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Abstract— In 1794, Ernst F. F. Chladni published a 63-page book Über den Ursprung der von Pallas gefundenen und anderer ihr änlicher Eisenmassen und über einige damit in Verbindung stehende Naturerscheinungen in which he proposed that meteor-stones and iron masses enter the atmosphere from cosmic space and form fireballs as they plunge to Earth. These ideas violated two strongly held contemporary beliefs: (1) fragments of rock and metal do not fall from the sky, and (2) no small bodies exist in space beyond the Moon. From the beginning, Chladni was severely criticised for basing his hypotheses on historical eyewitness reports of falls which others regarded as folk tales and for taking gross liberties with the laws of physics. Eight years later, the study of fallen stones and irons was established as a valid field of investigation. Today, some scholars credit Chladni with founding meteoritics as a science; others regard his contributions as scarcely worthy of mention. Writings by his contemporaries suggest that Chladni's book alone would not have led to changes of prevailing theories; thus, he narrowly escaped the fate of those scientists who propose valid hypotheses prematurely. However between 1794 and 1798, four falls of stones were witnessed and widely publicized. There followed a series of epoch-making analyses of fallen stones and “native irons” by the chemist Edward C. Howard and the mineralogist Jacques-Louis de Bournon. They showed that all the stones were much alike in texture and composition but significantly different from the Earth's known crustal rocks. Of primary importance was Howard's discovery of nickel in the irons and the metal grains of the stones. This linked the two as belonging to the same natural phenomenon. The chemical results, published in 1802 February, persuaded leading scientists in England, France, and Germany that bodies fall from the sky. Within a few months, chemists in France reported similar results and a new field of study was inaugurated internationally—although opposition lingered on until 1803 April, when nearly 3,000 stones fell at L'Aigle in Normandy and transformed the last skeptics into believers. Chladni immediately received full credit for his hypothesis of falls, but decades passed before his linking of falling bodies with fireballs received general acceptance. His hypothesis of their origin met with strong resistance from those who argued that stones formed within the Earth's atmosphere or were ejected by lunar volcanoes. After 1860, when both of these hypotheses were abandoned, there followed a century of debate between proponents of an interstellar vs. a planetary origin. Not until the 1950s did conclusive evidence of their elliptical orbits establish meteorite parent bodies as members of the solar system. Thus, nearly 200 years passed before the questions of origin that Chladni raised finally were resolved.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Wold Cottage meteorite (fell, 1795), as is well known, played an important part in meteorites being accepted as stones from the sky. In most cases, the very select group of people who have been privileged to witness any meteorite fall, let alone one as important as Wold Cottage, enjoy a moment's fame but then disappear into obscurity. In this respect, Wold Cottage is very different; Edward Topham, the man who reported the fall and who became the meteorite's publicist, was already very well known for many other reasons. This fact contributed substantially to the evidence provided by his workmen being accepted, following two public exhibitions of the meteorite, the second after sworn testimonies were obtained. Here we explore Topham's background in order to reveal his character, particularly the value he placed on truth. When he passed the meteorite over to a public museum, he did so in the belief that he was acting for the benefit of posterity. At a time when the idea of meteorites being extraterrestrial was still controversial, the Wold Cottage stone vitally prompted the observation that specimens from different parts of the globe closely resembled each other, thus stimulating the crucial chemical analyses which verified that they were indeed related. During its first twenty years on Earth, the Wold Cottage meteorite was a prized specimen, a public attraction and sought after for scientific teaching purposes. In researching Wold Cottage, we have been able to discover information about many of the personalities who were involved in providing and studying the first few meteorites to become available for scientific research. The Wold Cottage story gives an interesting perspective on the cultural scene at the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth centuries when there was no clear distinction between the arts and sciences, and meteoritics was the prerogative of often rather flamboyant gentlemen.  相似文献   

