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研究目的】为查明长春新区地下水特征及演化,支撑东北老工业基地建设。【研究方法】本文在调查取样的基础上,充分利用前人成果资料,应用SPSS分析软件、地下水污染分析软件,通过对长春新区的地质条件、水化学参数空间分布特征、地下水化学类型、地下水化学成因的分析,得出系列结果。【研究结果】长春新区地下水的硬度较高且矿化度较大,HCO3在地下水的离子中占据主导,Ca2+、Cl-、O42-、Na+在地下水中的绝对质量浓度较高;pH、H2SiO3、Sr、TDS、Mg2+、HCO3的质量浓度相对稳定;地下水离子以HCO3和Ca2+为主;Na+和K+同时来自岩盐和硅酸岩的溶解;Ca2+和Mg2+主要来源于碳酸盐的溶解。区内地下水质量可分为四级,其中Ⅴ类水未评出。【结论】总体来看,Ⅰ类水占7.50%,Ⅱ类水占32.10%,Ⅲ类水占20.80%,Ⅳ类水占39.60%。较好以上地下水占60.4%,总体情况较好。创新点:研究了国家级新区的地下水化学、成因和演化,得出地下水的水质特征,有效支撑区域生态健康发展。  相似文献   

【研究目的】 为查明浙江宁波平原地下水特征及成因演化,促进宁波地区地下水环境优化。【研究方法】 在野外调查和取样分析的基础上,充分利用前人资料,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper三线图、离子比例系数及环境同位素等方法手段,全面系统地分析了宁波平原地下水状况。【研究结果】 宁波平原地表水和潜水以淡水为主,Ⅰ承压水和Ⅱ承压水以微咸水、咸水为主,潜水中HCO3-占绝对优势,Cl-、Ca2+、Na+次之,地表水和承压水中Cl-、Na+占主导地位,HCO3-次之。4种水共划分23种水化学类型,地表水和潜水受大气降水影响明显,深层承压水以封存型为主,与浅表水体天然联系不密切,受地质历史时期海侵影响较大。【结论】 与20世纪70年代相比,宁波城区Ⅰ承压淡水体分布范围无明显变化,Ⅱ承压水在人类生产生活和水体自然循环双重影响下,原淡水区演化出孤岛状咸水体,但淡水体整体分布范围外扩,面积增加了约12 km2,其生态环境效应趋于正向发展。  相似文献   

研究目的】近年来,随着生活水平的不断提高,人们对健康饮水的要求也在不断提高,寻找与开发富含H2SiO3等矿物质优质地下水已成为关键。【研究方法】本文以昭觉地区水文地质调查工程、地下水污染调查工程所获取的地下水化学数据为基础,探讨了昭觉地区富H2SiO3地下水的分布特点、元素水文地球化学特征、形成条件及成因。【研究结果】结果显示:(1)全县富H2SiO3(≥25 mg/L)地下水均属于低矿化度偏碱性水,分布在基底岩石为玄武岩的6个片区,H2SiO3含量一般介于25.74~46.04 mg/L,pH含量一般介于7.4~8.58,TDS含量一般介于49.4~333 mg/L;(2)玄武岩地下水存在HCO3-Ca、HCO3-Ca·Mg、HCO3-Ca·Na、HCO3-Ca·Mg·Na、HCO3-Na等5种水化学类型,总体以HCO3-Ca · Mg为主,其次为HCO3-Ca,再次为HCO3-Ca · Na,三者分别占总采样点数的50.00%、25.76%、12.12%;(3)全县富H2SiO3地下水的形成受水岩相互作用、硅酸盐矿物的分布范围及其可溶性、围岩裂隙发育程度、水源涵养及补给条件等四方面因素影响,其中水岩相互作用占据主导作用;(4)在后续开发利用过程中,需进一步揭示影响地下水中H2SiO3分布与迁移的因素。【结论】研究结果可以为昭觉地区矿泉水产业的发展及城乡优质水源地的建设提供依据。创新点:系统总结了昭觉县优质偏硅酸地下水空间分布特征和水化学特征;从形成条件与水岩作用的角度探讨了优质偏硅酸地下水的形成机制。  相似文献   

