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《Urban geography》2013,34(2):130-140
Discriminant analysis was used to investigate the empirical underpinnings of the labels, "Sunbelt" and "Frostbelt." Nine study variables were chosen to represent structural, economic, and population characteristics in 158 SMSAs with 1980 populations over 200,000. The results show that SMSAs in the Sunbelt have lower densities; they house larger minority populations who are less likely to participate in the political process; and their economies are less oriented to manufacturing. In terms of the regional convergence-uneven development debate, results favor the uneven development thesis. The fact that Sunbelt metropolitan areas house populations that are different from their Frostbelt counterparts and perform different social roles and functions in the national space economy suggests they represent a new form of urban development rather than a manifestation of heretofore lagging regions converging with traditional centers of development.  相似文献   

基于功能区的行政区划调整研究——以绍兴城市群为例   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
顾朝林  王颖  邵园  顾江 《地理学报》2015,70(8):1187-1201
本文构建了基于功能区的行政区划调整研究框架。首先,运用功能区思想,以大城市地区的街道或乡镇为空间单元,采集相关的自然、历史、文化、产业、客流和信息流数据,进行要素功能区的分析,准确获取不同层次相互依赖的功能空间单元,使城市在空间上充分适应和支撑多变的社会经济环境,为城市的多样性提供充分的弹性空间依据。其次,在城市基层单元的要素功能区的基础上,进一步采用因子分析和聚类分析方法,进行城市功能区的划分,可以为行政区划调整提供基于城市功能区有机的空间组织科学依据。在上述行政区划调整研究框架的基础上,以绍兴市为例进行了案例研究,结果表明,绍兴市域内自然、文化功能区清晰,块状经济特征明显,基层区之间的经济、文化、通勤和信息联系已经突破现在的市县行政区边界,按照综合功能区的思想进行行政区划调整。总体上说,基于功能区的行政区划调整,对大城市地区或城市群地区,保证其物质环境和社会空间的快速和谐发展,有效利用资源,具有重要的科学意义和实用价值。  相似文献   

Changes in world capitalism caused prices of traditional raw materials to fall and new energy demands to arise at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. The Andean countries witnessed the fall in the value of their exports and began to receive large flows of foreign investment in mining and industry. Consequently, urban economies were strengthened and demographic patterns were changed. This led to the internal migrations and to a process of social change. These consequences are summarized from relevant studies focusing on Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. Since the 1960s a compendium of information has become available which highlights the causes of the migration, migration patterns, the composition of migratory movements, and the mechanisms that the migrant uses to establish himself/herself in the city. Preston (1969) distinguished 2 migratory patterns in Ecuador: rural to urban, with migratory flows from the rural areas to urban centers and new industrial cities that experienced development and high demand for unskilled labor at comparatively high wages: and rural to rural, based on the movement of population from depressed rural areas to other areas in which programs for colonization or commercial agriculture have been promoted. In a study of Colombia, McGreevey (1968) identifies the lack of cultivatable land, rural violence in certain departments, and other economic and family causes as the principal factors that induced migrations to the cities. The study emphasizes that the predominant model of movement relates to "fill in" migration. The spatial mobility of the Venezuelan Andean population was initially outlined in a voluminous report on economic and social problems of the region (1954). The study indicates that during the intercensal period 1941-50 cities grew much more rapidly than rural "municipos" and that the drive to find employment and earn a living were the most important motives in the movement of peasants to the cities. All of the studies identified that use demographic, economic, or phychosocial approaches have provided partial explanations of the current status of Andean migrations. The explanations they offer, by not transcending the current reality of the migrants, overlook the historical traits of internal migration. Migratory flows do not spring up suddenly. They result from specific socio-political circumstances which, when closely linked to demographic evidence, serve as a basis for understanding the process. Review of studies on internal migration in the Northern Andes, as presented here, reveals a series of distinguishing characteristics: there are 5 migratory patterns--rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to urban, seasonal worker migration, and return migration, and the predominant pattern has been rural to urban; the demographic data show the importance of rural migrants to urban growth in the region and a complementary loss of population in the rural areas; depopulation of the countryside has been selective; and there is a marked disparity in employment remuneration between rural and urban areas.  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展和北京市非首都功能疏解政策实施状况是当前学术界和政府关注的热点。城市功能的分布和互动格局是刻画城市群协同发展和治理策略成效的重要内容。本文在阐述城市群内城市功能之间互动原理基础上,引入偏离—份额分析模型、改进土地生态位模型、扩展引力模型和GIS技术,耦合构建了新的城市功能互动模型。以京津冀城市群为研究对象,基于2010年、2016年、2019年3期POI大数据提取不同类别城市功能区,从时空两个维度揭示京津冀城市群功能的互动格局特征,分析协同发展和北京市非首都功能疏解政策实施状况,并有针对性地提出了治理策略。结论显示:① 2010—2019年间城市群建成区城市功能区总面积增加1.5倍,其中混合功能区增长最快,增加1.7倍;② 北京市工业功能、商业功能正在稳步疏解,但是居住功能、科教文化功能、公共服务功能仍在聚集与强化;③ 廊坊市、唐山市、天津市、保定市等中部城市在非首都功能疏解中发挥了“二传手”作用,成为功能互动的主要驱动城市;④ 石家庄市吸纳的疏解功能主要来源于天津市和廊坊市,具有接力特征;⑤ 京津冀城市群城市功能疏解在治理策略上需要关注功能互动格局演化趋势来进行精准施策。上述结论表明本文构建的城市功能互动模型可以较好地揭示和解释京津冀城市群城市功能互动格局的变化特征。  相似文献   