Abstract— We give a nonmathematical review of recent work regarding the Yarkovsky effect on asteroidal fragments. This effect may play a critical, but underappreciated, role in delivering meteorites to Earth. Two variants of the effect cause drifts in orbital elements, notably semimajor axes. The “classic” or “diurnal” Yarkovsky effect is associated with diurnal rotation at low obliquity. More recently, a “seasonal” effect has also been described, associated with high obliquity. Studies of these Yarkovsky effects are combined with studies of resonance effects to clarify meteorite delivery. If there were no Yarkovsky drift, asteroid fragments could reach a resonance only if produced very near that resonance. However, objects in resonances typically reach Earth-crossing orbits within a few million years, which is inconsistent with stone meteorites' cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages (5–50 Ma) and iron meteorites' CRE ages (100–1000 Ma). In the new view, on the other hand, large objects in the asteroid belt are “fixed” in semimajor axis, but bodies up to 100 m in diameter are in a constant state of mixing and flow, especially if the thermal conductivity of their surface layers is low. Thus, small asteroid fragments may reach the resonances after long periods of drift in the main belt. Yarkovsky drift effects, combined with resonance effects, appear to explain many meteorite properties, including: (1) the long CRE ages of iron meteorites (due to extensive drift lifetimes in the belt); (2) iron meteorites' sampling of numerous parent bodies; (3) the shorter CRE ages of most stone meteorites (due to faster drift, coupled with weaker strength and more rapid collisional erosion); and (4) the abundance of falls from discrete impact events near resonances, such as the 8 Ma CRE age of H chondrites. Other consequences include: the delivery of meteorite parent bodies to resonances is enhanced; proportions of stone and iron meteorites delivered to Earth may be different from the proportions at the same sizes left in the belt, which in turn may differ from the ratio produced in asteroidal collisions; Rabinowitz's 10–100 m objects may be preferentially delivered to near-Earth space; and the delivery of C-class fragments from the outer belt may be inhibited, compared to classes in other parts of the belt. Thus, Yarkovsky effects may have important consequences in meteoritics and asteroid science.  相似文献   

Abstract— To determine the possible building blocks of the Earth and Mars, 225,792,840 possible combinations of the bulk oxygen isotopic and chemical compositions of 13 chondritic groups at 5% mass increments were examined. Only a very small percentage of the combinations match the oxygen isotopic composition, the assumed bulk FeO concentration, and the assumed Fe/Al weight ratio for the Earth. Since chondrites are enriched in silicon relative to estimates of the bulk Earth, none of the combinations fall near the terrestrial magmatic fractionation trend line in Mg/Si‐Al/Si space. More combinations match the oxygen isotopic composition and the assumed bulk FeO concentration for Mars. These combinations fall near the trend for shergottite meteorites in Mg/Si‐Al/Si space. One explanation for the difficulty in forming Earth out of known chondrites is that the Earth may be composed predominately of material that did not survive to the present day as meteorites. Another explanation could be that significant amounts of silicon are sequestered in the core and/or lower mantle of the Earth.  相似文献   

Abstract— Stuart H. Perry (1874–1957), an influential Michigan newspaper editor and publisher and a vice president of the Associated Press, developed a passionate interest in collecting and studying meteorites in the 1920s and 1930s. Firmly believing that meteorites belong in great museums where they can be properly investigated, he generously donated his meteorites to various museums after he finished his own study of them. He had a sincere interest in the National Collection of Meteorites, and donated 192 specimens–‐mostly irons–‐to the U.S. National Museum; these constituted some of the most important meteorites in its collection, and moved iron meteorites to center stage, a position still occupied. By applying current metallographic methods to the study of iron meteorites, Perry directed scientists to a powerful new research tool, which led to major advances in our understanding of meteoritic irons and helped give rise to a new field within planetary sciences. His groundbreaking monograph The metallography of meteoric iron served as a standard reference collection of metallographic photomicrographs of iron meteorites for more than 30 years. It remained an insightful and useful work on the structure of meteoritic iron until improved binary and ternary phase diagrams in the Fe‐Ni(‐P) system allowed a more detailed treatment of the formation of iron meteorites. Perry received many honors for his work, and held office in the Meteoritical Society, serving as a councilor from 1941–1950, and as a vice president from 1950–1957.  相似文献   

