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Ground subsidence in the southeastern border of the Granada Basin (SE Spain) has been studied using remote sensing techniques. Over the last decades, the region has experienced a huge urban expansion, which has caused a substantial increase in water supply requirements. Water needs are exclusively met by groundwater by means of numerous pumping wells, which exploit a confined detrital aquifer of alluvial fan deposits with a heterogeneous facies distribution. A general piezometric level decline (up to 50 m) has been recorded in the aquifer during the past 30 years that has induced the generation of a subsiding area with oval shape oriented WNW‐ESE just where the new urban areas and pumping wells are located. Subsidence has been monitored by exploiting synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images from ENVISAT (2003–2009) and Cosmo‐SkyMed (2011–2014). A new approach, which combines A‐DInSAR and small‐area persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) analysis, has been applied obtaining a good accuracy regarding temporal and spatial dimension of the subsidence. ENVISAT data (2003–2009) reveal subsidence rates up to 10–15 mm/year, and Cosmo‐SkyMed (2011–2014) values slightly lower; up to 10 mm/year. Temporal variations in the subsidence velocity are in accordance with the rainfall pattern and piezometric fluctuations in the aquifer. The sector with highest rates of subsidence does not correspond to the area with more intense groundwater exploitation but to the area with greater presence of clays in the confining layer of the aquifer. There is a clear lithological control in the spatial distribution of the ground subsidence. This work integrates detailed geological and hydrogeological data with differential SAR interferometry monitoring with the aim to better understand subsidence processes in detrital aquifers with small‐scale heterogeneity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Artificial recharge through a thick, heterogeneous unsaturated zone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thick, heterogeneous unsaturated zones away from large streams in desert areas have not previously been considered suitable for artificial recharge from ponds. To test the potential for recharge in these settings, 1.3 x 10(6) m(3) of water was infiltrated through a 0.36-ha pond along Oro Grande Wash near Victorville, California, between October 2002 and January 2006. The pond overlies a regional pumping depression 117 m below land surface and is located where thickness and permeability of unsaturated deposits allowed infiltration and saturated alluvial deposits were sufficiently permeable to allow recovery of water. Because large changes in water levels caused by nearby pumping would obscure arrival of water at the water table, downward movement of water was measured using sensors in the unsaturated zone. The downward rate of water movement was initially as high as 6 m/d and decreased with depth to 0.07 m/d; the initial time to reach the water table was 3 years. After the unsaturated zone was wetted, water reached the water table in 1 year. Soluble salts and nitrate moved readily with the infiltrated water, whereas arsenic and chromium were less mobile. Numerical simulations done using the computer program TOUGH2 duplicated the downward rate of water movement, accumulation of water on perched zones, and its arrival at the water table. Assuming 10 x 10(6) m(3) of recharge annually for 20 years, a regional ground water flow model predicted water level rises of 30 m beneath the ponds, and rises exceeding 3 m in most wells serving the nearby urban area.  相似文献   

The North Tabriz Fault (NTF) is the predominant regional‐scale tectonic structure in the northwest of Iran. In the east side of the city of Tabriz, a portion of the fault trend has been completely concealed by recent sediments and urbanization. In this paper, some hydrogeological methods are used to locate the concealed sector. As is clear from the pumping tests results, despite the fact that the northern observation wells were closer to the pumping wells than the southern ones, they have not been affected by pumping. Conversely, all southern wells were affected by pumping and displayed decline of the water table. In addition, obvious differences in groundwater levels combined with clear differences in groundwater quality within a short distance across the probable fault trend are sufficient reasons for the presence of the fault that behaves as a barrier to groundwater lateral flows. Significant change in the elevation of the bedrock base of the aquifer over less than 200 m suggests that the fault has near vertical dip. These results indicate that the inferred trend of the NTF closely conforms to its actual trend. Therefore, the hydrogeological studies can be complementary tools to determine the position and trend of concealed faults.  相似文献   