洞庭湖生态经济区生态服务供需平衡研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石忆邵  史东辉 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1714-1723
基于洞庭湖生态经济区土地覆被类型和土地利用现状,测算并研究区域内供给服务、调节服务、支持服务和文化服务及生态服务总量供给的价值当量;根据国家相关建设指标规定和人均资源消耗量,估算各项生态服务需求量价值当量;进而对区域内生态服务的供—需盈亏状态进行分析。结果表明:① 洞庭湖生态经济区各项生态服务及生态服务总量供需状况良好,供需比均大于1.2;② 不同生态服务供需状况存在差异,支持服务(1.46)>调节服务(1.44)>供给服务(1.39)>文化服务(1.28);③ 供需比在空间上整体呈现“四周高中间低”的分布模式,北侧荆州供需比偏低;④ 城乡供需状况差异显著。本次研究囿于行政边界,基于自然边界的供需状况研究有待深入。  相似文献   

张镱锂  吴雪  郑度 《地理学报》2020,75(5):931-948
喜马拉雅山脉中段的珠穆朗玛峰等地,海拔高差巨大、生境复杂多变、土地覆被类型多样且植被垂直带谱完整,是全球范围内研究土地覆被垂直变化的理想场所。本文基于30 m空间分辨率的土地覆被数据(2010年)和DEM数据,在ArcGIS和Matlab平台的支持下,提出并运用脊线法、样带法和扇区法3种山地南北坡划分方法,研究了喜马拉雅山土地覆被垂直分布与结构差异。结果表明:① 山地土地覆被分布具有明确的垂直地带性结构特征,喜马拉雅中部土地覆被垂直带谱为南六北四式,土地覆被垂直带谱中具有人类活动的特点。② 南北坡之间的土地覆被垂直带谱差异明显,南坡土地覆被类型完整多样,北坡相对简单;对同类型土地覆被而言,南坡较北坡分布高程低、幅度宽。③ 依据各类型分布面积比随海拔变化情况,土地覆被类型在南北坡上的垂直分布可分为4种模式:冰川雪被、稀疏植被和草地为单峰分布型,裸地为南单峰北双峰分布型。④ 3种划分方法中,南坡的土地覆被垂直带结构具有相似性,而北坡的土地覆被垂直带结构存在差异,扇区法较好地反映了土地覆被自然分布格局。  相似文献   