河北汤泉地热流体水文地球化学特征及其成因   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
提要:汤泉位于河北省遵化市西北部,为山前丘陵地貌,地热资源丰富。本文通过对该地区地热流体研究发现:Na+、Ca2+、K+、Mg2+与SO2-4、HCO-3、Cl-、NO-3是该地区地下热水的主要成分,水化学类型主要为SO2-4-Na+型,属于未污染的天然弱碱性水;流体中F-含量平均为9.36 mg/l,远高于国家地下水质量标准ⅴ级;可溶性SiO2的含量可作为地热温标;地热流体总矿化度平均为782.33 mg/l,属于淡水;为中等腐蚀型水,不结碳酸钙垢,无CaSO4?2H2O垢和SiO2垢生成的可能;地热流体属于含岩盐地层溶滤的陆相沉积水;根据氢氧稳定同位素可知,河北汤泉地热流体主要来源于大气降水。  相似文献   

研究目的】淮阳地热属于典型的中低温沉降盆地型地热,研究淮阳县地热资源的质与量,有助于其合理开发利用及科学管理。【研究方法】本文综合利用地球化学、环境同位素,对淮阳县地温场及地热流体化学特征和成因进行分析研究。【研究结果】结果表明,深部热储地温场受基底构造与断裂影响较明显,构造单元分界处和多条断裂交汇处,地温梯度较高,如苏庄地温梯度3.75℃/100 m,其他地段<3.5℃/100 m。研究区内地热流体中主要为Cl·HCO3·SO4-Na、Cl·SO4·HCO3-Na、Cl·SO4-Na型。地热流体中阳离子主要以Na+为主,阴离子呈多样化,研究区地热流体主要来源于西部伏牛山区的大气降水,且地热流体发生水-岩作用,但相对较弱。地热流体为1952年前入渗补给的“古水”。【结论】淮阳经济可开采热储层主要为新近系明化镇组和馆陶组,区内地热资源开发主要可用来供暖,以促进当地经济发展,助力于本地区“双碳”目标的达成。创新点:分析了淮阳地温梯度与地质构造和断裂活动的关系;结合地层特性,讨论了淮阳地热流体中不同离子的来源以及地热流体的主要来源。  相似文献   

研究目的】地热资源特征研究及开发潜力分析是开发区域地热资源的重要依据。【研究方法】本文将前人研究成果与最新钻井资料相结合,通过对沧县隆起北部地区地热地质背景、热储分布、地温场特征、水化学资源类型等主要因素进行剖析,建立了该区的地热成藏模式。【研究结果】沧县隆起北部地区是在渤海湾伸展型沉积盆地高大地热流值背景下,由北部燕山裸露区基岩接受的大气降水作为近源补给水源,进入基岩的冷水在深层循环过程中受到深部热源加热增温,沿断裂破碎带和不整合面向上运移富集,形成的以传导型传热机制为主的地热系统。【结论】本区地热资源特点为热储类型多、盖层地温梯度高、补给速度快、资源量巨大。主要表现为:区内分布馆陶组砂岩热储,奥陶系、蓟县系雾迷山组岩溶热储三套主力热水储集层;地温场分布主要受基底构造形态控制,基岩凸起区的平均地温梯度为45℃/km;地下水类型随着埋深的增加由HCO3-Na、HCO3·SO4-Na型水向成熟的Cl-Na型水过渡;本区内三套热储的可采地热资源量为1.67×1010GJ,折合标煤5.72×108t,年可开采地热资源量可满足供暖面积2亿m2,若在采灌平衡的条件下,沧县隆起北部地区年可采地热资源量为7.06×107GJ,折合标煤2.41×106t,可满足供暖面积0.85亿m2,具有良好的地热市场开发前景。  相似文献   

