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有限差分方法是波场数值模拟的一个重要方法,交错网格差分格式比规则网格差分格式稳定性更好,但方法本身都存在因网格化而形成的数值频散效应,这会降低波场模拟的精度与分辨率.为了缓解有限差分算子的数值频散效应,精确求解空间偏导数,本文把求解波动方程的线性化方法推广到用于求解弹性波方程交错网格有限差分系数;同时应用最大最小准则作为模拟退火(SA)优化算法求解差分系数的数值频散误差判定标准来求解有限差分系数.通过上述两种方法,分别利用均匀各向同性介质和复杂构造模型进行了数值正演模拟和数值频散分析,并与传统泰勒展开算法、最小二乘算法进行比较,验证了线性化方法和模拟退火方法都能有效压制数值频散,并比较了各个算法的特点.  相似文献   

交错网格有限差分的方法现已被广泛运用到地震波正演模拟中,而正演的精度将会直接影响到后续反演、偏移成像的精度。有限差分正演模拟研究的关键问题之一是如何有效地压制数值频散。窗函数法选取适当的窗函数去截断伪谱法的空间褶积序列,从而得到优化的有限差分算子以压制数值频散。传统窗函数法得到的有限差分算子,在低波数域内具有较高的精度,而在高波数域内,精度迅速下降。在此基础上,本文将交错网格有限差分系数的求取转化为最小二乘问题,将窗函数截断得到的交错网格有限差分算子作为迭代初值,设定误差范围确定优化区间,并采用共轭梯度法迭代求解。不失一般性,本文选取了常用的三种窗函数去截断得到有限差分算子及其优化差分算子,并将优化前后差分算子做对比验证。理论分析和数值模拟的结果表明:在窗函数的基础上,使用本文最小二乘优化方法得到的交错网格有限差分算子比传统窗函数法交错网格有限差分算子具有更高的精度,能够更好地压制数值频散。  相似文献   

本文利用交错网格、辅助网格、旋转交错网格、同位网格有限差分方法分别模拟了二维弹性TTI介质和二维黏弹性TTI介质中的地震波传播.在稳定性条件内,选用不同的网格间距及时间间隔,通过波场快照、合成理论地震图较为系统分析对比了这四种不同网格有限差分数值模拟在计算精度、CPU时间、相移、频散、以及保幅方面的优缺点.数值模拟结果表明:1)这四种不同网格有限差分算法都是很好的波场数值模拟算法;2)就CPU计算时间而言,旋转交错网格有限差分算法的计算效率最高;3)从计算精度来看,同位网格有限差分的计算精度最高;4)从振幅保护方面来看,四种网格的保护振幅的能力相当;5)相移方面,当网格间距增大时,交错网格和旋转交错网格有可能出现相移现象;6)频散方面,同位网格的频散现象不明显.  相似文献   

波场模拟中的数值频散分析与校正策略   总被引:22,自引:5,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
波动方程有限差分法正演模拟,对认识地震波传播规律、进行地震属性研究、地震资料地质解释、储层评价等,均具有重要的理论和实际意义.但有限差分法本身固有存在着数值频散问题,数值频散在正演模拟中是一种严重的干扰,会降低波场模拟的精度与分辨率.针对TI介质波场模拟的交错网格有限差分方法,本文从空间网格离散、时间网格离散和算子近似等三个方面对其产生的数值频散进行了分析,并结合其他学者的研究成果给出了TI介质波场模拟中压制数值频散的方法与策略:在已知介质频散关系时,对差分算子可实施算子校正;通过提高差分方程的阶数来提高波场模拟精度;采用流体力学中守恒式方程的通量校正传输方法来压制波场模拟中的数值频散;在实际正演模拟时,采用交错网格高阶有限差分方程,不仅在空间上采用高阶差分,而且在时间上也要采用高阶差分,否则只在单一方向上(空间或时间)提高方程的阶数对压制数值频散也不会取得理想的效果.  相似文献   

有限差分方法被广泛应用于地震波数值模拟和传播.传统有限差分法采用Taylor级数展开实现空间偏导数的差分,但该方法会因为网格离散化而产生数值频散,降低地震波模拟的精度.优化差分系数正演方法能在一定程度上压制部分频散,然而纵、横波速度取值差异较大,在弹性波有限差分正演模拟中,在满足纵波最大速度确定的稳定性条件下,浅层低速横波波场往往会产生明显的频散现象.为了削弱弹性波场正演数值频散,提高数值模拟精度,本文首先采用优化差分网格系数降低数值频散,然后再采用通量校正传输(Flux-Correction Transport, FCT)法来进一步压制弹性波场有限差分数值频散.常规的FCT法是对弹性波场直接进行频散压制,但由于弹性波场中纵、横波速度差异明显,横波波场频散明显强于纵波,为了压制横波波场的数值频散,往往需要选取较大的频散压制参数,但这会使频散较弱的纵波产生假象.因此本文提出基于纵横波分离FCT弹性波正演频散压制方法,对分离之后的纵横波场分别选择合适的频散压制参数进行通量校正,可以有效压制数值频散,削弱纵波FCT产生的假象.通过理论分析和数值算例发现,本文方法能有效削弱弹性波场有限差分数值...  相似文献   

