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利用位涡方程和热力适应原理,讨论了因非绝热加热的空间不均匀性导致的大气 动力特征的变化,进一步阐明了副热带地区的深对流凝结潜热加热的垂直非均匀性使副热带高压在中低空出现在热源区以东,在高空出现在热源区以西。在此基础上,深入研究了水平非均匀加热对大气环流的影响。结果表明加热区以北,虽然非绝热加热消失,但存在加热的水平梯度在西风环流的背景下在高低层造成深厚的负涡度强迫。因而高层热源北部边界附近的西风向南偏转进入加热区,造成加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐散;低层热源区的南风发生反气旋偏转,汇入加热区外的西风气流中,造成低层加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐合。结果该区域产生了垂直上升运动及负的涡度强迫源,对应着异常强烈的反气旋环流。该负涡度强迫源还通过能量频散,在西风带中以Rossby波的形式向中高纬传播,影响中高纬地区的异常环流型。  相似文献   

利用位涡方程和热力适应原理,讨论了因非绝热加热的空间不均匀性导致的大气动力特征的变化,进一步阐明了副热带地区的深对流凝结潜热加热的垂直非均匀性使副热带高压中低空出现在低源区以东,在高空出现在热源区以西。在此基础上,深入研究了水平非均匀加热对大气环流的影响。结果表明加热区以北,虽然非绝热加热消失,但存在加热的水平梯度在西风环流的背景下在高低层造成深厚的负涡度强迫。因而高层热源北部边界附近的西风向南偏转进入加热区,造成加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐散;低层热源区的南风发生反气旋偏转,汇入加热区外的西风气流中,造成低层加热区北部边界及其以北发生次级辐合。结果该区域产生了垂直上升运动及负的涡度强迫源,对应着异常强烈的反气旋环流。该负涡强度迫源还通过能量散射,在西风带中以Rossby波的形式向中高纬传播,影响中高纬地区的异常环流型。  相似文献   

等熵面和湿等熵面倾斜发展的诊断分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冉令坤  楚艳丽 《大气科学》2007,31(4):655-665
利用等压坐标系中的热力学方程和水汽方程推导出可以诊断分析等熵面(等位温面)和湿等熵面(等相当位温面) 倾斜变化的倾角方程。等熵面倾角的局地变化由倾角平流输送项、风速切变项和非绝热加热项共同决定,而影响湿等熵面倾角局地变化的强迫项除倾角平流输送项、风速切变项和非绝热加热项之外,还包括垂直热量通量切变项。NCEP/NCAR实时分析资料的分析结果表明,大气斜压性、相对垂直涡度与等熵面和湿等熵面的倾角密切相关,它们的正高值区互相重叠;垂直风速切变项,特别是垂直速度的经向切变项是影响等熵面倾斜发展的主要强迫项,而纬向和经向风速的垂直切变项对湿等熵面倾角演变的贡献最大。  相似文献   

应用常规资料、TBB资料和NCEP分析资料,对2007年7月25日发生在湘黔边境的一次梅雨锋大暴雨天气过程进行了分析.结果表明:深厚的高空低槽和副热带高压稳定维持,有利于冷暖空气的辐合和梅雨锋的长时间维持.梅雨锋上不断有中小尺度对流系统产生,这些中小尺度对流系统在受到大尺度强迫作用和梅雨锋自身的强迫抬升作用而发展增强并长时间维持,在暴雨区形成强烈的降水.暴雨区上空具有低层辐合、高层辐散的结构特征,低层的辐合使得涡度往中上层输送,这种耦合形势有利于垂直上升运动和暴雨的维持.积云对流释放的凝结潜热加热对流层中上层大气,引起梅雨锋锋生,维持和促进了垂直上升运动和对流活动.  相似文献   

青藏高原大地形和四川盆地西侧的陡峭地形过渡带,夏季暴雨频发,易带来泥石流等次生地质灾害。本文选定该地区2010年8月的一次暴雨过程,研究了伴随对流尺度降水的强对流的激发和传播。具体借助于垂直动量方程,并将扰动气压分离为动力和浮力分量,通过动力扰动气压梯度、浮力扰动气压梯度、以及浮力等几种强迫作用的不平衡,探索对流激发和传播的主导因子。经分析发现,在本次暴雨过程中,较之动力过程,热力作用对对流的激发和传播发挥着更为重要的作用,垂直运动及倾向指向未来雨区  相似文献   