研究目的】安徽长江经济带地热资源储量丰富,未来开发利用前景好,对该区域进行地热资源评价可为安徽省能源结构优化及地热资源可持续开发利用提供科学依据。【研究方法】在分析研究区地质构造、地层岩性、地热流体水化学类型等地质与水文地质条件的基础上,揭示了安徽长江经济带地热资源概况及分布特征,探讨了隆起山地对流型和沉积盆地传导型地热资源的赋存特征,并对其储量及开发利用潜力进行评价。【研究结果】安徽长江经济带地热资源热储主要赋存在巢湖—和县基岩隆起区、大别山隆起区、沿江基岩隆起区、江南隆起等隆起山地及定远断陷盆地、肥东断陷盆地、霍山—九井盆地、庐枞断陷盆地、安庆断陷盆地、宣城断陷盆地等沉积盆地。前者隆起区热储类型为带状,岩性以断裂破碎带中花岗岩为主,后者断陷盆地热储类型为层状及层状兼带状,岩性以砂岩和碳酸盐岩为主。带内热储主要为偏硅酸·氟热矿水,隆起山地型地热流体水化学类型主要为SO4、HCO3型水,沉积盆地型地热流体水化学类型主要为HCO3型水。通过潜力评价可知,隆起山地型地热资源潜力较小,且处于开发利用状态的地热田基本处于超采状态;沉积盆地型地热资源潜力相对较大,其中潜力大、中和小的盆地分别有4处、6处和10处。【结论】安徽长江经济带区域内地热资源潜力分布不均,地热资源需要分区规划利用,并且需要考虑高氟、高矿化度热矿水利用造成的地表水环境污染。  相似文献   

登埂温泉与玛布温泉位于云南泸水市,出露于怒江深切峡谷西岸。研究区分布的主要地层为第四系(Q42)砂土、砾土,石炭系上统卧牛寺组(C3w)玄武岩和三叠系河湾街组下段(T2h1)灰岩。温泉水温为48.9~69.6℃,矿化度为0.493~0.782 g/L,水化学类型分别为HCO3·Ca-Mg型和HCO3·Ca-Na型,为中低温、弱酸性温泉。热水中F-含量为0.78~2.13 mg/L,H2SO3为41.0~70.2 mg/L,含有锂、锶、铷、铯、钡等微量元素。氢氧稳定同位素组成表明研究区温泉补给来源为大气降水,用同位素方法估算温泉的补给区高程为1260~1435 m,补给区温度为6.18~9.02℃,计算的热储温度为100~127.5℃。研究区温泉Ca2+与HCO3-含量较高,占阴、阳离子的毫克当量浓度百分比分别达到60%、82%以上,水中方解石、文石矿物都处于饱和状态,水中CO2含量较高且pCO2远高于大气中pCO2,具有有利于CaCO3沉积的水化学和水动力条件,导致登埂温泉YLS3-1、YLS3-3及YLS3-4和玛布温泉YLS4-1的沉积钙华。登埂温泉与玛布温泉是地下水在怒江西部山区补给区获得大气降水入渗补给,在经历深循环过程中获得深部热流加热后上升在怒江河谷西岸流出地面形成的温泉,是渗入深循环型上升的的中低温温泉。热水在上升过程中与浅部冷水相遇,冷水混入比例为60%~73%,热水循环深度为2375.2~3161.7 m。  相似文献   