交错网格有限差分方法已经被广泛应用到数值模拟和地震波传播的研究中.传统交错网格有限差分方法中,一阶空间导数的高阶差分系数是通过Taylor级数展开求取的,这种表示空间导数的方法会导致数值频散的产生.本文针对时间二阶空间十阶交错网格有限差分算法,采用最小二乘法通过改变积分区间求取一系列一阶空间导数的差分系数,分析该差分系数和传统方法求取的差分系数的频散关系.选取效果最佳的最小二乘法进行数值模拟,并与传统方法相比较.数值频散分析和弹性波场模拟分析表明:介质弹性参数和离散参数相同的情况下,采用最佳积分区间的最小二乘法更能有效地压制数值频散,比Taylor级数展开法具有更高的数值模拟精度.  相似文献   

利用传统有限差分方法对基于Biot理论的双相介质波动方程进行数值求解时,由于慢纵波的存在,数值频散效应较为明显,影响模拟精度.相对于声学近似方程及普通弹性波方程,Biot双相介质波动方程在同等数值求解算法和精度要求条件下,其地震波场正演模拟需要更多的计算时间.本文针对Biot一阶速度-应力方程组发展了一种变阶数优化有限差分数值模拟方法,旨在同时提高其正演模拟的精度和效率.首先结合交错网格差分格式推导Biot方程的数值频散关系式.然后基于Remez迭代算法求取一阶空间偏导数的优化差分系数,并用于Biot方程的交错网格有限差分数值模拟.在此基础上把三类波的平均频散误差参数限制在给定的频散误差阈值和频率范围内,此时优化有限差分算子的长度就能自适应非均匀双相介质模型中的不同速度区间.数值频散曲线分析表明:基于Remez迭代算法的优化有限差分方法相较传统泰勒级数展开方法在大波数范围对频散误差的压制效果更明显;可变阶数的优化有限差分方法能取得与固定阶数优化有限差分方法相近的模拟精度.在均匀介质和河道模型的数值模拟实验中将本文变阶数优化有限差分算法与传统泰勒展开算法、最小二乘优化算法进行比较,进一步证明其在复杂地下介质中的有效性和适用性.  相似文献   

交错网格有限差分方法被广泛地应用于地震波场正演模拟,但是震源主频升高和网格间距增大会带来计算机时级数增加和严重的数值频散现象,甚至这种频散会使目标成像或反演结果呈现假象。为了降低频散和提高效率,我们提出余弦修正二项式窗函数(CMBWF)优化交错网格有限差分正演方法,在修正过程中引入修正范围和修正次数参数。通过调节修正参数可以改善二项式窗的主瓣宽度和旁瓣衰减,不仅实现了更大的截断谱范围,而且保证了截断的精度。数值模拟表明,基于余弦修正二项式窗方法较泰勒级数展开方法有着更高的模拟精度,可以更好的控制数值频散和计算效率。  相似文献   

有限差分方法(Finite-difference Method, FD)广泛用于地震波场数值模拟,但其存在固有的数值频散问题,影响模拟的计算效率和数值精度.本文主要研究了有限差分方法的空间数值频散误差和网格划分精度以及差分算子的关系,基于计算量最小准则,提出了最优化有限差分参数选取流程,为有限差分数值模拟参数选取提供理论指导.本文主要工作包括:(1)提出了空间数值频散正变换过程(Forward Space Dispersion Transform, FSDT)方法,该方法可以高效模拟出不同网格划分精度(波长采样点数)的带有空间数值频散的波场;(2)提出了波场空间数值频散误差衡量准则,可以定量地判断出数值模拟导致的波形频散程度,选取合适的频散误差阈值;(3)研究了给定空间数值频散误差阈值下,差分算子系数、差分算子阶数、网格划分精度与计算量之间的关系.文中基于雷米兹交换方法(Remez Exchange Method, RE)和泰勒级数展开方法(Taylor-series Expansion Method, TE)的差分系数,在空间数值频散误差阈值0.01时,数值模拟了不同差分算子阶数、网...  相似文献   

