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多传感器水色卫星融合对于提高水色数据时空覆盖率和可靠性具有重要的意义。利用MODIS、MERIS和VIIRS多传感器水色卫星融合数据与时空匹配的现场实测数据进行对比,分析了两种融合方法(平均法和基于最优化技术的光学融合算法)在提高观测数据质量中的作用。结果表明,与现场实测数据对比,MERIS传感器测量的平均绝对百分比误差(MAPE)为18.5%,MODIS传感器的MAPE为13.4%,VIIRS传感器的MAPE为18.2%,平均法融合产品的MAPE为12.8%,基于最优化技术的光学融合产品的MAPE为9.6%,说明两种融合算法都能降低测量误差,通过数据融合可以显著地提高数据质量,其中基于最优化技术的光学融合法性能更优。  相似文献   

1998年冬季台湾海峡遥测叶绿素分布特征   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
结合1998年2-3月台湾少峡的SeaWiFS水色数据与现场观测Chla数据,对遥测与实测数据进行了初步的对照分析,同时比较了遥测与实测叶绿素的分布状况,以期利用丰富的水色遥感信息掌握海域时绿素的时空变化,进而进行海域初级生产力的研究,分析结果表明,SeaWiFS水以民现场实测数据的相关性良好(r^2=0.81,n=7),初步说明,SeaWiFS水色数据能够在相当程度上反映海域的实际Chla含量,另一方面,遥测沿岸水对营养盐的输送,贫瘠的黑潮水自海峡南部的入侵是造成一分布况的主要原因,黑潮水经由澎湖水道进入海峡的现象在SeaViFS图像的得到佐证。  相似文献   

1995年春,美国国家宇航局将发射一颗携带宽视场海洋观测传感器的海洋卫星。宽视场海洋观测传感器是继工作了七年多,于1985年停止发送资料的Nimbus-7海岸带水色扫描仪之后的第一个星载海洋水色传感器,不像作为概念验证性实验的海岸带水色扫描仪那样,宽视场海洋观测传感器被设计用来提供充分精确的光合色素浓度资料以进行海洋初级生产力和生物地球化学定理研究。宽视场海洋观测传感器将常规地每二日一次提供全球复  相似文献   

SeaWiFS和MODIS叶绿素浓度数据及其融合数据的全球可利用率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2001年Sea WiFS和MODIS叶绿素浓度数据的全球可利用率进行了定量分析,二者在全球范围的变化趋势一致,年平均可利用率分别为12.4%和13.6%,其中MODIS叶绿素浓度的可利用率略高于SeaWiFS。利用小波变换方法对二者进行数据融合,经分析:SeaWiFS/MODIS叶绿素浓度融合数据相对于单一传感器数据提高了全球可利用率,其年平均为20.50%;融合数据保持了较高空间分辨率MODIS数据的海洋特征;融合数据与实测值比较,差值的均值和标准偏差分别为0.16mg/m^3和1.07mg/m0(SeaWiFS:0.46mg/m^3和2.22mg/m^3,MODIS:0.13mg/m^3和0.82mg/m^3)。与MODIS和Sea WiFS相比。融合数据接近MODIS优于SeaWiFS。结果表明小波变换方法用于SeaWiFS和MODIS叶绿素浓度数据融合的有效性。  相似文献   

科技部的"十三五"重点研发计划项目"全球气候数据集生成及气候变化关键过程和要素监测"中资助了"海洋气候数据集生成与分析"课题,针对全球气候变化研究对全球海洋环境数据的需求,该课题拟基于国内外多源卫星遥感数据和现场观测资料,发展与全球气候变化相关的海面能量平衡、海洋动力环境参数与过程、海洋水色和海冰等数据产品生成技术,构建全球海洋气候数据集产品生成系统,生成我国首套长时间序列、高精度、高时空一致性的全球海洋气候数据集,为全球气候变化研究与应对提供海洋数据支撑和服务,提升我国在全球气候变化关键过程和要素方面的监测能力。  相似文献   

