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中国制造业省区分布及其影响因素   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
改革开放以来,中国制造业空间格局发生了显著变化,多数产业在20世纪80年代趋于空间分散而在90年代趋于地理集中;大部分省区的制造业结构逐渐多元化,90年代后期以来趋于专业化。中国制造业的地理格局存在显著的产业间差异,出口加工型产业越来越向沿海省区集中,原材料指向型更加接近资源地而比较分散,消费市场导向型产业需要就近市场也趋于分散,各地区竞相发展的高利润、高税收产业也更趋于分散。本文系统考察了影响各制造业省区地理分布的区位因素,发现影响我国制造业省区分布的重要因素依次为政策和制度因素、劳动力素质和成本、规模经济、自然资源和区位通达性,但不同类型产业的地理分布影响因素差异较大。  相似文献   

中国海洋经济转型成效时空格局演变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于海洋经济转型的内涵,构建包括6个分维度在内的中国海洋经济转型成效测度指标体系,利用粗糙集和灰理论组合赋权综合评价法,对2001-2011年中国海洋经济转型成效进行测度研究,并利用核密度估计及GIS空间分析技术对结果进行时空格局演变分析,结论如下:① 从全国层面来看,2001-2010年中国海洋经济转型整体集中在中低值区域,2010年以来,各区域转型均取得明显成效,海洋经济转型差距逐渐缩小,但整体差距仍然存在。② 从6 个分维度层面来看,海洋经济发展度稳步提高,但空间格局没有显著变化;海洋经济转型度、发展条件支撑度、资源集约利用度、生态环境响应度在空间上呈正向变化趋势,转型成效较为明显;海洋产业就业度呈反向变化趋势,说明转型对海洋产业就业存在挤出效应,对海洋产业就业产生重要影响。③ 中国海洋经济转型的时空格局演变是多种因素综合作用的结果,主要包括资源禀赋、区位条件、产业基础及腹地经济差异等。未来影响各省份海洋经济转型的主要因素包括国家政策、科技水平、海洋管理体制等。  相似文献   

Captain Britain Weekly (1976–1977) was the first comic book specially created for the British market by New York‐based Marvel Comics. The title character was created as an analogue to Captain America, the legendary American nationalist hero of the so‐named comic book, but with key differences meant to resonate in the British context. I utilize visual and textual discourse analysis to study the narrative and imagery used to introduce this character to British comics fans, and I discuss readers' letters to the editor to evaluate audience response to the character and story lines. Attention is drawn to the hero's origin, which fuses science and magic to construct a paradoxically primordial, yet modern, British identity. Villains in these story lines provide hints about “un‐British” behavior and provide lessons for young readers, with direct moral connections to, and contrasts with, the narratives found in Captain America.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Wilhelmine Germany had a powerful economy and, after 1898, began construction of a fleet to challenge Great Britain's global power. This article analyses Germany's cultural “will to power” in the period through the eyes of the avant‐garde, Munich‐published weekly magazine Simplicissimus as it examined the series of security crises between 1896 and the outbreak of war in 1914. The magazine was no fan of Wilhelmine militarism, its principal artist having been jailed for criticism of the kaiser, but it showed a deep support for Germany's rise to power on moral grounds. Many illustrations dealt with global power projection through the navy and the need for a suitable security partner within Europe. Its illustrators depicted Great Britain as an immoral world power only Germany might check and France as its preferred security partner to keep Europe at peace.  相似文献   

中国崛起的国际地缘战略研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
围堵与反围堵是世界历史上大国崛起的常态。本文立足于结构现实主义的国际关系原理,运用地理学的空间相互作用和区位选择等理论,探讨中国在和平崛起过程中权力一利益半径外延的必然性、与本文为竞争利益空间而发生的全球性战略互动,以及由此诱发的周边地缘风险。作者指出,由于区域的非均质性,中国向外实现战略突破时只能依循非均衡路径,即集中优势资源在空间阻滞效应较弱、"投资"回报较高的局部地区率先实现突破,并以此为"极轴"向其他地区辐射战略影响。在全球层面上,由于综合国力的结构性缺陷,目前中国宜把战略资源优先投放到"低政治"领域,运用渗透性较强的经济手段,争取尽快在非洲、拉美与西欧等地获取必要的战略立足点;而在区域层面上,中国应追求在"高政治"领域有所建树,选择与中国在地理上接近、文化亲缘性较强、战略互信度较高的国家进行对外拓展,如:巴基斯坦、缅甸、蒙古、塔吉克斯坦和哈萨克斯坦等地。两者相辅相成,共同组成了21世纪中国和平崛起的国际地缘战略。  相似文献   

