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ABSTRACT. Shanghai and Singapore are two economically vibrant Asian cities that have recently adopted creative/cultural economy strategies. In this article I examine new spatial expressions of cultural and economic interests in the two cities: state‐vaunted cultural edifices and organically evolved cultural spaces. I discuss the simultaneous precariousness and sustainability of these spaces, focusing on Shanghai's Grand Theatre and Moganshan Lu and on Singapore's Esplanade—Theatres by the Bay and Wessex Estate. Their cultural sustainability is understood as their ability to support the development of indigenous content and local idioms in artistic work. Their social sustainability is examined in terms of the social inclusion and community bonds they engender; environmental sustainability refers to the articulation with the language of existing urban forms and the preservation of or improvements to the landscape. Although both Shanghai and Singapore demonstrate simultaneous precariousness and sustainability, Singapore's city‐state status places greater pressure on it to ensure sustainability than does Shanghai, within a much larger China in which Beijing serves as the cultural hearth while Shanghai remains essentially a commercial center.  相似文献   

From Shanghai's Pudong to Dubai's Marina, waterfront developments are increasingly popular urban forms worldwide. Drawing on the literature on urban assemblages, I explore how urban waterfronts are produced out of the transnational assembling of models, knowledge and expertise. My case study here is Marina Bay, Singapore, a landscape that like much of the rest of Singapore is a product of talent and ideas from elsewhere. In this paper, two strategies employed by Singapore's urban authorities to court global expertise for Marina Bay's development are examined – their formation of an international panel of experts in the fields of urban planning, policy and design, and their launching of international competitions to attract top design firms. Like transfer agents that enable policies to travel, I argue that these individuals and firms are situated within wider knowledge circuits that straddle the globe, and are thus well placed to filter and channel ideas from elsewhere to Singapore. Drawing on selected developments within Marina Bay, I trace the routes taken by these ideas, the changes they underwent as they travelled, as well as their relationships with the actors that facilitated their journeys. In doing so, I hope to demonstrate the usefulness of understanding the urban as more‐than‐territorial in both theory and practice.  相似文献   

Lacanian psychoanalysis has been used in film, literature and other areas of social thought, but rarely in the domain of urban studies and human/cultural geography. Following its introduction by urban planners Michael Gunder and Jean Hillier, I apply the theory of the four discourses and the mirror stage of development to Singapore's urban development of the two Integrated Resorts at Marina Bay and Sentosa. The decision to allow gambling and build casinos was a contentious one and provides a point of departure for insight into the identity issues and planning decision making processes in Singapore. I critically analyse the rhetoric of the public debate from 2004–2005 to draw conclusions about the government's self‐perception of Singapore as a city‐state and the manifestation of this identity through the creation of cosmopolitan spaces as an attempt to project that identity onto its citizens. The aim of Lacanian psychoanalysis is to provide an understanding and recognition by analysis to enable a change of signifiers, values and ideology among the masters and the subjects to better represent the true needs and wants of the community. This reflective position enables a movement toward postcolonial urban studies and planning.  相似文献   

The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is one of the major modes of public transportation in Singapore. Understanding the mobility patterns of MRT passengers has implications for improving transportation efficiency. As a city-state with a high population density, Singapore provides a representation of balanced urban dynamics that informs smart urban planning. In this paper, we investigated and visualized (using both static maps and dynamic web map applications) the spatiotemporal characteristics of Singapore's MRT commuting patterns before the COVID-19 pandemic (January 2020) and during the first outbreak (May 2020) and the Omicron wave of the pandemic (February 2022), using MRT smart card data. We also investigated the relationship between the passenger flows of individual MRT stations and the nearby land use types. Our results showed that the spatial patterns of Singapore's MRT commuters match the polycentric urban structure. In addition to central areas, several regional centres were identified as passenger hotspots in multiple time periods. Furthermore, during the outbreak of the pandemic, especially in the period of the ‘circuit breaker’, there was a major decline in MRT passenger flows and a decrease in average MRT commuting distances during weekend/holiday peak hours. Lastly, correlations between passenger flows of MRT stations and the proportion of nearby land use types have been identified.  相似文献   

Singapore has a remarkable reputation for its successful deployment of limited resources and for its strength and stability even during Asia's current economic crisis. Widespread recognition and attempts by other countries and cities at emulation of some of the strategies it has adopted have confirmed that Singapore has achieved longstanding aspirations for excellence in many areas. As Singapore positions itself to enter the new millennium the government's distinctive and sometimes controversial corporate management style is evidenced in its approach to such matters as growing the economy, enhancing the physical infrastructure, constraining residential segregation, and encouraging increased family size to enhance domestic labour supply. Sometimes it is the means of achieving the desired ends which attracts criticism, at others it is the goals themselves which are questioned. This paper examines some of the features of Singapore's drive to enhance its regional and global role in vastly different circumstances from those which confronted the same government at internal independence in 1959 and full independence in 1965.  相似文献   