基于遥感分析的无锡市城乡过渡地域嬗变研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨山  陈升 《地理学报》2009,64(10):1221-1230
对无锡市30年遥感影像分析表明,20世纪90年代中期之前,无锡市城乡过渡地域用地形态主要以郊区农业形态存在,从1998年以后,郊区农业形态消失.城乡过渡地域从行政区划概念下的郊区嬗变为具有新型城乡关系的城乡耦合地域,但行政区划的调整滞后于空间用地形态及社会属性的嬗变;通过建立嬗变模型,分析影响无锡市城乡过渡地域的嬗变因素,外部控制因素主导着城乡过渡地域嬗变,同时引导内部控制因素变化,并且城乡过渡地域嬗变具有不可逆转性,城乡统筹规划中应强化乡村外部条件促进乡村发展.  相似文献   

“基因图谱”视角下闽台石器时代文化空间结构分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王彬  刘莎 《地理科学》2012,(5):584-590
聚落是识别区域文化景观同一性的重要指标。中国闽台石器时代文化因受区域环境的影响,呈现出与全国其他地区不同的文化特征。借用"文化基因"的概念,运用GIS技术对闽台石器时代文化遗址空间特征、文化特质和历史渊源进行分析。研究结果表明:闽台石器时代文化遗址在产生时间上具有继承性;在空间扩散、迁移及居住地空间选择上,闽台石器文化遗址都呈现了山岗、沿河流阶地和滨海分布模式,并经历了由点经线到面的扩散和迁移过程;在器具、技术工艺和作物类型等方面亦存在着广泛的相似性和共同性。石器遗址文化表明闽台具有相同的文化根基。  相似文献   

西南岩溶山地生态环境研究进展与若干问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西南岩溶山地是典型的脆弱生态系统,是中国的关键生态区之一,石漠化逐步扩大等生态退化问题严重制约着该区持续发展,生态亟待恢复重建,但岩溶石漠化治理模式实际上受限于岩溶生态基础理论研究的不足。岩溶山地生态重建与可持续发展研究中应进一步加强地质地貌背景生态效应与生态类型划分问题、岩溶生态系统的恢复重建依赖对生态过程研究的突破、土地利用/土地覆盖的定量研究有待加强、治理模式的尺度性与转型研究,阐明岩溶生态系统的运行过程,提出石漠化类型划分和石漠化分级的科学依据。并通过生态系统评价和生态区评价,诊断存在问题,提出生态系统可持续管理的有效途径和方法。  相似文献   

转型期省际城镇土地利用绩效格局演变与机理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张荣天  焦华富 《地理研究》2014,33(12):2251-2262
以中国省域单元为例,在界定城镇土地利用绩效内涵基础之上,从结构、效益、效率及管理四维度构建城镇土地利用绩效评价体系,利用改进熵值法测度省际城镇土地利用绩效;并运用空间统计模型、R/S分析法及PCA模型,对2000-2012年中国省际城镇土地利用绩效格局时空演变及机理进行了初步的探讨。研究表明:① 2000年以来省际城镇土地利用绩效水平不断提升,区域差异较显著;绩效演变呈现出东西方向递增,南北方向倒“U”型分布格局。② 省际城镇土地利用绩效全局空间上表现出显著的正自相关,呈现绩效高(低)—高(低)集聚模式;局部Ⅰ绩效热点区主要集聚在东部沿海的京津及江浙沪,且不断向珠三角演化,Ⅱ绩效次热区主要集中在中原城市群、华北、华中及华南地区,Ⅲ绩效次冷区主要分布在西南地区及东北地区,而Ⅳ绩效冷点区主要集中在西部的藏疆蒙甘青地区,形成稳定“L”型塌陷形态;省际城镇土地利用绩效具有明显的分形特征,未来绩效值将呈现出继续增长的演化态势,且增长显著区分布在京津及长三角地区。③ 城镇化、产业升级、科技发展及市场化综合驱动转型期省际城镇土地利用绩效格局演变。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(5):417-430
This paper examines the spatial distribution of airborne releases of acutely toxic materials in 3 17 metropolitan areas in the United States. There were 1,362 incidents in urban areas between 1980 and 1989.One-third of the urban areas had no recorded releases during the decade, while 1 I% had at least one per year. Metropolitan areas were classified into high, medium, and low hazard areas based on incident frequency. A discriminant analysis was used to help differentiate these places using measures of risk and mitigation. The analysis correctly classified 81% of the metropolitan areas and found that five variables were the most important indicators of hazard: number of chemical services; number of railroad track miles; number of nondurable agricultural suppliers; population density; and number of railroad yards. Four of these variables stress the importance of risk indicators (industrial infrastructure) within a city that contribute to the potential for disaster. While we can begin to understand the hazards of place, many issues, such as the human consequences of these hazards, the sociospatial inequities in the distribution of risks and mitigation responses, and the scale and complexity of industrial facilities in contributing to the chemical hazardscape, require further exploration.  相似文献   