杜德斌  段德忠  杨文龙  马亚华 《地理学报》2016,71(10):1741-1751
在全球化时代,地缘政治逻辑发生了变化,不对称相互依存替代军事实力成为国家权力的重要来源,在此背景下和平崛起的中国正在以经济实力改写世界政治版图。本文基于国家间相互依存理论,利用双边贸易数据分析中国与世界各国经济相互依存的非对称性,以此构建中国经济权力评价模型,研究中国崛起过程中经济权力的空间演变格局。主要结论为:① 中国对外贸易的地理分布明显呈现由过度集中于东亚、西欧和北美的三极格局向更加均衡格局转变,但全球对华贸易依存度最高的国家依然集中在低纬度的亚非拉地区;② 世界各国对中国的贸易高敏感区呈现出由亚太向非洲、拉美地区推进的趋势,而高脆弱区域则呈现出由点状散布向连片生长转变的趋势;③ 中国经济权力空间已由周边扩展至全球,并向发达世界渗透,而同时期美国经济权力空间却呈现收缩趋势。  相似文献   

徐辉  陈又星 《地理科学》2010,30(3):350-354
当前,在全球金融危机的背景下,经济低迷。中国经济对国际市场的依存度较高,贸易保护主义正在进一步加剧,中国面临的贸易摩擦形势将更加严峻,在这种情况下,如何应对国际市场的变化是当前社会各界关注的热点课题。由于影响国际市场的因素众多,且复杂多变难以精确定量测度,具有较强的模糊不确定性,针对该问题的模糊不确定性,构建了模糊聚类模型,并通过实例基于MATLAB程序设计进行仿真计算,形成了模糊动态聚类,对国际市场进行了定量的模糊划分,以说明该模型的有效性、可靠性和实用性,从而为中国出口企业进行国际市场决策,正确评估国际市场的变化情况,更加理性地预见和把握国际市场的发展趋势,寻求新的出口市场,提供一种新的科学定量分析方法。  相似文献   

西北太平洋: 21世纪的地理--政治枢纽   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪初,英国著名地理学家麦金德在其名著《历史的地理枢纽》一书中,通过对地理大发现以后世界政治地图,尤其是欧洲政治地图变化的分析,提出了“大陆腹地”的概念,并把中、东欧地区称为国际政治的“枢纽”地区。二战以后,美、英等西方国家正是基于麦金德的这一思路,把围堵“枢纽”地区作为其全球战略的重中之重,拉开了长达半个世纪的“冷战”帷幕。冷战结束以后,世界政治地理格局发生了重大变化,西北太平洋地区以其重要的地理位置、蓬勃发展的经济和急剧增长的军备,成为国际地缘政治中新的“枢纽”地区。本文从政治军事地理角度对这一问题进行了初步研究,供关心西北太平洋地区局势的同仁参考。  相似文献   

曹玉平 《地理科学》2019,39(9):1388-1397
基于开放经济新中心是否与封闭经济原有中心空间重合的视角,以中国为背景对国际工序贸易影响空间经济分布的三大渠道进行理论阐释,在全球价值链背景下重新考察克鲁格曼的开放度假说。在理论分析基础上,借助加工贸易集聚熵指数和空间赫希曼-赫芬达尔指数(及校正地理集中指数)分别度量各省国际工序贸易嵌入程度和空间经济集聚水平,以中国23个省2001~2016年的面板数据构建动态面板模型,利用差分和系统广义矩估计对提出的理论假说进行实证分析和稳健性检验。结果表明:与开放度假说相反,国际工序贸易促进省域空间经济集聚;且工序贸易对经济集聚的促进作用在沿海要大于内陆。  相似文献   