研究目的】承德地处京津冀水源涵养功能区,矿泉水资源丰富,研究其赋存分布与形成机制对矿泉水可持续利用与水源涵养优化具有重要意义。【研究方法】采用岩石地球化学和水化学分析、化学风化指数、矿物表面微观形态分析,同位素示踪等方法系统梳理了研究区地下水偏硅酸空间分异的影响因素,从岩石风化与水化学耦合角度探讨了偏硅酸矿泉水的成藏机制。【研究结果】结果表明:研究区常温水体偏硅酸含量达30 mg/L以上样品占比达5.16%,地热水偏硅酸平均含量达61.76 mg/L。偏硅酸矿泉水成藏受岩石风化和地质构造控制,风化酸性介质影响,水化学形成作用制约。风化敏感程度愈高,易风化矿物含量愈高的含水介质赋存地下水偏硅酸含量愈高。研究区硅酸盐岩总体处于初等化学风化——长石类矿物和辉石等镁铁质矿物风化形成高岭石、蒙脱石和伊利石阶段。构造深部幔源CO2、工矿活动和人类生产生活输入的外源硫酸和硝酸共同参与岩石风化脱硅过程,偏硅酸矿泉水、地热水温泉出露处多为构造复合部位或主干断裂与次级断裂的交汇部位。【结论】承德市偏硅酸矿泉水成因模式可概化为构造断裂深循环淋溶型、风化裂隙浅循环淋溶型和层间孔隙裂隙-补给富集埋藏型3类。植被覆盖较好的玄武岩、火山碎屑岩、陆源碎屑岩流域山前宽缓沟谷与导水断裂交汇带,侵入岩导水导热断裂带、侵入岩与围岩接触带,花岗岩、片麻岩和陆源碎屑岩与碳酸盐岩接触带为偏硅酸矿泉水开采潜力区。创新点:(1)从岩石风化与水岩作用水化学耦合角度探讨了偏硅酸矿泉水的成藏机制;(2)系统总结了承德市偏硅酸矿泉水空间分布的影响因素与成因模式。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山南地区拥有丰富的地热资源。开展地热水和钙华成因机制的研究,有助于了解地热资源特征和古气候变迁信息,对丰富山南地热资源的系统性研究和青藏高原气候环境变化研究均具有重要理论意义。本文以喜马拉雅东段山南地区的邛多江、古堆和曲卓木的三个温泉为研究对象,通过采集温泉地热水和钙华数据,综合分析了地热水水-岩作用特征、热储温度估算、补给来源追溯和温泉钙华的成因类型、形成年代、古气候意义等。结果表明:邛多江温泉的水化学类型为HCO3·Cl-Na·Ca型;古堆日若沸泉的水化学类型为HCO3·SO4-Ca·Na型;古堆茶卡沸泉的水化学类型为Cl-Na型;曲卓木热泉的水化学类型为Cl·SO4-Na·Ca型。温泉地热水中的阴阳离子来源主要是硅酸盐岩的溶解以及部分碳酸盐岩和盐岩的溶解。由于温泉地热水均未达到水-岩平衡状态,利用石英地热温标得出浅部热储温度为129~148℃,利用硅-焓图解得出深部热储温度和冷水混合比例为181~221℃和58%~65%;氢氧同位素显示地热水补给高程为4467~5303 m。在山南地区,地热水受到高海拔大气降水和冰雪融水的补给,通过主要断裂构造运移到深部加热并在高温高压下沿着裂隙、节理上升,然后与浅层冷水混合,最后沿浅部地表松散破碎带出露形成温泉。温泉钙华CaO占比43.43%~56.66%,且显示出轻稀土元素富集的特点;δ13C指示温泉钙华为热成因,钙华中的碳主要来自于深部碳酸盐岩的变质成因,仅古堆日若沸泉有部分地幔碳;14C测年显示钙华的年龄为21280±70~43500年,Mg/Ca、Mg/Sr比值指示降雨量在43.50 ka年由峰值迅速减弱,并在42 ka~21.28 ka年期间降雨量又逐渐增强。  相似文献   

