningful feedback. Tweeting has become especially popular during academic conferences where conference attendees use Twitter hashtags to filter conference conversations into a separate dialogue. For geographers, the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers (AAG) represents one such occasion to use Twitter to discuss contemporary developments in geographic research. In this article, we provide an overview of Twitter as well as the ways in which the academic community uses the platform. Following this, we discuss the tweets sent using the hashtag for the 2018 AAG Annual Meeting, #AAG2018. To analyze these tweets, we collected all tweets with this hashtag for a period of four weeks and examined the content using word clouds and sentiment analysis to explore general feelings and trends associated with geography and the AAG Annual Meeting. We conclude with suggestions for future research avenues that could use Twitter data to gauge the pulse of the geographic discipline. Key Words: academic conferences, American Association of Geographers, geography, sentiment analysis, Twitter.  相似文献   

The skiing economy is a typical experience economy, so understanding the experience of ski tourists is essential to the development of the destination. To enrich the tourism experience research in the emerging ski market, this paper studies the 7118 online reviews of beginner skiers by selecting the main ski resorts in China as a case study. The content analysis method and sentiment analysis based on the domain lexicon and custom rules are combined to explore the perception characteristics of the beginners from the two aspects of experience dimension and experience satisfaction. Three main results were found. (1) The five main dimensions that affect the ski tourism experience of beginners are interaction perception, price perception, reputation perception, risk perception and functional perception. (2) For beginners, skiing is the primary purpose of tourism instead of being the critical factor of the positive reviews. They pay more attention to the pleasure produced by interpersonal interactions. (3) From 2014/2015 ski season to 2010/2021 ski season, the positive sentiment of beginners had no obvious change, while the negative sentiment showed a continuous downward trend, and the negative sentiment was mainly distributed among reviews on price, low temperature and service. This paper not only expands the research perspective of ski tourism, but also provides managerial inspiration for ski destinations interested in attracting beginners from the emerging ski markets.  相似文献   

In community-based natural resource management, there is an emerging body of research on the work of external actors and their influence in community–resource interrelationships and community management decisions. Contributing to this research, this study examined the work of external actors using findings from semistructured interviews and participant observations conducted in Klong Prasong subdistrict, Krabi Province, Thailand, in mid-2014. The external actors, through Janus-faced linkages, are able to influence community–resource interrelationships and management approaches both positively and negatively. This case study also revealed university researchers, ecotourists, and private investors as non-conventional external actors. By influencing decision-making structures and environmental stewardship, external actors impact on the governance of a community natural resource.  相似文献   

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