由于经济全球化的发展,各国经济的联系日益加深,国际资金流动规模日益扩大。到冷战结束,世界资本运动的主体已由物质产品生产转向了虚拟产口生产。从国家层面来看,各国经济虚拟化程度不同,共同构成虚拟经济时代的世界经济格局,国际经济传导机制也因之发生变化。本文将从虚拟经济时代的世界格局入手,重点阐述国际经济传导机制的新特点,然后探索我国在国际分工中趋利避害的有效途径,为我国融入全球化提供决策依据。  相似文献   

90年代经济全球化的新特点及原因探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济全球化进入90年人呈现出下的特点:各国交易额增加;投资规模扩大;跨国企业并购热潮;亚洲和拉美经济崛起;出现经济波动和金融危机;地区化与全球化平行发展;知识经济的到来;全球化发展不平衡。其成因有:世界政治格局多极化;发达国家采取了市场自由策略;电信技术的普及;跨国公司海外经营,世界贸易组织的影响;发展中国家采取外向型和地区化发展战略等。  相似文献   

自20世纪70年代初期和80年代末期以来,国际矿产品市场经历了总体衰退阶段。与此相反,由于世界经济快速增长,特别是90年代初的中国和21世纪初的印度快速发展,导致世界矿产市场和贸易中对矿产资源的需求大幅上升。过去几十年来,矿产资源的生产、消费和贸易对中国的经济增长与发展起了重要的作用。本文主要对国际矿产品市场和贸易模式的变化特征进行了综合评价,力图筛选出影响中国矿产资源供需的主要因素,并实证分析中国矿产资源贸易及其发展前景的基本特征。作者认为,中国矿产资源的巨大潜力能否成为国际矿产资源贸易的主要驱动力并因此带动中国未来经济增长,依然值得继续观察。无能如何,中国正积极影响着全球矿产资源市场和贸易,这一点是肯定的。  相似文献   

能动性视角下中国新工人空间生产的研究框架与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
新马克思主义空间政治理论对劳动力地理的研究经历了从阶级斗争地理到劳工地理的转变。阶级斗争地理强调资本主导的空间生产发源于资本主义阶级斗争,劳工地理研究则将劳动力视为与资本一样具有“时空修复”能力的行为主体,工人能动性开始受到广泛关注。中国正在崛起的新兴产业工人——农民工群体,随着社会进步和代际变迁,其在权益焦点、表达方式及实践效能等方面都在不断发生变化,并不断以其特有的“时空修复”改变既有的劳动关系和塑造自身的经济地理景观。论文将研究视角接续到新马克思主义空间生产理论中,尝试构建能动性视角下的中国新工人空间生产研究框架。能动性视角是一种批判性视角,在日常空间实践过程中,抗争的生产与再生产政治、融入的生活政治和创造的身份政治构成新工人空间生产的能动机制,并在全球化、在地等外部机制推动下,三元机制互动形成新工人感知空间、构想空间、生活空间等3类空间生产的基本过程,以及这一过程中社会关系格局和地方劳动力市场管制体制的重构。最后,论文展望了未来的研究方向:新工人空间生产的机制及其经济地理重构的关系研究、新工人能动性的区域差异研究、新工人能动性与地方劳动力市场管制体制的互动研究、乡村回流劳动力的能动性研究。  相似文献   


Globalisation, supply–demand dynamics, uneven development, enhanced connectivity including the better flow of information, communication and the reduced cost of travel have encouraged the global integration of nursing labour markets. Developed regions of the world have attracted internationally educated nurses (IENs) because of growing healthcare needs. India, along with the Philippines, has become a key supplier of nurses in the global economy. Traditionally the supply of nurses was heavily regionalised in south India, especially Kerala, but of late Punjab, in north India, has played an increasing role in nurse training and migration as the profession has become more respected and more international. This paper uses survey and interview data to detail the recent interest in nursing as a channel for independent female international migration from Punjab, and to examine how migratory ambitions have developed over the last decade in parallel with the changing status of nursing as an internationally respected profession. We identify growing interest in international migration for nursing students and their increased intention to pursue employment opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. This research highlights how nursing and care migration are increasingly structured by international circuits of training and employment, and how such circuits alter migrant and occupational geographies on the ground in sending regions.  相似文献   

