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《Ocean & Coastal Management》2007,50(5-6):392-410
Project monitoring is now a standard requirement in natural resource management programs, bringing opportunities for greater accountability, adaptive management and social learning. While considerable effort has gone into designing appropriate monitoring frameworks and indicators for marine and coastal management, there has been less sharing of the mechanics of approaches that maximise collaboration and learning by multiple stakeholders. This paper outlines the project monitoring approach developed in the Pacific Islands International Waters Project (IWP), a project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) involving 14 Pacific Island Countries. We find that a monitoring approach based on indicators to assess supportive processes, behavioural change and human–environmental conditions is useful for monitoring the long- and short-term impacts associated with integrated coastal management programs. Giving project staff the lead in indicator development has supported more strategic project planning and improved the relevance and value of the indicators developed. However, successful implementation of monitoring programs calls for ongoing collaboration, technical support and capacity building amongst key stakeholders.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(6-7):483-501
Integrated coastal management (ICM) is accepted world-wide as a comprehensive, multi-sectoral integrated approach to the planning and management of coastal areas. ICM is particularly suited to the island member countries of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) because of their size, the interconnectedness of the coast and terrestrial areas and the high degree of association and community involvement with the management of coastal systems. With the exception of the highly migratory pelagic fish stocks, the narrow natural resource base of many Pacific islands make them particularly vulnerable to inappropriate development and mismanagement. Fortunately, the governments of many Pacific Island countries (PIC) have become aware of the benefits of integrated coastal management and are looking at ways of making it an established practice. This paper uses the framework of ICM to illustrate some of the author's experience of coastal management within the South Pacific region. Within the ICM framework, a range of tools and techniques are available to manage coastal problems. The success of any approach depends on the scale and magnitude of the problems to be addressed and the availability of information, institutional support and commitment from all stakeholders. The way in which programmes are conducted and implemented is particularly important. Top down initiatives may work at the regional level but tend to fail at the national and community level unless there are other incentives to support them. On the other hand, bottom up, process driven initiatives have enjoyed more success at the community level. Demand-based approaches have tended to be very successful at all levels, whether they be at the community, country or regional levels, particularly where all of the interested parties can collaborate and contribute to finding solutions to their problems.  相似文献   

A survey of coastal and marine resource use conflicts in Tanzania was carried out to highlight them, investigate their origin and finally, suggest ways of minimizing them. Although Tanzania is putting emphasis on environmental issues, including coastal zone management, integrated coastal area management has not yet been integrated into the government management structure/approach. Many conflicts are the result of sectoral approach to coastal and marine resources management, and improper or poor implementation of government policies. Additionally, the local coastal community, who are the foremost stakeholder, were most often not involved in the planning, decision and implementation of many projects and policies even those that affect them directly. Ignorance about the linkages of coastal and marine ecosystems and resources is also an important factor. I suggest that integrated coastal area management which is the foundation for sustainable development, as far as coastal and marine resources are concerned, should be integrated into the government administrative structure. A lead agency with full authority on all activities on the coastal area, including issuance of permits for environmental sensitive businesses/activities, should be nominated or established. This will reduce conflicts by bringing about national coordination of coastal area management.  相似文献   

Coastal zone management in China has undergone a developmental leap since 1978, a turning point in the country's economic and institutional reform. In examining China's reform in coastal management, this paper assesses the evolution of marine activities including coastal tourism. It also looks into the present issues of coastal resource uses and how administrative agencies responded to those coastal resource issues especially as the country moves from a planned economy to a market economy, and from centralized governance to decentralized governance. This paper also proposes a management approach for coastal tourism management in the future of China.  相似文献   

Community-level coastal management programs are being introduced in some countries as a practical strategy to respond to conditions of poverty and unsustainable resource use practices. Two recently developed Special Area Management (SAM) programs developed in Sri Lanka are part of this international trend. These two SAM programs were assessed to identify planning and early management issues that may be relevant to future projects. This paper examines general issues in assessing community-level projects. The particular focus is on a few issues of general relevance: community participation in the planning process; the adequacy of the boundary; quality of the technical analysis; adequacy of resource management activities; transparency of management decisions; community acceptance of the program; and sustainability of resource management activities.  相似文献   

While there has been increasing recognition of the role that coastal zone management has to play in dealing with coastal issues and problems, much of the debate has centred on national, pan-national or global perspectives. This paper highlights the need to work at the local scale, presenting problems of coastal zone management in the Bantry Bay area, southwest Ireland. The first part of the paper describes the attributes of the bay, providing a geographical context for the present case study. Following on from this, the various activities operating in the bay are examined, and resultant problems highlighted. The opinions of the local community are then considered based on the results of a survey carried out among the coastal stakeholders. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate a need and then examine the possibilities for a community based approach to integrated coastal zone management. The philosophy behind this approach is encapsulated in the statement: ‘Start with what the people know.’  相似文献   