Abstract The fall rate of HED basaltic meteorites (howardites, eucrites, diogenites) has not been constant in the 20th century, while the fall rate of chondrites has been constant within error. Thirteen of the 26 dated HED falls (day of fall known, 1900 through 1989) fell in 1924 through 1939. A fall cluster (not a meteorite stream) like this will occur in less than one in 100 random distributions of fall days. The proportions of HED types in the whole cluster are statistically identical to those of the whole historical record of HED falls, as is the distribution of cosmic ray exposure ages. In a subset of the cluster, 1924 through 1933, eight of those nine HED falls from have exposure ages of 10–20 Ma; this grouping is statistically distinct from that of the historical record. The mesosiderite meteorites share many chemical and isotopic properties with the HEDs but are not from the same parent body. However, the dates of the three mesosiderite falls of the 20th century (all in 1924 through 1939) are a likely sampling of the distribution of HED fall dates; less than one in 200 random distributions of three fall dates would have them all in a given IS year interval of the 20th century. If the concentration of HED and mesosiderite falls in 1924 through 1939 is not a result of chance (odds of less than 1 in 200), it must have had a cause or causes. The cause(s) are not dear but appear(s) to have operated: on parent bodies only of basaltic meteorites; on a number of such parent bodies (mesosiderite and at least one HED); distant from Earth; and so as to produce a duster of only 15 years duration. This duration is much shorter than the expected time scales or orbital evolution of asteroidal fragments.  相似文献   

The author carried out a study of pulverised cosmic matter extracted from the soil at the fall locality of the Sikhote Alin iron meteorite shower. Three forms of dust were distinguishable: meteoritic, sharp-angled, irregular particles from the break-up of the meteorite; meteoric, spherical, magnetic particles from ablation; and micro meteorites. Meteoritic and meteoric dust was also discovered in the soil of the regions of fall of the Boguslavka and Yardymly iron meteorites. Experiments made by the author for the purpose of obtaining artificial meteoric dust from meteoritic matter of various types have shown that the meteoric dust obtained from stony meteorites is composed of spherules similar to those extracted from the soil in the areas of fall of the Sikhote Alin, Boguslavka and Yardymly iron meteorites. Cosmic dust, the particles of which are usually called micrometeorites, due to their small size, are not subjected to the influence of temperature as they pass through the Earth's atmosphere and they reach the Earth's surface unaltered. It is proposed that meteoric and cosmic dust comprises the largest part of the cosmic matter falling onto the Earth:  相似文献   

Abstract– Bunburra Rockhole is the first meteorite fall photographed and recovered by the Desert Fireball Network in Australia. It is classified as an ungrouped achondrite similar in mineralogical and chemical composition to eucrites, but it has a distinct oxygen isotope composition. The question is if achondrites like Bunburra Rockhole originate from the same parent body as the howardite‐eucrite‐diogenite (HED) meteorites or from several separate, differentiated parent bodies. To address this question, we measured cosmogenic radionuclides and noble gases in the Bunburra Rockhole achondrite. The short‐lived radionuclides 22Na and 54Mn confirm that Bunburra Rockhole is a recent fall. The concentrations of 10Be, 26Al and 36Cl as well as the 22Ne/21Ne ratio indicate that Bunburra Rockhole was a relatively small object (R approximately 15 cm) in space, consistent with the photographic fireball observations. The cosmogenic 38Ar concentration yields a cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) age of 22 ± 3 Myr, whereas 21Ne and 3He yield approximately 30% and approximately 60% lower ages, respectively, due to loss of cosmogenic He and Ne, mainly from plagioclase. With a CRE age of 22 Myr, Bunburra Rockhole is the first anomalous eucrite that overlaps with the main CRE peak of the HED meteorites. The radiogenic K‐Ar age of 4.1 Gyr is consistent with the U‐Pb age, while the young U,Th‐He age of approximately 1.4 Gyr indicates that Bunburra Rockhole lost radiogenic 4He more recently.  相似文献   