1995年春,美国国家宇航局(NASA)将发射一颗携带宽视场海洋观测传感器(SeaWiFS)的海洋卫星(Seastar).宽视场海洋观测传感器是继工作了七年多,于1985年停止发送资料的Nimbus-7海岸带水色扫描仪(CZZ)之后的第一个星载海洋水色传感器,不像作为概念验证性实验的海岸带水色扫描仪那样,宽视场海洋观测传感器被设计用来提供充分精确的光合色素浓度资料以进行海洋初级生产力和生物地球化学定量研究[4]。宽视场海洋观测传感器将常规地每二日一次提供全球复盖资料。美国国家宇航局空间科学应用署(ASSA)和哥达德空间飞行中心(GSFC)为了发展、管理海洋水色研究资料系统而制定了宽视场海洋观测传感器计划,这个系统能有效地收集、处理、校正、检验、存档以及发布由宽视场海洋观测传感器接收到的资料。本文主要介绍了宽视场海洋观测传感器计划的目的意义,研究内容以及其他概况[2,3]。  相似文献   

一种实用的二类水体Sea WiFS资料大气校正方法   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  
韦钧  陈楚群  施平 《海洋学报》2002,24(4):118-126
SeaWiFS是美国NASA于1997年8月发射的“海视宽视野传感器”(sea-viewing wide-field-of-viewsensor,简称SeaWiFS[1]),专门用于海洋水色遥感,代表了当今水色遥感的最高水平.SeaWiFS提供了8个波段的辐射值(412,443,490,510,555,670,765,865nm),1~6波段波带宽度为20nm,7和8波段波带宽度为40nm.  相似文献   

比较了2000年夏季邻近珠江口的南海东北部海区海洋水色传感器SeaWiFS遥感与走航叶绿素a(Chla)的分布,着重对比在运用Ruddick的浑浊水体大气校正方法的条件下OC2,OC4和OCTSC的3种标准经验算法反演的SeaWiFS遥感Chla与实测Chla偏离的相对程度。结果表明,3种产品都能够反映Chla从近岸向远岸降低的空间分布特征,但从近岸到远岸划分3个子区域分别对遥感与走航Chla求均值比较的结果表明。OC4产品偏离实测Chla分布的程度明显小于其他2种产品。此外3种产品的Chla频率分布差异显著。这一结果可以为选择适用于该海域海洋环境变动研究的SeaWiFS Chla标准产品提供参考。  相似文献   

本文基于Aqua/MODIS、Terra/MODIS和Envisat/MERIS多源卫星叶绿素a浓度产品,研究了客观分析融合方法,制作了西北太平洋海域(0°~50°N,100°~150°E)叶绿素a浓度融合产品,并从有效数据空间覆盖率和产品精度两个方面对融合方法进行了评价。与单传感器以及欧洲太空局发布的GSM模型业务化融合产品相比,客观分析融合产品空间覆盖率明显提高;与收集的2002-2012年间叶绿素a浓度实测数据比较,GSM模型业务化融合产品的匹配数据点为578个,偏差为-0.20 mg/m3,均方根误差为0.37 mg/m3,客观分析法融合产品的匹配数据点为1432个,偏差为-0.21 mg/m3,均方根误差为0.36 mg/m3。结果表明:本文研究的客观分析融合方法在保证融合产品精度的同时可显著提高产品的空间覆盖率,在海洋水色融合应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

台湾海峡表层叶绿素a年变化特征的空间差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
SeaWiFS(sea-viewing wide field-of-view sensor)数据自1997年9月开始发布以来,为世界各地开展水色遥感研究提供了丰富的信息源.遥感数据本身所具有的大范围、海量、易形成时间序列的优势不仅使其非常适合大尺度的时空变化研究,而且它为世界各地海洋提供的大量叶绿素分布数据,对于海洋生态系统浮游植物、初级生产力、中心渔场、碳循环、海流等相关研究都具有重要意义.目前国内外SeaWiFS水色遥感的应用研究已取得许多成果[1~3],并已成为各海区叶绿素数据获取的重要来源之一.  相似文献   