This paper presents a multilayered ecosystem modelling approach that combines the simulation of the biogeochemistry of a coastal ecosystem with the simulation of the main forcing functions, such as catchment loading and aquaculture activities. This approach was developed as a tool for sustainable management of coastal ecosystems. A key feature is to simulate management scenarios that account for changes in multiple uses and enable assessment of cumulative impacts of coastal activities. The model was applied to a coastal zone in China with large aquaculture production and multiple catchment uses, and where management efforts to improve water quality are under way. Development scenarios designed in conjunction with local managers and aquaculture producers include the reduction of fish cages and treatment of wastewater. Despite the reduction in nutrient loading simulated in three different scenarios, inorganic nutrient concentrations in the bay were predicted to exceed the thresholds for poor quality defined by Chinese seawater quality legislation. For all scenarios there is still a Moderate High to High nutrient loading from the catchment, so further reductions might be enacted, together with additional decreases in fish cage culture. The model predicts that overall, shellfish production decreases by 10%–28% using any of these development scenarios, principally because shellfish growth is being sustained by the substances to be reduced for improvement of water quality. The model outcomes indicate that this may be counteracted by zoning of shellfish aquaculture at the ecosystem level in order to optimize trade-offs between productivity and environmental effects. The present case study exemplifies the value of multilayered ecosystem modelling as a tool for Integrated Coastal Zone Management and for the adoption of ecosystem approaches for marine resource management. This modelling approach can be applied worldwide, and may be particularly useful for the application of coastal management regulation, for instance in the implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive.  相似文献   

Tourism is accepted as natural part of the socioeconomic fabric and is juxtaposed with fisheries in some coastal areas in Taiwan. This is the result of governmental policy on diversifying fisheries into tourism. This paper examines how this policy plays out in the context of a declining offshore fisheries industry and a rising demand for marine leisure opportunities. The paper utilizes documentary analysis and personal interviews with relevant stakeholders. It shows diversifying fisheries into tourism is the right direction for progress on the government agenda. However, conflicts between resource users, lack of community capacity, fisher’s business skills, and human resources in local governments, and low market penetration combined together to militate against the success of the policy. It argues for the need to establish negotiation mechanisms, build community capacity, encourage education and training programs, and introduce new coastal economic activities for future improvement. The paper finally suggests a holistic approach with integrated coastal management practices for the fisheries diversification development.  相似文献   

Small-scale marine fisheries policy in Vietnam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vietnam's marine fisheries are considered to be small scale and are concentrated in coastal near-shore waters. This has resulted in heavy pressure on near-shore fisheries resources. Near-shore fisheries are considered by fishers and the government to be over-exploited, causing hardship for many coastal communities. This paper reviews and analyzes changes in policy towards small-scale fisheries in Vietnam over the last two decades. The primary issues facing the small-scale fisheries in Vietnam are to restructure the near-shore fisheries and to address over-capacity. Recommended actions include improved fisheries statistics, resources for provincial fisheries staff, and a coordinated and integrated approach involving a mixed strategy of resource management; resource restoration; economic and community development; and new governance arrangements.  相似文献   

Belize has one of the most extensive reef ecosystems in the Western Hemisphere, comprising one of the largest barrier reefs in the world, three atolls and a complex network of inshore reefs. Until recently, the main impacts were probably from natural events such as hurricanes. However, anthropogenic threats such as sedimentation, agrochemical run-off, coastal development, tourism and overfishing are now of concern. To limit these impacts, Belize is taking the approach of integrated coastal zone management. The programme is building on the existing legislative framework and involves the development of an appropriate institutional structure to co-ordinate management activities in the coastal zone. A Coastal Zone Management Plan is being prepared, which will include many measures that will directly benefit the reefs: a zoning scheme for the coastal zone, incorporating protected areas; legislation and policy guidelines; research and monitoring programmes; education and public awareness campaigns; measures for community participation; and a financial sustainability mechanism.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes the coast as commons and treats the implications of collective governance driven by the characteristics of coastal commons. Institutional control is essential, and two key institutions – state and local resource management institution – are central to the control of the coast as every other institution, from international aid agencies to private sector and non-government organizations, must go through them to develop and manage the coast. In the practice of institutional control, spatial management critical to integrated coastal management and ecosystem-based management emerges as an innovative approach to the success of coastal management.  相似文献   

Management of the Belize Barrier Reef was originally envisioned through the creation of marine protected areas. However, the influence of land-based activities was not accounted for in Marine Protected Area (MPA) programs. Therefore focus was shifted to an integrated approach via Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). The Belize ICM process has evolved into a system of coordination through the fostering of multi-sectoral linkages for integrated management of coastal resources. Marine protected areas were included in the ICM program as tools for achieving biodiversity protection and management of sensitive habitats. The ICM process has resulted in greater coordination and consultation in decision making for coastal resource issues, the MPA program however has not evolved with the trend of greater community involvement in MPA management. The greatest challenges to MPA and ICM programs in the next 10 years are: improved linkages between the two, fostering of community participation in management, broadening of the scope of ICM to watersheds and ocean governance, and sustainable financing for both programs.  相似文献   