G.P. Horedt 《Icarus》1980,43(2):215-221
Accretional energy can be retained with sufficient efficiency in the outer layers of the Moon due to the considerable amount of debris falling back into large craters.Heating of meteorite parent bodies occurs mainly after their accretion, by destructive collisions. The heating was generally not sufficient to differentiate the parent bodies completely so that iron meteorites would originate from the mantle, rather than from the core of a meteorite parent body. Assuming that the Earth and Moon accreted from material of similar chemical composition, we suggest that only from the outer lunar shell is there a loss of gases and volatiles due to accretional melting. The Earth melted completely and degassing was efficient for the whole mass of the Earth leading to its ≈20% higher uncompressed mean density in comparison to the Moon. Because of its lower gravitational field, gases and volatiles escaped much more easily from the lunar atmosphere than from the terrestrial one, leading to the observed depletion in volatiles of the outer parts of the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract— We explore the orbital dynamics of Earth‐crossing objects with the intent to understand the time scales under which an “orbital stream” of material could produce time‐correlated meteorite falls. These “meteoroid streams” have been suggested to be associated with three well‐known meteorite‐dropping fireballs (Innisfree, Peekskill, and P?íbram). We have performed two different analyses of the statistical significance of the “orbital similarity,” in particular calculating how often orbits of the same level of similarity would come from a random sample. Secondly, we have performed extremely detailed numerical integrations related to these three cases, and we find that if they were streams of objects in similar orbits, then they would become “decoherent” (in the sense that the day‐of‐fall of meteorites of these streams become almost random) on time scales of 104–105 yr. Thus, an extremely recent breakup would be required, much more recent that the cosmic ray exposure ages of the recovered falls in each case. We conclude that orbital destruction is too efficient to allow the existence of long‐lived meteoroid streams and that the statistical evidence for such streams is insufficient; random fall patterns show comparable levels of clustering.  相似文献   

Abstract— I examine the origin of water in the terrestrial planets. Late‐stage delivery of water from asteroidal and cometary sources appears to be ruled out by isotopic and molecular ratio considerations, unless either comets and asteroids currently sampled spectroscopically and by meteorites are unlike those falling to Earth 4.5 Ga ago, or our measurements are not representative of those bodies. However, the terrestrial planets were bathed in a gas of H, He, and O. The dominant gas phase species were H2, He, H2 O, and CO. Thus, grains in the accretion disk must have been exposed to and adsorbed H2 and water. Here I conduct a preliminary analysis of the efficacy of nebular gas adsorption as a mechanism by which the terrestrial planets accreted “wet.” A simple model suggests that grains accreted to Earth could have adsorbed 1‐3 Earth oceans of water. The fraction of this water retained during accretion is unknown, but these results suggest that examining the role of adsorption of water vapor onto grains in the accretion disk bears further study.  相似文献   

At large distances, due to atmospheric absorption and the dispersion of high-frequency components, the airwaves from the fall of large meteorites or heavy-yield explosions are transformed into an infrasonic wave train propagating over large distances via atmospheric sound channels. In approaching the antipode, the amplitude of infrasonic oscillations increases significantly and the nonlinear effects may trigger the formation of a blast wave, that is, another explosion. The condition which allows such a phenomenon to happen was obtained in this study. Infrasonic waves from the Tunguska fall event and waves generated by the largest nuclear explosions were considered in this study.  相似文献   