This paper examines the causes and impact of the "evictionr" of the lighterage industry from the Singapore River in 1983. For more than 160 years, the lighterage industry served the traditional Entrepôt trade interests of Singapore from its base along the Singapore River. In 1983, all cargo–carrying lighters operating from the river were forced to relocate to new facilities at Pasir Panjang as a direct consequence of the Singapore government's broader economic agenda to speedily industrialise and modernise the island state. State policy unequivocally linked slum clearance and city redevelopment with its economic programme. As Singapore's economy grew and diversified through the 1970s it became less reliant on the commerce of the entrepôt trade, and the lighterage industry, already struggling to compete with technological changes in sea transport, found itself left without a bargaining position and standing in the path of economic development and urban renewal. While the economic success that Singapore has enjoyed over the past several decades seems to vindicate the state's relentless drive for urban renewal, it often overshadows the impact of the state's policies on individuals. For those working in the industry, eviction led to social and economic hardship as business declined and individuals struggled to adapt to their new work environment.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that the development of tourist attractions, the formulation of tourism policies, and the marketing of destination areas are dictated by the needs and interests of foreign visitors. What is ignored is the role that local factors and agencies play in these processes. This paper explores the way local and non-local factors are responsible for shaping the form and function of tourism development. Drawing upon the case of Singapore, I examine the country's heritage tourism phenomenon as the outcome of “local” and “global” forces. This argument is elaborated along three lines of enquiry. They include: (a) a study of the government's tourism policies; (b) an examination of marketing and promotional strategies; and (c) a look at a particular urban landscape—the Little India Historic District. To conceptualize the global-local nexus, the paper embraces two bodies of theory. They are the “locality concept” advanced by industrial geographers in the 1980s, and writings on “globalism/localism” by cultural/economic geographers in the 1990s. Both theoretical discussions reinforce the argument that place uniqueness need not be sacrificed as a result of globalization. They also provide a way of viewing tourism geographies as the product of global and local forces.  相似文献   

International financial centres (IFCs) are regarded as important nodes in governing global flows of money and capital. With increased globalization and rapid technological changes, the rivalry among IFCs has further intensified competition for financial labour—as a concentrated pool of highly skilled finance workers in an open and flexible labour market is crucial to sustaining the competitive dynamics of these urban financial hotspots. This study investigates the importance of different skills and tasks in financial work. Based on surveys and interviews conducted among Singapore's IFC workers, the findings show that cognitive, interpersonal communication and managerial-leadership skills and tasks are more important in financial work, whereas programming, mathematics and systems-based skills are perceived to be less important. Additionally, a network visualization of finance occupational skills obtained from Singapore's national skills database reinforces the importance of cognitive and relational skills in that sector. Higher-order cognitive and relational skills are expected to become even more critical as the financial sector undergoes rapid digital transformation, reinforcing the importance of IFCs as agglomerations of skilled finance talent.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):461-482
We hypothesize that as the "global city" label becomes ever more central to a city's identity, local urban government policy increasingly supports those economic sectors that city leaders see as being congruent with the global and increasingly undermines sectors that serve primarily local markets. Through an in-depth study of small-scale manufacturers in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn, in New York City, we examine the extent to which and the ways in which local policy undermines otherwise healthy locally oriented businesses. We find that the City's assumption that urban manufacturing is a dying breed becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, largely via the City's own treatment of its manufacturing businesses. Through a lack of enforcement of zoning codes, zoning variances and rezoning initiatives, and more quotidian policies of harassment over noise and other quality of life complaints, the City is making it more difficult to do business for small-scale manufacturers. These policies then create a conventional wisdom that sees the City as a difficult place to start and grow a business.  相似文献   

中国企业赴新加坡上市格局的演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业海外上市的地点选择是金融地理学关注的重要问题。中国有大量的企业在海外上市,其中新加坡是最重要的海外上市地点之一,但是近几年其吸引力有所下降。本文首先分析中国企业在新加坡上市的时间、空间以及行业结构变化历程,在此基础上探讨新加坡成为我国企业海外上市重要目的地以及近期地位下降的原因。凭借与中国在地理、文化和语言等方面的邻近性及产业上的相似性、较为宽松的上市条件、证券交易所积极的市场营销、来自新加坡的风险投资机构的推动以及地方企业集群的模仿领袖效应,新加坡在很长一段时间都是我国企业海外上市的重要目的地之一。2007年以后,新加坡证券交易所对中国企业的吸引力明显下降,主要是由全球金融危机造成资本市场低迷、全球各大交易所间竞争加剧和中国概念股在新加坡金融市场融资不畅等原因造成。结论部分指出,新加坡原有的吸引中国企业前去上市的优势已逐步丧失,企业应理性对待上市。此外,海外上市对全球金融地理格局有深远影响,值得更多国内地理学者进行研究。  相似文献   