The valley plain of Lhasa City is located on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is one of the most developed and densely populated areas in Tibet. Groundwater is an important water supply source and plays an irreplaceable role in the social and economic development of Lhasa City. This study has investigated the dynamic characteristics of groundwater in the valley plain of Lhasa City through the methods of mathematical statistics and hydrochemical analysis. The results showed that local topography, climate, and urbanization substantially influenced the groundwater dynamics. Under the combined influences from urbanization and climate, the groundwater level decreased over three time periods, but the groundwater-level configuration has not shown significant changes in over 15 years. From 1997 to 2015, the hydrochemical type of groundwater has changed from HCO3–Ca to HCO3·SO4–Ca·Mg and HCO3·SO4–Ca. The concentrations of Cl?, Mg2+, and SO42? in groundwater increased, but the concentrations of other ions were relatively stable. Water–rock interaction was the main mechanism controlling the groundwater chemistry in the study area, and it was mainly associated with the dissolution of silicate, carbonate, and halite.  相似文献   

Water quality and hydrochemistry of Shariatpur district were evaluated in terms of hydrochemical composition and some important physico-chemical parameters. The groundwater of the study area is good for drinking, domestic as well as for irrigation purposes. Among the major ions, shallow tube well waters give higher concentration of Ca2+ which ranges from 24 to 260 mg/L. The deep tubewell waters show higher concentration of Na+ which varies from 74 to 582 mg/L during dry season. Among the trace elements most of the shallow aquifer samples show higher concentration of Fe2+, Mn2+ and As. Concentration of Fe2+ varies from 0.655 to 18.8 mg/L, and Mn2+ from trace to 0.868 mg/L during dry period. Hydrochemical analyses reveal significant seasonal variation in water quality of shallow aquifer. Both the shallow aquifer and the surface water of the study area are predominantly of Ca–Mg–HCO3 type, while the deep aquifer water is mainly of Na–K–Cl–SO4 type with slight inclination to Ca–Mg–HCO3 type. The study area is suitable for groundwater development if comprehensive and holistic approaches towards water resource management are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

利用古近系大汶口组及朱家沟组含水岩组5眼施工钻孔及55眼井孔调查资料,通过岩心、地下水常规离子组分及氢氧同位素样品测试结果,研究大汶河流域中上游莱芜盆地、大汶口盆地古近系含水岩组分布特征、物性及富水性、地下水化学及补给循环特征。结果表明:富水较好的大汶口组上段位于盆地腹部偏北,含水层岩性为半固结砂砾岩,水化学类型HCO_3-Ca·Mg型为主;朱家沟组含水岩组位于盆地边界断裂下降盘,含水层岩性为溶蚀发育的灰质砾岩,水化学类型复杂多变。现代大气降水作为地下水主要补给来源,蒸发浓缩作用,方解石、白云石和石膏溶解及人类污染活动参与了地下水化学组分的形成。归纳总结3种古近系不同类型含水岩组地下水富集规律:构造裂隙控水模式、半固结含水岩组裂隙孔隙水富集模式和灰质砾岩裂隙岩溶水富集模式。  相似文献   

《China Geology》2021,4(3):377-388
Delingha is located in the northeast margin of Qaidam Basin. Bayin River alluvial proluvial fan is the main aquifer of Delingha, in which groundwater generally flows from north to south. The hydrochemistry results showed that two different hydrochemical evolution paths formed along southeast and southwest directions, respectively. Cl-Na type groundwater was formed in front of Gahai Lake, and SO4·HCO3-Na·Ca type groundwater was formed in front of Keluke Lake. The results of deuterium (D) and 18O revealed that the groundwater mainly originated from the continuous accumulation of precipitation during geological history under cold and humid climate conditions. In addition, results of 14C indicated that the groundwater age was more than 1140 years, implying relatively poor renewal capability of regional groundwater. Moreover, our numerical modeling results showed that the regional groundwater level will continue to rise under the warm and humid climate conditions.© 2021 China Geology Editorial Office.  相似文献   