Intersections between economy, culture and environment pose exciting future challenges for human geography. Part of Griffith Taylor's pioneering role as a geographer was to investigate relationships between these three aspects of human life, although his agenda was that of environmental determinism. This paper considers these intersections as they relate to contemporary geographical studies of restructuring, in particular the emergence of a genuinely global economic system since about 1980. Recent developments in cultural geography argue that geographical analysis of restructuring has been dominated by an economic determinism which has buried other stories which could be told about industrial change. The paper sketches lines of possible dialogue between economic geography and cultural studies, illustrating the argument with examples from restructuring in the Australian food industry. In opening such a dialogue, economic geography would be better placed to return to interactions between economy, culture and environment. In his day, Taylor was not afraid to upset the conventional wisdom about these relationships and this may be one of his most enduring legacies.  相似文献   


With combined insights from evolutionary economic geography and transition studies, the article examines the engagement of different regions in Norway in the innovation networks created within the European Union’s environmental programmes. The aim is to explore the programmes’ potential for supporting green economy and economic restructuring through branching and new path creation. The authors assess which regions participate in the programmes, which international networks they build, and which organisations participate in different regions. They compare three regions with different restructuring needs and research capacity – the counties of Rogaland, Hordaland, and Sør-Trøndelag (now part of the county of Trøndelag). They find that overall, Norwegian organisations participate relatively frequently in the programmes, but private firms play a marginal role. Their partners are mainly in core EU regions. Regional participation in the programmes is a function of research capacity as well as oil dependence. The authors conclude that in research-oriented regions, research establishments tend to dominate participation, creating potential for restructuring mainly through path creation. In oil-dependent regions, private firms account for a higher share of participants, enhancing the potential for branching. As the former regions participate more, the programme can mainly stimulate path creation.  相似文献   

Of the several classifications of services, each emphasizes different characteristics. The International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) is used for a comparative study on the transformation into service economies of the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, France, West Germany, Italy and Japan. Service economies are defined as national economies in which employment in services surpassed that in manufacturing. The pace of the evolution of service economies has been rapid with North America leading, followed in order by Great Britain, France, Italy, Japan and West Germany. Service economies have important implications for urban growth, intercity competition, and international trade.  相似文献   

The Country Women's Association of NSW (CWA) is the main voice of rural women in the state. It has been the biggest women's organisation in NSW until very recently. Its significant contribution to rural community development has been overlooked. After its foundation in 1922, the CWA established a widespread women's network, as well as many facilities for women and children. The necessary fund‐raising activities required the organisation of regular social activities in country towns. The CWA has always affirmed women's traditional gender roles, and it has never challenged the male hegemony typical of rural Australia. By contributing to the improvement of rural conditions, to the stability of family life and to local social activities, the CWA has helped to develop the rural economy as well as local and national identity. It has helped women put down roots in country areas. Its future role needs to be defined in the context of the difficult economic situation, and of the changes in gender roles, in rural NSW.  相似文献   

文章基于金融危机后美国实施再工业化战略的背景,根据美国从2005年到2011年的经济数据,运用空间分析法、技术密度法和投入产出法综合剖析了再工业化战略实施后美国制造业的发展变化及影响。文章认为,再工业化战略实施后美国制造业的发展水平开始提升;制造业发展的变化增强了产业间的互动,促使了都会区职能的演变,改变了美国经济的发展路径。  相似文献   

赖柑地  张应武 《热带地理》2020,40(6):1117-1126
利用2010年海南的政策实践作为自然实验,基于1996—2017年中国内地省级面板数据,采用合成控制法测度了国际旅游岛建设的经济增长效应,分析其影响路径。结果表明:1)合成控制法能够很好地拟合国际旅游岛建设实施前海南省的经济增长路径,通过对比国际旅游岛建设前后经济变量的实际值与“反事实”值之差,证实国际旅游岛建设能够有效推动海南地区经济增长;2)国际旅游岛建设确实通过需求侧的消费和投资路径以及供给侧的第三产业发展路径对海南的经济增长产生促进作用。最后依据实证结果提出完善国际旅游岛建设的政策建议,以服务于中国海岛经济发展和海洋强国战略实践。  相似文献   

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