Sheep were originally brought to Brazil approximately 500 years ago from Europe and Northern Africa; they adapted quickly to their new environments and developed unique traits. The objective of this study was to correlate environmental variables with sheep production in Brazil to promote the development of this activity. Brazil has several distinct environments as shown in this paper. These variables included vegetation cover (NDVI), precipitation, temperature, altitude, relative humidity (RH), solar radiation and the temperature humidity index (THI). Correlation analyses were performed with environmental variables and production levels at national and regional level. A factor analysis was performed to characterize the covariance between variables. We formed groups (clusters) due to productivity levels and performed canonical discriminant analyses to determine which variables were associated with different levels of production. The municipalities with the highest levels of sheep production were selected to define the intervals of each environmental variable. A map was drafted in ArcGis 9.3 to illustrate the landscape features where the highest levels of production are located. The results showed that, nationally, production is influenced by a great diversity of environments, thus masking possible correlations. When the correlation analysis was carried out by region, significant correlations were observed. Cluster analysis identified two dominant, clearly separated producing regions (northeast and south). The canonical analysis indicated that the most important variables delineating the clusters were precipitation, THI, temperature and RH. The map showing the landscape features where the highest production levels are located indicated that the breeds in the northeast are reared on an area of approximately 900,000 km2, while those from the south are reared on an area of approximately 1,100 million km2. This study showed that it is important to consider the environmental characteristics of different regions of Brazil when proposing public policies related to sheep production.  相似文献   

The North Carolina Hispanic population has grown at a rapid pace in recent years. Before 1980, the majority of Hispanics in North Carolina were engaged primarily in migrant agricultural work. Hispanics who are part of the new influx are arriving in urban areas and are working at nonagricultural pursuits. Previous research and anecdotal evidence suggest that Hispanic newcomers come from other U.S. jurisdictions and from abroad. Labor migration occurs in response to demand for labor, and labor demand is meditated by employers’ preferences and hiring practices. However, focusing solely on employer demand for labor ignores the role of past U.S. immigration policy and the large growth in services employment in the Sunbelt that have fueled the Hispanic in–migration. This research project explored the attitudes and recruiting behavior of employers in the Triangle region of North Carolina. A newspaper content analysis was undertaken, and interviews were conducted with selected intermediaries and a group of employers. Qualitative analysis of the data collected revealed that these employers utilize the social networks of their immigrant Hispanic employees to recruit new workers. They also use a variety of other recruiting methods to recruit Hispanics both locally and from abroad. If this practice is widespread, it may be fueling the influx of Hispanic immigrants to North Carolina. Employers interviewed extolled the work ethic of Hispanic workers and often bypassed native–born workers, whom they felt were inferior employees. These findings have ramifications for future immigration policy and for the success of welfare–to–work programs. Employer demand for labor is one factor that must be considered when formulating new immigration policy.  相似文献   