Abstract– The fall of meteorites has been interpreted as divine messages by multitudinous cultures since prehistoric times, and meteorites are still adored as heavenly bodies. Stony meteorites were used to carve birds and other works of art; jewelry and knifes were produced of meteoritic iron for instance by the Inuit society. We here present an approximately 10.6 kg Buddhist sculpture (the “iron man”) made of an iron meteorite, which represents a particularity in religious art and meteorite science. The specific contents of the crucial main (Fe, Ni, Co) and trace (Cr, Ga, Ge) elements indicate an ataxitic iron meteorite with high Ni contents (approximately 16 wt%) and Co (approximately 0.6 wt%) that was used to produce the artifact. In addition, the platinum group elements (PGEs), as well as the internal PGE ratios, exhibit a meteoritic signature. The geochemical data of the meteorite generally match the element values known from fragments of the Chinga ataxite (ungrouped iron) meteorite strewn field discovered in 1913. The provenance of the meteorite as well as of the piece of art strongly points to the border region of eastern Siberia and Mongolia, accordingly. The sculpture possibly portrays the Buddhist god Vai?ravana and might originate in the Bon culture of the eleventh century. However, the ethnological and art historical details of the “iron man” sculpture, as well as the timing of the sculpturing, currently remain speculative.  相似文献   

Abstract— On November 7, 1492, a 127-kg stony meteorite fell at Ensisheim in Alsace after a fireball explosion that was heard for a distance of 150 km over the upper Rhineland. Today, a 56-kg specimen of the stone, an LL6 chondrite with large patches of fusion crust, remains on display in the Hotel de Ville at Ensisheim. This was the earliest witnessed meteorite fall in the West from which pieces are preserved. Initially, the stone's survival depended on the presence of a magistrate at Ensisheim who forbade the removal of pieces, which had begun apace as soon as a crowd gathered and pulled the stone out of a 1-m hole in a wheat field. He ordered the stone brought into the city to await the arrival of King Maximilian, son of the Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich III, who was approaching with his army. In nearby Basel, broadsheets were printed within weeks bearing the story in Latin and German verses by the eminent poet, Sebastian Brant, who turned the sheets into propaganda tracts by claiming the stone as a portent of victory and admonishing Maximilian to make war on the French without delay. Maximilian declared the stone to be a sign of divine favor and ordered it to be preserved in the Ensisheim parish church. The stone grew in fame when Maximilian won his impending battle with the French, but strange new elements entered the story as it was repeated over the years in books and chronicles. Through centuries of battle and political changes, the stone remained in the church until 1793 when French revolutionaries transferred it to a new National Museum in Colmar. There, many pieces were taken for chemical analyses during the birth of the meteoritics at the turn of the 19th century. In 1803 the stone was returned to the Ensisheim church where it outlasted the structure itself which collapsed in 1854. This paper traces the history of the stone itself and people's responses to it through the 500 years since the fall at Ensisheim.  相似文献   

Natural transfer of viable microbes in space.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The possibility and probability of natural transfer of viable microbes from Mars to Earth and Earth to Mars traveling in meteoroids during the first 0.5 Ga and the following 4 Ga are investigated, including: --radiation protection against the galactic cosmic ray nuclei and the solar rays, dose rates as a function of the meteorite's radial column mass (radius x density), combined with dose rates generated by natural radioactivity within the meteorite; and survival curves for some bacterial species using NASA's HZETRN transport code --other factors affecting microbe survival: vacuum; central meteorite temperatures at launch, orbiting, and arrival; pressure and acceleration at launch; spontaneous DNA decay; metal ion migration --mean sizes and numbers of unshocked meteorites ejected and percentage falling on Earth, using current semiempirical results --viable flight times for the microbe species Bacillus subtilis and Deinococcus radiodurans R1 --the approximate fraction of microbes (with properties like the two species studied) viably arriving on Earth out of those ejected from Mars during the period 4 Ga BP to the present time, and during the 700 Ma from 4.5 to 3.8 Ga. Similarly, from Earth to Mars. The conclusion is that if microbes existed or exist on Mars, viable transfer to Earth is not only possible but also highly probable, due to microbes' impressive resistance to the dangers of space transfer and to the dense traffic of billions of martian meteorites which have fallen on Earth since the dawn of our planetary system. Earth-to-Mars transfer is also possible but at a much lower frequency.  相似文献   