The Ordos Basin of China encompasses Shaanxi, Gansu, and Shanxi provinces, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia autonomous regions. It lacks significant surface water resources. Among the water-bearing formations, the Luohe formation, with an area of 1.32×105 km2, is the most prospective aquifer. Groundwater quality data collected at 211 boreholes drilled into the Luhe formation indicate a complex distribution of groundwater chemistry. The hydrochemical properties were used to study the recharge, runoff, and discharge conditions of the groundwater in Ordos Basin and to evaluate sustainable groundwater resources. In the northern part of the basin, the hydrochemistry types and the total dissolved solids (TDS) show a clear lateral transition from SEE to NWW, indicating that the groundwater gets recharge in the northwest region and discharges in the southeast region. In the southern part of the basin, maximum TDS occurs at the center of the Malian River valley, from which the TDS decreases radially. Therefore, the groundwater in the southern basin gets recharge from the southeast and southwest regions, and the Malian River valley is the discharge zone. As a result of this research, the areas with portable groundwater were delineated. They include most of the southeast region of the Sishili Ridge, east of the Ziwu Mountain, and the southwest corner of the basin. The TDS of the groundwater in these regions is less than 1 g/l, and the hydrochemistry type is either HCO3 or HCO3·SO4.  相似文献   

Groundwater from karst subterranean streams is among the world’s most important sources of drinking water supplies, and the hydrochemical characteristics of karst water are impacted by both natural environment and people. Therefore, the study of hydrochemistry and its solutes’ sources is very important to ensure the normal function of life support systems. In this paper, thirty?five representative karst groundwater samples were collected from different aquifers (limestone and dolomite) and various land use types in Chongqing to trace the sources of solutes and relative hydrochemical processes. Hydrogeochemical types of karst groundwater in Chongqing were mainly of the Ca?HCO3 type or Ca (Mg)?HCO3 type. However, some hydrochemical types of karst groundwater were the K+Na+Ca?SO4 type (G25 site) or Ca?HCO3+SO4 type (G26 and G14 site), indicating that the hydrochemistry of these sites might be strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities or unique geological characteristics. The dissolved Sr concentrations of the studied groundwater ranged from 0.57 to 15.06 μmmol/L, and the 87Sr/86Sr varied from 0.70751 to 0.71627. The δ34S?SO42? fell into a range of ?6.8‰?21.5‰, with a mean value of 5.6‰. The variations of both 87Sr/86Sr and Sr values of the groundwater samples indicated that the Sr element was controlled by the weathering of limestone, dolomite and silicate rock. However, the figure of 87Sr/86Sr vs. Sr2+/[K++Na+] showed that the anthropogenic inputs also obviously contributed to the Sr contents. For tracing the detailed anthropogenic effects, we traced the sources of solutes collected karst groundwater samples in Chongqing according to the δ34S value of potential sulfate sources. The variations of both δ34S and 1/SO42? values of the groundwater samples indicated that the atmospheric acid deposition (AAD), dissolution of gypsum (GD), oxidation of sul?de mineral (OS) or anthropogenic inputs (SF: sewage or fertilizer) have contributed to solutes in karst groundwater. The influence of oxidation of sul?de mineral, atmospheric acid deposit and anthropogenic inputs to groundwater in Chongqing karst areas was much widespread.  相似文献   