韩玉刚  叶雷 《地理研究》2016,35(6):1127-1140
中国省际边缘区由于边缘性区位条件、增长核心缺乏、发展政策缺位等因素综合影响,相对省域核心区而言一般较为落后。豫皖省际边缘区是中国较为典型的“弱弱型”省际边缘区,核心城市实力弱小、相互联系有限、空间经济结构松散,急需遴选核心城市,重构区域空间结构,以推进豫皖省际边缘区的快速发展。基于此种思考,从城市规模、商业服务、公共服务、交通通讯4个维度构建了城市中心性评价模型,利用因子分析法和熵值法测度豫皖省际边缘区城市中心性,利用场强模型和GIS技术划分城市腹地。结果表明:在豫皖省际边缘区城市中,阜阳市中心性得分总分最高,在城市规模和交通通讯方面得分领先于其他城市,具有建设成豫皖省际边缘区核心城市的内部基础;阜阳市的腹地面积最大,直接腹地跨越了阜阳市市域、豫皖省界的范围,触及豫皖省际边缘区的所有城市,具有建设成为豫皖省际边缘区核心城市的外部环境。最后结合阜阳市内外发展条件,从跨界空间整合、内外交通组织、产业联动协同、经济社会示范4个方面,分析了其对豫皖省际边缘区的区域带动效应。  相似文献   

基于地理标记照片的北京市入境旅游流空间特征   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
秦静  李郎平  唐鸣镝  孙岩  宋昕芮 《地理学报》2018,73(8):1556-1570
城市作为现代旅游目的地的一种重要类型,在集聚旅游发展要素、塑造城市休闲空间、提升城市品质等方面具有突出作用。城市旅游流是城市旅游要素关联、空间组织的路径,对于城市交通组织方式、公共服务设施建设、休闲旅游产业布局等方面影响越来越大。本文立足城市内部微观尺度,以入境旅游流空间特征为研究对象,利用数据挖掘技术,通过Flickr API接口获取了2004-2015年北京市范围内全部带有地理信息的照片及其属性信息,通过构建的数据清洗方法控制初始数据质量,建立基础数据库,使用密度聚类(P-DBSCAN)、马尔科夫随机链等方法探索入境游客热点区域空间分布格局、流动空间特征。结果显示:① 北京市历史城区(2环之内区域)、中心城区(2环至5环之间区域)以及郊区(5环之外区域)的旅游热点区域(AOI)呈现出不同的空间特征,其中历史城区AOI呈现出与景区、休闲娱乐、餐饮购物等相关产业空间重叠的趋势,各热点区域边界模糊,复合连绵成片。中心城区AOI集聚与城市功能区密切相关,具有明确的城市功能取向。郊区AOI基本与旅游景点一致,没有向景区外部延伸;② 传统历史文化类AOI访问热度占有绝对优势,商业购物休闲AOI及现代城市功能AOI的影响力在逐渐增强;③ 强入境旅游流主要集中在历史城区内部AOI之间,以及中心城区的西北部与东部区域内部AOI之间,郊区AOI之间没有较强的旅游流,北京市入境旅游流整体呈现以历史城区为中心,放射性分布的框架;④ 各区域AOI之间均有较次一级旅游流联系,北京市入境旅游流形成了初步的网络结构。  相似文献   

将集群识别与空间分析相结合,通过全国集群模板识别产业集群,进而利用局部空间统计方法,探测产业集群的空间布局特征。利用2008年北京市和全国经济普查数据,从产业联系的角度识别了北京市制造业集群,在此基础上进一步测度了北京市制造业集群的空间分布现状与布局特征。研究发现,北京市制造业集群主要分布在近郊区并向远郊区延伸,资源条件、政策环境、交通区位、历史因素等多种区位因子均对集群的区位选择产生影响。从总体分布来看,北京市制造业集群的空间布局存在分布比较分散、功能重叠或与区县功能定位不符等问题。未来在政策制定时,应进一步强化北京市制造业集群的空间集聚,发挥区域产业政策的引导作用,并不断依托产业园区优化集群发展环境,引导符合区县功能定位的制造业集群发展。  相似文献   