Identification of the pumping influences at monitoring wells caused by spatially and temporally variable water supply pumping can be a challenging, yet an important hydrogeological task. The information that can be obtained can be critical for conceptualization of the hydrogeological conditions and indications of the zone of influence of the individual pumping wells. However, the pumping influences are often intermittent and small in magnitude with variable production rates from multiple pumping wells. While these difficulties may support an inclination to abandon the existing dataset and conduct a dedicated cross‐hole pumping test, that option can be challenging and expensive to coordinate and execute. This paper presents a method that utilizes a simple analytical modeling approach for analysis of a long‐term water level record utilizing an inverse modeling approach. The methodology allows the identification of pumping wells influencing the water level fluctuations. Thus, the analysis provides an efficient and cost‐effective alternative to designed and coordinated cross‐hole pumping tests. We apply this method on a dataset from the Los Alamos National Laboratory site. Our analysis also provides (1) an evaluation of the information content of the transient water level data; (2) indications of potential structures of the aquifer heterogeneity inhibiting or promoting pressure propagation; and (3) guidance for the development of more complicated models requiring detailed specification of the aquifer heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Atomic Energy of Canada Limited is constructing an Underground Research Laboratory (URL) at a depth of 250m in a plutonic rock body near Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba. The facility is being constructed to carry out a variety of in situ geotechnical experiments as part of the Canadian Nuclear Fuel Waste Management Program. A unique feature of the URL, in comparison to other similar facilities such as the Stripa Mine in Sweden, is that it is to be constructed below the ground water table in a previously undisturbed plutonic rock body. One of the main research objectives of the project is to develop and validate comprehensive three-dimensional models of the hydrogeology of the rock mass encompassing the URL site. These models will be used, before excavation of the URL shaft begins, to predict the hydrogeological perturbation that will be created by the excavation of the shaft and the horizontal working levels below the ground water table. As a model-validation exercise, these drawdown predictions will be compared with actual hydrogeological perturbations that will be monitored at the study area over the next several years by an extensive network of instrumented boreholes. Measurements made in an array of boreholes extending to depths of 1,000m on the 4.8 km2 study area have established that the permeability distribution in three major extensive subhorizontal fracture zones controls the movement of ground water within the rock mass. Several types of multiple-interval completion systems have been installed in the boreholes to monitor the three-dimensional, physico-chemical hydrogeological conditions within the fractured rock mass. These include conventional piezometer nests and water-table wells that have been installed in shallow holes (less than 30m deep), and multiple-packer/ multiple-standpipe piezometers and multiple-interval casing systems installed in deeper holes (30 to 1,000m deep). An automated, electronic, piezometric pressure-monitoring system has been designed to collect continuous measurements from 75 isolated hydrogeological monitoring positions within the rock mass. Another 200 positions are being monitored frequently using a variety of techniques. Piezometric data have been collected from this monitoring network to establish baseline conditions prior to any excavation into the rock mass. These data have also been used to determine the steady-state, three-dimensional ground water flow regimes that exist at the URL site under natural conditions.  相似文献   

A number of optimization approaches regarding the design location of groundwater pumping facilities in heterogeneous porous media have elicited little discussion. However, the location of groundwater pumping facilities is an important factor because it affects water resource usage. This study applies two optimization approaches to estimate the best recharge zone and suitable locations of the pumping facilities in southwestern Taiwan for different hydrogeological scales. First, for the regional scale, this study employs numerical modelling, MODFLOW‐96, to simulate groundwater direction and the optimal recharge zone in the study area. Based on the model's calibration and verification results, this study preliminarily utilizes the simulated spatial direction of groundwater and compares the safe yield for each well group in order to determine the best recharge zone. Additionally, for the local scale, the micro‐hydrogeological characteristics are considered before determining the design locations of the pumping facilities. According to drawdown record data from six observation wells derived from pumping tests at the best recharge area, this study further utilizes the modified artificial neural network approach to improve the accuracy of the estimation parameters as well as to analyse the direction and anisotropy of the hydraulic conductivities of an equivalent homogeneous aquifer. The results suggested that the best locations for the pumping facilities are along the more permeable major direction. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