太平洋褶柔鱼为大洋性经济鱼种,具有一年生命周期,其资源变动受气候和海洋环境条件的显著影响。本研究根据日本提供的2003-2012年太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体的渔业统计数据,结合产卵场环境数据以及尼诺指数ONI(定义为Niño 3.4区海表温度距平值),分析不同气候条件下(厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜)太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场海表温度(SST)、叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度以及适宜产卵面积(SSA)的变动情况及对其资源丰度(CPUE)的影响。结果表明,太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场SST、Chl-a浓度和SSA具有明显的季节性变化。相关分析表明,各年CPUE与Chl-a浓度以及SSA具有显著的正相关关系(p<0.05),但与SST相关性不显著(p>0.05)。此外,厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件通过驱动太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场SSA和关键海域(25°-29°N,122.5°-130.5°E)内的Chl-a空间分布和大小变化,从而改变其资源丰度,但影响作用随各异常事件的强度不同而变化,具体表现为:发生弱强度厄尔尼诺事件时,产卵场SSA较高,Chl-a浓度处于较低水平,导致资源补充量处于较低水平,CPUE降低;发生中等强度厄尔尼诺事件时,产卵场SSA较低,但Chl-a浓度处于较高水平,导致资源补充量增加,CPUE处于上升水平;发生中等强度拉尼娜事件时,产卵场SSA和Chl-a浓度均处于较高水平,资源补充量显著增加,CPUE显著升高。研究表明,厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜事件对太平洋褶柔鱼冬生群体产卵场摄食孵化环境和资源丰度变动具有显著影响。  相似文献   

本文利用2003-2011年西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼渔业数据和海洋环境数据,包括海表温度(sea surface temperature, SST),海面高度(sea surface height, SSH)和叶绿素浓度(chlorophyll a, Chl a),开发基于广义加性模型(GAM)和神经网络模型(NNM)的复合模型研究滑柔鱼资源时空分布。GAM用于选择关键影响因子,并分析与单位捕捞努力量渔获量(catch per unit effort, CPUE)的关系,NNM用于建立关键影响因子与CPUE之间的预报模型。结果表明:GAM选择的影响因子的偏差解释率为53.8%,空间变量(经度和纬度),环境变量(SST、SSH、Chl a)均匀CPUE之间存在显著相关性。CPUE与SST和SSH之间为非线性关系,与Chl a之间为线性关系。NNM模型的MSE和ARV较低,其精度高且稳定。此复合模型也能够解释解释西南大西洋阿根廷滑柔鱼时空变化趋势和迁徙模式。  相似文献   

Time series changes in sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll a (Chl a), nutrients (PO4, NO3), and sea winds, which correlated with the passage of Typhoon Shanshan in the East/Japan Sea (EJS), are illustrated using satellite data for Chl a, SST, sea winds, and in situ data for nutrients and water temperature. The sea-surface cooling (SSC) effect by the passage of the typhoon was higher at stations nearer to the center compared to stations further from the center. The SSC effect at stations in the colder water region (on the left side of the typhoon’s track) was higher than at stations in the Tsushima Warm Current region (on the right side of the typhoon). The SSC effect continued for approximately 10 days after the passage of the typhoon. The Chl a concentration at all stations increased after the passage of the typhoon. This increase continued for a period of approximately 10 days, but the duration period at each station varied with distance from the typhoon center. Changes in Chl concentrations at stations within a 2° distance on both sides from the typhoon’s center were higher than that at other stations. The changes in Chl a by the passage of the typhoon were measured at approximately 0.3–1.0 mg/m3 along the moving path of the typhoon. Phosphate and nitrate changes were inversely correlated with the water temperature changes; the nutrient concentration increased with the passage of the typhoon. Like the changes in SST, changes in nutrient concentrations on the left side of the typhoon’s track were higher compared to those at the center and the right side.  相似文献   