地震波场数值模拟是理解地震波在地下介质中的传播特点,帮助解释观测数据的有效手段,而提高计算精度和运算效率是所有波场数值模拟方法研究所追求的目标.有限差分技术是求解波动方程计算效率最高、应用最为广泛的方法之一.但传统的有限差分技术计算过程中的数值频散问题影响了该技术的计算精度与计算效率.本文通过交错网格高阶有限差分技术与通量校正传输方法(Flux|corrected transport method,FCT)相结合, 对横向各向同性介质(Transverse isotropic medium,TI)一阶速度|应力弹性波动方程组进行了数值求解研究.波场快照数值模拟结果表明,本文研究的数值模拟方法与波动方程二阶有限差分方法、交错网格四阶有限差分方法相比,在压制网格数值频散方面有明显的优势,计算精度提高,而且可以利用较大的空间步长,提高计算效率.  相似文献   

We propose new implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference schemes with optimal coefficients based on the sampling approximation method to improve the numerical solution accuracy for seismic modelling. We first derive the optimized implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference coefficients of arbitrary even‐order accuracy for the first‐order spatial derivatives using the plane‐wave theory and the direct sampling approximation method. Then, the implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference coefficients based on sampling approximation, which can widen the range of wavenumber with great accuracy, are used to solve the first‐order spatial derivatives. By comparing the numerical dispersion of the implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference schemes based on sampling approximation, Taylor series expansion, and least squares, we find that the optimal implicit staggered‐grid finite‐difference scheme based on sampling approximation achieves greater precision than that based on Taylor series expansion over a wider range of wavenumbers, although it has similar accuracy to that based on least squares. Finally, we apply the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on sampling approximation to numerical modelling. The modelling results demonstrate that the new optimal method can efficiently suppress numerical dispersion and lead to greater accuracy compared with the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on Taylor series expansion. In addition, the results also indicate the computational cost of the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on sampling approximation is almost the same as the implicit staggered‐grid finite difference based on Taylor series expansion.  相似文献   

This paper presents a Lebedev finite difference scheme on staggered grids for the numerical simulation of wave propagation in an arbitrary 3D anisotropic elastic media. The main concept of the scheme is the definition of all the components of each tensor (vector) appearing in the elastic wave equation at the corresponding grid points, i.e., all of the stresses are stored in one set of nodes while all of the velocity components are stored in another. Meanwhile, the derivatives with respect to the spatial directions are approximated to the second order on two‐point stencils. The second‐order scheme is presented for the sake of simplicity and it is easy to expand to a higher order. Another approach, widely‐known as the rotated staggered grid scheme, is based on the same concept; therefore, this paper contains a detailed comparative analysis of the two schemes. It is shown that the dispersion condition of the Lebedev scheme is less restrictive than that of the rotated staggered grid scheme, while the stability criteria lead to approximately equal time stepping for the two approaches. The main advantage of the proposed scheme is its reduced computational memory requirements. Due to a less restrictive dispersion condition and the way the media parameters are stored, the Lebedev scheme requires only one‐third to two‐thirds of the computer memory required by the rotated staggered grid scheme. At the same time, the number of floating point operations performed by the Lebedev scheme is higher than that for the rotated staggered grid scheme.  相似文献   

Staggering grid is a very effective way to reduce the Nyquist errors and to suppress the non‐causal ringing artefacts in the pseudo‐spectral solution of first‐order elastic wave equations. However, the straightforward use of a staggered‐grid pseudo‐spectral method is problematic for simulating wave propagation when the anisotropy level is greater than orthorhombic or when the anisotropic symmetries are not aligned with the computational grids. Inspired by the idea of rotated staggered‐grid finite‐difference method, we propose a modified pseudo‐spectral method for wave propagation in arbitrary anisotropic media. Compared with an existing remedy of staggered‐grid pseudo‐spectral method based on stiffness matrix decomposition and a possible alternative using the Lebedev grids, the rotated staggered‐grid‐based pseudo‐spectral method possesses the best balance between the mitigation of artefacts and efficiency. A 2D example on a transversely isotropic model with tilted symmetry axis verifies its effectiveness to suppress the ringing artefacts. Two 3D examples of increasing anisotropy levels demonstrate that the rotated staggered‐grid‐based pseudo‐spectral method can successfully simulate complex wavefields in such anisotropic formations.  相似文献   