At a study site in the midwestern United States, multiple-completion wells demonstrated that a vertical hydraulic gradient was responsible for the contamination pattern exhibited by chlorinated solvent plumes. The typical pattern consisted of little or no contamination in the upper portion of the aquifer with concentrations increasing with depth. When ground water contamination was discovered in an unexpected portion of the site, water level elevations and contaminant distribution data obtained from multiple-completion wells resulted in identification of the source location. The well eventually determined to be located in the source area displayed contaminant levels much higher in the upper zone of the aquifer — the opposite contamination pattern of other on-site wells. Such results indicated that the spill had occurred near this location and that solvent residing along the capillary fringe was continuing to contaminate the aquifer.  相似文献   


The use of a multivariate analysis approach to rationalize a piezometric network is not new. The utilization of its results for the distinction of zones with particular fluctuation patterns is a contribution which has fruitful outcomes. This technique was applied with success to the Erbil hydrogeological basin in Iraq where a network of only 15 wells out of an original network of 68 wells (monitored for about three years) is retained for the purpose of future monitoring of the yearly changes in the aquifer storage. This new network represents at least four fluctuation patterns of the piezometric surface in two different aquifers.  相似文献   

Methyl tert -butyl ether (MTBE) and benzene have been measured since 1993 in a shallow, sandy aquifer contaminated by a mid-1980s release of gasoline containing fuel oxygenates. In wells downgradient of the release area, MTBK was detected before benzene, reflecting a chromatographic-like separation of these compounds in the direction of ground water flow. Higher concentrations of MTBE and benzene were measured in the deeper sampling ports of multilevel sampling wells located near the release area, and also up to 10 feet (3 m) below the water table surface in nested wells located farther from the release area. This distribution of higher concentrations at depth is caused by recharge events that deflect originally horizontal ground water flowlines. In the laboratory, microcosms containing aquifer material incubated with uniformly labeled 14C-MTBE under aerobic and anaerobic. Fe(III)-reducing conditions indicated a low but measurable biodegradation potential (<3%14C-MTBW as 14CO2) after a seven-month incubation period, Tert -butyl alcohol (TBA), a proposed microbial-MTBE transformation intermediate, was detected in MTBE-contaminated wells, but TBA was also measured in unsaturated release area sediments. This suggests that TBA may have been present in the original fuel spilled and does not necessarily reflect microbial degradation of MTBE. Combined, these data suggest that milligram per liter to microgram per liter decreases in MTBE concentrations relative to benzene are caused by the natural attenuation processes of dilution and dispersion with less-contaminated ground water in the direction of flow rather than biodegradation at this point source gasoline release site.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper was to provide new insights into processes affecting riverbank filtration (RBF). We consider a system with an inflatable dam installed for enhancing water production from downstream collector wells. Using a numerical model, we investigate the impact of groundwater pumping and dam operation on the hydrodynamics in the aquifer and water production. We focus our study on two processes that potentially limit water production of an RBF system: the development of an unsaturated zone and riverbed clogging. We quantify river clogging by calibrating a time‐dependent riverbed permeability function based on knowledge of pumping rate, river stage, and temperature. The dynamics of the estimated riverbed permeability reflects clogging and scouring mechanisms. Our results indicate that (1) riverbed permeability is the dominant factor affecting infiltration needed for sustainable RBF production; (2) dam operation can influence pumping efficiency and prevent the development of an unsaturated zone beneath the riverbed only under conditions of sufficient riverbed permeability; (3) slow river velocity, caused by dam raising during summer months, may lead to sedimentation and deposition of fine‐grained material within the riverbed, which may clog the riverbed, limiting recharge to the collector wells and contributing to the development of an unsaturated zone beneath the riverbed; and (4) higher river flow velocities, caused by dam lowering during winter storms, scour the riverbed and thus increase its permeability. These insights can be used as the basis for developing sustainable water management of a RBF system.  相似文献   