New experimental data that make it possible to explain and predict the observed variability of turbulent-energy dissipation in the upper ocean are discussed. For this purpose, the dependence of the energy dissipation rate of breaking wind waves on their propagation velocity (see [1]) is used. The turbulent-energy dissipation values obtained earlier in [2, 3] by a direct method are compared to the results of radar measurements of individual breaking events presented in [1]. On the basis of this comparison, a strong dependence of the turbulent-energy dissipation value on the stage of wind-wave development, which is characterized by the ratio U a /c p (U a is the wind speed and c p is the phase speed of the peak of the wind-wave spectrum) is confirmed. This dependence was found earlier purely empirically. Moreover, it is shown that the theoretically obtained dependence (c p /U a )4, does not contradict the available empirical data. The results of this study opens possibilities for scientifically substantiated calculations of greenhouse-gas exchange (specifically, CO2 exchange between the ocean and the atmosphere).  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a concentration (Cchl a) in the Sea of Azov is estimated by the two-band NIR-red algorithm [34] from MERIS images for 2002–2012. The sea-truth spectrophotometric measurements and MERIS remote estimates of Cchl a are compared. The monthly average Cchl a values are mapped from MERIS data for its lifetime for the first time. The features of the spatiotemporal distribution of Cchl a are ascertained. Differences between the seasonal dynamics of Cchl a in the Sea of Azov according to the literature data and the dynamics derived from MERIS data are found, namely: the summer–autumn phytoplankton growth period is longer than the spring period and is characterized by higher Cchl a values throughout the water area.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary oceanic investigation was undertaken in Aug–Sep. 2003 along a transect from Northwestern (Busan, Korea) to Southeastern Pacific (Talcahuano, Chile) to understand the physical, chemical and biological features in the surface water, and to depict their interaction with the atmosphere. Among the twenty parameters measured, we describe the physical, chemical and biological features. Physico-chemical data were analyzed in conjunction with the geographic position and yielded 7 peculiar surface water masses. The first water mass (28.4°N, 130.8°E to 21.5°N, 139.5°E) was warm and low in phosphate and nitrate content, and high in silicate. The concentration of phytoplankton pigment was one of the lowest. The second (20.4°N, 140.7°E to 2.2°S, 162.9°E) was the warmest and the least saline. Nitrate and phosphate concentration were one of the lowest. Chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration was the lowest among the surface waters. The third (3.4°S, 164.0°E to 14.5°S, 173.3°E) was warm. Nitrate concentration was the lowest. CHL-a, peridinin (Perid), violaxanthin (Viola), zeaxanthin (Zea), chlorophyll-b (Chl b) and β-CAR were abundant. The fourth (18.6°S, 177.5°E to 31.8°S, 123.9°W) was saline and poor in nutrient concentration. The contributions of 19′-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin (But-fuco), 19′-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin (Hex-fuco), and CHL b to CHL a were non-negligible. The fifth (32.4°S, 122.1°W to 33.8°S, 117.2°W) was relatively cold and well oxygenated. Concentration of Fuco, But-fuco, Hex-fuco and Chl b was high. The sixth (34.2°S, 115.4°W to 37.4°S, 92.1°W) was cold, well oxygenated and enriched with phosphate and nitrate. Concentration of phytoplankton pigment was, however, one of the lowest. The seventh, located off the Chilean coast, from 37.2°S, 87.2°W to 36.1°S, 74.1°W was well oxygenated and highly enriched with nitrate and phosphate. Phytoplankton pigments such as Fuco, Perid, But-fico, and Hex-fuco were rich. The 7 surface water masses are partially attributed to Kuroshio Current, North Equatorial Current and North Equatorial Countercurrent, South Equatorial current, South Pacific Subtropical Gyre, South Pacific Current, Subtropical Front and Chilean coastal water. The differences in physicochemical characteristics and the history of the surface water resulted in difference in quantity and composition of the phytoplankton pigment.  相似文献   