Quality assessment as well as hydrogeochemical characterization of 45 representative groundwater samples around Umrer coal mine area was undertaken. The pH of the water lies in the normal range i.e. from 7.5 to 8.5, the electrical conductivity varies from 826 to 1,741, the total hardness varies from 289 to 1,302 and the TDS values range from 528.6 to 1,114.2 mg/l which reflects variation in lithology and thus, the distinction in hydrogeological regime. The cation chemistry is dominated by Ca2+ and Mg2+ while anion chemistry is dominated by Cl? and HCO3 ?. Out of total ten hydrochemical facies, the two dominant facies are Mg–Ca–HCO3 (37.7 %) and Ca–Mg–SO4–HCO3 (17.7 %). The groundwater in the study area, in general, is useful for drinking and domestic use; however, it has marginal utility for irrigation purpose. Standard US Salinity Laboratory classification shows that water of the study area belongs to C2–S1 and C3–S1 classes. The concentration of 9 trace elements analysed from 18 samples did not exceed the desirable limit.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》1999,14(7):893-905
The hydrogeology of a vertical fracture zone at 70 m depth at the access tunnel to the Äspö Hard Rock Laboratory was monitored over 3 a for hydrochemical changes that could be effected by construction of a deep repository for high-level nuclear waste. Tunnel construction dramatically disturbed the hydrogeological system, but this provided an opportunity to integrate hydrogeochemical and hydrological evaluation of the zone. The objective of this study was to evaluate hydrogeochemical evolution, groundwater flow and surface water intrusion during the experiment using an integrated approach of geochemical mass-balance calculations and numerical flow simulations.The dilution of major ions was the dominant hydrochemical trend. However, HCO3 and SO4 showed significant enrichment. Increasing activity of 14C suggested that oxidation of organic C was the likely source of HCO3. Any mineral source dissolving during the experiment seemed insufficient to account for changes in SO4 and current intrusion of sea water was excluded according to the data. Cation exchange as well as minor calcite reactions in fractures were assumed probable in such temporary chemical conditions. Conservative two end-member mixing models with shallow groundwater in the zone and initial groundwater at tunnel level also assumed remarkable mass transfer (several mmol/l). Therefore a third SO4-rich end-member, a regional shallow groundwater type which may mix by lateral flow in the system, was tested. This was also expected from hydraulic measurements and preliminary flow simulations assuming homogeneity.Three end-member mixing calculations using Cl and SO4 as conservative tracers give a constant proportion of lateral water in all boreholes after 300 days, which is consistent with the steady state character of the flow field in the late part of the experiment. To predict reactions on plausible levels needs significant adjustments of initial and final waters, indicating uncertainties in the hydrochemical information of the fracture zone. In the flow simulations the transmissivities were selected so that the chemical mixing proportions would match simulated portions of flow as closely as possible. The simulated total recoveries (drawdowns) differ from the measurements mainly due to overly simple parametrisation of the transmissivity in the fracture zone. However, integrating hydrochemistry in flow modelling is considered encouraging in producing additional information of the heterogeneity of a flow structure.  相似文献   

Human activities and agriculture have had direct and indirect effects on the rates of contamination of groundwater in the Incesu-Dokuzp inar spring area. Direct effects include dissolution and transport of excess quantities of fertilizers with associated materials and hydrological alterations related to irrigation and drainage. Indirect effects may include changes in water–rock reactions in soils and aquifers caused by increased concentrations of dissolved oxidants, protons, and major ions. Agricultural activities have directly or indirectly affected the concentrations of a large number of inorganic chemicals in groundwater, for example NO 3, N 2, Cl, SO 4 2, H +, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, B, Pb, and Zn, as well as a wide variety of pesticides and other organic compounds. For reactive contaminants like NO 3, it is recommended that a combination of hydrochemical and environmental-tracer analytical approaches might be required to resolve changing inputs from subsequent alterations as causes of concentration gradients in groundwater. The water type of Dokuzp inar springs is mainly Na–Mg–Ca–Cl–HCO 3. Note that the water types of the springs were directly related to the hydrogeochemical properties of outcrops at the study area. Thus, the high concentration of Ca 2+ and HCO 3 is mainly related to the high CO 2 contents in the marbles, whereas the high Na concentration arises from the existing syenite, volcanic ash, basalt, and clay units, although the Incesu-Dokuzp inar springs cover most of the drinking and irrigation water demands of this area. The high concentrations of NO 3 and NaCl show that the area around the springs is continuously being contaminated by untreated sewage and agricultural wastes, especially during dry periods. Therefore, this approach is based on the vulnerability studies of the catchment area, determination of the transfer time of the pollutant, and the water-bearing formations of Incesu-Dokuzp inar springs. Vulnerability in this study is defined as the intrinsic hydrogeochemical characteristics of an aquifer, which may show the sensitivity of groundwater to be contaminated by different human activities.  相似文献   

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