The southern coastal plain of Laizhou Bay, which is the area most seriously affected by salt water intrusion in north China, is a large alluvial depression, which represents one of the most important hydrogeological units in the coastal region of northern China. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs, including CFC‐11, CFC‐12 and CFC‐113) and tritium were used together for dating groundwater up to 50 years old in the study area. There are two cones of depression, caused by intensive over‐exploitation of fresh groundwater in the south and brine water in the north. The assigned CFC apparent ages for shallow groundwater range from 8 a to >50 a. A binary mixing model based on CFC‐113 and CFC‐12 concentrations in groundwater was used to estimate fractions of young and pre‐modern water in shallow aquifers and to identify groundwater mixing processes during saltwater intrusion. Discordance between concentrations of different CFC compounds indicate that shallow groundwater around the Changyi cone of depression is vulnerable to contamination. Pumping activities, CFC contamination, mixing and/or a large unsaturated zone thickness (e.g. >20 m) may be reasons for some groundwater containing CFCs without tritium. Saline intrusion mainly occurs because of large head gradients between fresh groundwater in the south and saline water bodies in the north, forming a wedge of saline water below/within fresh aquifer layers. Both CFC and tritium dates indicate that the majority of the saline water is from >50 a, with little or no modern seawater component. Based on the distribution of CFC apparent ages, tritium contents plus chemical and physical data, a conceptual model of groundwater flow along the investigated Changyi‐Xiaying transect has been developed to describe the hydrogeological processes. Three regimes are identified from south to north: (i) fresh groundwater zone, with a mixing fraction of 0.80–0.65 ‘young’ water calculated with the CFC binary mixing model (groundwater ages <34 a) and 1.9–7.8TU of tritium; (ii) mixing zone characterized by a mixing fraction of 0.05–0.65 young groundwater (ages of 23–44 a), accompanied by local vertical recharge and upward leakage of older groundwater; and (iii) salt water zone, mostly comprising waters with ages beyond the dating range of both CFCs and tritium. Some shallow groundwater in the north of the Changyi groundwater depression belongs to the >50a water group (iii), indicating slow velocity of groundwater circulation and possible drawing in of saline or deep groundwater that is tracer‐free. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长期过量开采地下水,使地下水位持续下降、水质发生变化,动水位观测井断流;地面沉降造成井管上窜,观测管路系统被损坏等,这些现象对地震地下流体观测地震前兆异常的正确判断带来很大困难。应用水文地质理论与方法,分析含水层的水均衡状态、应力-应变状态及其与水位动态的关系,初步探讨了超采区井水位异常性质的理论与方法。结果表明,根据井孔所在区水位下降漏斗的扩散特征,结合以上所提到的理论和方法,依据资料多年变化特征,可以较准确地判断异常的性质。研究结果有助于区分单一集中抽水与长期地下水超采对水位观测的影响,有助于正确识别超采区水位前兆异常,有助于地震分析预报水平的提高  相似文献   

The groundwater flow in a fissured chalky environment at the northern border of the Paris Basin depends on several geological and hydrogeological parameters. Although the studied sector of the basin presents a homogeneous rock type, it is affected by a fracture network. In this type of environment, in which the permeability is low, the groundwater flow displays significant disruption, which is localized in the Fruges region (northern France). The interconnection of the discontinuities (network of fault and/or joints) is reliant on the structural control of groundwater flow through increases in the hydraulic connection between the unsaturated and the saturated zone. The methodology developed herein makes use of microstructural and regional analysis of the fracture patterns, and allowed consideration of the piezometric variations of the chalk aquifer during periods of low and high groundwater levels (April and October 2001) and a diagraphic representation of the estimated physical parameters (electrical resistivity). This enabled us to construct a ‘flow structure’ conceptual model in which we identify two types of faults: tight walls and flow paths that control the piezometric heads and the flow rate. Model validation was carried out on a similar sector. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hydrogeological behaviour of fault zones in carbonate aquifers is often neglected in conceptual and numerical models. Furthermore, no information is available regarding the relationships between piezometric levels when significant compartmentalization occurs due to the occurrence of low‐flow fault zones. The aim of this study was to refine the conceptualization of subsurface flow in faulted carbonate aquifers and to analyse relationships between sub‐basins within a compartmentalized aquifer system in Southern Italy. The interactions between compartments that straddle low‐flow faults were investigated over four hydrologic years using a statistical approach to compare (i) the hydraulic heads within two wells located up‐ and down‐gradient of tectonic discontinuities as well as (ii) the rainfall and piezometric levels. The results of this study suggest that a set of barriers exists between the wells, and, therefore, the total head loss observed between the wells (approximately 80 m) should be distributed across several aquitards, with one aquitard exhibiting a relatively high permeability or low degree of integrity. Due to slight differences in permeability, transient conditions in aquitards can occur over relatively short periods, which is in agreement with the results of the statistical data analysis. Consequently, rather than being caused by pure aquitards, aquifer system compartmentalization likely results from slight differences in the permeability between lower‐permeability fault zones and adjacent higher‐permeability protoliths. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