本文对2016年“7·19”华北特大暴雨进行观测分析和数值模拟,并设置了改变地形高度的敏感性试验,以探究该过程降水系统的发生发展机制以及太行山地形的作用。结果表明:(1)本次强降水过程发生在“东高西低”的有利环流形势下,受太行山地形和平原环流系统影响,低层东风急流造成强的对流性降水和低涡作用的叠置造成“7·19”华北地区持续性暴雨的维持和加强;(2)第一阶段为对流性降水,太行山东麓大气对流不稳定能量释放,大气逐渐转为稳定层结;第二阶段为低涡降水,涡度收支分析表明水平散度项和扭转项对低涡维持和发展起到了主要的正贡献,同时伴随有较强的上升运动和垂直风切变,垂直风切变的增强促使水平涡度向垂直涡度转变;(3)太行山地形在持续性暴雨中对两阶段降水、低涡和水汽的作用存在差异。地形高度敏感性试验中,地形高度增高对低层气流的阻挡和强迫抬升作用增强,使得地形降水增强,低涡路径东移,且强度增大。水平散度项使得对流层低层辐合上升运动增强,造成涡度的垂直输送,这是低涡发展和维持的重要原因之一。太行山地形阻挡截留东部平原水汽,且水汽回流加强,有利于太行山东麓水汽的输送与辐合。  相似文献   

南半球冷空气入侵与热带气旋的形成   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐亚梅  伍荣生 《气象学报》2003,61(5):540-547
文中采用NCAR/PSU研制的非静力中尺度模式MM 5 ,研究了南半球冷空气入侵在热带气旋形成中的作用。初始场为纬向平均场 ,不含任何扰动 ,但为热带气旋的发生提供了基本条件 ;通过改变设在赤道的南边界条件 ,设计系列数值试验反映南半球不同强度冷空气的入侵。数值试验结果表明 :南半球冷空气侵袭后 ,在菲律宾以东洋面上形成热带气旋 ;没有冷空气入侵时 ,只有扰动产生 ,没有热带气旋形成。在对流不稳定的背景场中 ,即使没有冷空气入侵 ,低层小尺度辐合引起强上升运动 ,产生的非绝热加热 ,在热带洋面上也能形成扰动。但是非绝热加热使得稳定度增加 ,没有低层强辐合的支持 ,对流不能持续 ,扰动不能发展成为热带气旋。南半球冷空气的入侵 ,一方面气温降低 ,使得中低层层结稳定度降低 ;另一方面 ,冷空气形成向北的气压梯度 ,在低纬度产生南风 ,导致低层强辐合。稳定度因子和低层辐合的共同作用 ,驱动深厚的垂直环流 ,产生十分显著的非绝热加热 ,形成了暖心的热带气旋。上述研究结果一定程度上肯定了存有疑义的冷空气学说  相似文献   

马淑萍  冉令坤  曹洁 《大气科学》2021,45(5):1127-1145
利用WRF模式对2018年11月30日伊犁河谷和天山北坡强降雪过程进行数值模拟,并分析复杂地形强降雪过程垂直速度和垂直动能变化机制。研究表明,冷锋过境造成地表气压升高,干空气气柱质量增大,从而导致垂直气压梯度力和干空气气柱浮力发生变化,进而引起垂直运动发生发展。垂直速度局地时间变化主要取决于扰动垂直气压梯度力、水物质拖曳力和扰动干空气浮力。在天山北坡,气流过山时,迎风坡的扰动垂直气压梯度力较大,扰动干空气浮力较小,二者合力促进上升运动;在背风坡,扰动垂直气压梯度力和扰动空气浮力形成向下的合力,产生下沉加速度,导致背风坡下沉大风。扰动垂直气压梯度力做功和扰动干空气浮力做功情况基本相反,背风坡扰动垂直气压梯度力和综合强迫做功项抑制垂直动能,扰动干空气浮力和水物质拖曳力做功项增强垂直动能。此外,扰动垂直气压梯度力和扰动干空气浮力做功项主要出现在中低层,水物质拖曳力做功项主要位于低层,平缓地形处的综合强迫做功明显小于地形复杂处。  相似文献   

非地转湿Q矢量分析及其在暴雨过程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从包含非绝热效应的“P”坐标出发,直接通过方程各项的量级比较,对方程尺度分离后进行简化,引入非绝热加热作用的非地转湿Q矢量概念,并推导出其表达式以及以非地转湿Q矢量散度为唯一强迫项的非地转w方程。并将其在实际暴雨过程中应用,分析非地转湿Q矢量在降水过程中的可应用性。发现非地转湿Q矢量散度的辐合区与上升运动有较好的对应关系,而且与非地转w方程的垂直速度相比较能分离出较小的尺度,对暴雨的预报起更好的指示作用。  相似文献   