The biomass and size fraction of phytoplankton in terms of chlorophyll a(Chl a) was measured during four cruises conducted in April, July, October 2013 and January 2014 in mariculture area, the Sanggou Bay, China.Results show that total Chl a levels in the surface seawater of the Sanggou Bay generally range from 0.10 to 20.46μg/L, with an average value of 2.13 μg/L. Nano-phytoplankton was the most important size-fraction and accounted for about 65.1% of total Chl a. In order to evaluate the importance of the "protozoan trophic link" for energy transfer from the microbial loop to filter-feeding feeders, Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri was then offered a natural planktonic community as potential prey. Results show that scallops obtained carbon source from natural plankton with the rate of 11 033.05 μg/(g·d). Protists(nanoflagellates and ciliates) were the dominant source of carbon retained by scallop(48.78%). The microbial loop provided 58.45% of the carbon source for farmed scallops. These results indicate that the microbial loop represent a valuable trophic resource in mariculture system of the Sanggou Bay.  相似文献   

河口有色溶解有机物(colored dissolved organic matter,CDOM)的分布是各种物理-生物地球化学过程共同作用的结果。为实现河口高动态变化CDOM的监测,遥感是一种重要的手段。由珠江口四个不同季节的航次获得的实测数据,本文构建了一个遥感算法以反演CDOM在400 nm的吸收系数(aCDOM (400))。该算法使用以波段反射率比值Rrs (667)/Rrs (443)和Rrs (748)/Rrs (412)为自变量。将构建的算法应用于2002-2014年的MODIS/Aqua数据,本文计算了珠江口不同季节的aCDOM (400)气候态分布。CDOM的分布主要受珠江径流量和区域水下地形特征的影响。沿着垂直于水深梯度的断面,气候态aCDOM (400)呈指数减少(y=aebx,b<0),但不同季节差异很大。珠江口CDOM主要是河流淡水输运而来。其中,富里酸比例随盐度的增加而降低。基于构建的算法、CDOM保守混合方程和径流量,本文由MODIS/Aqua数据进一步估算了2002-2014年夏季和冬季珠江DOC的有效入海浓度和有效入海通量。珠江的有效入海浓度和有效入海通量都与流量存在正相关关系,且在夏季的相关性更明显,R2分别为0.698和0.9657。  相似文献   

Based on long-term (1985–1995) monitoring data, the paper considers the peculiarities of seasonal variability in the spatial and vertical distribution of particulate organic phosphorus (РPOM) in the surface layer and in the photosynthetic zone in the northwestern Black Sea. Regression equations, experimental data, and satellite observations for the chlorophyll a concentration allowed us to evaluate the seasonal longterm (1979–1995) variability in РPOM in the surface layer and photosynthesis zone. The ratios of the concentrations of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll a are calculated and statistical estimates of seasonal changes in the РPOM in the areas with different degrees of influence of river runoff and water of open seas are obtained. The consistency of intra-annual changes in the concentrations of РPOM, chlorophyll a, and phytoplankton biomass is shown, which indicates the role of phytoplankton in the formation of РPOM and in its intra- and interannual variability in the northwestern part of the sea. It is shown that long-term seasonal variations in РPOM and related changes in the concentration of chlorophyll a depend on the variability of bulk river runoff, the extent of its abundance in the northwestern shelf, and regional hydrometeorological conditions.  相似文献   

创伤弧菌是一种可感染人类的河口病原菌。建立快速,特异而敏感的检测方法,有助于创伤弧菌感染的早期疾病诊断和及时治疗。本研究设计了针对vvhA基因的一系列引物(包括两对外部引物和两对内部引物),采用环介导等温扩增技术(LAMP)来检测创伤弧菌。结果显示,本方法的最适扩增温度是63℃,反应仅需35分钟。扩增产物不仅可以用含有DNA ladder的琼脂糖凝胶电泳检出,也可借助钙黄绿素直接肉眼观察。采用45株菌株检测该方法的特异性,其中所有创伤弧菌均被检出而其他菌株检测结果皆为阴性。本方法的敏感性是普通PCR扩增的100倍,同时利用该方法可以准确检测出所有的模拟样品、临床标本及环境样品。与其他已知方法比较,针对vvhA基因的介导等温扩增技术可以快速、简单、敏感及特异地鉴定创伤弧菌。  相似文献   

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