AGalerkin finite-element model coupled with a particle tracking routine was developed to analyze the flow and transport dynamics near a high-capacity irrigation well. The model was used to compute the head distribution around the pumping well, to determine the area of influence, and to define ground water flowlines during short-term pumping periods typical of those used to collect water quality samples from high-capacity wells. In addition to hypothetical example results, the model was used to qualitatively analyze data obtained from pump-and-sample experiments conducted in an unconfined alluvial aquifer within the Platte River valley of south-central Nebraska where nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) contamination is prevalent.
Simulation results of both the hypothetical and field cases suggest that short-term pumping events, impact a limited volume of aquifer. The area of influence and flowlines are affected by aquifer anisotropy, pumping rate, and well construction characteristics). Ground water above or below the screened intervals does not enter a partially penetrating well in anisotropic aquifers. In aquifers where NO3-N concentration varies vertically and horizontally, waler quality samples from an irrigation, or other high-capacity, well provide only limited information about ground water contamination. A numerical model is thus recommended for calculating the area of influence and determining flowlines around high-capacity wells so that information derived from water quality samples collected at the wellhead can be better interpreted.  相似文献   

The remediation strategy for an industrial site located in a coastal area involves a pump and treat system and a horizontal flow barrier (HFB) penetrating the main aquifer. To validate the groundwater flow conceptual model and to verify the efficiency of the remediation systems, we carried out piezometric measurements, slug tests, pumping tests, flowmeter tests and multilevel sampling. Flowmeter tests are used to infer vertical groundwater flow directions, and base exchange index is used to infer horizontal flow directions at a metric scale. The selected wells are located both upstream and downstream of the HFB. The installation of the HFB produced constraints to the groundwater flow. A stagnant zone of contaminated freshwater floating over the salt wedge in the upper portion of the aquifer is detected downstream of the HFB. This study confirms that the adopted remediation system is efficiently working in the area upstream of the HFB and even downstream in the bottom part of the aquifer. At the same time, it has also confirmed that hot spots are still present in stagnant zones located downstream of the HFB in the upper part of the aquifer, requiring a different approach to accomplish remediation targets. The integrated approach for flow quantification used in this study allows to discriminate the direction and the magnitude of groundwater fluxes near an HFB in a coastal aquifer. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Behavior of gasoline pools following a denatured ethanol spill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1999, approximately 72 m3 of denatured fuel-grade ethanol spilled at a bulk fuel terminal that had existing contamination within the subsurface. An unanticipated increase in the measured depth of the light nonaqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) was observed in nearby monitoring wells following the spill. This paper presents results of a laboratory analysis designed to understand the apparent increase in LNAPL mobility at this site. The two-dimensional stainless steel and glass tank allowed visual assessment of the potential effects that the addition of denatured ethanol may have on a site with pre-existing gasoline contamination. Digital images of gasoline and ethanol spill experiments were analyzed for changes in the characteristics of the existing gasoline pool and residual gasoline saturation in the unsaturated zone. Reductions in the surface and interfacial tensions resulted in significant changes in the size, shape, and saturation of the gasoline pool after the addition of ethanol to the system. The final gasoline pool occupied a smaller area and had a higher saturation. In addition, some smearing of the gasoline into the saturated zone occurred as the capillary fringe was depressed.  相似文献   