One of the most productive and well‐sampled dense collection areas for meteorites on Earth is the “Franconia strewn field” in Mohave County, Arizona, which since 2002 has yielded hundreds of meteorites in an ellipsoidal area approximately 5 × 16 km across. Based on petrographic, mineral‐chemical, and terrestrial age data, we conclude that among 14 meteorites examined, there are at least 6 and possibly 8 distinct meteorites represented, which fell over a period of approximately 0–20 kyr ago. These include equilibrated H‐chondrites such as Franconia (H5) and Buck Mountains (BM) 001 (H6); H3–6 breccias such as Buck Mountains Wash and BM 004; and L6 chondrites such as BM 002 and BM 003 (which may be paired), Palo Verde Mine, and BM 005. To confidently pair such meteorites often requires thorough petrographic examination, mineral‐chemical analyses, and terrestrial ages. We estimate that 50 ± 10% of the larger specimens in this area are paired, yielding a relatively high value of approximately 2.3–2.9 distinct meteorites km?2. The meteorite flux estimated for Franconia area is higher than the flux inferred from contemporary fireball data for larger masses. We suggest that one large H3–6 meteoroid fell in the area, most likely that of Buck Mountains Wash approximately 4 kyr ago, which produced an elliptical strewn field with masses generally increasing toward one end, and which raised the meteorite productivity in the recovery area.  相似文献   

Abstract— On September 8, 2004, Genesis, a manmade space capsule, plummeted to Earth after almost three years in space. A ground‐based infrasound array was deployed to Wendover, Nevada, to measure the “hypersonic boom” from the reentry, since the expected initial reentry speed of the body was about 11 km/sec. Due to the complete failure of its dual parachute system, we had a unique opportunity to assess the degree of reliability of our previously developed relations for natural meteors and bolides to analyze this well‐characterized manmade body. At ?20–50 km from the nominal trajectory, we succeeded in recording over two minutes of infrasonic signals from Genesis. Here we report on subsequent analyses of these infrasonic data, including an assessment of the expected entry characteristics on the basis of a bolide/meteor/fireball entry model specifically adapted to modeling reentering manmade objects. From these simulations, we were able to evaluate the line source blast wave relaxation radius, the differential acoustic efficiency, etc., to compute an approximate total power balance during entry. Next, we analyzed the detailed signals arriving from Genesis using a numerical, signal detection and wave processing software package (Matseis/Infra_Tool). We established the initial and subsequent arrivals and evaluated its plane wave back azimuths and elevation arrival angles and the degree of maximum, pair‐wise cross‐correlation, its power spectrum, spectrogram analysis, standard seismic f‐k analysis, etc. From the associated entry parameters, we computed the kinetic energy density conservation properties for the propagating line source blast waves and compared these predictions against observed ground‐based infrasound amplitude and wave period data as a function of range. We discovered that previously computed differential acoustic efficiencies were unreliable at Mach numbers below about 10. This is because we had assumed that a line source explosion was applicable, whereas at very low Mach numbers, typical of recovered meteorites, the detailed source characteristics are closer to those of supersonic objects. When corrections for these unphysical, very high efficiencies were made, agreement between theory and observations improved. We also made an assessment for the energy of the blast wave source from the ground‐based infrasound data using several other techniques that were also adapted from previous bolide studies. Finally, we made a top‐down‐bottom‐up assessment of the line source wave normals propagating via refraction downward into the complex middle atmospheric environment. This assessment proved to be generally consistent with the digital signal processing analysis and with the observed time delay between the known Genesis reentry and the infrasonic observations.  相似文献   

Abstract— The small difference between the O-isotopic mass fractionation lines of the Earth and Mars has been measured precisely using a laser fluorination system. The precision achieved from the two sample sets is better than ±0.014‰, with the offset (Δ17O) between Mars and Earth measured as +0.321‰. This result shows that all the Shergotty—Nakhla—Chassigny (SNC) meteorites define a high level of isotopic homogeneity, comparable to that of crustal material on the Earth, indicating that these meteorites originate, unequivocally, from a single, common parent body (Mars). Allan Hills 84001, with its ancient age (4.56 Ga), shows that any initial heterogeneity imparted into Mars from the nebula was homogenised very early in the formation history of the planet.  相似文献   