The built environment of Panama City, Panama, has undergone a transformative change over the past decade. Hundreds of high‐rise residential towers have sprung up in and around its central business district, eliciting comparisons with Singapore, New York and Dubai insofar as journalists, real estate boosters and politicians have associated the increase in tall buildings with a commensurate increase in global status. Concurrently, on the urban periphery, scores of uniform housing estates have been erected to house an upwardly mobile middle class. Triggered by the handover of the Panama Canal and the surrounding Canal Zone in 1999, the city's pronounced building boom has corresponded with the highest rates of economic growth in Latin America. This paper examines the complex factors behind the recent transformation of Panama City from a historical‐morphological perspective. While the drivers of demand for real property were primarily global, the determinants of supply have been highly localized, suggesting that the interface between the global and the local is a fundamental catalyst of changes in the urban landscape.  相似文献   

The Singapore River thematic zone: sustainable tourism in an urban context   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper explores the concept of sustainable tourism and how it applies to urban destinations such as Singapore. As tourism is an important industry in Singapore, in terms of employment, business activity and an income generator, the Singapore Tourism Board is continuously looking at potential avenues to make Singapore a competitive destination. We examine the use of thematic zones in Singapore as a strategy to achieve its ambition of becoming a tourism capital of the world. By focusing on a case study of the Singapore River thematic zone (one of the 11 thematic zones identified by the Singapore Tourism Board), we assess the viability of thematic zones in ensuring sustainable urban tourism. The paper closes with some theoretical reflections and policy implications arising from our key findings.  相似文献   

Vietnam's low‐lying areas of the Lower Mekong Basin are prone to floods, salt water inundation, and riparian competition with upstream neighbours. Vietnam's opening to the global economy, accompanied by industrialization and a rapidly growing population, impose multiscale (global, regional, local) stresses on urban and rural water systems resulting in water contamination and groundwater overdraft. Water vulnerability is a function of both natural and social hazards and depends on the scope of capital investment, political and ideological institutions, managerial capacity and governance. Water distribution and riparian ecosystem health are also hydropolitical issues related to dam‐building activity by Vietnam and its transboundary neighbours, Laos, Cambodia and particularly China, whose territory contains the source of the Mekong River. A multiscale assessment of Vietnam's interlinked water vulnerabilities indicates that the resilience of the country's social‐ecological water system rests on peaceful resolution of regional transboundary conflicts based on shared economic interests and on improved managerial practices of local authorities.  相似文献   

低碳视角下城市空间形态紧凑度研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
吕斌  孙婷 《地理研究》2013,32(6):1057-1067
全球气候变化背景下,构建功能紧凑的低碳城市空间形态已成为世界各地城市实现低碳化可持续发展的主要途径之一。但目前的城市形态研究主要集中在城市外部空间,缺乏对城市内部功能空间紧凑度的量化。从实现低碳城市的视角,提出了城市内部功能空间形态紧凑度的量化指标,用以探讨实现低碳城市的城市空间形态特征;以商业、医疗、教育和文化娱乐等4种重要服务设施布局为基础,构建了城市功能空间紧凑度指数,对不同规模、不同地理条件类型的8个案例城市进行定量研究,实证了城市内部“功能空间紧凑度”指标较城市外部“形态紧凑度”指标能够更好的反映城市形态的紧凑性内涵,适用于评价各类城市空间形态的低碳发展模式。  相似文献   

会展业是当前我国都市发展的新要素和明星产业。利用TOPSIS法从城市规模、外贸经济、对外交通、城市环境、旅游发展和会展业发展6个方面综合评价京津冀和长三角两大都市圈26个成员城市的会展业与城市发展的协调水平,并借助Arc GIS软件分析空间格局,进而探讨影响因素和协调机制。结果显示:(1)等级分布上,京津冀城市协调分布较为均匀,长三角呈现"沙漏状"两极化聚集的层次分布。(2)空间分布上,长三角为"一轴(宁、常、锡、苏、沪)两点(杭、甬)"优良协调、北部和中部失调的空间格局;京津冀为核心(京、津)优质协调、协调度南高北低的空间格局。(3)协调机制是会展业子系统与城市系统的同向发展过程,通过会展业子系统与相关子系统进行协调互动,优质协调  相似文献   