武汉城市圈城乡文化整合的时空结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱媛媛  曾菊新  韩勇  郑文升 《地理研究》2014,33(10):1908-1918
城镇化实践中的城乡文化建设失衡已引起世人关注,城乡文化整合已成为文化地理学关注的新领域。在简析武汉城市圈城乡文化的时空格局基础上,明确提出了城乡文化整合度的概念,并通过解析城乡文化整合时间维、城乡文化易感知人群、城乡文化信息流以及城乡文化最短传播路径,构建了城乡文化整合时空测度模型。综合运用熵权法、因子分析法和网络分析法,从县(市)域尺度上,探究了城镇化快速推进时期(1980-2010年)武汉城市圈城乡文化整合的时空结构和时空发展模式。研究表明:城乡文化整合的时空发展模式,即萌芽阶段的斑块式发展、形成阶段的波状式发展、聚散阶段的廊道式发展以及兴盛阶段的网络化发展,基本符合“点—轴”式区域社会经济扩展规律;也符合社会经济发展水平越高,城乡路网空间关联作用越强,城乡文化要素交流强度越大,城乡文化整合空间结构就更趋于完善的基本规律;城乡文化的空间结构发育程度还符合“核心区>受容区”的圈层分异规律。  相似文献   

历史文化名城名镇名村是一定地域的文化空间载体,具有较高的文化、历史、经济、艺术等价值。以云南省历史文化名城名镇名村为研究对象,借助ArcGIS10.2软件,运用地理数学方法:最临近指数、地理集中指数、不均衡指数对云南省历史文化名城名镇名村的空间分布特征进行分析。研究表明:从空间分布特征上看,云南省历史文化名城名镇名村在区域上分布不均衡,主要集中在滇东南、滇西北,在市域上主要分布在大理和红河;从空间类型上看,云南省历史文化名城名镇名村分布呈集聚型且出现区域集中现象,主要集中分布在滇西的保山、滇西北的大理、滇东南的红河3个高密度集聚区。  相似文献   

沈阳市居住就业结构的地理空间和流空间分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
修春亮  孙平军  王绮 《地理学报》2013,68(8):1110-1118
以沈阳市为案例,使用"六普"居住人口数据和"二经普"就业数据,通过因子分析方法进行居住和就业一体的综合空间分析。在城市尺度上的地理空间与"流变量"视角下"流空间"的比较分析发现:在城市地理空间表达上,居住功能的作用明显重于就业,但就业功能对城市地理空间也有所表达,居业一体的空间分析仍然是有意义的;在社会构成要素的分布上,传统地理空间仍有基本的规定性,居业空间结构中居住空间差异的分层明显,而就业的集中度则高很多;文化精英在居住和就业方面与大众已经有所分化,由大学的建设和布局所致,"单位"仍然是扩张中的大城市空间结构特征之一;居住的空间扩展几乎是全方位的,而就业的扩张范围则小得多,精英层的就业空间主要集中于市中心和"金廊"一带,导致居住与就业空间不匹配;城市空间结构中形成了"居住扇"、"就业廊"、"流动圈"等几大空间构造;大学和大学城、行政机关、金融等生产者服务业是"流空间"的主要因子;在"流变量"空间格局中,就业功能分布变化的"去中心化"或"多中心化"的趋势还不明显。  相似文献   

城市功能区和人口流动是行为地理学和城市规划领域的研究热点,不同城市功能区的人口聚散现象更是其重点议题。该文基于POI和腾讯位置服务(LBS)大数据,以武汉市主城区为研究区,利用功能密度指数、功能优势指数识别城市功能区,并通过空间关联判断城市功能区人口流动变化规律,采用聚类分析方法归纳人口时空聚散模式。研究结果表明:1)中心城区功能混合度较高;2)受人群时空需求影响,不同城市功能区的人口流动规律呈现一定差异性;3)根据城市功能区人口流动聚散趋势并综合其构成特征,可分为公共主导-聚散波动、商务主导-持续集聚、居住主导-持续集聚、绿地主导-聚散交替、商业主导-动态平衡和工业主导-先聚后散共6种模式。研究结果对于优化城市空间布局、合理配置城市资源以及提升城市运行效率具有参考意义。  相似文献   

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