利用常规气象观测资料、NCEP再分析资料、ERA5分析场数据等资料,对南疆西部两次极端暴雨过程的环境条件和形成机理进行对比分析,以更深入理解南疆极端降水特征和产生机制。两次过程分别发生在春季和夏季,高层环流存在显著差异,南亚高压分别呈东部型和双体型,但配合中层的“阶梯槽”形势,均为极端降水提供了特殊有利的环流背景。低空700~850 hPa偏东急流是南疆西部极端降水发生的重要天气系统,其不但是暴雨发生地主要水汽通道,还与地形形成强烈辐合,是极端降水重要的触发和水汽集中机制。引入二阶湿位涡对两次暴雨过程的非均匀特征及可能产生机制进行了对比分析。结果表明,二阶湿位涡高值区与降水的发展演变呈现较高一致性,二阶湿位涡主分量包含对流稳定度与绝对涡度垂直梯度的耦合,体现极端降水大气的主要动热力结构特点:发生在2021年6月15~16日的夏季过程,极端降水区主要位于昆仑山沿线,与塔里木盆地南侧强烈的低层气旋性旋转有关,旋转促进水汽快速集中,垂直方向表现为中层负涡度叠加于正涡度之上,垂直涡度梯度显著,同时水汽抬升凝结,中层大气加湿加热,对流稳定度在垂直方向非均匀性增强,两种垂直梯度结构均有助于垂直运动增强,促进极端降水形成;发生在2020年4月17~24日的春季过程,降水主要位于南疆西部喇叭口地形区,“阶梯槽”形势造成的越山干冷气流和塔里木盆地的偏东暖湿气流辐合,形成中层正涡度带,激发上升运动,是极端降水的主要成因。  相似文献   

The non-hydrostatic wave equation set in Cartesian coordinates is rearranged to gain insight into wave generation in a mesoscale severe convection system. The wave equation is characterized by a wave operator on the lhs, and forcing involving three terms—linear and nonlinear terms, and diabatic heating—on the rhs. The equation was applied to a case of severe convection that occurred in East China. The calculation with simulation data showed that the diabatic forcing and linear and nonlinear forcing presented large magnitude at different altitudes in the severe convection region. Further analysis revealed the diabatic forcing due to condensational latent heating had an important influence on the generation of gravity waves in the middle and lower levels. The linear forcing resulting from the Laplacian of potential-temperature linear forcing was dominant in the middle and upper levels. The nonlinear forcing was determined by the Laplacian of potential-temperature nonlinear forcing. Therefore, the forcing of gravity waves was closely associated with the thermodynamic processes in the severe convection case. The reason may be that, besides the vertical component of pressure gradient force, the vertical oscillation of atmospheric particles was dominated by the buoyancy for inertial gravity waves. The latent heating and potential-temperature linear and nonlinear forcing played an important role in the buoyancy tendency. Consequently, these thermodynamic elements influenced the evolution of inertial-gravity waves.  相似文献   

Summary Through the use of a zonal balance model we investigate the properties of the tropical meridional circulation to a range of specified diabatic forcing fields for climatologically observed zonal winds. As in earlier studies, the solutions show that latent heat release away from the equator forces an asymmetric meridional circulation in response the anisotropy in the inertial stability parameter with respect to the meridional location of the forcing. The presence of strong zonal flows appears to play a relatively minor role in determining the magnitude and asymmetry of the meridional circulation, whereas the structure of the diabatic heating, particularly the meridional breadth, proves to be of much greater importance.A dynamic efficiency factor, which provides an analytic measure of the efficacy of diabatic heating at generating zonal kinetic energy, generally exhibits a meridionally symmetric structure except during Northern Hemisphere summer. This asymmetry gives rise to a pronounced sensitivity of zonal kinetic energy generation to the meridional location of ITCZ convection. Further examination of the flow pattern suggests that for zonal flows representative of those over the Indian Ocean during the Northern Hemisphere summer months, meridional displacements of the heating of less than 20° latitude can result in as much as an order of magnitude difference in the rate of kinetic energy generation. Solution of the balance system also implies the existence of a feedback mechanism, between zonally-organized convection and the energetics properties of the large-scale flow, that is highly sensitive to the meridional location of the convection.With 11 FiguresThe National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Based on dynamical characteristics of the tropical atmosphere,a mathematical model of low-frequency oscillation (LFO hereinafter) in low-latitudes has been developed.The analysis shows that the distributive features (shear of wind speed) of easterlies and westerlies in low-latitudes,the divergence and convergence of meridional and zonal flow,the vertical structure of diabatic heating and the Coriolis parameter f are the basic factors resulting in the LFO,while quasi-periodical baroclinity development or index cycle of westerly waves in middle-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere is an external forcing to the LFO in the tropical atmosphere.The resonance on adequate condition makes LFO suddenly enhanced.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the depiction of regional features in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Global Forecast System (GFS) real-time products associated with the onset of Indian summer monsoon 2006 along the west coast of India. This study attempts to understand some atmospheric dynamical processes that give rise to the northward shifting of the convergence zones in the sub-daily scale leading to the onset over Mumbai. The comparison of analysis and forecast shows that NCEP GFS appears to follow the analysis till 24 h, but deviates thereafter. The most notable feature in analyses is the distinct meridional asymmetries in the vorticity field with respect to the convection center. It is identified that the equivalent barotropic structure of vorticity north of the convection center is the main forcing for the northward movement of convergence zones. The composite meridional–vertical structure of each term in the vorticity budget reveals the importance of convective term in the upper atmosphere (700–200 hPa) and the stretching term in the lower atmosphere (1,000–700 hPa) with a lesser contribution of the tilting term. From an analysis of a simplified vorticity equation by retaining these dominant terms and by comparing the evolution of the diabatic heating, it is concluded that the inaccuracies in the model’s representation of convection led to the weakening of barotropic westerlies in the forecast.  相似文献   