高鹏  宁越敏  何丹 《地理科学》2022,42(10):1767-1777
基于2003—2018年长三角地区跨国、跨区以及区内企业异地投资数据,融合社会网络分析、面板向量自回归模型和地理加权回归模型等方法,探究长三角地区多尺度城市网络空间演化及其动态互馈效应。结果表明:① 全球、全国和区域尺度城市网络分别处于初步发展、稳步发展和完善发展阶段,各尺度网络均呈现出区域化倾向,以沪宁合杭甬发展廊道为支撑的网络空间结构正在形成。② 城市的全球与全国功能联系之间存在相互促进的关系;城市的区域功能联系提升能够促使其融入全球和全国尺度城市网络,反之,城市的全球与全国功能联系提升却未能促进其进一步融入长三角内部城市网络,融入全球尺度城市网络甚至对城市的区域功能联系产生显著的抑制作用。此外,多尺度城市网络互馈效应具有明显的空间异质性,并与区域经济发展格局相耦合。  相似文献   

The distinctive black‐and‐white houses from Singapore's colonial era that survive in enclaves as fine dwellings for the present‐day elite have been recognized and documented as a type. In this paper we tell the story of their cultural formation, which is one of remarkable hybridity. Various influences were brought to bear and resolved into the black‐and‐white house‐type, which was not invented ‘all at once’ in Singapore, but developed over the course of more than two centuries. We begin the story in India, when British settlers learnt from local Bengali practices to make serviceable dwellings for a climate that they found difficult. The overhanging roofs that shaded walls and the tall internal volumes were formalized with reference to European expectations of geometry and finish, and the bungalow was born. In British Malaya the bungalow was further hybridized with the house on stilts that was well known to the indigenous tradition. This produced the spatial configuration that is to be found also in the Singapore houses, with their extensive verandas on an upper floor level. Their distinctive colouring comes from a different tradition: the black‐and‐white Tudoresque style that was very popular in Britain and sometimes called ‘Old English’. This was used by the British colonizers so that they could feel more at home in surroundings that were in a far‐off foreign cultural environment.  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):518-525
This paper provides critical reflections on the urban transformation campaign launched by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) as part and parcel of its ambitions to upgrade Istanbul to "world city" status. I focus on two main aspects of "urban transformation" in Istanbul: prestige mega-projects and (re)development of informal housing areas, with particular emphasis on the latter. I examine how poor residents' livelihoods are put at stake in spite of the IMM's claim that "urban transformation" is ultimately beneficial for all citizens. I conclude with the unique policy challenges that the local governments face in developing participatory models for urban renewal and regeneration in Istanbul.  相似文献   

以景观美和生态美的关系研究为基点,选取南京夫子庙秦淮风光带作为城市传统文化旅游地的典型个案,采用景观格局指数和平衡不完全区组比较评判法,实证分析景观格局与景观审美的耦合特征及规律。结果表明:1)案例地整体景观破碎度较高,但不同景观组分受到人为干扰的程度不同,景观斑块的多样性和异质性较为适中,但斑块面积、空间分布及空间集聚度存在结构性差异;2)本地居民对夫子庙秦淮风光带的景观审美感知较好,但更偏好“十里秦淮”优美的自然风光及蕴含丰厚城市记忆要素的历史建筑和文化景观;3)总体上,景观格局与景观审美存在耦合互补与和谐共生的关系。夫子庙秦淮风光带历史文化积淀深厚,但在城市化快速发展的时代背景下,文化特色不断缺失,“去地方化”进程不断加快,作为城市传统文化旅游地的典型代表,其担负的城市记忆和文化传承功能,应该引起学界和社会各界的广泛关注。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(6):542-562
In order to develop their tourism industry and attract visitors, urban destination sites often adopt imaging strategies. These marketing and promotional tools often portray the cities as unique and distinct from other urban areas. In Singapore, different tourism images have been deployed over time—for example, the “Instant Asia” theme in the 1960s and 1970s, the “Surprising Singapore” image in the 1980s, and the “Multi-Faceted Jewel” motif in the 1990s. This paper argues that tourism imaging is a dynamic process not only because promotional campaigns have evolved over time but also because they are shaped by diverse global and local forces at different points in time. On the one hand, such images attempt to capture the imagination and interests of international tourists, and on the other hand they fulfill local objectives such as providing Singaporeans a sense of national identity and selfhood. Simply put, urban imaging policies embody both economic goals and sociopolitical functions and are directed at both visitors and residents. This paper illustrates the relationship between these economic and political forces over the last 40 years in Singapore.  相似文献   

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