We present a Hamiltonian particle method (HPM) with a staggered particle technique for simulating seismic wave propagation. In the conventional HPM, physical variables, such as particle displacement and stress, are defined at the center, i.e., at the same position, of each particle. As most seismic simulations using finite difference methods (FDM) are practiced with staggered grid techniques, we know the staggered alignment of space variables could improve the numerical accuracy. In the present study, we hypothesized that staggered technique could improve the numerical accuracy also in the HPM and tested the hypothesis. First, we conducted a plane wave analysis for the HPM with the staggered particles in order to verify the validity of our strategy. The comparison of grid dispersion in our strategy with that in the conventional one suggests that the accuracy would be improved dramatically by use of the staggered technique. It is also observed that the dispersion of waves is dependent on the propagation direction due to the difference in the average spacing of the neighboring two particles for the same parameters, as is usually observed in FDM with a rotated staggered grid. Next, we compared the results from the conventional Lamb’s problem using our HPM with those from an analytical approach in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the staggered particle technique. Our results showed better agreement with the analytical solutions than those from HPM without the staggered particles. We conclude that the staggered particle technique would be a method to improve the calculation accuracy in the simulation of seismic wave propagation.  相似文献   

全局反射误差分析是深入研究探地雷达(GPR)吸收边界条件吸收效率的有力工具.基于常规完全匹配层(PML)的标准交错网格有限差分算法必须满足严格的CFL条件限制,即在单位时间步长内,不容许电磁波传播的距离超过单元网格尺寸.为了提高主区域所有网格节点的计算效率,并有效地吸收传播后期出现的低频隐失波,提出基于非分裂递归卷积完全匹配层(UCPML)的旋转交错网格(RSG)GPR正演算法.该算法采用不同的网格交错策略,并在边界条件中引入了吸收低频隐失波的自由可变因子,使得该算法允许选取较大的时间步长,提高了计算效率,并且实现了对低频隐失波的高效吸收.本文首先给出了RSG差分格式,推导了基于UCPML的RSG差分更新方程,探讨了数值色散的稳定性条件,然后以绕射现象严重的衰减夹层数值模拟为例,分别从波场快照、单道波记录、时间域反射误差(TDRE)、频率域反射误差(FDRE)四个方面分析了UCPML与常规PML的全局反射误差,说明了基于UCPML和RSG的GPR正演算法能更有效地吸收低频隐失波.  相似文献   

Numerical simulation in transverse isotropic media with tilted symmetry axis(TTI) using the standard staggered-grid finite-difference scheme(SSG)results in errors caused by averaging or interpolation. In order to eliminate the errors, a method of rotated staggered-grid finite-difference scheme(RSG) is proposed. However, the RSG brings serious numerical dispersion. The compact staggered-grid finite-difference scheme(CSG) is an implicit difference scheme, which use fewer grid points to suppress dispersion more effectively than the SSG. This paper combines the CSG with the RSG to derive a rotated staggered-grid compact finite-difference scheme(RSGC). The numerical experiments indicate that the RSGC has weaker numerical dispersion and better accuracy than the RSG.  相似文献   

TTI介质的交错网格伪P波正演方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
研究了三维弱各向异性近似下,利用伪P波(伪纵波)模拟弹性波场P分量在倾斜对称轴的横向各向同性(TTI)介质中的传播过程,并对比了分别基于弹性Hooke定律、弹性波投影和运动学色散方程所建立的三种二阶差分伪P波方程的正演特点.目前这些伪P波方程数值计算主要采用规则网格差分,但是规则网格在TTI模拟中有低效率、低精度以及不稳定的缺点.为了提高计算的精度,本文构建出相应方程的交错网格有限差分格式.通过对比伪P波方程在三维TTI介质中不同的数值模拟的表达形式,本文认为基于色散方程所建立的伪P波方程在模拟弹性波中P波传播的过程中具有最小的噪声.本文分析不同的各向同性对称轴空间角度的频散特征,并引入适当的横波速度维持计算的稳定.二维模型算例表明,本文提出的交错网格正演算法可以得到稳定光滑的伪P波正演波场.使用本文交错网格算法对二维BP TTI模型的逆时偏移也具有较稳定的偏移结果.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a nearly‐analytic central difference method, which is an improved version of the central difference method. The new method is fourth‐order accurate with respect to both space and time but uses only three grid points in spatial directions. The stability criteria and numerical dispersion for the new scheme are analysed in detail. We also apply the nearly‐analytic central difference method to 1D and 2D cases to compute synthetic seismograms. For comparison, the fourth‐order Lax‐Wendroff correction scheme and the fourth‐order staggered‐grid finite‐difference method are used to model acoustic wavefields. Numerical results indicate that the nearly‐analytic central difference method can be used to solve large‐scale problems because it effectively suppresses numerical dispersion caused by discretizing the scalar wave equation when too coarse grids are used. Meanwhile, numerical results show that the minimum sampling rate of the nearly‐analytic central difference method is about 2.5 points per minimal wavelength for eliminating numerical dispersion, resulting that the nearly‐analytic central difference method can save greatly both computational costs and storage space as contrasted to other high‐order finite‐difference methods such as the fourth‐order Lax‐Wendroff correction scheme and the fourth‐order staggered‐grid finite‐difference method.  相似文献   

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