Meteorite and meteoroid: New comprehensive definitions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– Meteorites have traditionally been defined as solid objects that have fallen to Earth from space. This definition, however, is no longer adequate. In recent decades, man‐made objects have fallen to Earth from space, meteorites have been identified on the Moon and Mars, and small interplanetary objects have impacted orbiting spacecraft. Taking these facts and other potential complications into consideration, we offer new comprehensive definitions of the terms “meteorite,”“meteoroid,” and their smaller counterparts: A meteoroid is a 10‐μm to 1‐m‐size natural solid object moving in interplanetary space. A micrometeoroid is a meteoroid 10 μm to 2 mm in size. A meteorite is a natural, solid object larger than 10 μm in size, derived from a celestial body, that was transported by natural means from the body on which it formed to a region outside the dominant gravitational influence of that body and that later collided with a natural or artificial body larger than itself (even if it is the same body from which it was launched). Weathering and other secondary processes do not affect an object’s status as a meteorite as long as something recognizable remains of its original minerals or structure. An object loses its status as a meteorite if it is incorporated into a larger rock that becomes a meteorite itself. A micrometeorite is a meteorite between 10 μm and 2 mm in size. Meteorite– “a solid substance or body falling from the high regions of the atmosphere” ( Craig 1849 ); “[a] mass of stone and iron that ha[s] been directly observed to have fallen down to the Earth’s surface” (translated from Cohen 1894 ); “[a] solid bod[y] which came to the earth from space” ( Farrington 1915 ); “A mass of solid matter, too small to be considered an asteroid; either traveling through space as an unattached unit, or having landed on the earth and still retaining its identity” ( Nininger 1933 ); “[a meteoroid] which has reached the surface of the Earth without being vaporized” (1958 International Astronomical Union (IAU) definition, quoted by Millman 1961 ); “a solid body which has arrived on the Earth from outer space” ( Mason 1962 ); “[a] solid bod[y] which reach[es] the Earth (or the Moon, Mars, etc.) from interplanetary space and [is] large enough to survive passage through the Earth’s (or Mars’, etc.) atmosphere” ( Gomes and Keil 1980 ); “[a meteoroid] that survive[s] passage through the atmosphere and fall[s] to earth” ( Burke 1986 ); “a recovered fragment of a meteoroid that has survived transit through the earth’s atmosphere” ( McSween 1987 ); “[a] solid bod[y] of extraterrestrial material that penetrate[s] the atmosphere and reach[es] the Earth’s surface” ( Krot et al. 2003 ).  相似文献   

Abstract— We determined the mineralogical and chemical characteristics and the He, Ne, and Ar isotopic abundances of 2 meteorites that fell in China and of 2 meteorites that were recovered by the 15th Chinese Antarctic Research Expedition. Guangmingshan (H5), Zhuanghe (H5), and Grove Mountain (GRV) 98002 (L5) yield cosmic ray exposure (CRE) ages of 68.7 ± 10.0 Ma, 3.8 ± 0.6 Ma, and 17.0 ± 2.5 Ma, respectively. These ages are within the range typically observed for the respective meteorite types. GRV 98004 (H5) had an extremely short parent body‐Earth transfer time of 0.052 ± 0.008 Ma. Its petrography and mineral chemistry are indistinguishable from other typical H5 chondrites. Only 3 other meteorites exist with similarly low CRE ages: Farmington (L5), Galim (LL6), and ALH 82100 (CM2). We show that several asteroids in Earth‐crossing orbits, or in the main asteroid belt with orbits close to an ejection resonance, are spectrally matching candidates and may represent immediate precursor bodies of meteorites with CRE ages ≤0.1 Ma.  相似文献   

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