The concept of integrated coastal zone management must be rethought to adapt it to the geography and social conditions of small islands. Because of their size, all small islands are in the coastal zone. Defining the whole of the island and its coastal waters as the management area may weaken a program's effectiveness. An alternative may be to adapt special area management planning to the socio-spatial organization found on small islands. Social conditions on islands, where people live in relatively small cohesive communities, makes resource user participation in planning and management particularly germane. This paper outlines an argument for small islands to use participation as a central strategy of coastal management based on experience with natural resource management efforts on the island of Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia.  相似文献   

The exclusive economic zone (EEZ) became accepted internationally in the 1970s. This transferred resource wealth to the coastal states establishing such zones. The history of the EEZ is reviewed, and its impact on the economic development of the Pacific island states considered. The growth performance and the tuna fishery development of these states are reviewed and possible causes of limited success discussed. The use of trust funds to increase the resource wealth of the Pacific island states is briefly considered.  相似文献   

荷兰海岸带综合治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叙述了荷兰海岸带治理的历史和现状;重点介绍了荷兰传统的海岸带治理和“三角洲工程”、海岸带动态保护和海岸带综合治理的基本经验。  相似文献   

Marine resource crises have initiated a search for alternative approaches to resource assessment and management that has culminated in a global focus on ecosystem approaches to management (EAM). Here, the ecosystem extends to humans as drivers and recipients of ecosystem change. More specifically, attention is being paid to identifying specific qualities of local resource users' experiences and knowledge that might productively inform resource management, while also providing local users with substantial “voice” in shaping new management policies and practices. Here an evaluation is provided of the extent to which local ecological knowledge (LEK) can provide advice for an ecosystem approach to inshore coastal management, specifically, the identification of ecologically and biologically significant areas, based on the results of two comprehensive studies of coastal Nova Scotian commercial harvesters' local ecological knowledge. While spatially explicit, local ecological knowledge displays strengths and limitations that must be explicated for it to prove useful for strengthening “voice” and providing EAM inputs.  相似文献   

海岸带自然资源价值评估的研究现状与趋势   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
海岸带生态系统服务和资源价值评估是海岸带国民经济核算体系的基础,是实现海岸带资源优化配置和海岸带综合管理的重要环节。本文从资源价值观、评估方法和应用研究等方面,评述了国内外近20年来对海岸带生态系统服务和资源价值评估研究现状,分析了目前研究存在的难点和不足以及主要研究趋向。指出海岸带生态系统服务和资源价值的发生机理研究、区域异质性研究、建立和完善价值估算的数据库体系、建立为海岸带综合管理服务的生态-经济-环境综合核算体系是今后相关研究中亟待解决的重点问题。  相似文献   

Coastal zones are characterized by large concentrations of population, unique and vital ecosystems, and many industrial and other economic activities on land and at sea. The many and diverse activities result in different types of conflicts of use and access to resources in coastal areas. This calls for integrated management of coastal zones. However, successful integrated coastal management must be supported by reliable data and information that will lead to informed decision-making and planning. The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) network which is a project of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO is playing a key role in capacity building for ocean and coastal data and information management in Africa. Currently, about 25 data and information centers have been established in coastal African countries through these efforts. These data and information centers should support effective management of coastal zones.  相似文献   

This is the first regional study of artisanal fisheries in Pacific Island countries and territories that demonstrated that the future of the region's artisanal fishery sector and the livelihood of coastal communities will be highly dependent on alternative subsistence and income sources, which are necessary to reduce fishing pressure to a sustainable level to maintain ecosystem services and food security. The overall objective of this study was to identify socio-economic indicators and drivers to improve the understanding of the dynamics between socio-economic conditions and current exploitation levels of finfish and invertebrates of coastal communities in 17 Pacific Island countries and territories. We showed that exploitation rates and thus possible overexploitation are not solely the consequence of a simple demographic growth process but are in fact a result of the choices people have. Our results confirmed a close relationship between resource exploitation rates and economic development at the national level and the availability of alternative income opportunities at the community level. Multivariate analysis results suggest that communities in countries with somewhat unfavourable conditions and limited access to alternatives and fishing households in communities with overall favourable economic conditions are at highest vulnerability as they have the highest dependence on coastal fisheries resources. Alternative economic opportunities at the national scale and availability of alternative income at the community level vary significantly between cultural groups. Based on our results, the development of management strategies with realistic expectations of ensuring livelihood of coastal communities and sustainable resource use in Pacific Island countries and territories requires a hierarchical and integral approach. Major drivers identified at the regional, cultural and local levels should be used to identify priorities, to assess overall advantages and limitations at the different levels as well as the vulnerability of communities targeted, and to develop strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

This is the first of two articles exploring coastal management in South Africa. Decades of coastal management effort culminated in a Cabinet-approved coastal policy in December 1999. Based on a Government–civil society partnership, the policy aims to promote sustainable coastal development through integrated coastal management. It represents a marked shift from an earlier approach that virtually ignored justice, democracy and poverty. In recent years, attention has focused on empowering poor coastal communities to build sustainable livelihoods. This paper traces the evolution of coastal management in South Africa, and reflects on the challenges of fostering coastal sustainability. The following article explores the sustainable coastal livelihoods approach in more detail.  相似文献   

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