Contaminants have been threatening the Engelse Werk wellfield located between the town of Zwolle and the IJssel River in the Netherlands. Chemical analysis of water samples taken in production wells, both at the IJssel River and near the Zwolle railway station, indicated elevated concentrations of mainly organic contaminants including benzene, bentazon, acenaftene, trichloroethane, and bromacil. Immediate contaminant prevention and remediation measures are needed to safeguard the production wells. Ground water flow and transport models were developed to assist in the design of remediation strategies. Ground water flow models indicated that the IJssel River and a waste disposal ditch at the railway station are within the capture zone of the wellfield. A chloride transport model simulated minimum travel times in the order of four to 13 years for contaminants in the IJssel River to reach the production wells of the wellfield. A transport model for benzene was set up to advise on the remediation measures to be taken at the waste disposal ditch to clean up the contamination in the upper aquifer between this site and the Engelse Werk wellfield. The designed remediation system consists of 12 pumping wells with a combined capacity of 1650 m3/day. The system is capable of reducing the benzene levels at the threatened production wells at the Engelse Werk wellfield to a permissible level below 0.1 μg/L within a period of 5 years.  相似文献   

A release of 1,2-dichloroethane. also known as ethylene dichloride (EDC), resulted in shallow subsurface freephase contamination of a Gulf Coast site in the southern United States. The site stratigraphy consists primarily of a low permeability, surficial peat. silt, and clay zone underlain by fractured clay; a confined 12 in deep sand ground water flow zone; a confined 21 m deep fine sand zone of limited ground water flow, followed by a deep aquitard. The Gumbo clay and sandy clay aquitard below the release area overlies and protects the 61 m deep Upper Chicot Aquifer, which is a confined regional aquifer. An ongoing recovery and hydraulic containment program from the primary impacted and laterally and vertically restricted shallow 40-foot sand zone has effectively recovered dense nonaqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) and contained dissolved phase EDC.
Natural attenuation of EDC was demonstrated through (1) a laboratory microcosm study substantiating the ability of the native microbial population in the deeper aquifer lo degrade EDC under anaerobic environmental conditions found at the site. (2) field investigations showing reductions in EDC concentrations over time in many of the wells on site, and (3) an evaluation of the ground water for EDC and its degradation products and oilier geo-chemical parameters such as dissolved oxygen, redox potential, and pH. Degradation products of EDC found in the field investigations included 2-chloroeihanol, ethanol. ethene, and ethane. Dissolved EDC concentrations in selected wells between the first recorded samples and the fourth quarter of 1997 ranged from greater than 4% to 99% reductions. First-order exponential decay half-lives ranged from 0.21 to 4.2 years for wells showing decreases in FDC concentrations over time. Elevated methane concentrations indicated carbon dioxide to be the major terminal electron acceptor.  相似文献   

Local surface water and stormflow were infiltrated intermittently from a 40-ha basin between September 2003 and September 2007 to determine the feasibility of recharging alluvial aquifers pumped for public supply, near Stockton, California. Infiltration of water produced a pressure response that propagated through unconsolidated alluvial-fan deposits to 125 m below land surface (bls) in 5 d and through deeper, more consolidated alluvial deposits to 194 m bls in 25 d, resulting in increased water levels in nearby monitoring wells. The top of the saturated zone near the basin fluctuates seasonally from depths of about 15 to 20 m. Since the start of recharge, water infiltrated from the basin has reached depths as great as 165 m bls. On the basis of sulfur hexafluoride tracer test data, basin water moved downward through the saturated alluvial deposits until reaching more permeable zones about 110 m bls. Once reaching these permeable zones, water moved rapidly to nearby pumping wells at rates as high as 13 m/d. Flow to wells through highly permeable material was confirmed on the basis of flowmeter logging, and simulated numerically using a two-dimensional radial groundwater flow model. Arsenic concentrations increased slightly as a result of recharge from 2 to 6 μg/L immediately below the basin. Although few water-quality issues were identified during sample collection, high groundwater velocities and short travel times to nearby wells may have implications for groundwater management at this and at other sites in heterogeneous alluvial aquifers.  相似文献   

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