热力强迫对局地环流的扰动作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
用积分变换法求解了包含地面加热作用的二维不可压缩流体的Boussinesq方程组,得到一组描述地面加热作用激发的局地扰动流场的解析解,主要有垂直风、水平扰动风、扰动气压、扰动温度。进而用动力学分析的观点结合图形分析,定性讨论了热力强迫作用对局地环流的扰动作用,以及加热影响下各物理扰动场的空间分布及时间演变特征。  相似文献   

This study examines the features and dynamical processes of subseasonal zonal oscillation of the western Pacific subtropical high (WPSH) during early summer, by performing a multivariate empirical orthogonal function (MVEOF) analysis on daily winds and a diagnosis on potential vorticity (PV) at 500 hPa for the period 1979–2016. The first MV-EOF mode is characterized by an anticyclonic anomaly occupying southeastern China to subtropical western North Pacific regions. It has a period of 10–25 days and represents zonal shift of the WPSH. When the WPSH stretches more westward, the South Asian high (SAH) extends more eastward. Above-normal precipitation is observed over the Yangtze–Huaihe River (YHR) basin. Suppressed convection with anomalous descending motion is located over the subtropical western North Pacific. The relative zonal movement of the SAH and the WPSH helps to establish an anomalous local vertical circulation of ascending motion with upper-level divergence over the YHR basin and descending motion with upper-level convergence over the subtropical western Pacific. The above local vertical circulation provides a dynamic condition for persistent rainfall over the YHR basin. An enhanced southwest flow over the WPSH’s western edge transports more moisture to eastern China, providing a necessary water vapor condition for the persistent rainfall over the YHR basin. A potential vorticity diagnosis reveals that anomalous diabatic heating is a main source for PV generation. The anomalous cooling over the subtropical western Pacific produces a local negative PV center at 500 hPa. The anomalous heating over the YHR basin generates a local positive PV center. The above south–north dipolar structure of PV anomaly along with the climatological southerly flow leads to northward advection of negative PV. These two processes are conducive to the WPSH’s westward extension. The vertical advection process is unfavorable to the westward extension but contributes to the eastward retreat of the WPSH.  相似文献   

青藏高原上空一次重力波过程的识别与天气影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用再分析资料、多套卫星反演资料和WRF中尺度数值模拟资料,识别了2005年1月10日青藏高原上空一次重力波过程,以及重力波对青藏高原西部降雪的影响。结果表明,此次重力波位于急流出口区的左方,以西南-东北走向覆盖青藏高原大部分地区。大尺度的冷暖平流相间分布和不断增强的非平衡流为重力波的形成提供了有利背景场。小波交叉谱分析显示垂直涡度与水平散度在对流层中层满足重力波的极化性质,在青藏高原西部的上升支对应有降雪过程发生。WRF可以较好地再现这一过程,并且能够模拟出再分析资料中无法分辨的中尺度重力波。数值模拟表明,青藏高原近地面强烈非绝热加热使得低层大气静力不稳定,在近地面暖区触发对流后引起高层凝结释放潜热,低层融化冷却,有利于激发重力波,并在其上升支产生固态凝结物,随后到来的冷气团提供了有利的水汽输送条件,大范围的弱抬升运动取代了原间隔进入降雪区的强对流上升支,使得固态凝结物得以落至地面,最终在青藏高原西部形成本次降雪过程。   相似文献   

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